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FANTASY AU! Irene lived for a long time under the moonlight, trapped in the ice that surrounds her heart, that she even forgot how the warm felt. Wendy always lived for adventure, being looked down by her peers, her passion for old myths will lead her to the journey of her life. This encounter between this countrasting creatures will teach them about what it means to be human, about life and forgiveness.


"The greatest of quests is about finding yourself"

Fantasy AU!: The rise of Guardians/Aladdin inspiration

Sinopsis: Wendy is a street rat that has a passion for old myths and dreams of becoming someone to be proud of, this passion will lead her to learn about the myth of Jack Frost and his loneliness. In the journey of seeking the truth about the enigmatic Jack Frost, she will learn more about herself and the hardships of being a hero. 


This is an entry for the marvelous writing contest "Reveur", it's about fairy tales! And which best than my favorite classic "Aladdin", hope you all read the entries because are all full of magic.


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: wow I found this story in 2018, commented and came back in 2020. It's been 2 years and this story hasn't been updated
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: The first part is very beautiful, interesting and mysterious
Favebolous 14 streak #3
I am ready to read this story
Chapter 1: First chapter and I'm already in love with this. Rise of the guardians. <3
Chapter 1: mankind doing my babies dirty
someone needs to kick the magic into them
b e l i e v e, motherers
garensuhanazono #6
HufflepuffBaby #7
Chapter 1: i'm shook! this is so good
it somehow made me tear up ;_;
Chapter 1: Oh, damn. Humanity is doing my girl Yeri so dirty :') come on you lazy s, get some spirit and believe ! Y'all don't want a sack of bones giving you dreams now, do you? Take after our beautiful angel Wendy and knock some m a g I c into your heads

Seriously, low key dying Yeri here makes me emo ;-; poor girl. AH, BUT I TOLD YOU. I called it - I knew this would be g o o d ! I'm deadass anticipating meeting the rest of the characters so much already
YOOOOOO finally another red velvet centric entry I'm 101% ready to read this !!! And I bet it'll be real good, too ~ good luck :)
Interesting! Looking forward for this