
Second Chance

A/N: A concept from one of my favorite anime about the growing time it takes for a message to be sent between two people and the person travels farther and farther away in space. 

“Look Seulgi!” One hand pointing at the sophisticated machine from afar while her other hand linking tightly to another’s. “This is my first time seeing a Humanoid this close. I wonder who is the lucky person to be genetically compatible with this one.” She asks curiously with a hint of envious in her voice.


Of the billions of people on Earth, less than 1% of the population is capable of piloting a Humanoid and out of those 1%, only a handful is compatible with the machine. When Dr. Stein first designed the bot, he infused it with a substance found in lizard’s saliva that is capable of not only defending the machine from the harsh environment of outer space but also degrading asteroids that threatened to destroy Earth.   Such dangerous saliva, however, also threatens the pilot that rides the machine but, luckily, some have a mutation in their gene that allows them to withstand the degradation and they are who the citizens called Guardians.

Guardians are praised as heroes and protectors of Earth but few live to return to bask in the honor. But, of course, the orphanage that Joohyun and Seulgi are raised in only glorifies the Guardians for fairy tales and bedtime stories, never forgetting the happily ever after classic ending that gives kids things to hope and dream about.

With a wishful heart, Joohyun stares at the Humanoid for a bit longer before treading onward the path of home again, pulling the girl next to her along.

Joohyun only stops and turns around when she feels resistance from her entwined hand.

“What’s wrong, Seulgi? You want to look a bit more?” Joohyun thought that the younger girl wanted to admire the Humanoid a tad longer. It’s not every day you get to see one on Earth since most have already been deported out to space and the ones here are hidden in laboratories.


“Hyun…I tested positive to pilot one…” Joohyun would have taken that as a joke if Seulgi’s voice wasn’t so serious and apologetic.


“But…” You’re only 16. She wanted to say but swallows her words since the youngest Guardian was selected when he was only 14.  So she chooses to ask, “When are you leaving?” instead.   

“In two days.”

“That quick!?” She knows it wasn’t by choice. Seulgi is doing this for the orphanage. For their home. She knows that they are lucky to even get two days. A Guardian is rare to come by so once a person tests positive, they are sent to the training ground immediately and departs within weeks after training. But still…two days. Two days to say goodbye to the best friend who has been by her side since babies. Two days left before she is sent off to the abyss.

Joohyun has always been the strong one between the two but this time, she lets herself break down in front of the younger girl as the thoughts of not seeing Seulgi everyday daunts on her. Tears trickle down her face as she clings onto the younger girl for comfort. Seulgi can only hold her tightly and pat her back gently as if to say it’ll be okay, everything will be okay. But those words sound so far-fetched that even she can’t believe in them. Seulgi lets a few silent tears tread down her own face as she tries to stay strong for the older girl.


“Hyun. I’m departing soon. I’ll be back. I promise.” Joohyun reads the text again for the tenth time. Amidst the sadness is a small hopeful smile. Simple words but Seulgi promised. And Seulgi never break her promises.

“Stay safe. I’ll be waiting.” She returns the text with her own promise.


To: Joohyuun

From: Seulgi

Time: October 12, 2029

“Hyun. We have just landed on the moon for a quick recharge. I wish I can show you how beautiful Earth is. The blue and white swirls in pictures are not doing it justice at all! I’ll be off to Mars soon. My messages might come more infrequently… I miss you.”

Seulgi looks at the time it will take for the message to arrive on Earth. Eight hours huh. It can’t be helped since it is such a long message.

Joohyun receives the message later that night while finishing up her math homework for class. She smiles at her phone then pushes her homework aside and searches for an image of Earth.  She probably left already.


To: Seulgi

From: Joohyun

Time: October 12, 2029

“It already looks so beautiful so I can only imagine. Describe it to me when you come back. I went to our usual lunch spot today out of habit and every time someone walked by I kept thinking that she might be you. Stay safe, Seulgi.”


