Can I call you Seulgi?

System Failure

A/N: This is the last of my poll options. It takes place in a future world. Where humans and cyborgs are companions to one another. Seulgi is a cyborg here, and Joohyun is her human companion. It's a one shot that I hope will be enjoyed.


The year is 2250. Society has drastically changed over the millennia. Technology has advanced in such a way. That old uses for things like cellphones are no more. Instead replaced by hologram chats, or brain to brain messages. Transportation no longer mundane, and replaced with hover cars. Humans as well have come a long way from the old way of life. They are not alone in the modern world, and everyone is paired up with cyborg companions. It was an idea proposed by governments all over the world. Once, the successful productions of the cyborg had been completed. The goal being, for humans as well as cyborgs to be able to forge bonds, and survive together.


Sometimes, a cyborg companion is gifted or chosen. Other times, there are illegal, underhanded dealings. In which, cyborgs are stolen and sold to the highest bidder. Each situation is unique to the parties involved. Although, illegal possessions of a cyborg is punishable by death, in some places. In the case of 28-year-old, Bae Joohyun. She has known her  companion since she was 16 years old. She calls her Seulgi, and their bond goes much deeper, than a simple companionship. They have been together so long, Joohyun has a strong connection to her. A connection that works both ways. Which was why she knew something was wrong, before she actually received the hologram call. Joohyun was at home when the police department called. One of the detectives called to tell her that Seulgi, was in their custody. Although, not in those exact words.


“Ms. Bae, come and get your bot.”


She had taken offense to his language. Seulgi was no robot. She had feelings, emotions, thoughts, as any human did. She was also gentle, warm, kind in ways, unlike most humans, Joohyun did know. It didn't matter if Seulgi wasn't officially a human. It didn't matter if her wiring was cybernetic, instead of made up of neurons or electrolytes. Seulgi meant everything to her. Not that she could physically express that in public. They had to be careful around others. It is forbidden for a human to fall in love with their companion. It is against the law even, and must be kept secret as possible.


When she arrived at the police department. Seulgi was sitting in a visible cell. The kind where they house most cyborgs. Her hands chained in specialized aluminum cuffs. Joohyun tries to keep her face neutral. But internally she is furious. Whatever reason Seulgi is here. She knows it doesn't deserve for her to be cuffed.


“Seul, are you alright?”


The brunette, monolid female gives a nod. She remains silent. All Joohyun wants to do is get her out of here. So they can go home. That way she can properly take care of her if necessary. It would take a lot to actually harm a cyborg. They are stronger, faster, and able to withstand more damage than an average human. Especially, some of the newer models. Scientists have made more enhancements since the first few models. Seulgi has been around for awhile. She's one of the second generation types. There were less mistakes than the original prototype. Yet, no new enhancements that some of the latest cyborgs have. People have asked Joohyun why she doesn't trade up, or at the least give Seulgi the proper modifications. Joohyun would reply that Seulgi was perfect as is. The arresting officer comes over.


“Ms. Bae, she belongs to you?”


“Yes.” Joohyun nods. “May I ask why she’s being held here?”


“Your borg was found trespassing in a zone that is prohibited for them to be without their humans.”


Joohyun tries not to look too upset. She hates it when people call Seulgi a bot, borg, it. They refer to her as other. She’s not just some borg. She’s her best friend, constant companion, protector, and person she is in love with.


“Did you ask why she was there? I know Seulgi well, and she wouldn’t do something against the law without reason.”


“Based on the video footage. She was rescuing someone.” The cop shows the video of what is Seulgi coming to the rescue of a small child. The mother is nearby, and grateful for the assistance. Joohyun thinks the entire ordeal is ridiculous.


“You had no right to arrest her. She was only helping a child.”


“But the law states…”


“There is a fine, yes. I’ll pay it now, and we’ll be leaving.” She says in a finalized tone. The transfer of money is instant, and the cuffs are removed. Joohyun wants so badly to hold her. She has to restrain herself until they get home, or rather once they get to her hover car. Joohyun carefully touches her cheek. It’s a small gesture. It will do for now.


“Seul, are you alright? What they did to you was wrong. I’m sorry I wasn’t with you.”


“It’s fine. I’m unharmed, and complied with the officers as they asked.” The monolid woman turns to her with a small smile.


“Okay.” Joohyun nods. “Let’s go home, alright.”


The drive home is silent. They usually have such animated conversations. Lately, Joohyun has noticed something off with Seulgi. She seems more distant and quiet with her. She hasn’t been that way in years. Not since they were first getting to know one another. The human decides she won’t push. She will wait for Seulgi to feel comfortable to talk. At home, Joohyun wraps her arms around the slightly taller woman. It kills her to not be able to hold Seulgi in public. She hates when she has to act so indifferent. Seulgi gently places a hand to her raven locks. She has had other human companions before Joohyun. None have cared for her in the way she has.


“Are you sad?” Seulgi wonders. Joohyun has been the only person she’s been with long enough. There are still human emotions she is unsure of. Perhaps, Joohyun isn’t sad at all.


“I’m glad to be with you. I’m not sad, just a little disappointed. So many people still talk down to you all. You’re not our pets. We are equal partners.”


