Eternal Soliloquy

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Kim Namjoon knew three things in life.

1. Change doesn't just happen, you have to make change happen. Sometimes that might mean becoming a masked vigilante how protects your city.

2. Some men (and women) just want to watch the world burn but no matter what they do you must never sink down to their level.

3. People don't come back from the dead. No matter how much you wish they would. 


 What happens when a man shows up under RM's greatest rivals old pseudonym ready to burn the entirety of Beomgul down in an attempt to finish 'the job' RM started and is willing to take RM down with the rest of the villainous scum if he gets in his way. What happens when said, masked man, seems a little too familiar but it couldn't be him after all he is dead.   



That Batman AU no one asked for.


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