Feel Things

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Seulgi closes her eyes and takes three deep breaths before opening her eyes again and drives herself to the hospital. For now, she can’t let the thought of Jennie ruining what she and Joohyun has and then have it affect her when she meets her father. Keeping things professional at work is something Seulgi was always good at and she didn’t have any plan to throw that skill away anytime soon.

From the conversation she had on the phone with her father, it seemed that he found out about Seulgi calling off all her schedule for today regarding her work.

He wanted to make sure if she really called off work for the day. He wondered if this matter Seulgi said was important enough for her to call off work has anything to do with the company—Seulgi told him no. He also asked if Seulgi was done with the matter and able to come see him soon—Seulgi agreed to come.

From the tone he’s using, he didn’t seem upset but he didn’t seem pleased either.

Seulgi wondered if there’s any of her work that doesn’t meet his expectation or if she had done something damaging to the company. All she can think about was anything about everything she does for the company while filling in her father’s place (as he was still hospitalized).

But lo’ and behold, Seulgi’s prediction was wrong.

When she arrived at her father’s VVIP ward, he was already in a sitting position on his bed. In his lap was a newspaper, in his hand was his phone—he was scrolling something on his phone, probably an article, and then stopped to look at the door when Seulgi made herself known inside the room.

Mr. Kang sets aside his phone when Seulgi finally stands by the bed.

“Seulgi, I will not beat around the bush here.” He said before taking the newspaper on his lap, handing it to Seulgi. Right there, on the headline, it says, ‘The Kang Heir has a GIRLFRIEND?’ – “I received that in a package, it wasn’t a recent article if you look at the date. But it did take me by surprise when I searched online about your name and a dating rumour.”

The older Kang takes his phone.

“To be honest, it’s not easy to find articles on your dating scandal—perhaps, your mother must’ve done something to keep them all shut. But you know, once everything gets on the internet or the newspaper, people would eventually find out. Like I did today.”

“Father, I can explain—”

“Please, do so.”

“I… I was waiting for the right time.”

“And when is the right time for you?” Seulgi bit her lower lip.

“I’m not sure for now…” Her father gives her a curious look, waiting for further explanation on her uncertain answer. “Mother told me it is best to not let you know for now. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea to break my dating news to you, she also wanted me to feel comfortable doing it but also told me to not wait for too long.”

“So, your mother knew all along?”

“Yes, she… She checked on her already.”

The man slightly frowned. “Is she from a family we know of?”

“No, she’s…” Seulgi hesitated and gulped.

She knew this question would eventually come out. For someone like Seulgi, it matters who she’s engaging with romantically. Seulgi is aware of that, but she also knows her parents never really pushed the idea of her getting together with anyone. They’re also aware that Seulgi doesn’t really pay much attention to getting in a relationship like most teenagers do, so the topic never really was brought up before.

Seulgi doesn’t know if it will be okay for her father if she’s dating someone not at all influential in the business world, they’re family involved. She hopes her father won’t mind.

“She is a student from my university. A senior in the Directing department.”

Her father hums, laying his back on the bed and Seulgi sensing that he’s now a bit relaxed. A good sign, this is a good sign.

“What is her name?”

Seulgi almost frown because clearly the article mentioned Joohyun’s name in it and she’s certain that her father knows that already. But Seulgi still answers him, “Bae Joohyun or Irene, as everyone calls her on the campus.”

“You know I’m not like your mother.” Her father said.

Surely, yes. Seulgi knows that really well. Both her parents are so different from one another but they can complement each other so well. It always fascinates Seulgi, even now when she’s already a young adult.

“But she knows me, you know me, Seulgi. If you’re wondering whether or not I’m okay with you dating someone, I’m sure your mother already told you about it.” Seulgi nods, waiting for him to continue. “I’ll be okay as long as she’s not interfering with you in the business.”

“I can assure you, she won’t. I know what to prioritize first, father.”