Seulgi is drifting through the timeless space of the universe without the ability to discern day or night. If not for the concern on whether Joohyun had received her message or not, she probably would have lost track of time on Earth already.

As her mind drifts along with the spaceship, a blaring voice alarms in her head. “Calling KS13. Calling KS13. Do you copy? Over.” The voice blasts from the chip that headquarter had implanted in her head for ‘ease of communicating’ they said. She can’t help but still be bitter at the fact that they only gave her an old technology to send low-priorities messages.

“KS13 copied. Over.”

“KS13. An asteroid at N11.345. E56.344 from your location is traveling at 500 km/s in the direction of Earth. Estimated time of arrival to Earth is 20 days if left unattended. Headquarter has ordered its destruction. Over.”

“KS13 copied. Over.”

Without a second delay, Seulgi hops onto the pilot seat of her Humanoid and sets off to the location that headquarter indicated. With a calculated blast from the machine, the small asteroid was deflected away from its original route, away from Earth. Seulgi switches on the autopilot once again and continues to drift in silent toward her destination.


To: Joohyuun

From: Seulgi

Time: October 15, 2029

“Hyun. I just blasted off an asteroid. They told me that I’m protecting Earth but all I care about is protecting you and our home. All I’ve been having is dried food. I miss your homemade lunch. I miss the sun shining on my face. I miss the wind blowing thru my hair. I miss your scent as you lay on my arm on top of the school’s rooftop. But most of all, I miss you.”  


Joohyun receives that message only three days later. She knows that as Seulgi drifts further and further away, the messages take longer and longer to transmit but goddammit, she went from seeing the girl every day to just mere words for comfort. She misses her so much!

The most she can do for the younger right now is to update her on events at home. This way, she doesn’t feel like she’s missing out too much.


To: Seulgi

From: Joohyun

Time: October 18, 2029

“My heart almost stopped when I read your message. Please be careful! Mrs. Kim gave birth to a baby girl today. The whole class went to visit her in the hospital. Her daughter cries so much! Reminds me of you when you were little. You were such a crybaby, Seulgi. A clingy crybaby.”


Seulgi smiles at her phone as she recalls their childhood. It’s true. She used to cry a lot when she first arrived at the orphanage. Joohyun was the first friendly face she remembered seeing and like an imprinted baby duck, she would cling onto the friendly girl everywhere she went. Joohyun probably got fed up with her clinginess back then because the older girl would often disappear without a trace. Seulgi would walk around crying and wailing Joohyun’s name when she can’t find her and the older girl would always miraculously rushed to her side.  

To: Joohyuun

From: Seulgi

Time: October 26, 2029

“Send Mrs. Kim’s my congratulation. And I only cried because I knew you would show up. You always did. I have been thinking a lot lately. With so much time on my hand. And I realized that I can’t remember how little Yerim looks like anymore. I’m scared, Hyun. What if I forget how you look like one day?”

Seulgi looks at her phone before sending the text. 16 days! 16 whole freaking days! She grips her phone tightly and throws it away out of anger.  The silent engulfs her. The loneliness crowds her. The frustration overwhelms her. It has only been less than a month but the future scares her. Because she knows that she will only drift further and further away and these messages that ground her will only come less and less frequent. 

Seulgi walks over and picks the phone up once she calmed down. At least this message will reach Joohyun in 16 days. Unlike her. She looks at the number again before pressing send. She grips the phone tightly to her chest. It’s her only connection to Joohyun right now.


 To: Seulgi

From: Joohyun

Time: November 12, 2029

“You won’t. I know you won’t. And even if you forget how I look like, it’ll be okay as long as you don’t forget me. Little Yerim is still a brat. I’m knitting her a scarf for Christmas. Yours will be in your room waiting for you to come back. Stay warm, Seulgi.”

