|Dandelion| ~A 2min fanfic~


It's strange how much time has passed and still, my heart keeps on replaying that day.


Hey there, so this was supposed to be a one-shot but since it went too long I had to divide them into two chapters. I'm not really proud of how it turned out but if you're really jobless and have nothing better to do then you can have fun with this cringiest, boring, 2min fluff angst.

And also this one-shot has been selected for the Shoes of a Unicorn writing competition round 11 by @luv_kero and I'm really excited!!

Here's the link to the competition: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/541340/shoes-of-a-unicorn-writing-contest-round-eleven-open-to-all


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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 2: Peer pressure is no joke but Taemin's love is able to overcome all obstacles🎉! Thanks for sweet slice of life story author-nim ❤️
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 1: Hopefully Tae and Min can salvage their friendship
Chapter 2: i like the story although taemin shouldn't have agree easily and give minho a good punishment but its ok i love happy ending heheheh

Nice storyyyy
Chapter 2: Yas yass... for the first time I can understand why Minho changed, because he felt confuse for his feeling toward Taemin, so he found new friend to get over with Taemin. But finally this is end well, althougt I hate Minho too. LOL. but they cute as hell that I can't denied.
Chapter 2: Love this story~~~
Chapter 2: Cute♡
Nullaniscnazani #7
Chapter 2: Congrats writer.. You make me cry with this beautiful story. Thanks.