Fortune's Grief

Anthology of Pining

Money can't buy happiness. Indeed, everyone has heard that old saying before. It’s something professors told, to convey that money isn't everything in life. Because many reach for the stars, but majority could only hold dirt. It was like society's attempt at romanticizing poverty, blanketing just how much money could actually buy with that quote alone.

Tonight, Mina finds out just how much money could buy.

“Here. Look, it isn't that hard.”

Friday night, another week of work brushed under the mat, and all she wants is a Margarita to cool down the thick humidity in the air. But here she is, in some wet alleyway lit up by neon lights.

It was after much coercing from her assistant that she even finds herself here. Even with the bright lights it still felt dark. She has her purse hugged close to her chest because one couldn't be too safe, not when even her shadow looks ready to rob her.

A high profiled client's daughter. She got stuck babysitting her high profiled client's daughter. It was hard to say no. Especially when she was asked bluntly during a negotiating session. What better way to get that signature than work it out of them through their family - her assistant’s voice rang through her head.

Park Jihyo, 32, same age as her, blindly spoilt by her father’s guilt. Infidelity had ridden the Park’s of a mother and wife, why she had decided to leave a young Jihyo behind bared no interest to Mina. All she needs to know is that she’s her ticket into getting this purchase over and done with.

Just one Friday, how bad could it be?

The way Jihyo lifts the sleeve of her sweater to reveal her right wrist seems routine like. She has no care in the world at baring her wrist. If it was that easy for her to do so in this dingy place then this girl must’ve been smothered dumb.

She jabs her fist through the hologrammed screen, no caution of catching a virus from the flickering service, or the chance of hitting the brick wall behind it. It scans her wrist, and Mina stares as it glitches for a second before letting out a high ding.

“Welcome home, Park Jihyo! Your room has been organised. She's ready for you.”

A regular. Mina cannot believe that Jihyo has brought her to what seems like a brothel, and to top it all off the bloody woman is a regular?

“Easy peasy. Now, let's do you.”

The audacity of this woman. It is a federal crime to force one’s wrist bare. How dare she. Mina struggles at the pull, because it would be over her dead body that her wrist be shown to something so filthy. She doesn't know what this woman does to be so strong, her yank has Mina’s shoulder threatening to pop.

“Myoui Mina. Welcome to Unplugged! Who would you like accompanying you tonight?”

Mina is too busy trying to pull her wrist from the hologram that before she knows it her purchase has been put through.

“A lovely selection. Your room has been organised. She's ready for you.”

Jihyo has her stumbling through the flickering screen before she could even try to figure out how to cancel her order and get a refund. Mina’s never done anything like this, she doesn't know how much this was going to cost her.

They weren't met with the wet brick wall as they walk through. Instead, Mina finds herself in an immaculately white hallway, so bright no lights were needed. It was such a contrast to where they were that Mina has to squint to ease the burn.

Jihyo looks down at her wrist before turning over Mina’s in her hand.

“Looks like we double booked, hope you don't mind. Must’ve scanned mine accidentally during your process.”

Mina can barely wrap her head around what’s going on, let alone what Jihyo is babbling about. Her wrist has a glowing blue 401 on it, matching with the one on Jihyo’s.

A room number it was. They stood before a white door, exact number and all. Jihyo hovers her wrist over where a door handle should be. The entire door glows a neon green before turning back to white. Wrist still a prisoner in Jihyo’s hand, her hand it pulled up, revealing the number on her wrist. It glows green again before the door clicks open.

Mina barely takes in what she sees before she barks at the woman standing beside her.

“You ordered me a teenager!?”

Jihyo guffaws, skipping into the room towards a tall girl who opens her arms to accept the woman. As if this was normal. As if they knew each other well enough.

As if she’s glad to see and welcome Jihyo.

“No, mine is the teenager. But yours is as innocent as one.”

In the embrace of the stoic girl, Jihyo turns to look at her.

“She’s new and yours to ruin.”

Money can't buy happiness.

However, it bought Jihyo a replacement to fill her void.

More than enough to buy Mina lust.

Money was enough in exchange for Momo’s self-worth.

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Chapter 3: I was from Momo, heheh.
Chapter 3: I wanna know who Sana chooses. Hope she knows what's the best for her. I wonder is it an OS or we can have more?
1241 streak #3
Chapter 3: Choose whats the better for yourself,Sana ^^
Chapter 2: Is there a part two of this or somethin? Please do so. Anyways it's jjang