Ups and Downs

The Midnight Class

“Wait can you explain that part one more time?”


      Currently I was at the boys dorm at Taeguk University, taking part in a massive study group with sixteen other people. Seungkwan, Hansol, Chan, and Jeonghan lived in the dorms and it was the biggest place amongst the seventeen of us to hold such a big study session. We basically dominated the commons room, a perk of Jeonghan being the RA, and everyone has broken into smaller subject groups. There were a few lone wolves amongst us including Jun, Wonwoo, Seohee, and Chan who all had their noses buried into various books. Luckily I was preoccupied explaining chemical reactions in plants to Seungkwan and Hansol, for their environmental class, in our own little group so I didn’t have time to feel the stabbing in my chest as thoughts of Nayoung and Jun clouded the back of my mind. The girls casted the occasional worried glance but, like everyone else here, they were too caught up in the midterm grind to do anything more. With Jun’s presence, I couldn’t help but cast the occasional glance at him… every five minutes and Seungkwan noticed.


“I think Hansol and I got the gist of it now, don’t you need to study for your own exams?”


“Don’t worry about me, Boo, worry about yourself. I’ll somehow get by,” I responded.


“This is a study group for a reason, you need to study too!”


“We really are fine now though. If you have something you need to study by all means go ahead,” Hansol added.


“If I remember correctly aren’t you having trouble with your history class?”


“Boo Seungkwan if you even-”


“Oh if it’s history then that would be Jun-hyung,” Hansol piped up.


“Jun-hyung, could you help Hyemi with studying for her history exam?” Seungkwan called from across the room.


      I couldn’t tell if Hansol was dull or just kept his sharpness quiet but whether he was aware of it or not, he had just helped Seungkwan meddle. I internally groaned at this defeat and  went over to Jun who was already waving me over. From the distance it was obvious Seungkwan was shooting me teasing looks, which I can’t blame him for when I haven’t told him about the newest development to my love life.


“Why did Seungkwan ask for you? I would’ve helped if you just asked,” he laughed.


“You looked busy and I didn’t want to bother you.”


“It’s no bother, if anything I finally get to be of help to this study session,” he smiled. My lips naturally curved to return the smile in response as my heart squeezed.


“So what do you need help with Hyemi?”


      After explaining my trouble with remembering important events and their significance, he dove right in. He explained a brief overview of each event and what he does to remember each. Jun was actually quite a good teacher, almost making history interesting, and that’s coming from an avid hater of the subject. No matter how good the teaching though, I can’t say I didn’t get distracted. How could anyone resist their crush sitting in front of them with a short distance in between as he explains the event, his bangs falling a bit into his eyes and  his glasses sliding a bit down his nose… did I forget to say he wore glasses today? Well he was and my heart did not appreciate this personal attack. Luckily for me, I was able to understand most of what he was saying without being side tracked too much.


      We were sitting at the table that was next to the window and we were currently being hit with the warm rays of the sun. That and the lack of sleep I’ve been getting because of work made a bad mix. Jun had just finished helping me and I moved on to revising my notes. Over time, my head had somehow found its way to my free arm as the sleepiness kicked in. Flipping through my notes, holding the pages up to read, my eyes continued to droop until the comforting warmth of the sun finally put me to sleep. By the time I woke Jun was no longer in front of me, rather… a mischievous Seungkwan was sat in his place.


“How long was I asleep for?” I asked rubbing my eyes.


“An hour and a half. If you were looking for Jun-hyung he went with Hansol and Jeonghan to get food.”


“I wasn’t asking but okay. Why didn’t you wake me up once they left? That’s unlike you Boo.”


“Your Prince Charming told me to leave you alone,” he snickered.


“And you actually listen?”


“So you admit he’s your Prince Charming?” Seungkwan challenged. Since I just woke up I didn’t process his earlier statement. Once I realized what he said I rolled my eyes.


“I admit that you’re annoying. I’ll tell you now, your ship has already sunk,” I replied.


“I beg to differ when he draped his jacket over you,” he pointed out.


      I had finally realized that it in fact was, his familiar scent drifting to my nose. My heart warmed at the thought as my hand unconsciously played with the sleeve. A small smile started to form on my lips just as a text notification popped up on my phone.


To: Hyemi, Su-min, Minah, Seohee

From: Nayoung

Hey guys! The girls from class are planning to hang out tomorrow at 3, you in?


