oh i wouldn't worry too much

Denial (Lime Series: Story #2)
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C8: oh i wouldn't worry too much


I sadly didn’t get to say goodbye to Hongseok as I was in a hurry and he was still fast asleep. But I did steal one of his sweatshirts, I needed something to cover both the hickey he gave me and some of my outfit from last night. I mean I can only imagine what my parents would say if they saw me in it.


As soon as I step into the apartment Miseon is leaning out from the kitchen with a smirk on her face. I swear her sole purpose in life is to tease me.


I rush past her to avoid my mom, I head quickly into my room. I strip off Hongseok’s sweatshirt and slip out of my clothes. I rush to shower off quickly and back out into my room.


As I’m brushing my wet hair back Miseon steps into my room. “You almost ready?”


“Yes I still need to get dressed and grab some clothes though.” I turn towards her. Suddenly she’s smirking and I look at her confused.


“Stayed at Jinho’s fiancée’s my .” She snorts. She points down towards my neck and I suddenly know what she’s pointing at. Dammit Hongseok. I raise my hand to cover the dark hickey he had left there last night. “You must’ve been all cozied up in Hongseok’s bed last night.”


I glare at her. “Could you leave!”


“Oh you’re not denying it ehh.” She winks and quickly steps forward. Her hand moves to squeeze my hip and I wince. Miseon wiggles her eyebrow before she tsks. “Hongseok definitely got lucky last night.”


I chuck my hair brush at her but she dodges it and runs out laughing all the way.


I groan to myself, why’d I have to be so obvious. I mean I wasn’t that sore but still it wasn’t a pleasant feeling when she squeezed my hip, Hongseok may have been just a bit too rough. I mean not to give out too much information but it's not like I didn't enjoy in the moment. I was however regretting it now that Miseon knows what happened last night.




“Mina hurry up!” My mom calls from the car as I lug my bag behind me. I huff once inside the car, throwing my bag into the back and slipping into the back seat alongside Miseon and Minjoon.


“How do you ever expect to get a boyfriend when you’re that slow?” My mom groans putting the car in drive.


“Oh I wouldn’t worry too much.” Miseon remarks, which my mom unfortunately catches. She puts the car back into park and turns towards me.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asks and I groan under my breath.


“I don’t know, why don’t you ask Mina who’s place she slept at again?” Miseon smirks towards me.


“Mina?” My mom glances at me waiting for an answer.


“I told you I stayed at Kayoon’s place, Kayoon is Jinho’s fiancée.” I shrug it off. "You heard her on the phone."


“Oh so did Kayoon give you that hickey on your collarbone then?” Miseon winks, Minjoon gags and suddenly my dad is turning arou

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Breakfast-breakslow #1
I was going to read it but i guess I should check the Prequel first ^^
Chapter 9: OMG poor Hwitaek at the end had me dying :D this was such a sweet story with enough suspense to leave you wondering what came next for Mina. I am really interested in reading all the other members stories so I can't wait until they are published, I am really interested now in know more of Hwitaeks story lol. Thank you for this!!
Dayummm, it was such a good and easy flowing read <3 i loved it! I feel bad for Hui HAHA :'))

I have fallen for Hongseok's charms in this story, and has made me notice him more XD

Chapter 8: I just wanted to let you know that before I read this I didn't know anything about Pentagon but the story sounded so interesting so I decided to give it a try and I am so glad I did because this is a very good story and thanks to you I got to know an amazing group^^ Thank you for writing this and for introducing me to Pentagon <3 <3 <3 I hope there will be another update soon :D
Chapter 8: GAHHH OMGOMGOMG THE LATEST CHAPTER!! <3 gaddayum it, i can't stop smiling and laughing HAHAHA
Chapter 6: I really like this story so far^^ I love how such good friends Jinho and Hongseok are to Mina. And I am torn between wanting Mina and Hongseok to become a couple and wanting Changgu to open his eyes and see that maybe Mina is the right girl for him. I can't wait for the next chapter^^
Chapter 5: I'M DED! I need moreeee! <3<3
Chapter 2: OMGGG HONGSEOK!! He immediately stole my heart, he's so freaking sweet!! Okay i'm ded <3