It has been a tradition for Joohyun to knit a piece of clothing for Seulgi for Christmas as long as she can remember. The younger girl kept insisting on one even though she has more knitted scarves than she can wear. Hyun, it gives me warmth in these cold, windy winter nights. And as much as the older girl complains, she never fails to wrap a newly knitted scarf or beanie or mittens addressed to Seulgi under their makeshift Christmas tree. 

Joohyun stares at her text and wonders if her message will reach Seulgi before Christmas. This will be the first time that they are not spending Christmas together and seeing people celebrate the holiday with friends and family will just make the absence that much more noticeable.


To: Joohyun

From: Seulgi

Time: December 24, 2029

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Hyunnie. I know this message won’t reach you in time for the holidays but I hope your present did. They promised.”

And as they promised, a high-quality picture of the Galaxy arrived in Joohyun’s mailbox on the first of January. Joohyun cries for the first time since Seulgi left. In the corner of the picture is the girl’s signature victory sign. Pabo. I rather get a picture of you than the universe.

Joohyun cries again for the second time when Seulgi’s message arrives a month later. She knew that their distant is getting wider and wider but this is the first time that it has been laid out in plain sight.      


To: Seulgi

From: Joohyun

Time: February 10, 2030

“Happy birthday Seulgi! I love your present. I just wished you were in the picture too. I baked a cake for your birthday but the kids devoured it before we even finished the song. I’ll just have to make a bigger one when you’re here. And, they said…thank you.”


Joohyun continues her message, as usual, ignoring the fact that the message will most likely not reach the girl on time. Ignoring the growing distance between them. Trying hard to hold onto the tiny amount of normalcy that their relationship still has. She won’t admit it to the other girl, but she can’t help but be disappointed every time her phone beeps and it’s not a message she has been waiting for. She knows that Seulgi is doing this for their family and their home but often time, she just wanted to give in and tells the girl to come home. Come back to her side.


Seulgi has been drifting for almost 8 months now when Joohyun’s message arrived. She had sent Joohyun a birthday message before hers arrived, knowing that it would take months for the transmission.  She clutches her phone close as tears stream down her face silently. That last sentence was not lost in translation. They said…thank you. The funds for this voyage must have arrived already. The orphanage can be sustained now. The kids will have a roof over their head and a place to call home. Joohyun, Seungwan, Sooyoung, little Yerim and all the other little ones will have a mean to continue school now. It was all worth it. She silently thanks God for this chance as she reads the message again and again.


To: Joohyun

From: Seulgi

Time: June 15, 2030

“Is Seungwan back in school now? Is Sooyoung getting along with her classmates? Did little Yerim stop having nightmares? And you, Hyun. Have you picked which university to attend? You should!”  You have to! If not for you then for them. For me. I wish I can be there with you all. Especially with you.

So many words are left unsaid. But there is no need to explain. No need to say you are welcome. They are family.



While time stands still for Seulgi, life continues for Joohyun. As Seulgi wishes, Joohyun applied for a university, albeit one nearby instead of a prestigious one further away. A choice she made with her family in mind. And subconsciously, she didn’t want to move too far away in case Seulgi returns soon even though she knows that the chances are slim.


To: Seulgi

From: Joohyun

Time: November 26, 2030

“Seungwan is in the choir club now. She enjoys it a lot. Sooyoung is still having trouble fitting in but she’s getting there. She started high school so it might be a good change for her. Little Yerim’s nightmares are getting better but Seungwan and I still take turns watching over her at night. I majored in astronomy, Seulgi. I want to see you fly back home one day.”

The words that were unsaid remained unsaid but Seulgi’s emotions and worries were noted. Joohyun tries to update her as much as possible but there’s just so much she can say with limited characters. Even so, she did not forget to convey her hopes of seeing them reunited one day.   