Seulgi has spent many years by Joohyun’s side. She has watched the girl grow from a teenager, to this beautiful, kind, selfless woman.


“We are machines to most, Hyun.” Seulgi calls her with the nickname. They are home now, and can speak freely to one another. Joohyun cups her face tenderly.


“You’re not a machine, sweetie. You’re Seulgi. My Seulgi.” She repeats. Joohyun can still remember the first time she ever met her. Her father took her to a scientist friend of his. Where she could pick the companion she desired.




Joohyun’s father was an ailing man. He wanted to make sure she would be protected and cared for by someone. Which was why he told her today she could get her first cyborg. They spent some time touring the facility. Before Joohyun was introduced to several different cyborgs.


“Any of them would be ideal, Ms. Bae. Who would you like?”


There were a lot of male cyborgs. She didn’t want any male companion, and told her father that up front. Joohyun is prepared to decline. She may only be 16. But she has been taking care of herself for a long time. With her father often busy with work, and her mother deceased. She had to learn how to take care of herself. She is fine being alone. That is, until she notices a brown haired female cyborg. She is sitting on a bench outside in the garden area of the facility.


“What about her? Why is she alone?”


“Oh.” The doctor looks nervous. “You, don’t want that model, Ms. Bae. We believe she might be defective in some way. All her previous owners have brought her back.”


Joohyun looks sadly at the the brunette. She has been abandoned. Multiple times from the sounds of it.


“I’m going to talk to her. If that’s alright?”


“Sure, Ms. Bae. She isn’t an aggressive model. You are free to talk to her.”


The young teen makes her way out into the garden. The brunette turns immediately when she hears footsteps. She looks to be analyzing her.


“Hi.” Joohyun smiles warmly. “My name is Bae Joohyun. What’s yours?”


She stands and gives a small nod. “Good afternoon, young teenage female. I’m model number, F7X…”


“No, not your model number.” The young girl gently cuts her off. “Your name. Did your last companion give you a name?”


She is staring at her with a slightly confused look. Her last companion didn’t give her a name. Her last human was unsatisfied with her. They sent her back to the labs here. She is unsure if she wants another companion. No one has been happy with her yet. She doesn’t think she will make any human happy.


“I don’t have a name. I’m model number, F7X…”


Joohyun takes her hand. The sudden contact surprises the cyborg. She is not used to human contact. She doesn’t understand it fully.


“If I ask you to be my companion. Would you let me give you a name?”


“You want me?”


“Yes. I would like for you to be my companion. Is that okay?”


The brunette doesn’t know what to make of this. A human hasn’t ever spoken to her in such a tone.


“If that is what you want.”


“I do. I would like that, very much.”


“Okay. Then I will be your companion, Ms…”


“Joohyun. My name is Joohyun. I think I’ll call you Seulgi. Is that alright?”


The cyborg nods. Then thanks her for the name. Joohyun excitedly goes to tell her father that she has chosen Seulgi, and will be taking her home.




Seulgi is staring at her curiously. She can tell by the look on Joohyun’s face that she is thinking.


“Are you thinking about when we first met?” Seulgi wonders, knowingly. There are often times where she has thought back to meeting Joohyun. She hadn’t been used to such kindness. She didn’t think it was possible of humans. In her experience none of her former companions ever treated her with any sort of kindness. Sometimes she was a weapon. Sometimes a bodyguard. Every time, no matter what it ended the same. The humans would bring her back to the lab. Joohyun was the first who asked her what she wanted. The first person who treated her like something more than a borg.


“It was the best day of my life, meeting you.” Joohyun smiles warmly.


“Mine too.”


They hug again. Joohyun melts into her embrace. Being in Seulgi’s arms like this. It always feels good.


“Are you ready for bed?” Seulgi wonders.


“Yeah. I’m ready for bed. As long as you’re alright, Seul? Did they hurt you at all?”


“I was unharmed. I’m okay, Hyun.”


“Good.” Joohyun nods. “I’m glad you’re not hurt in anyway.”


They prepare for bed separately. As the always do each night. Seulgi dresses in simple striped pajamas. Over the years their relationship had developed from a friendship to a romantic connection. A lot of which, Seulgi didn’t understand. She didn’t know what it meant to hug, kiss, or touch someone. She had no idea how nice a hug from another person could feel. She couldn’t ever imagine kissing in the way humans do to show feelings for one another. Sometimes, at the lab Seulgi would watch videos or read books to get an understanding of human life. It did nothing to prepare her for the true experience of Joohyun. The woman was very expressive in a physical sense. She liked to touch, hug, cling onto her in ways she didn’t understand. It took adjusting for Seulgi to know, Joohyun was only doing these actions because she cared about her. Although, nothing could prepare her for the first time they kissed.




They’ve been together for 6 years now. They were steadily growing closer by the days. Joohyun had told her that she had feelings for her. That she cared about her as more than just a friend or companion. Seulgi didn’t understand why Joohyun wasn’t more worried. It is illegal to fall in love with each other. But, the raven had assured her they would be fine. They would be careful, and no one would suspect a thing about their romantic relationship.


“Seul, you seem more comfortable with my touches now.” Joohyun explains softly. They are laying in bed together, holding hands. Seulgi had been very awkward when she hugged her the first time. She wasn’t used to human contact.


