
the day after tomorrow

Wong Yukhei wasn’t fond of being treated like a fool.

The tension was touchable in the Ultra headquarters. People had been whispering about a new possible breakout and another girl on the run but all of them stopped talking when he stepped into the room. Suspicious much?

Yet, he didn’t act like a spoiled child, whining about discrimination. Instead, he kept his chin high up and walked across the hallways all mighty and passing by each co-worker gracefully slowly. His fingers curled around the door handle of Dr. Price’s office with those ridiculous semi see-through glass walls. If anybody wanted to stop the reckless boy, they were too late because by the time they could even touch him, he was already beyond the threshold.

The sound of the door slammed shut echoed loudly from the walls of the skyscraper made of metal and glass, however said office’s owner didn’t even lift his head from his papers. Hovering over his table, he waited until the boy plopped down casually in one of the comfortable armchairs.

“It would be the time to learn how to knock, Lucas. Your behaviour is questioning my authority,” the man pointed out drily, really boss-like. Most of his subordinates were afraid of him, but Yukhei wasn’t one of them.

“What are you hiding from me, dad?” he asked, leaning forward, resting his arms on the plastic table-board and his recklessness finally earned Jedikiah Price’s undivided attention.

It was a rare occurrence for the boy to call this man his father and not only because he was practically his boss. Their relationship was more than complicated. It couldn’t even have been simple since the doctor was one of the leaders of Ultra, the organization, a paramilitary group of scientists, formed in order to protect humanity from homo superiors, Yukhei’s kind, the next generation of mankind, humans with paranormal abilities.

They were also called the Tomorrow People, the next big step in evolution. The genes run in families from parents to children but like nothing in genetics, it didn’t work flawlessly. So that’s why even though Jedikiah was human without any powers, his son could receive his grandparents’ genes like his uncle, Roger did. The genes that made them more capable than humans and while most of them lived a pretty low-key life, some of them thought they were better than humans and kept causing trouble. They had to be supervised and brought in by Ultra if they crossed a line. And that’s where Yukhei could help with his special abilities.

Other than that, the only reason why he was allowed to walk around freely is because his father considered him useful and nobody actually knew they were so closely related. By the Ultra members Yukhei was known as Lucas, Jedikiah’s long lost and forgotten nephew whom he raised after his mother passed away. He was trained with other talented, educated homosuperiors to serve the organization as a field agent. He was proud to be part of the protection squad of humans because he hated those of his kind who took advantage of their powers. They deserved to be dragged to Ultra, he thought.

“You know everything you need to know,” Jedikiah answered looking him in the eye. His tone was firm, convincing and friendly. Too friendly as matter of fact so Yukhei decided against letting the topic go.

“But you are keeping secrets from me,” he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t like to look stupid.”

Maybe it was the full offense in his resentful voice, but something must have fuelled those hidden parental instincts in the older man because after a few moments of staring straight into each other’s eyes, he gave up the childish battle with a sigh. Of course, he would have given up on the war so easily, so Yukhei was quite satisfied with one won dispute at a time.

“There was a break-in yesterday,” Jedikiah enlightened the curious boy but since Yukhei had already known that, he dismissed it with a shrug.

“Yeah, I heard. But only some papers went missing, right?” he clicked his tongue to get more information than what he got in the morning when he came in.

The training room was laced with whispers about the rebel superior who was crazy enough to make an appearance in the HQ of the organization that basically hunted their kind. It was quite impressive that they got away without so much as a photo taken of them.

“Yes but it was her who stole them,” the man specified and that slight hint in his voice was enough to get Yukhei’s attention in the middle of picking his nails out of pure boredom.

“Oh the infamous Invisible Girl?” he quirked an eyebrow, a smirk sliding onto his features. Now it was something finally! Lately he felt like his abilities were neglected, each mission was way too easy, so he could have used something more challenging for once.

“We seem to be unable to capture this girl,” Dr. Price nodded acknowledging their resultlessness with an ugly grimace. “She’s really good, had been slipping out of our fingers for months.”