The day Joohyun sent out her text was also the day that Seulgi landed on the cold, crusty surface of Mars. The loneliness in the clustered space of the ship is almost welcoming compared the harsh atmosphere that this planet has to offer. She wraps her scarf tighter around her face and takes in the scent that the knitter left in each knot. The whole journey took a little over one year and one month. 413 days of isolation and emptiness with nothing but memories to look forward to. But at least there, there was a countdown for when the ship will touchdown. Here? Seulgi has no idea how long she has. She has no idea when she can leave. When she will be able to go home.


To: Joohyun

From: Seulgi

Time: June 22, 2031

“I had a dream that I was on my way home today. But nothing was the same anymore when I returned. All of you were gone. Everyone has their own life and family. You all had a home.” And I was all alone.

Seulgi wakes up with tears that night with such a vivid dream. In her dream, she got a glimpse of her family’s life thru a window from the outside. Joy and Yeri smiling and laughing with new found friends, Seungwan baking a cake for her daughter, and Joohyun teaching her little one how to play the piano. They all looked so happy and satisfied…and so far away. No matter how hard she banged on the window, no one noticed her. No one opened their door for her. All she can do was observe, from the outside.

She gazes up at the stars when sleep eludes her and takes in the peace that is current. How can this galaxy be so breathtakingly peaceful and brewing with chaos at the same time? She looks at her message one last time before hitting delete.


To: Joohyun

From: Seulgi

Time: June 22, 2031

“So you chose to be an astronomer huh? What happened to being my wife?”

Seulgi chooses to lighten up the mood with a tease and when Joohyun received the message six months later, all she can do is her eyebrows and curls her lips into a small smile. A genuine smile that she hasn’t had since the girl left. If memory serves her correctly, it should have been the other way around.

9-year old Joohyun paused her explanation when she heard a chirp from 7-year old Seulgi.  “Unnie, what do you want to be when you grow up?”

“Hm. I’m not sure. Maybe a teacher?” The older girl answered in the midst of helping the younger girl with her homework. “What about you, Seulgi-ah?”

“I want to be your wife when I grow up!” Seulgi gave her a wide unbashful grin like it was some grand and fulsome dream while the older girl just giggled in response at the adorableness.


To: Seulgi

From: Joohyun

Time: December 12, 2031

“The uranium must have dulled your mind. Should I remind you who wants to be whose wife? And while I’m at it, should I also remind you how many times you got caught trying to kiss me during our afternoon naps!?”  

Seulgi lips curl into a smile. She didn’t need the reminder. She remembers perfectly well all the times when she pretended to be sleeping just to clasp her hand with the older girl’s next to her the minute the caretaker is out of sight. The two would cuddle next to each other only to break apart with slight pretentious snores when footsteps are heard.

And whenever Seulgi feels extra mischievous, the bolder of the two would often lean in to place a chaste, innocent peck on the other girl’s cheek even though the latter would send several warnings of the incoming intruder.

Kang Seulgi! You’re supposed to be sleeping!  She would then be taken aside, isolated from other kids, to be kept a close eye on by another caretaker, once she is caught. But across the room, the two’s gaze could still find one another. I warned you! The older girl’s stare would speak. And Seulgi would give her an I don’t regret it shrug in reply. She would smile innocently at Joohyun until they slowly drift to sleep by the slow rhythmic patting on their back.

Seulgi smiles fondly at the memory before a blaring siren echoes from the chip in her head.

“Code 3. Code 3. Eruption of the supernova within the Asteroid Belt detected. All unit to deploy to E05.330. W26.7440 immediately. Repeat. All unit to deploy to E05.330. W26.7440 immediate.”

I’ll reply later when I return. She didn’t think that later would be that much later.


To: Joohyun

From: Seulgi

Time: September 13, 2032

“Seulgi! Are you okay? Answer me….please. I’m worried.”

When Joohyun saw the news reporting on the explosion of the supernova near the Asteroid Belt, her heart leaps in panic and her first thought was Seulgi.