“No, Jun-sunbae is just a caring person. He would have done it if any one of you fell asleep,” I countered. My normal tone falling slightly.


      Luckily for me, the boys came back with food which distracted Seungkwan from pressing me further. My hopes, that unknowingly rose just a bit at Jun’s action, were brought back to reality in an instant. A sigh escaped my lips as I placed Jun’s jacket onto the back of the chair. Joining everyone as we helped ourselves to the food, the girls curiously looked at me and I know they were wondering if I was okay with meeting with Nayoung. To ease their worries that were burning the back of my skull, I quickly replied with an okay which was shortly followed by three other acceptance texts. I rolled my eyes at their loyalty; they’re so cute. After the food, everyone decided to call it a day since we’ve been studying since noon and it was nearly seven now.


      The next day at three, the girls and I walked into the ice cream shop to be greeted by Nayoung and the other girls from class. We all ordered our ice cream and were talking about life and such until the topic of crushes came into the conversation. There were a some girls who had crushes within the dance class, others with crushes from their school, and a few who enjoy looking at certain store clerks. When it was Nayoung’s turn to admit her crush I became acutely aware to her words.


“Aish you guys are so nosy! I mean there is someone but- Will you guys stop interrupting me?”


      Nayoung really did exude the aura of someone who just naturally attracts people’s attention. The girls excitedly jabbered away as Nayoung tried to answer, making the girl laugh. I could tell why Jun liked her though… she is such an amazing person... My head snapped out of its downward spiral when one of the other girls spoke about the one person I hoped wouldn’t be brought up to her.


“What about Jun?”


      My heart was in my throat as I anticipated her answer. Deep down I wanted her to not like him but at the same time I didn’t want to see him hurt if she truly didn’t.


“Well Jun is cute, I’ll give him that. In regards to liking him, I-”


      Before she could finish her sentence the door swung open and in walked a group of guys from the dance class. Once they saw us they joined us, much to the dismay of a few girls who were enjoying getting the latest gossip amongst us girls. A thankful sigh slipped through my lips at the thought that I wouldn’t have to be carrying news of Jun’s potential heartbreak with whatever her reply was. After a bit, Su-min and I excused ourselves to go to our part-time jobs. On the way back to our apartments to get changed for work, Su-min and I had a one on one that we haven’t had in a while.


“So how are you feeling after hanging out with her?”


“She’s amazing, and if she likes Jun back… I don’t stand a chance. Not that I ever did to begin with but you know,” I replied with a shrug.


“Hey don’t cut yourself short. You’re just as amazing as she is, just in a different way and in a better way in my opinion,” she encouraged in an attempt to cheer me up.


“It’s just hard not to compare myself you know? She’s everything I’m not; feminine, social, basically the perfect girl-next-door. I, on the other hand, am one of the bros at best.”


“You’re more than that, you just can’t see it. If I said the same thing how would you feel?”


“That’s different because you are someone who can empathize with other people to the point everyone can easily open up to you-”


“Exactly. I don’t see it because I am myself like you can’t see it because you are you. You can always read a situation and always know what to do when it needs to be done.”


“Can’t you just let me drown in self-deprecation?” I smiled, appreciating the pick-me-up.


“Nope because I know you best. That’s why I’m your favorite right?” She questioned, slinging an arm over my shoulder.


“Yes you are but if you tell Seohee or Minah they’ll kill me,” I laughed.

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Guess who's back? Yeah I know I'm a author who can't update on a normal schedule but here is the latest chapter ^^; The tension builds, what will happen next? Find out next time on "When will the author update?"


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Sweeti #1
I have subscribed this story for a long time, but never had the time to read it.... But now I am going to... Just reading the intro is interesting...I am surely going to enjoy reading it
Chapter 16: fINALLY
Chapter 15: Shook
Chapter 6: Kyaa! Even though Hyemi slipped up a bit, I really like the level of comfort she and Jun have! They've got such great chemistry. I'm seriously anticipating more developments, so all the best writing! I'm really enjoying this story, haha.
Chapter 5: Oh wow. I read all these chapters over the past few nights and I really enjoyed them! I like how everyone ended up knowing each other, and they all link back to Jun, haha.
Jun and Hyemi make a cute match, though I've yet to see any romance blossom. Keep it up!
Distantbeliefs #6
Chapter 5: I really like this story :) keep up the good work!! I can’t wait until the next update!
Honestly enjoying the story so much so far, keep up the good work!