“Your touches are always gentle. I wasn’t used to it.”


“I know.” Joohyun nods. “I’m sorry. That you weren’t ever shown basic kindness, Seul. Those former people didn’t know how to appreciate how special you are.”


“Until now, and you.”


The raven softly touches her face softly. “We’re together now, as a couple. Is it okay if I kiss you?”


“Kiss?” The brunette whispers hesitantly. She has seen images of humans kissing. She doesn’t quite know why they need to do so. “Why do you kiss?”


Joohyun sits up, and takes her hand. She gently pulls Seulgi up along with her. “Kissing, is just a way to express feelings. I love you, Seulgi. I just want to physically show you that love. If you are comfortable with trying. We don’t have to yet.”


Seulgi gives a nod. She loves Joohyun too. Not that she had the right words for it at the time. Seulgi wasn’t used to these feelings, and had to figure them out. Joohyun was there being patient, warm, and gentle, like usual. The raven comes closer to her. She gently places her hand to Seulgi’s face. She brings to Seulgi’s. At first the kiss is stiff. Seulgi isn’t sure what she should be doing. That is until, Joohyun pulls her lips free.


“Kiss me back, okay?” She whispers softly. Seulgi nods again, and tries her best to return the kiss. The idea is so foreign to her. Despite, how soft Joohyun’s lips feel. They are quite soft, and feel nice against her own. After a few moments of their experimental kiss. Joohyun pulls away.


“I’m sorry. I’m not so good at this.” Seulgi apologizes.


“That’s okay. You’ll get better.” Joohyun smiles, and pushes some of her brown locks out of the way.”


Seulgi can’t help but to get lost in those pretty, chocolate brown eyes. She smiles softly. Seulgi thinks she would do anything possible for, Bae Joohyun.




When Seulgi makes it to Joohyun’s bedroom. The raven is just ending a phone call with one of her business partners. She has to check in from time to time with her partners. It was her dad’s company. That she inherited from him before he died. Seulgi watched her transform from a quiet young teen. To a confident, young business woman. She is a hard worker. She takes care of her company and employees well. Seulgi feels a sense of pride whenever she watches Joohyun in the boardroom, or during interviews.


“Hey, there you are.” Joohyun smiles. She then lifts the covers back so Seulgi can get into bed. Joohyun likes to cuddle. Seulgi wasn’t sure what was happening at first. That time where the raven moved closer to her and hugged her so tight. Joohyun explained that it was cuddling. It was another form of showing feelings. When Seulgi is in bed besides her. Joohyun notices how slightly warm she feels. It’s unusual to feel her warm.


“Seul, what’s wrong? Are you alright?” She checks her forehead again.


“I’m fine.” Seulgi promises. “There’s nothing to worry about, okay, Hyun. You know I can’t get sick in the way humans can.”


“I know. But, you do need recharges. Should we go see Dr. Son?” Joohyun wonders worriedly. Dr. Son Seungwan is a nice, kind doctor who specializes in the treatment, and building of cyborgs. She is who they see whenever Seulgi needs to be recharged, or updated in some way. Seulgi responds with a kiss to her forehead.


“There’s no need. I’m fine, Hyun. You should be resting.”


“Okay.” Joohyun whispers hesitantly. “I can only sleep well when you’re holding me.” She is concerned that Seulgi is not being honest about something. She decides not to push for now. The brunette wraps her arms around her and brings her close. It doesn’t take long before the raven is fast asleep in her arms. Seulgi hopes that she will at least sleep well. She knows that Joohyun is worried about her. She will do all she can to make her not worry.


The next morning at breakfast. Joohyun notices Seulgi is off. She is distracted, and that is unlike her. She also notices how the brunette’s hands shake as she places the mugs of tea down on the table. The raven reaches for one of them.


“Honey, what’s wrong?” She is concerned. Seulgi’s hands are trembling more, even as she holds them.


“N-Nothing.” Seulgi denies. She pulls away her shaking hands. Joohyun only takes them again.


“We should see, Dr. Son.”


“No, let’s not. We’re meeting Yeri and Joy today? Shouldn’t we focus on seeing them.” Yeri and Joy are friends of theirs. Yeri is a human who is friend’s with Joohyun. Joy is her cyborg companion. Seulgi enjoys being close to another cyborg. Someone who understands what she goes through. Joy is a newer type of cyborg. She has all sorts of cool enhancements. She has x ray visions, super speed, and hearing. Joy has asked her why she doesn’t get upgraded too. Seulgi explained that Joohyun doesn’t wish for her to get any enhancements. She prefers her how she is. The raven is staring at her with so much concern.


“Okay, we’ll go meet with Yeri and Joy. I will take you to Dr. Son if I need to.”


“Fair enough.”


Seulgi does her best to not make it obvious that something is wrong. Joohyun is watching her. She holds her hand in her own. They walk to the park to meet with Yeri and Joy. Seulgi doesn’t seem as talkative as she usually is. Joohyun really wishes she would talk to her. They don’t have the time now because Joy and Yeri are waiting.


“Hi, Joohyun, Seulgi!” Yeri waves first.


“Hello, Yeri, Joy.” Joohyun smiles back politely.


“Hey, Joohyun.” Joy nods. She then looks at Seulgi with a questioning gaze. “Seul, is everything fine?”