“So you finally decided to send me after her? After all your non-superior agents failed?” Yukhei tried very hard not to show his interest too much as he leaned forward but he couldn’t dismiss the idea that maybe that was what everybody was talking about his back.

“Don’t be pretentious, Lucas,” his father scolded him but didn’t even try to deny it.

“First, I don’t even know what that means,” the boy chuckled lightly as he leant back in the armchair and threw a leg on the table. “And second, don’t call me that. You know I hate it.”

He really did hate it, the name his father gave him because it reminded him of the day he got it. He just left school one day when agents came up to him, telling him that his mother was found dead. Killed by his kind.

“But… but we can’t kill,” he sobbed clinging to his last bit of hope because yes, despite all their paranormal skills, the ability to kill was something that was taken away from the next evolutionary step in humankind and maybe it was for the better.

“He could,” his father put a hand on his shoulder, letting him cry the grief out and told him, he wasn’t Wong Yukhei anymore but Lucas Jameson. For his own safety. But Yukhei had never felt losing more in his life than then when his name was taken away from him.

“You have a week to bring her in or we will take drastic measures since she just proved she’s a danger to community,” Jedikiah’s voice pulled him back to reality from his nostalgic thoughts and the boy couldn’t help but wince at the implication. It didn’t only mean that his father was counting on him failing too just like those other, unprofessional agents but because by ‘drastic measures’ he sure didn’t meant inviting her over an afternoon tea but more like eliminating her in the most evil ways.

“Can I finally get the PlayStation I was whining about if I deliver her on time?” Even if his pride was on stake now, Yukhei was one to raise the bet to benefit him more so he would never let a possibility like this pass.

“We will see about that,” Dr. Price groaned in annoyance and shushed him away so he could go back to his paperwork. Yukhei left his office with a lazy smirk on his mouth and threw an imaginary middle finger at every ogling colleague. He will show them how it should be done.


As it turned out, the homo superior who earned herself the Invisible Girl nickname during the last months, stole her own folder among of others and because Ultra was way too old-fashioned, almost all information and track they had on her got lost with that dossier. Yukhei visibly rolled his eyes when he heard this from the agent who was assigned her case the last time. All he could get out of him was the area she was usually found. A university campus with thousands of students their age. Great, not helps at all.

So let’s just say, Yukhei didn’t expect much from his first exploring trip but lucky like he often was, he spot something extraordinary going on quite quickly. It wasn’t even the buzz in the air or the familiarity of whooshing sound of teleportation. It was the not so lady-like cursing coming from behind a garbage bin, the sound of stuff falling onto the ground and finally something dull hitting the wall. However, the girl who walked out of the alley acted like nothing happened.

“ I’m so late,” she murmured, hanging her head down, soothing the wrinkles out of her clothes and didn’t even pay attention when she passed by the superior agent.

The boy looked after her for a moment with tilted head - because damn, those legs! - but then he remembered his mission and concentrated on the task. It took him a solid minute to realize what he weirdest thing was about the girl’s sudden appearance: the alley had walls on three sides. It was a dead end, so the girl either had to sleep next to the garbage tank which was highly unlikely, or she just teleported there… Which meant he found her! Huh, it was going so easy.

As realization hit him hard, Yukhei was running before he could think rationally and actually come up with a plan or any kind of excuse. Instead he started chasing down the girl.

“Hey, wait!” he shouted but the rebel either didn’t hear him or pretended not to because her steps seemed faster than before. Of course, it would have been easy for both of them to teleport but crossing through the mass of university students on a busy Monday, it would have been anything but discrete.

“I just wanna talk,” he added foolishly hoping it would stop the girl who just disappeared behind the wall of Science building. Yukhei ran after her without hesitation and fear but maybe it would have been better if he was thinking, too.

Because he was naively over-confident and in the moment he stepped out of the wall’s shadow, he hoped to see the face of this infamous girl. However, what he got was a huge blast of telekinetic energy that swept him off his feet quite literally. He stumbled backwards and ended up falling onto his . By the time he looked up, the girl was nowhere to be found.

