
Days on an Island
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Yuri came home to a very peaceful home. where she saw her first born in the living room playing her barbie doll and mickey mouse. she came towards her and kissed her crown. Mina smiled upon it and greet her umma back.

"Where's Mommy?"

"In the room, Sleeping."

Yuri stand up and go towards their bedroom. She was tired from work and all those she need right now is to have some rest and a hug from her lovely wife. maybe I'll snuggle up to her  Yuri nod.

Twisting the knob, she open the room widely and saw her wife hugging another man.


In their bed.

Her hand flew to as she looked to her wife and to the man she can't believe what she saw tears b her eyes. 

Her love just cheated on her. She came to look who's the man is then balled her fist. 


It's her Wife's ex. 


and that's how I fool the readers here. peace. 

Third Person

Yuri came home to their unit before dinner, she had told Jessica that she will come home early today cause she had finished all the things needed in the hospital.

She saw her daughter in the living room watching cartoon and clutching her favorite mickey mouse stuffed toy.


"Hey, how's school?"

"It's fine umma we had quiz in math and..." she shrug "I got average score." 

Yuri smiled saying that she did well in her quiz at least average score is better than a zero."Keep it up, Mina-yah. where's mommy?" 

"She's in your room. Mommy have been there for almost more than an hour now." 

Mina said looking at the TV screen. it's the sixth cartoon she's been watching on the TV and every show will last about thirty minutes that's why she knows that her mommy is been in the room for more than an hour. She didn't count it. Just observe it.

"Okay and your brother?"

"Still sleeping." 

it's been three months when Jessica deliver him into the world and last week baby Min Kyung arrived in their house. the baby is still adjusting into his new home but later on he got comfortable and sleeps a lot.

Yuri go towards the room to change but before that, she visit her son first that is sleeping in the bed with two pillow in both sides.

"Hi baby." Yuri greeted him, touching the small hands of her son and insert her index on it and lift it up slightly. Yuri smiled what she was doing and kissed his forehead before she slide it back and stand up.

"Yuri?" Jessica said when she saw her in the middle of the room "You're home." She closed the bathroom where she's been into few moment ago and walked to Yuri and shared at peck.

"What's wrong? did you cry?" It looks like Jessica have been cry but she's not crying.

"No, Have you seen my pump? I can't find it anywhere." 

She's in pain.

her is so sore and needed to extract milk immediately cause the pain is killing her.

"No baby, Where did you put it?" 

"It's in the cabinet but I used it earlier then I forgot where did I put it. Anyway, better change your clothes I'll prepare dinner."

Jessica beam a smile despite the pain she's into. there is also a second option to her suffering and that is her son but the problem is, Min Kyung is sleeping she don't have the heart to wake the baby up.

When she got out, she saw her daughter watching the TV and ask her about the pump hoping that maybe her daughter saw it.

"Mina, have you seen my pump?"

Mina tear her gaze from the TV screen for a moment "What's a pump mommy?"

"The one that I used when you entered our room and asked me regarding your uniform? Remember?"

Mina scan her memory in the back of her head trying to remember what her mommy said. it's the time when she can't find her uniform in the cabinet and entered her mother's room without warning and saw Jessica doing something in her Mina saw the pump she's talking about and broke her own self back in reality. 

"Oh! that one. No mommy. I haven't seen it." Mina shook her head. Jessica sighed dejectedly. she thought her problem is already solve.

"Okay. Come and help me arrange the table first." Mina obeyed her mommy and followed her into the kitchen. this was the time that Jessica been thankful for cause when she needed help, there is someone who she can relay on.


At night, she is waiting for her baby to woke up so she could feed her. the pain won't subside unless her baby will do the job.

She's standing in the crib wearing her bathrobe, looking to a 3 months old baby boy sleeping so peacefully at the crib.

why isn't he waking up?

She glance at the clock 

he supposed to be awaken by this hour. 

sighing, It takes her a sunrise to wait before her son to wake up now cause it's impossible cause this boys is currently in deep sleep and gave her mommy a break for waking up in the middle of the night.

