I'm Sure

I'm Sure

Jimin is heading to bed after a long day of practicing and a much needed shower when he hears a soft melody coming from somewhere in the dorm. He follows the sound to the recording studio and quietly opens the door poking his head in, the sound much louder now. He walks towards the boy sitting at the piano playing a melancholy tune and stands behind him, careful not to hover. Jimin closes his eyes and stands listening to the notes flowing out of the boys long slender fingers through the piano. He listened silently until the older boy began to play their song 'Young Forever'. When the chorus hit Jimin couldn't help it and slipped out the words so softly "Forever, we are young." The older boy jumped causing the piano to make a serious of unfortunate noises. "How long were you here?" Yoongi said annoyed, turning around to face Jimin. Yoongi was taken by surprise when he turned to look at Jimin, air forcing itself out of his lungs in a hard push almost causing him to gasp but not quite. His mouth hung open just the smallest little bit as he stared at the boy standing over him, wet hair in chucks around his face and a sweet smile. Yoongi couldn't count the times he'd wished he was able to kiss Jimin's lips.
"Hyung, are you okay?"
"Yeah" Yoongi replied, snapping back to reality "Yeah, Just tired." He said rubbing his eyes.
"If you're not ready to sleep yet, would you mind playing for me?" Jimin asked, eyes wide, bracing himself for rejection.
"You know I don't like to play around people." Yoongi said standing up and walking away from the piano.
"I know." Jimin said following him to look out of the window in the studio on the second floor. "But I can't sleep Yoongi Hyung." He lied standing behind him. "But-" Yoongi tried to say when he caught Jimins reflection in the window, his eyes hopeful and his mouth in a pout. "Fine" he said rolling his eyes, stealing a glance at Jimin in the glass. Instantly Jimin's mouth spread wide open showing all of his teeth, Yoongi smiled embarassed and looked down at the floor before composing himself and walking back to the piano.
"What do you want me to play, Jiminie?" He said taking his place on the bench in front of the piano. The piano was large and brown with worn color, it looked just like the one from his childhood. Unwelcome thoughts of his youth came flooding in making him feel homesick.
"Can you finish playing Young Forever?" Jimin asked standing beside him.
"Sure, but you have to come sit with me." He said. "You're making me uncomfortable standing behind me."
"Okay." Jimin laughed, the shaking in his voice barely audible.

Jimin always cared for his hyung but, it wasn't until recently that he knew he cared for him in a way that scared him. One week ago Jimin saw Yoongi sitting at the kitchen table writing, soft purple bags under his eyes and a T-Shirt two sizes too big. Jimin's heart fluttered looking at his hyung vulnerable like this and suddenly, his feelings changed. He didn't understand them at first because he was always told 'Boys don't love boys.' but the pains in his chest and the speed of his heart begged to differ.

Jimin sat on the end of the bench hanging off slightly, not wanting to push into Yoongi in fear of turning red.
"Here," Yoongi said wrapping one strong arm around his waist and moving slightly to the other side of the bench making room for Jimin. "Better?" He asked. Jimin nodded and Yoongi started to play the piano again. He played a few short songs getting his fingers used to his new seat and finding the keys. After about fifteen minutes of practicing he started to play 'Young Forever'. Jimin leaned onto Yoongis shoulder, careful not to mess up the motions of his arm. He laid watching Yoongis fingers tap the keys lightly and when they chorus came he started to sing again "Forever, we are young." He sang so softly only Yoongi could hear. Yoongi agreed in a melody that was beautiful in a much different way than Jimins, raw and quiet "Forever, we are young." Jimin smiled closing his eyes. His eyelids were starting to get heavy and he assumed Yoongi was starting to fight off sleep as well when his hands dropped to his lap leaving a comfortable silence in the room. They sat at the piano for a few more minutes when Yoongi started to get up again. Jimin reached out and held onto Yoongi's shirt stopping him from moving.
"Hyung can I ask you question?" "What's up, Jiminie?" Yoongi asked as he settled back beside him, Jimins head on his shoulder again.
"Can boys love boys?" He asked staring at the floor embarassed.
"Yes." Yoongi answered, shocked by the question.
"How do you know?" He asked, fighting the urges to tell his hyung how he felt.
"Because Jiminie, isn't it obvious? Have you ever seen me with a girl?" Yoongi said quick to get the words out before he changed his mind.
"Oh." Was all Jimin could manage with the cluster of thoughts in his brain. He lifted his head from his shoulder. "How did you know?"
"If you're uncomfortable you didn't have to ask." Yoongi said turning red, noticing the cold on his shoulder where Jimin should be.
"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm confused." Jimin said looking up to meet eyes with Yoongi. "I think I love a boy." Jimin said sitting turned to face Yoongi. "How do I know?" He asked embarassed, unable to look at Yoongi anymore because the person he was talking to was also the person he was talking about.
"Ah, don't worry about it Jiminie." Yoongi said wrapping his arm around Jimins waist and pulling him close again. "You'll just know." He said, not moving his arm from Jimin's waist.
"Can we sit on the couch? I'm not ready for bed yet" Jimin asked fighting off sleep.
"I can tell when you're lying." Yoongi said laughing.
"Can we just sit like this for a while?" He asked.
"It's getting late, Jiminie. you really should be going to sleep, you can barely keep your eyes open."
"Fine." Jimin said pouting as he stood up from the bench and turned toward the door. "Wait for me!" Yoongi said as he started frantically gathering his sheet music and piling it on top of the piano. Jimin stood in the door way confused but didn't bother to ask questions because he was feeling slightly upset with Yoongi rejecting him. When Yoongi was finished he turned to leave with Jimin, placing a firm hand on his lower back and moving forward. They walked through the dorm heading to their rooms when Yoongi walked right passed his not even looking at it.
"Where are you going?" Jimin asked confused.
"Bed." Yoongi answered still walking forward.
"You passed your room." Jimin said annoyed.
"I thought you wanted me to sleep with you." Yoongi answered, causing Jimin to choke on his spit. "Not like that Jimin, oh my god." He said removing his hand.
"I do." Jimin answered as he opened his bedroom door. He crawled into his bed laying on his side. Yoongi crawled in beside him grabbing his mid-section pulling him in closer until they could feel eachothers warmth. The comfortable heat welcoming much needed sleep.