The news only commented on how the explosion of the supernova is causing several asteroids to launch at incredible speed toward Earth but that our brave Guardians are at the site to keep the disruption at bay. Trying to mask the danger and keep the panic to a minimum.

What they failed to report was that the kinetic energy of the explosion had caused a ripple of explosions in nearby stars and those energy is driving a massive amount of asteroids out of trajectory, disrupting Earth's short-lived peace.


Joohyun sent another message to Seulgi when no words were seen by January. It’s been 7 months since she last heard from the girl. If Seulgi had sent a reply, it should have arrived by now. Joohyun is plagued with worries and frustrations. She has never felt this helpless before. All she can do is text…and even that is not enough. How she wishes that she can just call the girl and hear that she’s fine. That she’s alive. It's such a simple request. Yet an impossible task.

 All she can do is believe in the simple promise that Seulgi made before she left. She repeats it over and over in her head like a mantra. She promised that she’ll be back. Seulgi does not break her promise…She promised that she’ll be back. Seulgi does not break her promise… She promised that she’ll be back. Joohyun lets a single tear roll down her face as her wall crumbles. How much longer can she keep believing? Seulgi does not break her promise.

Seulgi. Please come back. Joohyun silently begs.


When it was announced that the chaos near the Asteroid Belt has been sustained on April 2033, the first thing Joohyun did was check her phone. A habit that she had developed since Seulgi left. To her disappointment, there was nothing. No news. No words at all to put her mind at ease.


A year and a half went by without any word, pure silent from the younger girl. Everyone told her that the young Guardian probably met her end during the battle but Joohyun doesn’t believe it. She can’t believe it. She’s just busy. Her phone probably got destroyed. Any excuses she can think of; she uses them to explain the girl’s silent.

A happy news was announced as the orphanage gathers around the television watching the evening report of the return of a Guardian. But every time Joohyun watches these reports, she can’t help but daydream of the day a Kang Seulgi would appear. She drowns out the light hearty tone of the announcer summarizing the 5-year journey that the Guardian had been on and all the accomplishments the person had achieved as she envisions a smiling Seulgi at the doorstep.

She thought she was hallucinating again when she heard Seulgi’s voice on TV. The announcer had asked the young Guardian if she has anything to say and so the young girl lifted the helmet off her head and waved at the camera with her signature moon-crescent eyes announcing, “Hyunnie. I’m home!”


While everyone else was screaming and crying with happiness, Joohyun was still in daze. How often has she dreamt of this moment? How many variations of Seulgi’s return has she conjured up? She takes in the news calmly and shed tears of happiness silently because she knew Seulgi would return one day. Seulgi does not break her promise

At the sound of her phone, Joohyun reaches over to read the message that she just received. And just like that, the dam in her heart breaks. All those years of yearning, all the frustration and loneliness came crashing down on her all at once. She lets go of her emotion as the tears stream down her face continuously and her wails catch her family’s attention. The younger girls wrap their arms around her, her hair and her back. They all knew that their unnie has been trying to hold everything in for their sake. Trying to stay strong as their support. But it’s all better now. Her own support is back. Their family is whole again.


To: Joohyun

From: Seulgi

Time: February 9, 2034

“Hyunnie!! I’m home and I’m here to stay! By your side where I belong. I'm not leaving again. I won't leave you again. I promise.”




















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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 2: reread❤
Chapter 2: This was so good :( My heart :(
Chapter 1: Omg this was so bittersweet :(
Chapter 2: Both stories brought tears to my eyes aaahhhh ಥ‿ಥ but messages is my favorite!
Chapter 1: My tears came out of nowhere huhuhuui
Chapter 2: Noooooooooooo I'm gonna cry this is so cute :((((( thank u so much
Chapter 1: This is so good omg thank u!
seulrene_daze #8
Chapter 2: Im not crying and getting goosebumps.
seulrene_daze #9
Chapter 1: Whoa....... damn...... too good......
norevS #10
Chapter 2: i like this a lot! wow!