Her father takes a look at Seulgi for a moment, making sure that her daughter was not just bluffing. “You know it’s not just that. You can’t keep making appearances with your girlfriend too often, Seulgi. The rumours are spreading and it’s spreading fast… Your mother can only do so much but unless you plan on having a say to the press on this rumour, then please tone down your public appearance with her.”

“Yes, I will tone it down and let her know.”

“Good,” Her father said, completely convinced about Seulgi’s answer because he knows her. He knows her well enough that Seulgi will not take what he said too lightly. “Now that’s out of the way, I want you to take a look at something.”

From that point, her father no longer brought up her relationship with Joohyun. He just goes straight to business with Seulgi because apparently it was quite urgent and important. He tasked her to take care of a new project and he wanted her to focus on it for the meantime. Seulgi knows what that means, she accepted it and made a decision to come see her girlfriend that night after work.

She knows what her father said is to not see Joohyun in public, that’s why she instead comes to Joohyun’s dormitory late at night. Seulgi just has to make sure to not see Joohyun often in public and Joohyun will need to get notified of this matter as well, like her Byul-unnie said, communication is important.

But for some reason, Seulgi didn’t end up informing Joohyun about appearing in public with Seulgi or anything about her father finding out about them. Perhaps, her mind was distracted the moment her lips met Joohyun in a late-night make out session. The only thing Seulgi told Joohyun was a good night greeting and about her not being able to show up at the campus for around a whole week.

Seulgi also didn’t forget about a particular Kim Jennie who, from Seulgi’s perspective, seemed to have an intention towards her relationship with Joohyun. Therefore, she sent her little cousin, Yerim, to Joohyun’s door with flowers. Seulgi earned herself a text from Joohyun saying thank you and that she didn’t have to include the flowers but she loves it anyway.

Yerim, despite only being told to take the flowers for Joohyun in the morning, takes one step ahead by keeping a close-eye on Seulgi’s girlfriend. Seulgi didn’t ask her for this, but she constantly receiving an update text from Yerim saying how Joohyun dressed that day, how Jennie-girl also came to Joohyun’s dorm that morning (there’s no flowers from her, so it’s all good), how she met Joohyun’s friends and how they are all ended up at a Noodle Soup restaurant together and Jennie was treating all of them foods.

Seeing the text about all of them hanging out together puts a frown on Seulgi’s face.

She wasn’t against any of it. If anything, she was glad that Yerim seemed to get along with all of them really well now that she’s out eating with them. But for some reason, Seulgi feels something here is not right. She wasn’t able to explain it herself, but why is the thought of Jennie hanging out with Joohyun’s friends doesn’t sit as well as it supposed to be?

No, why would it even matter for Seulgi anyway?

Is it because of the fact that Seulgi, Joohyun’s girlfriend, hasn’t even properly been introduced to Joohyun’s circle of friends? Despite being in a relationship with Joohyun for months, Seulgi only ever met one of Joohyun’s friends, Wendy, and goodness, Seulgi even had such negative impressions on her the first time. As someone who is so aware of the importance of a first impression, Seulgi didn’t really appear that good in front of Joohyun’s friends.

Compared to Jennie…

Gods, if this was really a game, Jennie is close to leading—if not already.

“Miss Kang?” Seulgi looks up, she is currently having a meeting with a potential business partner and she almost curses in her head for being distracted.

“Ah, yes. My apology,” This is not looking good, so Seulgi gathered herself up with a tight smile. “I need to send a quick message, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, take your time, please.”

Seulgi left a very short message to Yerim saying: ‘Stop sending me messages. I’m in a meeting.’ – when the message is delivered, Seulgi quickly turns off her phone.

She can’t let herself be distracted with the thoughts of Jennie and Joohyun. Sure, having Jennie hanging around Joohyun is concerning but Joohyun wouldn’t go that way, would she? No, of course not—Seulgi sighed. Stop thinking about Joohyun, Seulgi. She mentally reminded herself. Seulgi wasn’t yet aware how it;s getting easier to get distracted by Joohyun.

Thankfully, the meeting went well.

They closed off a good deal before parting ways.