So when he had to report to his father about the daily events, he acknowledged his mistakes and promised to do better.

"You were right, she is really good. Her telekinetic wave is one of the strongest I have ever seen, no wonder why the others couldn’t get the serum injected,” he told the man who seemed both annoyed and amused by the fact.

“Are you giving up?”

“Me? Never! I was just getting started,” the boy snorted and grinned cheerfully. “It’s not polite to jump a lady on the first date, ya know?”


Yukhei had a plan. He was ready to camp outside of the university building if he had to until he caught sight of that long, brown hair and graceful figure. He didn’t expect a nerd-looking, doe-eyed freshman walking up to him.

“Someone asked me to give it to you,” he said and handed him a folded paper.

“Uh thank, man, I guess,” Yukhei blinked in surprise and only opened it when the messenger left. It was nothing but a torn notebook paper with scribbled writing on it: I just want to live my life in peace. Why can’t you leave me alone? You have five minutes to disappear and never come back or I will teleport you to a vacant island and leave you there. Counting down starts from now.

Yukhei read the passage and then he read it again. Head thrown back a low chuckle left his mouth. Wow, this girl had some nerve to threaten him. But it meant she was close-by and monitored him to see if he really left. And that was exactly what he was going to use to his advantage and lure her to a more abandoned area.

Calmly, he started walking towards the place they met first even though he was sure she wasn’t there. If he was her, he would have been keeping an eye on his prey from above, possibly from one of the rooftops for privacy and easy transportation. So that’s why he had zero doubt the superiorwould hear him when he spoke up in the dirty alley.

“Hey, I know you are here. Come out to play, I’m not gonna hurt you.”

Not much, at least, he added mentally with a stronger grip on the gun loaded with Ultra’s serum. He looked around, searching for clues about the girl’s whereabouts but she wasn’t stupid enough to trust him and show him her face.

“Huh, tell that to your friend who tried to electroshock me last time,” she snorted from above just as Yukhei presumed earlier and he couldn’t help but smile cockily.

“Don’t worry, I’m much more smouldering. We won’t need that for you to feel the sparks,” he teased but the girl didn’t appreciate his humour.

Arrogant , she thought loud and clear enough for him to hear and it made him chuckle.

Ouch. I heard that, sweetheart, he answered back in her mind using the telepathy skill he picked up the latest out of all his abilities. There was a short pause, because the girl definitely wasn’t expecting that.

“You’re homo superior yet you work for Ultra,” she commented in disgust and the disdain in her delicate voice was so oblivious, it got him slightly shaken up.

In the meantime, the so-called Invisible Girl was quite shocked that Ultra had agents with paranormal abilities after they probably brainwashed them, she didn’t even noticed the boy teleporting right behind her on the building’s rooftop until he got his arms around her frame in a bit aggressive back hug.

“Gotcha,” he hollered in triumph and grinned down at the girl who craned her neck to see the agent for herself while she simultaneously tried to escape from his hold. However, both of them froze as soon as she locked eyes with him. The boy’s mouth fell apart and as if he just woke up from a dream, he blinked in astonishment. “Ariadne?”

“Yukhei?” she gasped just as bewildered as him but she weren’t so careless to miss the opportunity to break out of his grip. This time, the boy let his arms fall next to his sides. “I haven’t seen you since high school. You just disappeared one day.”

Ariadne didn’t know which was more surprising: that her old high school classmate slash crush - Oh well everybody had at least a tiny bit of a crush on him at one point or another. How could they not? Yukhei was kind of cute, sporty, kind and funny even if a bit too flirty for her taste. - was also a superior or that he was after her. She would have never thought they would meet again, especially under such circumstances.

“Are you stating facts here? Because then don’t forget how handsome I got since then,” the boy smugly added and Ariadne rolled her eyes even if it was true.

