Chapter 1: Qiang Da and Qiang Wei

Lion Pride – An Epilogue

Chapter 1: Qiang Da and Qiang Wei

*Six months after end of last episode*

Qiang Da looked at his phone, smiling at the text he just sent Qiang Wei.

“Meet me at Jiannan Mountain after work - Master Meow”

After several months of looking for a teaching job with no luck, Qiang Wei was hired on at the store she loved. In some way, she felt closer to her mother while working with the brands she and her mother loved so much. “I haven’t given up on finding a teaching job,” Qiang Wei explained to Qiang Da, “but I need to do something until I find one.” While he knew it wasn’t what she wanted, Qiang Da supported her decision.

Qiang Da the ring box in his pocket, the ring his father meant to give to his mother but never got the chance. “Sine squared plus cosine squared equals one. I want that one to be forever.” A shy smile graced his face.

Qiang Wei read her text, sent back “Okay. Love you. – Queen of Darkness”. Qiang Wei still liked to tease Qiang Da about his nickname for the woman he fell for in the dark restaurant one night, and that he never knew the two women that intrigued him the most were all the same woman who annoyed him at the start of their relationship. “A kiss from Dorothy. A kiss from Qiang Wei. And a kiss from the Queen of Darkness,” all from the woman who stole his heart before he knew what was happening to him.

Three hours later, Qiang Wei met Qiang Da at the overlook where Qiang Wei first shouted out her frustration with Qiang Da. “Wang Qiang Da, as a man, you should take responsibility for your actions! Don’t think that you’re so high and mighty!”

“So,” teased Qiang Da, “do you still think I should ‘take responsibility’ for my actions?” Qiang Wei blushed, remembering with embarrassment being caught yelling her anger out in front of him.

“I was angry, I didn’t really know you, I was-” Qiang Wei rushed to explain.

“I do plan to ‘take responsibility’. At least, I hope you’ll let me.” He pulled out the ring box and opened it. “Qiang Wei, please will you complete our math equation for the rest of our lives? I love you.”

Qiang Wei looked at Qiang Da, seeing the fear that she would reject him written on his face, but also the hope that she would say “yes”. “I was never good at math,” said Qiang Wei, “but this is a problem I want to complete. Yes. YES!! I love you too!”

Qiang Da slipped his mother’s ring, a ring that caused his mother to doubt his father’s innocence, on his love’s finger. Qiang Da thought, “The ring will have a happier meaning.”


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