Beauty Behind the Specs

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Student Vice-President Mina isn't very fond of the nerdy new transfer student, Hirai Momo. From horrible fashion sense to terrible posture, Momo's existence irked Mina more than she is willing to admit because she couldn't help but notice every single detail about Momo as her eyes seemed to automatically search for Momo's presence in the hallways.

Soon enough, Mina learns that Momo isn't what she appears to be.


I honestly can't believe I'm writing fanfiction again.Β 

All because of the What Is Love? MV and loving Nerdy Momo and having to ship MiMo because I like tragic ships.

We shall see how long this lasts.

It’s been half a year since I updated but I want to let you all know the next chapter is on the way. I really appreciate you all for waiting for this story of mine πŸ˜”β˜ΊοΈ


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Mimowhipped #1
discontinued tor??
MinaSr #2
Chapter 7: This story is honestly one of my favourites, I hope you update soon <333
Erxkaswaan #3
Chapter 1: Cant believe i just found out this story!
Chapter 7: I can't help but re-read this. I'm excited for the next chapter.
Chapter 7: i just found your story
and ive fallen in loveee
Chapter 7: I really love this story. Every chapter never fails to make me smile. Great job author ???
aglaonema #7
Chapter 7: Awww❀️❀️
AugustK88 #8
Chapter 7: Yes! I’ve been looking forward to this. Great update as usual. :)
Chapter 7: ❀❀❀