He definitely got taller, his shoulder got wider, his hair had grown and the blonde dry gave him a bit rebellious look. But his cheeks still puffed out as he smiled and his eyes still held a part of the universe within as they sparkled with mischief. He had always been a good-looking kid but he became an undeniably handsome young man. If it wasn’t for a life and death situation, Ariadne might have been swayed because of how swoon she was already. But the cold reality of an organization hunting you and putting her on a darts table shook her sober.

“I won’t go with you, Yukhei. I don’t trust Ultra,” she told him firmly like nothing could have changed her mind and the boy rolled his eyes at her dramatic reaction.

“They are not that bad,” Yukhei usually wasn’t one for taking the organization’s side in any argument but every superior needed to be in their records so they could keep an eye on them or have their powers removed. It was for the better to make sure nobody took advantage of their abilities. “I mean sure they keep me in check but it’s not like they stop me when I do stupid sh…”

“They killed my best friend just because they thought she was me,” Ariadne snapped at him for talking nonsense because there was no way anybody could convince her Ultra was the epitome of goodness after everything that happened. The serum might have been extremely painful for their kind too, but for humans it could weaken the immune system to the point of a breath away from dying.

“I’m sure there’s an explanation,” the boy gulped uncharacteristically nervous and he had every bit of reason to. It wasn’t something easily explainable and nobody had told him about the previous failed missions.

“You can stick that explanation up in your pretty , I just want them to leave me alone,” she spit out and this time Yukhei didn’t joke that she just called his pretty.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered not knowing what else to say.

“Yeah, me too,” she grimaced and without further ado, an unapologetic look plastered on her face, she took a deadly step backwards. With a soft, melancholic Goodbye whispered between the two, she dived into the void behind her. Yukhei automatically reached forward to catch her but he missed her by a few inches and could do nothing but watch her fall, fall… but just before she would hit the ground, she teleported into thin air.

“Damnit,” Yukhei cursed under his breath with dozens of emotions flooding in him.


Yukhei, being as professional and capable as he was, already had B and C plans, of course, but before he did that, he needed to verify something or he couldn’t get a goodnight’s sleep.

Since he lived alone in a small studio building in downtown close to Ultra in order to not raise any suspicions about his and Jedikiah’s relationship, he had to make a detour to visit his beloved father in his one man suite. He never understood why a doctor needed such a fancy apartment for himself but he probably just didn’t know how to spend that huge amount of money he got for bossing around. Don’t misunderstand, Yukhei didn’t hate his father… he merely didn’t feel the connection with him. He knew his mother loved the man and all those years while he was growing up, hoping that one day his father would return, she made up silly excuses to make him less lonely. But the cruel reality was that Dr. Price didn’t care about him until he broke out and lost his mom. Even since then, they never really tried to create a father-son bond. Maybe it was because the boy had long accepted the fact that he was better off without an incapable, apathetic father who only cared about his career or maybe because Jedikiah also realized he wasn’t needed in his son’s life apart from providing him a place to live and a job he could do well.

Never mind, he still had permission to enter his father’s house in case of emergencies and well, this was an emergency, he decided. So he teleported into the living room and grimaced at the out-dated fashion of the curtains. Come on, with this zero sense for aesthetics no wonder why he never dated after his mother. What did she see in him in the first place anyway? He must have been crazily handsome when he was younger because apart from that and his brain, he couldn’t have much. Well, he had to get these good genes from somewhere, Yukhei concluded with a smirk and walked up and down on the worn rug. The vitrines were mostly full of books and expensive drinks but no sign of any memory except that one picture of a young couple under the celebratory balloons and lanterns of Chinese New Year. There was a millimetre dust upon the frame and Yukhei mulled over telling Jedikiah that his housekeeper didn’t do their job well enough. He’s also opted to steal one of those matured whiskey off the higher shelves just because he could. Instead he decided to sit back on the sofa with the newest print of the daily journal in his hands, his legs propped up on the glass coffee table waiting for the apartment’s owner to return.

“What are you doing here?”