That worries Joohyun. If Joy is wondering if something is wrong. Then there must be. Seulgi asks to speak with Joy alone. Mentioning how she needs to talk to someone like her. It wasn’t meant to be rude in anyway. Joohyun is just worried. She watches as the two cyborgs walk off to talk. Yeri pulls her to a picnic table.


“There’s more with you and Seulgi, right? You’re not just companions only?” The younger woman asks. She has observed for some time the small, subtle interactions she sees with them. Joohyun is gentle with her. She treats her in soft ways. Although, it is against the law for humans to fall in love with their cyborgs. Yeri can see that what they have is genuine. Seulgi is always by her side. She takes care of Joohyun just the same.


“Yeri. I know you wouldn’t tell anyone. But it’s true that Seulgi and I are together. We’ve been together for years.”


“I knew it. The way you two look at each other. Joohyun, you know it’s against the law.”


“I know.” Joohyun nods. It’s against the law in most places. There are a few areas where it’s not. For the most part it is illegal, and in some cases punishable by death. Yeri notices that Joohyun keeps looking in their direction of where Seulgi walked off with Joy. The younger woman gently takes her hand.


“I’m sure that you’re worried. Please, don’t be. They’re good friends, and as close as we are to them. There are certain things we don’t understand about them. They need to have friendships with one another.”


The raven understands the need for Seulgi to be able to talk with her fellow cyborg. She expressed to her that when she lived in the labs. She wasn’t very close to others. Not because she didn’t try. It was more than she was often treated as an outcast. They were concerned that she was defective. Humans kept bringing her back, expressing such dissatisfaction towards her. Seulgi was on her own for so long. Which was why Joohyun was so glad to be able to meet and bond with her. They’ve become so inseparable, and not only has she been able to teach Seulgi things. The brunette was also able to teach her so much in turn. What it meant to truly love someone with mind, heart, and soul, human or not. That is why she knows it’s something more going on. Seulgi is hiding things, and that is one thing she doesn’t ever do.


Joy has scanned Seulgi already. From the minute she saw her fellow cyborg. She could see there were problems. A human wouldn’t be able to see, but with her x ray visions, and highly sensitive programming. Joy was able to see the cracks in the system. The cracks in Seulgi’s wiring.


“You’re malfunctioning.” The taller cyborg says in such a straightforward manner. Joy is more advanced than she is. She can no doubt see all the issues she has.


“I’ am.” Seulgi nods. “I don’t think it will be much longer now.”


“Why didn’t you tell Joohyun? You love her right? She loves you too? She would try to fix you.”


“I can’t be fixed.” The brunette cuts her off. “I am too outdated of a model. There is nothing to be done.”


Joy looks suddenly sympathetic. She has spent a lot of time with Yeri. She has learned human ways, feelings, and emotions. It would break Joohyun’s heart if Seulgi malfunctioned.


“She needs to know. What are you going to do? Wait until you shut down completely? How is that fair?”


Seulgi knows she can’t tell Joohyun. It will hurt her to know that after all these years she is starting to malfunction. Seulgi knew almost immediately with the small changes. There was distractibility, forgetfulness, temperature changes, shaking of her limbs. All things that shouldn’t be happening.


“I will hurt her if I tell the truth.”


“Seulgi, when did you first fall in love with her?” Joy wonders. She needs to understand how it is that Seulgi is willing to keep this secret. If she is in love with her.


“I didn’t know I was at first. I had no words.”




Seulgi had been damaged. Her arm was dislocated, cybernetic wiring, bolts, and screws exposed for Joohyun to see. She was hurt in a fight with other cyborgs. She told Joohyun to run. The raven didn’t want to leave her. But Seulgi told her to go. The first thing she did was call the authorities. By the time she was reunited with Seulgi. She had been badly damaged. She would need repair. That much was clear. The brunette could see that Joohyun was on the verge of tears.


“Please, don’t cry.” Seulgi whispers, running her fingers through dark locks. They are alone here. It is safe to show their affections now.


“You’re hurt, and you think I’m not upset?” Joohyun laughs through her ongoing tears. She is upset that Seulgi told her to run when there were 3 other cyborgs wanting to fight her. She hated to leave her. At the same time. She understood why. Seulgi was only trying to protect her. She shielded her with her body immediately. Then told her to run the first chance she was able.


“I can be fixed. You don’t need to cry.”


“You know why I’m sad, right?”


Seulgi didn’t understand human emotions for a while. It took her years to understand Joohyun so well. In the beginning she didn’t know fully what it meant to be in love or to love someone so much. That is until she realized she looks forward to Joohyun’s smile. She likes to see the human happy. She would do anything to see her happy and smiling. Also, when they were in danger. Seulgi’s first instinct was to make sure she was unharmed. She didn’t know that she was feeling love. Not until she noticed how much a part of her Joohyun had become.


“Because I’m damaged. But because you love me.” Seulgi whispers to her. Joohyun nods and cups her face in her hands. She is so very in love with Seulgi. It doesn’t matter that she is a cyborg.


“I love you so much. You mean everything to me, Seulgi. I want to be with you, always.”