The light pouring in from the windows caused Jimin to wake up. He tried to sit up and was restricted by heavy, sleeping arms he completely forgot about. Jimin blushed and unwrapped one arm gently, climbing out of bed.

That night after Jimin showered and was making his way to his bedroom he heard a loud crash, this time he knew it was in the studio. He frantically walked in the direction of the noise, barely stopping himself from running. He got to the studio out of breath and flung the door open, his mouth opening and eyes widening. Jimin's eyes went first to a red faced Min Yoongi and then to a shiny black piano. He scanned the room for the cause of the crashing noise and found the broken binder of sheet music sprayed across the floor. Jimin moved in quick, closing the door behind him.
"They threw out my piano, Jimin." Yoongi said through gritted teeth, trying to force back the tears that were already falling. Jimin reached up a hand to wipe the tears from Yoongis red cheeks.
"It was the closest thing I had to home." Yoongi said choking on his tears. "I can't even play this, they keys aren't worn in and it doesn't feel right." He continued. Jimin didn't say anything but instead wrapped his arms around Yoongis torso, pressing his face into his chest listening to his irregular heartbeat. Yoongi continued to choke back sobs and shake in Jimins arms eventually giving into his embrace and wrapping his own arms around the other boy. They stood in this embrace until Yoongis heart beat calmed and the tears stopped, short breaths pushing their way out of Yoongis chest, Jimin still holding onto him tight. After things calmed down Yoongi pushed Jimins arms off of his torso, keeping hold of one hand. They made their way to the couch, Yoongi exhausted from crying. They laid in silence, each at one end of the couch legs wrapped together in the middle. After a while Yoongi used Jimins knees to pull himself upright,
"Do you think you know yet?" He asked. "About boys loving boys, I mean."
Jimin pulled himself into a sitting position, meeting eyes with Yoongi, legs tangled together. His eyes were puffy from crying, a faint purple color settling underneath them.
"Yeah, I think I know." Jimin said moving closer, lips hovering inches away from each other. "Make sure." Yoongi whispered closing his eyes, the air from his words hitting Jimins lips. He reached his hand up twisting his fingers in Jimins hair the way he's always wanted to. Jimin stared at Yoongis face so close and breathed in nervously causing his top lip to brush against Yoongi's, every part of him shaking and begging for closeness yet too nervous to make a move. An impatient moan slipped out of Yoongi's throat and he closed the distance pressing his lips into Jimins, soft and big. Jimin opened his mouth just enough to slide their lips together, wet and warm. Their lips moved roughly against eachother while Yoongi pulled at the hair he had in his fist making Jimin throw his head back, Yoongi quickly chasing after him. When their lips found rhythm Yoongi smiled and pushed his tongue into the kiss. Jimin gasped feeling everything in his body melt away to nothing. He broke the kiss just enough to breathe out the words "I'm sure." before completely surrendering to his touch.

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