There were Jedikiah’s first greeting words to him when he finally arrived and no, Yukhei was definitely not sleeping with the newspaper over his face by the time the harsh voice startled him awake.

“Can’t I visit you just because?” he quirked an eyebrow, innocently pouting as he threw the paper to the ground.

“You are allowed to but you never do. What’s the special occasion?” his father asked suspiciously while he shoved the boy’s legs off the table. Yukhei didn’t protest but stood up and recited a hymn to adolescent that gave him the height sprout to overgrown Dr. Price.

“Nothing extra, really. I just wanted to ask whether your men really killed an innocent human while hunting down this girl?” he mused out loud like it was nothing but he paid close attention the man’s facial expressions.

“Where the hell are you getting this from?” Jedikiah snorted and lazily picked a gin bottle to take out of the vitrine to fill a prepared glass with alcohol. He seemed so nonchalant and bored like he really didn’t care what happened under his duty until the job got done. However, it did matter for Yukhei so he needed a satisfying reply.

“Just answer me. Is it true?”

“Accidents happen,” his father shrugged and took a step farther away. Or at least he would have taken if the boy didn’t do the most unforgivable thing a subordinate could do: stopped him with a hand grabbing onto his elbow tightly.

“Ultra’s mission is to keep humans safe, isn’t it? We are protecting the world from people who are genetically unable to kill and yet, in order to do that, your people kill? How is that fair?”

Yukhei knew his tone was quite demanding and he wouldn’t have been surprised if the man had scolded for the way he talked but for once, his father took his question seriously.

“Sometimes the greater good means sacrifices,” he said so confident, it was oblivious he really believed that there was no other way to change this. But the furrow of his brows, the droop of the corner of his mouth reminded the superior of their first conversation back then. He couldn’t help but ask:

“Like mom?” he whispered in lethargy after he let go of the sleeves of the man but his implication was enough to stop Jedikiah in his tracks. He looked back at him, eyes filled with pity and something, Yukhei had never seen in them before: guilt.

“You have no idea what you are talking about, Lucas. You are too young.”

Too young, my , the boy thought because he knew these excuses way too well.

“I think I understand enough,” he muttered bitterly and took a casual French leave, teleporting into nothing.


It was almost ridiculously easy. He didn’t even have to try hard and the university’s database provided him all the information he needed including Ariadne’s home address. Of course, it wasn’t the most up-to-date information but he decided it was worth a try. So with the street’s name and house number scribbled onto a piece of paper, he made his way to the suburbs and the second floor of the building. The surname on the post box was the same so he must have been at the good place. However there was no guarantee, the girl would ever want to talk to him but after what happened and what he found out, he would have felt like an intruder to teleport into her home without permission.

He knocked on the wooden door three times without getting any answer even though he heard the quiet shuffling on the other side of the threshold.

“Ariadne, it’s me! I promise I’m not gonna take you anywhere. I just wanna talk,” he pleased and a sad, sad part of him that he didn’t like to show to anyone just needed a caring listener to whom he could rant about how he lost his trust to the organization he worked for in the last years.

Of course, it wasn’t just the hunch he got after talking to his father, he needed proofs and he got them the fastest in the Ultra headquarters. Having an annoyingly joyful expression and a faked stupid grin on his face, none of the agents thought of him as a real danger, none of them considered that his excuse of losing his phone somewhere in the building was a made-up lie. They just rolled their eyes and dismissed his questions then went on their way. Nobody stopped Yukhei until he reached the basement where he had never been before because according to his father he was too much of a trouble to deal with that. Back then he didn’t care, but now it earned his curiosity. He wondered what kind of secrets they kept there protecting so thoroughly. When he tried to get pass the guard using teleportation, he quickly learned that the door behind the man was locked with special substance that stopped him from doing so. That left him no other choice but to use another one of his charms: his gift of the gab.

“Hey man, I think I got lost. I am searching for Dr. Price’s laboratory,” he approached the man standing in the doorway with a gun resting on his belt. The guard looked at him quite suspicious but seeing the badge of agents on his shirt, he visibly relaxed. What a naive fellow, Yukhei thought.