“I didn’t understand at first. Love, or why humans needed this. You made me feel so much, Joohyun. I don’t know love without you. I couldn’t have understood until you. I love you too, Bae Joohyun.”


The next thing she remembers is Joohyun launching herself into her arms. She hugs her  tightly. She whispers how much she loves her too, and how glad she is to finally hear the words back. Seulgi wraps her good arm around her. She would do anything to keep Joohyun happy, and stay by her side always.




“Sounds like a human romance drama.” Joy mentions.


“I don’t watch those.” Seulgi admits. “But that is how it happened. I do love her. That’s why I want to protect her. She will be hurt.”


The taller cyborg sighs. “You won’t protect her. You’ll only be hurting her, Seulgi. You should reconsider. Are you sure there is no way to fix you? Dr. Son is a brilliant doctor.”


“I can’t be fixed. I am malfunctioning as we speak, Joy. You can see it. I know you can. The system is maybe 80 percent, probably less. There is nothing to be done. But, please take care of Joohyun. You and Yeri can help her deal with the loss.”


Joy doesn’t believe that she and Yeri are enough to help. Sure, they are all good friends for years. That doesn’t mean they can help Joohyun grieve. The bond between a cyborg and their human is usually unbreakable. The bond between Joohyun and Seulgi is an entirely different level of unbreakable. What Joy does do is hug her? Seulgi pauses, in surprise.


“What’s this for?” She smiles softly.


“Humans do this for comforting. I thought you could use a hug.”


“Yes. They do. Thank you, Joy.”


It is difficult hiding her secret. Mostly, because she seems to be malfunctioning faster than she thought. Her systems processing core becomes overloaded and heated. She gets hot faster. She is so easily distracted that Joohyun would notice any and all changes. The worst is when she visibly convulses. Joohyun has had enough. After the convulsing spell. The raven pulls her into the bedroom.


“Tell me what’s wrong with you? We can go to Dr. Son now. If there are some adjustments you need. I will take care of it.”


“I’m fine, Hyun.”


“No, you’re not. You’re not well. You don’t get distracted Seul. You were having some sort of seizure, earlier. Please, talk to me.”


“I’m not…” Seulgi pauses. Eyes go dark for a moment. Joohyun worriedly cups her face.


“Honey, talk to me. Please, says something.”


It takes a few more calls of her name. Seulgi’s eyes light back up again. “System, auto reboot, complete.” She speaks in a more robotic tone. It’s the kind of tone she hasn’t used since their first meeting.


“I’m taking you to Dr. Son.” The raven whispers and softly kisses the side of her head. Seulgi hoped to avoid this from happening. Joohyun holds her hand as much as she can. In public they don’t touch. Dr. Son greets them both warmly. She takes Seulgi into her lab while Joohyun waits out in the waiting room. She wanted to come in. Dr. Son insisted she waited outside until the exam was conducted. The exam isn’t even much of one. Seungwan has already met with Seulgi a few times alone. She was the one who diagnosed the malfunctioning.


“Seulgi. I thought you were going to tell Ms. Bae the truth.”


“I cannot. She will be hurt.”


“Seulgi. Listen, I know this isn’t easy. But you need to tell her. There are options. I could do an entire reconstruction. You would be remade. I will do my best to repair your memory core, but that most likely won’t be able to be fixed. I’m sorry.”


“I don’t want to exist if I couldn’t remember her.”


Dr. Son gazes sadly at the brunette. She could see almost immediately the bond between them. How worried Joohyun would be whenever she brought Seulgi in for repair. The soft, but subtle looks or touches they would share in the recovery room. It is a sad thing. Humans and Cyborgs can’t possibly be together. But they made it work.


“Seulgi. I think you should reconsider. At the least she should know what’s happening.”


“I….” She pauses and eyes flicker off and on. Her head rolls to the side several times. She repeats her model number several times in a robotic tone. Seungwan hooks her up to the main processing core. It is meant to recharge, and sometimes fix small damages.


“Sorry.” Seulgi whispers when she comes back.


“You’re malfunctioning much faster than I anticipated. At this rate you will not last a full week. Please, tell Joohyun. She will be hurt if she finds you offline.”


“She will be hurt anyway.” Seulgi whispers. The second she is able to see Seulgi. The raven hugs her. Dr. Son is a nice woman and doesn’t judge. She wouldn’t report this to anyone. Joohyun runs her fingers through her brown locks.


“Baby, please tell me what’s wrong? How can I help you?”


Baby. Another term of endearment. Joohyun is a highly affectionate human. She is also so kind, warm, and thoughtful. How can Seulgi tell her she is essentially dying in a way.


“Dr. Son, gave me a recharge. I’m good to go.”


It’s a lie. They both know that. Joohyun gazes sadly at her. She has no idea why Seulgi would refuse to be honest. Unless, it is something terribly wrong with her. Joohyun has to make her tell the truth.


“Seulgi. You never lie to me. Please, don’t start now. I just want to be able to help you. I would do anything for you. You know I would.”


Seulgi would do anything for Joohyun too. If there were some way to avoid the pain of the situation. The brunette would do so. Humans are such fragile creatures. It would break her to know the truth. Seulgi knows she already feels broken. Being with Bae Joohyun has made her feel more human than with anyone else.


