
Screw you, life!
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Sounds of feet shuffling and zippers being opened and closed caused the birthday girl to wake up from her slumber. The arm that was draped over her stomach during the night was long gone, along with the feeling of Seulgi’s warm breath behind her neck.


Yeri opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the darkness save for a bright beam of light that was waving around the room.


For a split second she wondered if she was still dreaming or if there was a ghost flying around her room. But as soon as Yeri saw her girlfriend’s face (who still managed to look cute despite the semi-creepy way the light from her phone made her look) she knew that it wasn’t a ghost at all. 


“Did I wake you?,” asked a concerned Seulgi as she lowered the brightness level on her phone so that it wouldn't shine as brightly. "Sorry. I was trying to be quiet..."


Usually Yeri would have been upset at having her precious sleep disturbed and complain nonstop about it, but this was an exception. She would have been even more upset if she didn’t get to say goodbye to her favorite bear in the whole, wide world.


The maknae nodded as she yawned and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. “Mmmm. Just for that, you owe me..." Yeri paused, trying to think of what to say next. Her brain was not running as fast as it usually did due to her just waking up. Even after being an idol for years, she still wasn’t a morning person.


After thinking for a few moments, a delicious idea popped into her mind. "A boatload of tacos. The spiciest tacos in all of Mexico.”


Seulgi laughed, eyes disappearing like they did whenever she smiled widely and Yeri’s heart melted at the sight. Seulgi was just too freaking cute. “I don’t think they have places that serve tacos in the jungle, but I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you.”




Suddenly a harsh buzzing noise came from the cell phone in the bear’s hand. “That’s probably our manager,” Seulgi sighed as she tapped on her phone screen and stared at it for a moment before typing something back and looking back up at Yeri, this time with a more apologetic expression. “It’s him. He’s outside the dorm and says I have to leave now.”


“Already?” Yeri didn’t intend to say that in a whiny tone, but it just came out that way. She just woke up and barely got to talk to Seulgi at all. She didn’t even get to say good morning yet.


“Yeah. He wants to leave earlier to make sure I catch my flight on time.”


It would have been a lie if Yeri said she still wasn’t upset that Seulgi had to go, but at this point, she knew she was just being a brat about it. She was grateful to have been able to spend the remaining time Seulgi had left in the country together. Not everyone was fortunate enough to have an opportunity like that.


If she couldn’t go with Seulgi by dumping out the contents of her luggage onto the floor and stuffing herself into the bag (which would be a tight squeeze, but still technically be doable) she could at least extend their time together a few moments by seeing the soon-to-be-adventurer off personally.


"Hold on. Let me walk you to the door at least," Yeri yawned as she stretched her arms out, bones creaking in the process. She didn’t know why they did that considering she was far from being elderly, but that was a mystery for another day. Seeing Seulgi off was her priority.


The birthday girl planned on kicking the blankets off, putting on her super fuzzy Harry Potter slippers and walking Seulgi out, but the bear went up to her and pushed her back into the bed, preventing Yeri from getting up. She didn't push Yeri too hard, but with enough force to keep her from getting up like she intended. "What are you doin—"




"No what?" asked Yeri, confused as to why Seulgi was preventing her from doing what she wanted. It wasn’t like she was going to lock the door and trap Seulgi in the room forever although the idea was slightly tempting.


"You need your rest." The half asleep girl just stared at her for a few moments, trying to figure out what Seulgi meant by that. She should have went to sleep earlier but, like many other things in life, it just didn’t happen. She wanted to cherish the little time they had together as much as possible. That was the whole reason why she stood up late while the other girl was packing.


"I did get rest. See?" Yeri pointed to her face with a finger, giving her best smile while doing so. "This is the face of someone who got a good night's rest after cuddling with her adorable girlfriend."


She had hoped that cheesy line would be enough to convince Seulgi to let her get up, but the older girl didn’t budge. 


"You only got a few hours of sleep,” the elder continued, clearly not falling for Yeri’s attempt to butter her up. “I don't want you falling over anything and hurting yourself."


God she's being stubborn today. That's my job.


“Okay mother,” Yeri said sarcastically while rolling her eyes. Just because she may have tripped over some things while walking around half-asleep once (or twice) didn’t automatically mean she was going to do it again. She was perfectly capable of walking without potentially breaking her face or any other part of her body.