“I think you pushed the wrong button on the elevator. This is level minus two, you have to go to the top,” the watchman helped him out willingly and the boy flashed a grateful smile.

“Oh stupid me. Thanks,” he grinned and then glared directly into the guard’s eyes. Mind control had never been one of his strengths but he gave it a try anyway.

You suddenly hear a sound from above. It would be better to check it out. You can leave the agent here. You can trust him… He kept repeating in his mind trying his best to influence the man in front of him. However, the guard looked quite unimpressed as he waited for him to move.

“What are you looking at? Aren’t you going?”

“Oh…” Yukhei blinked dumbly. Well, it didn’t work. Time to move onto plan B. “Yeah, sorry man.”

Just as he said so, he punched the guard straight in the jaw and flew him across the room using telekinesis. As soon as he made sure that the security guy was unconscious he took his card and let himself inside of the room labelled as Citadel. And what he found inside truly shocked him.

“Please open the door,” Yukhei whispered leaning his forehead against the wooden surface of Ariadne’s front door with his throat closing up in guilt. Again, long moments passed in silence but the boy could feel the change in the atmosphere. He quickly changed to telepathic communication methods hoping it would work better.

I know you can hear me. I literally feel your telepathic waves from around. Are you on the other side of the door, aren’t you?

He heard a sigh and it made him smile despite everything as he slid down along the door to sit on the doormat.

Why do you have to such a smartass?

When Ariadne’s pissed off but slightly amused voice rang in his mind, he knew he won.

It’s a gift, I know, he answered back and there was a pause. He cleared his throat even though he didn’t actually need to speak out loud.

Anyways I just wanted to say sorry. Ultra is shadier than I thought. I don’t even know whom to trust anymore.

I know how you feel, the girl replied back and there was something in her strained voice, something similar to hope that gave enough courage to ask again:

Will you open the door now?

Maybe was the uncertain answer this time which made him want to laugh. He swept the dust off his jeans as he got up from the floor to face the door again.

Good because it would be a shame for this handsome face to freeze to cold out here.

The door was ripped open right in that moment, revealing Ariadne in a cute oversized hoodie and cozy sweatpants.

“It’s not even that cold,” she made an unimpressed remark but Yukhei didn’t care, he just passed by her as she held the door out for him.

“I’m too hot to handle this chilly weather, I need hot chocolate,” he declared suddenly and his ex-classmate couldn’t do anything but glare at him.

“You are unbelievable.”

“You like me anyway,” Yukhei winked at her and Ariadne definitely did not blush.

“You wish,” she snorted but deep down she had to admit that in the short time the two of them had met again, he had already brought back smiles to her life with his ridiculously casual behaviour and it was something she hadn’t had the pleasure to enjoy in quite a long time. But they weren’t there to flirt and bring back all those embarrassing high school memories, they were in a situation of vital importance. “What made you change your mind?”

“Well, after what you told me, I did some digging and found some stuff. Have you heard of the Anax Project?” the boy asked and Ariadne shook her head signalling no. Yukhei sighed and took a deep breath in order to collect his thoughts. “I found a few documents saying that the only flaw in homo superiors is that the Prime Barrier in our brain stops us from killing.”

“It should be a good thing, isn’t it?”

Without this it would be chaos. If their powers weren’t used wisely they would be basically unstoppable. No matter how much people used their abilities for good purposes if there was one who ruined everything with their selfishness.

“Yeah, but Ultra is thinking ahead. They are collecting our kind to experiment on us to see if this barrier can be fried out and they could turn us into controllable killing machines. For the sake of humanity, of course. They keep superiors in cages like animals in the headquarters basement where our powers don’t work,” he carried on with the explanation with so much spite and coldness in his usually light voice, it froze the blood in Ariadne’s veins.

“So that’s why,” she murmured gripping onto the kitchen counter as only one thing went on in her mind: it’s horrible, how can people be like this evil? “I stole those documents because I needed to know why they want me dead or captured.”