The day was exhausting for Seulgi because honestly it has been a while since the company needed both of her hands on deck. It’s a bit odd that the routine seemed harder to do than usual. Maybe Seulgi only needed more time to get herself used to this and then everything will be just like how it used to be. Before going back to her place, however, Seulgi still needs to make a stop at the hospital and see her father.

When she stepped out of her car, she noticed her phone was still off so she turned it on and put it back in her pocket as she walked towards the elevator. The elevator hardly gives the phone a good signal, Seulgi’s phone is not an exception, therefore the moment she steps out of it, her phone’s start to ring several times. Seulgi pulled it out of her pocket only to find a few messages from Yerim, her mother and Joohyun.

Usually, her mother’s text would be the first she reads—but her finger just automatically tapped on Joohyun’s name and it revealed one from the total of three messages from her.

‘Hey, you’re probably busy but don’t miss dinner!’

Another one followed, ‘Your phone’s off, I guess? Well, um… this is maybe too clingy but I miss you already’

And the last one, ‘Will you call me later tonight? I’ll wait, you know’

Right, Seulgi promised she’ll give her a call—

She can hardly remember the last time she was so eager to call someone, this could be the first time. She was only a few feet away from the door to her father’s room but she turned her heels around towards the elevator and head for the rooftop. She doesn’t want to make Joohyun wait for her call too long so she decided to call Joohyun first before seeing her father.

The other line picked up after the fourth tone.

“Seulgi?” She heard the other line said, it wasn’t even a ‘hello’ but Seulgi didn’t mind.

“Hi, Joohyun.” Seulgi said, smiling.

“I thought you weren’t going to do it.”

“Do what? Call you?” Seulgi walked over to the railings, eyes looking at the night view from the rooftop. “I promised you that I would… Though, I must admit, I almost forget but when I saw your text, I immediately remembered.”

“Well, I can totally understand if you forget though… I mean, you must be really busy with work and all. Yerim told me she couldn’t even get a hold of you too, so…”

“Sorry, my phone was off the whole time.”

“I know, I left you a couple texts… I hope it's not too much.”

“No, Joohyun,” Seulgi leans on the railings, the smile never left her face. “In fact… I think I miss you as well.”

“Are—are you… You’re not just saying this, are you? Cause, I’m not joking when I said I miss—”

“I’m not just saying and I’m not joking either, Joohyun.”

It’s the truth.

Seulgi wasn’t really aware at first that she’s actually been missing Joohyun. The moment she received Joohyun’s text, she couldn’t help but smile and the moment she can hear Joohyun’s voice, there’s a sense of relief wash over her. It doesn’t help how Joohyun can constantly distract her mind at random times, even though it’s very subtle and most of the time not in a serious way. It’s just that Seulgi is starting to get used to Joohyun’s presence every day. For Seulgi to suddenly not see her at all for the whole day, without she realizes, affects Seulgi.

This is only the first day of not seeing each other, how would it be after a week?

Seulgi’s train of thoughts disperse when she heard Joohyun says, “I don’t know if I should be grateful that you’re not in front of me right now, ugh… Kang Seulgi, you’re making me feel things, do you know that?”

The younger girl’s smile widens, chuckles a little before answering to her lightly and truthfully.

“Well… I don’t know if you’re aware or not, but you’re making me feel things too, Bae Joohyun.”

With a small voice, her girlfriend carefully asks, “W, what things…?”

“Mm, how to say this…” Seulgi looks up the night sky where the moon and star

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I am still updating this story, if you wonder.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Been reading this for the nth time. Hope you're gonna upd this beautiful fic of yours soon I miss it so much.
Hoyan33 #2
i miss this :( i hope youre doing well though! we'll wait respectfully
agentprincess #3
waiting for ur cb 🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 31: hope u come back soon 😭🩷
hi author
ultchae #6
Chapter 31: Hope you will come back to this 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
hope u doing great author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
update please author nim 😭😭😭
AnneTokki #9
Chapter 31: Authornim, hope you can complete this, Chance please
AnneTokki #10
I wanted to cry, I am on the last 2 chapters when I noticed this is not yet completed 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