“I don’t want to hurt you.” Seulgi admits softly. She sees no other outcome. Joohyun will be hurt that she lied. She will be hurt when she learns the truth. Either way, Joohyun will be in pain. It kills Seulgi to know she will cause her pain.


“You’re hurting me by not being honest. I know you, Seulgi. You’re not someone who would lie. Whatever it is we can get through it.”


“No, we can’t.” Seulgi tells her. The words surprise Joohyun. This is not the Seulgi she knows so well. The woman she loves so much. She sounds as if she has given up on everything, completely.


“What are you saying?” The raven tenderly kisses her cheek. “We can do anything. As long as it’s together.”


Joohyun’s tone is so soft, gentle. It should make her feel better. It doesn’t. It only makes her feel so much worse. She pushes the shorter woman’s hand away.


“We can’t. It’s best if we end this now. It’s not realistic, Joohyun. I am a borg. You’re a human. You will need to be with another human one day. I think you should leave me here, and go on with your life.” Seulgi sees no other way. She must push Joohyun out. Let her move on and find happiness.


“Don’t do that.” Joohyun softly tells her. “Don’t start pushing me away now. I can tell you’re scared. You’re trying to protect me like you always do. I don’t want your protection. I just want you to let me help you. I love you.”


“I can’t anymore.”


“Talk to me. I love you, and you love me.”


“Joohyun, please. It’s better if you just go home.”


“I have no home without you. You are my home, honey.” She hugs her. “Tell me what’s wrong.”


Seulgi sighs. She can’t help but to lean into these arms. The same arms of the woman she has spent 12 years with. The woman she loves. The person who has always showed her kindness no matter what.


“I’ am malfunctioning.” The brunette admits. “I don’t have much time left.”


The second she hears Seulgi say this. Joohyun does her best to hold back her tears. How could she keep something so serious from her? Joohyun releases the hug and touches her face.


“Why wouldn’t you tell me this? There must be a way to stop you from malfunctioning. Let’s talk to Dr. Son together. She is a good doctor. She can help.”


“Joohyun, there is no helping me.”


The raven isn’t listening. She is too busy trying to think rationally. At least if she’s thinking rationally. She won’t start breaking down in tears. “We can see other specialists too. We can get more than one opinion. Science is so advanced these days. We can fix you.”




“Maybe, we can get the upgrades after all. Anything to help you, Seul.”




“I will see to whatever you need. It doesn’t matter about the cost. I don’t care how much it takes. You won’t die.”


“Joohyun!” Seulgi raises her voice in a way she never does. Seulgi is usually so soft spoken. The brunette sits up and grabs her into a hug.


“There is nothing to be done. I' am malfunctioning. My systems are slowly shutting down even now as we speak. I know this hurts you. It hurts me too. You can’t help me. Not this time.”


“No!” Joohyun pushes her away. “I’m not going to accept that. I will talk to Dr. Son now.”


“Joohyun, wait…” Seulgi calls out to her. The raven bolts out of the room and goes straight to the doctor’s office. There has to be some way to stop the process. She can’t lose Seulgi. Joohyun loves her too much. She is such a huge part of her life. Seulgi is her world, and she will find a way to heal her. Dr. Son looks up at her with a concerned but expectant gaze. She knew that Seulgi would admit the truth.


“Ms. Bae?”


“How do we fix her? I refuse to believe there is no way to fix her.”


“Seulgi is an older model. A lot of the cyborgs of that generation do tend to malfunction with time. I can attempt to rebuild her once she does completely go offline. I would do my best. I can’t guarantee the success of the procedure, nor can I guarantee she will be your Seulgi as you know her. Even if the procedure does succeed. There are risks and complications with anything. I think you need to talk to her. Let her decide what it is she wants.”


“Will she be in pain?”


“Not in the way that you’re thinking, Ms. Bae. Cyborgs don’t feel pain in the same way we would. The shutdown is usually a painless process.”


“I want you to do everything you can to save her. If she decides to go through with the procedure. Do everything you can to repair her. I just can’t lose her.”


“I understand, Ms. Bae. I will do my best. You have my word.”


When Joohyun returns to the room. Seulgi is gone. There is no sign of her. Even when Joohyun tries to reach her through mental message. It’s disconnected. Seulgi can be anywhere now. The raven is worried. She hopes that Seulgi isn’t out there looking for a way to end it faster. If she’s malfunctioning at a fast pace. Much, quicker than they first imagined. Seulgi could be looking for some way to end it. Joohyun doesn’t want for her to go without a fight. They have been together so long. They had plans. They were going to find a way to get married. There are places where it’s not illegal to fall in love. They were going to have their happily ever after. Joohyun can’t give that all up without a fight. She hopes Seulgi will take the time to cool off and come home. She doesn’t return until days later. The raven is in bed asleep when she hears the shuffling of sheets. She looks up to see the brunette.


“Seul? Are you back?”


“I’m sorry, for running. I’m sorry that I’m malfunctioning.”


“No, come here.” Joohyun holds her. It always feels the best to hold Seulgi. She has missed her so much. The taller woman holds her back with the same gentle, warm hold.


“I can’t be fixed.”


“That’s not true. Dr. Son said she can perform a procedure. It could help.” The raven touches her face softly.