“They probably want you so bad because your telekinetic powers are especially strong,” the boy nodded understanding her shock. All this time he was told that the superiors they brought in had a choice, that they could walk away free if they wanted to but all of it was a lie.

“Yukhei… I took yours too,” Ariadne spoke up suddenly and the mentioned boy blinked at her in confusion.


“Accidently I shoved a few more dossiers into my bag because I was in hurry. They have one about you too,” she told him because he had every right to know about it and what they said about him in it. So she pushed herself away from the counter and walking to her homey room, she pulled out a big box from under her bed. She packed a bit and then standing up she handed over an ugly yellow packet of papers to the boy standing awkwardly at her threshold. Turning a few page, scanning through the details, Yukhei frowned at the black typed letters like he couldn’t believe what he just read.

“Am I really labelled as threat? Eliminate at the first sign of suspicion? What the hell?” he scoffed in disbelief, fingers curling into a fist.

“Is your father really one of the leaders of Ultra?” Ariadne asked out of pure curiosity but at least she looked a bit of sorry for reading his file. He didn’t blame her at all since he would have done the same thing for sure. But yeah, even his papers said that Jedikiah Price was his biological father, the same man who signed the very same paper about his execution in case of need.

“Well he isn’t the Best dad of the year for sure. He even lied to me about my mom’s death. He said superiors killed her but it was Ultra.”

It was in the folder too and Yukhei was left speechless. How could his father look him straight in the eyes telling him about her mother’s death while he knew it was his men who pulled the trigger? Or was he too naive to believe him or for not wanting to be left all alone without nobody to trust?

“What are we going to do now? I… I can’t let them do that with our kind,” Ariadne whispered and he couldn’t agree more. They had to do something even if it was just the two of them.

Yukhei cracked a cunning smile.

“Well, I guess it’s time for Tomorrow People to fight back and show them what we have.”



While planning some sort of a revolution (No, we don’t need names like that, Yukhei, we are not the Avengers.), catching up with each other’s life (I can’t believe you went for engineering. Damn girl.), it was bound to happen sooner or later.

“I’m home,” the two of them heard Ariadne’s mother’s calling out from the entrance and they froze in place.

“You need to leave. Come on. Teleport,” she hushed Yukhei away hurriedly but the boy wasn’t willing to move an inch. So it was even more awkward when the woman stepped into the kitchen to the sight of her daughter basically strangling a boy by his collar.

“Oh who is your handsome friend, honey?” she blinked in surprise and Ariadne pulled away as quickly as she could.

“Uhm hi mom… this is um…”

However, while she stuttered dumbly, the boy took the matters and stood up, politely extending his right hand.

“Wong Yukhei, your future son-in-law, Madame,” he introduced himself with a shameless hand kiss and Ariadne gaped at him.

“Yukhei!” she hissed in embarrassment but seeing her mother’s smile she couldn’t disagree or outright protest when he spoke in her head: What? Your mom loves me.