“Jeez you’re so dramatic. That was one tim—”


“No,” Seulgi cut in, not letting Yeri finish her sentence. 




"No," Seulgi repeated, this time more firmly. “You need to rest.”


Yeri clicked her tongue. Even though it was annoying to admit, Seulgi had a point. The younger girl was not a morning person at all and would most likely do something stupid and trip over some random object, or even the air itself, if she got up and walked around haphazardly. It was probably for the best if she stayed in bed and went back to sleep. Getting injured on her own birthday and possibly spending the whole day in the hospital didn't exactly sound pleasant. 


"Fine," Yeri huffed with a pout, realizing that any further attempts at trying to convince Seulgi to think otherwise would have been made in vain. She may have been easygoing in general, but when the dancer was set on something, that was it.


But that didn’t mean Yeri was going to let Seulgi get off scot free. She was going to make sure she was going to get something out of the compromise. “You better call me when you land though.”


The bear took a seat on the edge the bed, causing the mattress to dip a little and laid her hand on Yeri’s knee. "But it’ll be late by the time I get there.”


Seulgi was such a kind and considerate person; traits that Yeri considered to be endearing.


It was also something that was plain annoying at times. 


“I. Don’t. Care."  the maknae growled, pausing between each word for emphasis. She really didn't care. While traveling by air was relatively safe compared to other modes of transportation, there was always that slight chance that something could go wrong. It wasn’t something she wanted to intentionally think about, but the world was a crazy place. There was no way Yeri would have been able to get any sleep if she didn't know whether Seulgi landed in Mexico safely or not.


In order to give the show a sense of authenticity, once Seulgi arrived at the airport, her phone would be confiscated by the producers and be locked away for the duration of filming. Due to this, the two wouldn't be able to communicate for weeks.


At least knowing if Seulgi was alright would give Yeri some peace of mind. 


"You call me when you land so I know you got there safely," she continued while pointing a finger at Seulgi. The sight was a bit ironic. There Yeri was, younger by a few years, telling her older girlfriend to call to check-in like Seulgi was some reckless teenager going on her first school trip to some place far away from home. If anyone else was around to witness the moment, they would have found the situation to be funny.  


But Yeri was serious. There was no way she was going to take “no” for an answer. She could deal with no’s to anything else in the world, even meeting her idol, Ariana Grande, but not to this.


Seulgi opened to respond, most likely to say something against Yeri's demand, but probably figured there was no use in arguing and just nodded. “Fine, fine. I’ll call you when I get there,” Seulgi said as she raised a hand and ruffled Yeri’s hair, making her already bad bed head worse. The Squirtle responded by growling cutely, trying to make it seem like she was going to bite Seulgi’s hand for messing up her hair. Truth be told, the she didn’t mind. She was going to take all the physical affection she could get; it would be a while before she was going to see her favorite person after all. 


"Good," Yeri smiled smugly, satisfied that she got her way. "Better yet. FaceTime me as soon as you land."


“Huh?” Seulgi looked at Yeri as if she suddenly grew an extra head on her shoulder. "What if I gotta pee

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shinchan222 #1
Chapter 2: Cuteee 💕💕
Chapter 2: Whew I never really looked into YermSeul as romantic ship but this is an amazing start, I guess. Like the natural interactions, the teasing and bantering and still with the affectionate ahh, that's a nice read. I must say that it's refreshing to read the way this is written. The slight off-tracking of Yeri's thinking LOL, I like that. I mean at times, I find it hard to believe that a person only ever thinks of their love interest all the time, so the random side thoughts from Yerim is so cute.
paransaek #3
Chapter 2: Oh man so cute
redvelvetstan #4
Chapter 2: thank youuuuu for the update xx
Oblivion_rose #5
Chapter 2: Big UWU
atkrvlv #6
Chapter 2: the roles reversed real quick and i too would want a teddy bear with customised voice lines. luv this two
Chapter 1: uwuuu uwuuuuuu quite surprise knowing they are already dating lol
atkrvlv #8
Chapter 1: hey, it took a while but you eventually uploaded it! i love your stories, i hope you’ll eventually complete all of them. take your time, loving the yermseul here, feels quite close to who they really are.
1737 streak #9
Chapter 1: this is so adorable. i hope you write more yermseul fic someday uwu. waiting for the 2nd part of this fic <333
Chapter 1: i never knew i needed this till right now <3