“Hyun, did she tell you that I might not be the same. Even if she fixes me. I could not remember you. I don’t want to be here if I can’t remember you, us, and everything we’ve been through.”


“Baby…” Joohyun speaks. She leans her forehead to hers. “I wouldn’t want you to be changed. But I want you here with me so much. I can’t imagine not waking up to you, or going to sleep with you besides me every night. I don’t want to think about us not having our meals together, or going on vacations.”


“Singing silly songs, cuddling on the couch.” Seulgi smiles softly. “Holding your hand.” She grabs one of Joohyun’s hands into her own. She will miss holding the raven’s hands in her own. It feels as if it’s a perfect fit. Joohyun nods.


“Remember how awkward you were when I first grabbed your hand.”


“I didn’t know what was happening.” Seulgi admits. “I never knew why humans needed the physical touch so much. I only understand because of you. Thank you for….” Seulgi pauses and starts to glitch. Her head again moving from side to side. Her hand drops from Joohyun’s. The raven holds her in her arms while she hears her speaking again in that robotic voice.


“It’s okay, Seul. Come back to me. I’m here.” She runs her fingers through her brown locks.


“System at 40 percent.”


“Seul, please come back to me.” Joohyun practically begs of her. Seulgi’s eyes are a dark emptiness. Not their usual warm, brown. It is like this for a few more moments until she comes back.


“Sorry.” She apologizes. “It’s getting worse.”


“Do you want to do the procedure, baby? I know there are risks. I just don’t want for us to not try everything.”


“I will do this for you. If it will make you happy. I am scared, Joohyun. I’ve never been more scared of being away from you in all the years I’ve known you.”


It’s the first time that Seulgi is sounding so vulnerable. Joohyun hugs her tightly and kisses her lips. She doesn’t want to lose her at all either. The raven knows she needs to be strong. She can’t fall apart now. They need to be strong together, and for one another most of all.


“You will never lose me. Even if the worst were to happen. I would be there with you, always. I love you.”


“I love you, too.”


Joohyun calls Dr. Son who tells her to come in the morning. She will do the procedure. She doesn’t end the call without properly explaining the risks again. Joohyun and Seulgi both understand. They also tell both Joy and Yeri. Their friends say that they will be there too. To offer any support they can. Joohyun clings onto Seulgi tightly all night. It’s not unusual for this to be how they spend their nights. It’s just more desperate now, and Seulgi does understand. There is a very real possibility that after it’s over. Seulgi will be fixed, but with no original memory core. That means all of the past 12 years and behind will be gone. They try not to think of that. They try to think of only each other. The next morning at the lab, just before the procedure. Joy and Yeri are there as they promised. They hug them, whisper well wishes and prayers for the couple.


“Seulgi, good luck.” Joy offers with a small smile.


“Thank you, Joy.”


Yeri knows how brave a front Joohyun is putting up. She’s being so strong now. Yeri hugs her.


“I hope it goes well, Joohyun.”


“Thank you. I hope so too.”


Then Joy and Yeri go to the waiting room. Joohyun doesn’t miss how Joy reaches out her arm for Yeri to take. The bond between human and cyborg is so special, precious, unbreakable. Seulgi looks neutral. Joohyun knows she has many thoughts on her mind. The raven bends down to look at her.


“Hey, are you feeling nervous?”


“I’m ready to go through with the procedure. I’m not ready for the possible outcomes.”


“Then focus on me, and us. Let the thoughts of us, and our life together help you. We are going to get married, right?” Joohyun smiles, caressing her cheek.


“Yes.” Seulgi offers a small smile back. “We’re going to get married.”


“I’ll be right here. I won’t go anywhere until you’re finished.”


Some doctor assistants are on their way to bring Seulgi to the procedure room. Seulgi turns to her one more time, and takes her hand.


“Bae Joohyun, no matter what happens. Please know how much I love you. Everyday with you I’ve felt alive, and more human. Thank you for everything.”


Joohyun responds with a kiss to her forehead. “I love you too, Seulgi. I love you very much.”


She stands there until Seulgi is out of sight completely. When she is alone. She finally breaks down completely. She will send so much love, and support Seulgi’s way. She hopes it will be enough. The procedure itself is detailed, precise. There are all sorts of tools laying around. Seungwan assures her that she will do everything she can to repair the damages. Seulgi thanks her all the same. The only thoughts she has are of Joohyun. She remembers a young, teenaged Joohyun nervous for her first day of school in a new city. She remembers coming to bring her umbrellas in the rain. She thinks of all the lunches they shared. She remembers the first time she saw Joohyun cry, and how she vowed to never let her cry again. As the procedure begins officially, all Seulgi can hear are the memories.


“I love you, Seulgi.”


“Hi, my name is Bae Joohyun. What’s yours?”


“Is it okay. If I call you, Seulgi.”


“It’s okay, Seulgi. Don’t be scared. I’m only hugging you.”


“Hug? Why is it important for humans to hug?”


“Please, stay behind me Joohyun. I don’t want you to get hurt.”


“Your touches are gentle. I’m not used to gentle, not until you.”


“I love you, Joohyun.”


The last thing she registers is Dr. Son with a tiny microscopic tool in her hand. Before closing her eyes completely. She will always love, Bae Joohyun. Somehow, someway, she will always love her.