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kpopkoreaforever #1
Chapter 2: It's a really good story I love it ! So much happened in only the two first chapters and I am excited to read more <3
Chapter 2: Oh boy, I feel like I can't express my emotions well because words aren't enough to describe how I feel right now. Everything about this story makes me want to find a rich producer and get him to shoot a movie based on it because it's too cool to be known by only a few people. But of course it wouldn't be the same without the squad aka Johnny, Ten, Mark (*-*), Honey, Ariadne and Yukhei and probably they wouldn't be the members of cast (but who knows since Yukhei is now ready to take over Korean variety shows :D) and it would be a pity because in my imagination all of them are there and they are fine af. Anyway, I absolutely enjoyed this part because it was action-packed but the usual humour wasn't absent either. Yukhei with his Avengers enthusiasm was so cute but Johnny was also hilarious with his teasing. My favourite was when he blurted out smitten and Ten hit his shoulder in response. (I feel like you had to incorporate smitten somehow after you had told me about its meaning :D) I was happy to see a newbie member of the group because not everyone can be confident and cool when they first get to know about their power. Plus, it was our cutest little baby lion, so kudos for you for his cameo! ;) Honey was also a refreshing character, especially because she was a girl and we need more girl characters in action stories, girls can kick asses just as well as boys. ^^I still don't like Jedikiah, I wish he was stuck on a deserted island with his super ability to kill others because maybe then he would stop playing the superior big boss and totally messed up dad whose emotional intelligence is close to a frog's. I loved the twist with the electricity and the end game, it was really cool that they thought of so many scenarios but considering that Yukhei has seen most of the stuff that happened at Ultra, it shouldn't have come as a surprise than they were prepared for a lot of outcomes.
All in all, I had a blast reading this part, it was hilarious, heart-warming and nerve-wrecking. The last scene was so cute, I can't tell you how much I loved it. I hope my comment made sense because I'm not sure I can function properly after a masterpiece like this. Thank you thank you thank you for dedicating it to me! Love you to the Moon and back!!! <3333
Chapter 1: This is so cute! Hehe future son in law ?
Why do u always write story about my bias ><
But really love it tho!!!!❤❤❤
Chapter 1: Nice story
It has flow and the character have a characteristic
This story manage to capture reader attention and it is really good^^
Chapter 1: Oh man, how much I love this story!!! ;)
First of all, thank you so so so much for dedicating this wonderful story to me! I'll definitely re-read it before my exams. Graduation seems like a milestone in everyone's life but I believe what I've learned as a person and not a student matters more than any academic achievement. Thank you for making my graduation more joyful and memorable, I'm sure it'll be the gift I would remember the most because stories that were written carefully and with love always mean so much to me. I really appreciate everything that people create from literally nothing and writing is one of them. So thank you so much again!
As for the story, Lucas WAS the perfect kind of Lucas. I mean you portrayed him so well, I laughed at so many lines, he was just hilarious and confident and smug and still lovable, just as we know him. I knew that he would fit this AU as soon as I got to know the AU because this boy is an adventure himself. :D His personality added a lot to the feeling of the whole story, not to mention Ariadne's character. Man, I loved her so much. She was the good kind of sassy, a girl who stands up for herself and even manages to escape Ultra! Mad respect for her! It was cool that they knew each other before the whole thing and went to the same school, I guess they could start trusting each other sooner because they knew each other beforehand. Also, my favourite line of hers was 'You can stick that explanation up in your pretty ' and 'No, we don't need names like that, Yukhei, we are not the Avengers'. Oh my dear, I laughed throughout the whole story. (Maybe except the time when we got to know about the background of the boy's mother.) I loved him with all his cheeky smiles and 'I don't like to look stupid' lines, he was such an iconic character. Though I also loved as his personality changed and he started to distrust Ultra and his father. Kudos for you for adding that twist with his father! He was really a heartless monster for using Lucas, lying about his mother and then treating him like a dumb kid. He really deserves best. On top of that, I got why Ariadne was so angry at Ultra and she had every reason to rebel against them, I'm glad her remarks motioned Lucas to search for answers. I also loved the twist at the end when we got to know that Ariadne stole Lucas' files as well and he was written down like a threat. Oh man, I didn't see that coming! And that bonus... OMG IT WAS SO HILARIOUS!!! Even if it was short, it was so cool! I'm glad you decided to add it because I laughed so hard and Lucas' answer was the bomb! Haha, he just couldn't let it slip! ^^
Overall, thank you so much for this wonderful story! It was even more I could ask for; funny (to the point I nearly cried sometimes and my stomach hurt by the time I finished reading the story), lovely, action-packed, twisted and really, really enjoyable. I loved the twists, the characters, the conversations, the descriptions, so everything! I can't thank you enough for dedicating it to me! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! You never fail to amaze me with your ideas and your writing style and this story was no exception! How can anyone write so well??? ^^
A massive thank you and a giant bear hug for you!!!! <3333 LOVE YOU MAN!!! ;)