If only Min Kyung know, her mommy badly needed him in this critical state. 

Jessica gave up, she crawled back to bed and lay next to Yuri who is sleeping back facing her, she drape her arm in Yuri's waist then buried her face into the crook of her neck, Trying her best to fall asleep with the comfort she's into.

Few more twist and turns, Jessica couldn't sleep. She is really in deep pain right now. if could only the pump will magically showed up right at this moment she would be thankful but that must be pretty creepy.

"Princess, you okay?" Yuri stirred in the bed and turn towards her wife that is leaning on the head board pressing the side of her .

"Yuri could you find me the pump? My hurt like hell."

Jessica still pressing her side biting her lips as she feel how her ache like some is poking by a needle. there is also few droplet of her milk staining the bathrobe and this only means she absolutely badly needed to extract her milk.

Yuri switch on the lamp, just enough to light the room but dark enough for baby Min Kyung not to wake up on his crib. 

"Where did you put it?"

"I don't know."

 Yuri start to find it from the closet and drawers "it's not in the leaving room?"

"No. It's only here in the room. Somewhere."

Yuri did not response. Instead, she busied herself to find the pump Jessica asked. she go to the bathroom open the cabinet there when she find none, she switch off the light and go out then she go to the baby stuffs hoping to find it but no any traces of the pump. she checked under the bed..None. Under the closet and drawers, None.

 Yuri already checked every corner of the room yet the pumping machine she's finding is nowhere to be found. 

She turned walked back in bed and sat down "I can't find it."

"Oh god. why the things keeps disappearing when you badly needed and appeared when it's not needed?"

she said bowing her head into her knees. she hissed at this moment as another pain again struck her . she also cup her thinking that the pain will be less. 

Yuri there just sat and watched her wife whimpering in pain. she can't sleep either because of Jessica's twist and turns. the pain must be really killing her to the point she's practically worried.

Jessica's keep complaining it earlier in the dinner even if she didn't voiced it out her face tells it.

"Why don't you wake him up?"

"No, he's sleeping soundly."

"but you're in pain."

"Still. I can't wake my son up. this is the first night he didn't cry so maybe I guess he really have a good night." Jessica explained still holding her .

like a light bub pop in Yuri's mind, she have a better idea. and it's the only option for now. She switch off the light bringing back the darkness of the room but it still dim because of the moon illuminating it. 

"Come here and sit in my lap."


"I'll do it."

"What?!" Jessica raised her voice slightly to Yuri yet her seobang already pulled her into her lap.

"This is the only way."

"Yuri, You don't have to."

"No, you're in pain I can see that besides it's late." Jessica hesitate first but the words really stuck to her mind. it's the only way. She badly needed it.

"Okay, just don't bite it." Jessica untie her robe. She feel again the pain strikes and she hissed in that.

"Got it." Yuri brushed the robe lightly to exposed Jessica's making the robe fall past to her shoulder exposing her .

 There, stark at Yuri a definition of the words perfection as she trace her curves using her own two eyes, a goddess in front of her, a perfect molded sculpture in the museum, an artist who wished for to draw and displayed it i in art museum but Yuri wouldn't allow it, she wouldn't let anyone see how perfect her wife's body is, she won't share cause this body belong only to hers and her eyes only can't see it. not anyone else but her. Her goddess of beauty and all the one who holds her heart.

Her wife . Jessica Jung

The moonlight also strike her white skin and she have the urge to have a nosebleed here because of what she's seeing right now.

No matter how many time she saw Jessica's body when they made love but tonight, it's different there's no lust in her eyes, she didn't look at Jessica's body like she is her prey.

 she just admiring it.

The moment her eyes landed on her big , Yuri saw a droplet of milk in Jessica's skin she followed where's the leaking came from until her eyes stopped on her fatty s. her instinct tells her that this must be the sore one so she latched on it.

it gently to avoid hurting Jessica, she can feel how the warm milk filled as her taste bud tells the bland and milky flavor of Jessica's milk run through down to her stomach. it maybe not be the tasty milk they buy in stores, but this milk is healthy and safe enough to drink.