“You make me feel alive. You make me feel human, Joohyun.”


It takes hours. It feels like the longest hours of Joohyun’s life. She can’t remember the last time she felt this on edge. Yeri and Joy are comforting. Yeri holds her hand as often as she needs. Joy as well, tries to help her think of all the good times with Seulgi. It helps a little. Nothing will help as much as seeing Seulgi. Finally, Dr. Son comes to get her.


“She’s in the recovery room. We won’t know how it went until she opens her eyes.”


“Thank you, Dr. Son. Can I go see her?”


“Yes. She should be regaining consciousness soon.”


Joohyun thanks Yeri and Joy again. Then goes to where the recovery room is. She spots Seulgi instantly. She is sitting upright in a specialized chair. Joohyun immediately goes to her and kisses her forehead. She hopes to see those beautiful, bright eyes soon.


“You have to come back to me. I love you, Seulgi.”


It is as Dr. Son said. It takes a few more minutes. Joohyun steps back some when she sees her eyes opening. They open but they are dark, empty.


“No.” Joohyun whispers. She touches her face.


“Systems-restoring, analyzing….”




“Analyzing, systems restoring….”


“Seul, I’m right here. Please come back.”


“Model XF7J031….systems offline…”


She sounds so robotic. Eyes dark and empty. Joohyun anxiously awaits for any sign of her coming out of this. Seulgi goes limp. She stays like that for several long moments. Dr. Son enters the room. She waits too for anything to happen. She will know shortly if it was a success or not.


“Seulgi, honey. I’m right here, just follow my voice.” Joohyun pleads with hands to her face. Dr. Son feels terribly for them both. She did the best she could to fix and restore the memory system. She doesn’t know if it worked. She won’t know until Seulgi is able to speak. Joohyun wraps her arms around the brunette and sobs. She breaks down again against the woman she loves. She whispers how much she loves her, and how she must come back to her. They are going to get married, and live their lives together as usual. They are going to be married. They will be together, just as they should. When she feels movement she looks to see eyes again reopening. They aren’t dark. It’s already a good sign. Seulgi seems to be coming back. Her monolid eyes scan the room around her. Then she focuses completely on the human female before her.


“Hey, you came back to me, baby.” Joohyun smiles.


Dr. Son can’t breathe easy yet. No one can breathe easy until Seulgi shows some sign of recognition. Seulgi looks at Joohyun with slight curiosity.


“Hello, human female. I’am Model Number, XF7J031. It is nice to meet you.”


Joohyun feels her heart break then. Seulgi is repaired, but she doesn’t know her. She has no memories of her, or their past 12 years. The raven is relieved that she isn’t gone. That she is still existing, and is still in this world with her. She has no memories, and as much as that does hurt her. Seulgi is here. They can rebuild. Maybe, they can start all over.


“Ms?” Seulgi speaks and reaches out her hand. That didn’t happen their first meeting. Seulgi is touching her first. That small contact may seem insignificant. It’s honestly such a huge deal. It makes Joohyun feel as if somehow, someway. Her Seulgi is still in there, somewhere.


“Hi.” She breathes with a smile. “My name is Bae Joohyun.”


“Hi, Ms. Joohyun. It is nice to meet you.”


“It’s nice to meet you too. Can I please call you, Seulgi?”


A/N: I’m ending it here on a bittersweet ending. Seulgi has been repaired, but the memory core isn’t. So, we can leave it as she and Joohyun starting over again. I hope this was overall a good read. I enjoyed writing it, and it’s a little different from my usual stuff. I’ve also now completed all my poll options with this oneshot. ^^.


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255 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oh wow… what a beautiful story author. They love each other so much. It’s an amazing read. Seulgi has been repaired so I think thay’re going to be ok. Thank you! 🧡
noob101 #2
Chapter 1: On this rainy afternoon, I decided to read this fic. Now my heart is the same as the weather outside. Sigh…bittersweet as what life is always.
Yoonchoding07 #3
Chapter 1: I kept thinking how the ending would go while reading through the story, thinking of all the possibilities. it was really unfortunate that Seulgi lost all her memories of Joohyun, but at least they would still have a future together as Seulgi is still alive. with how this ended, it leaves it up to the readers' imagination how the story could have progressed and I'd like to think that through time, Seulgi would still fall in love with Joohyun all over again and they end up getting married.

this was definitely a good read. thanks authornim!
seulrene_daze #4
Chapter 1: i just found this and legit LEGIT I CRIED
WHYYYYY it must happened to them sob sob the 12-year worth of memories...

but glad to see the open ending like maybe, just maybe, seulgi had the memories hidden in her core brain or something
71 streak #5
Chapter 1: I'm crying
Underkyles #6
Chapter 1: Omfg
Chapter 1: Aaawwww
Chapter 1: the one shot i never knew i needed.. <3 this was very beautiful even if it is a bit sad at the end.. the ending is open so i'd really like to think that those 12 years together wouldn't amount to starting anew, hopefully with both getiing married and maybe if possible have children of their own.. god, i just....the dam just broke and i'm pretty sure you left onions over here.. T.T
I'm crying... Oh my god
JRsakae #10
Chapter 1: Nooooo you make me cry :’( it’s soo sad, i want them together :(