No wonder her children  are strong and healthy because they been fed well in this drink. hmmm Min Kyung wouldn't mind that his umma shared a drink don't he?

Jessica  look down on Yuri, she smiled on her own because of this big baby currently enjoying her milk. she could hear the gulping sound Yuri made every time she swallow down. her hand caressed the raven locks of Yuri like a mother on how she do when she fed her baby. 

She can say that Yuri is being gentle right now, alert at her condition that is sensitive especially her s. she's thankful cause there's Yuri in times when it comes to emergency like this. If not for Yuri and her plan maybe Jessica will be dying in soreness until morning came.

the ministration stop. and the pain is already gone she can feel yuri is also not moving, her arms in Jessica's waits losen a bit. Jessica chuckled.

What a baby.

Yuri had fallen asleep while drinking Jessica's milk and the feeling of how Jessica's caressed her hair. So good and gentle.

"Yuri. babe wake up." She lightly slap her cheek

"Hey.. Don't sleep like that." Jessica still slapping her cheek. Yuri stirred and pull away from her raising her head and look at her.

"Wha-? You okay now?" Jessica nod and peck Yuri's lips before she put her robe on and get off Yuri's lap.

"Thank you. Let's go to sleep you big baby." Jessica said while pulling down Yuri along with her  Yuri then buried her face in between Jessica's .

"Glad you're okay."

"Yeah thanks a lot. get some rest I know you have to go to work early."

"hmm.. can you caressed my hair again? I fell asleep when you do that." 

"Oh.. I thought you fall asleep while enjoying drinking your son's milk." Jessica jokes and start to caressed her hair like what she did earlier. now Yuri looks really like a baby.

"That too..." she is willing to do that again she feel full because of the milk and yeap she enjoyed it. 

In the morning, Yuri was now in her work and Jessica is alone in the house cleaning it cause she feel bored.  Mina was in school and she is done dropping her by in school few hours ago Min Kyung is at her crib doing baby things.

Jessica was currently in their room, vacuuming the floor. the vacuum goes down under their closet to any substances that doesn't see by the eye.

The head of the vacuum graze down the corner until something stuck on it's mouth losing the sound of it's tempo.  

Jessica's forehead wrinkle as her eyebrows furrowed she pulled the vacuum to check what stuck in there and she frown.

it's a thing she needed last night. she turn off the vacuum and pull that out placing it in top of the table beside the closet. 

She is right, that thing is just inside the bedroom and it's hidden underneath the closet. but how come Yuri didn't see it when she kneeled down to look under the closet?

it's because the lamp cannot provide enough to light the end of the closet only half of it got lighten up the rest none. when Yuri look down last night, she saw pitch black failing to noticed it so she stand up and walked back to bed.

stupid pump.

Jessica said in her mind and continue to vacuum.


"Honey, Can you check the kids if it's ready?" Jessica said to her seobang that it's sitting in bed that and busy on her phone.


"Thanks babe." 

"Not a problem.." Yuri wink at her beaming that smile Jessica loves the most before she shove her phone in her pocket and opened the door.


Jessica only shakes her head at her not realizing she is smiling already. 

Yuri stay on the door frame when she saw her 4 year old boy running towards her wearing only his pants and behind him is her 11 year old daughter, she was chasing her brother that is currently in charge of changing him.

"Umma! Umma!"

"Aigoo minmin why are you not wearing any shirt huh?"

"Umma look!" 

"Yah! Min Kyung-ah!" Mina widened her eyes

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I have changed the years of their marriage life hehe I forgot that Jessica gave birth to mina a year after they got married


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Chapter 13: nakakapikon din tong c mingyu
dito na naman ako
langsircoklat #3
I loooooooooooooveeee ur story. And i loveee story about yulsic's family
Chapter 24: What wrote us a third installment of the story??? :-)
Acabo de darme cuenta que leí esta primero xD
Re-reading again.... :)
Hermoso releído
20 streak #8
Chapter 23: You got me on the first one.. Hahah
Chapter 23: Que lindo me encanto