Chapter 5


Wendy finally popped the question on their third lunch, this time at the school cafeteria since the menu was japchae, which they both craved at the moment. (For some reason their taste buds were always on the same wavelength)

They sat in one of the seats at the corner, Wendy chatting away about her previous class and Irene Bae listening quietly, attentively. They had grown a little, tiny bit closer through time, though the older girl was still wary (she could feel it). Irene Bae was holding herself back, though Wendy had no idea why.

She still rarely speaks about herself in conversations and still had an ever rarer smile. Her snark hasn’t really gone away and Wendy suspected it was her real, un-sugarcoated vocabulary at its rawest form.

“Boys are impossible,” Joohyun commented, scrunching her nose as Wendy finished telling her about her classmate in chemistry that managed to knock the vials together and made things explode.

“This is an opening, unnie!” Yeri yelled in her ear, almost making her wince. She almost forgot about the tiny bug in her ear, “Ask her about her type!”

“Speaking of boys,” Wendy cleared , “If you don’t mind me asking, sunbae, do you like someone?”

“A boy?”


Irene Bae snorted, “No,”

“Then what’s your ideal type? People always fawn over you but I don’t see you going starry eyed on anyone,”

Irene Bae shot her the look, “Then you’re not seeing me well enough,”

Wendy Son waited, ignoring the weird feeling that one particular look gave. Irene Bae didn’t seem to have plans of continuing though, going back to slurping her glass noodles.

“Well? Try again!” this time, it was Seulgi.

“So,” she started again, carefully figuring out how to approach the topic, “You do have someone you’re keeping an eye on?”

Irene Bae looked at her again, “I’m not going to answer that,”

Wendy was frustrated at this mental battle they fought. It was frying her brain cells.

“Don’t ask that. Just ask about her ideal type.” Joy advised and Wendy listened.

“You must have an ideal type though. I mean, everyone has, right?”

Finally, Irene Bae put down her chopsticks and dabbed a napkin on her lips before pursing them thoughtfully. Wendy crossed her fingers, hoping that the older girl would decide that her question was worth answering. She was like that, only answering selected questions that passed through her mental screening.

What came out of was another question, however.

“What’s yours?”

Wendy wanted to groan and pull her hair out. She grabbed on to the supposedly endless amount of patience in her and willed herself to stay calm.

“I like people who feel like a father,”

Irene Bae raised a brow, “What, like, sugar daddies?”

Wendy almost choked, “What? No! I meant people who are reliable, and caring, and respectful. Like a dad. I also like people who look pretty when they smile.”

“Pretty when they smile huh?” the older girl replied, looking amused, “Should I start smiling a lot for you then?”

This time, Wendy did choke. She quickly gulped down her water because damn she didn’t see that coming.

(In her ear, she could hear her friends guffawing. Some friends)

“S-Sorry?” she spluttered.

 Irene Bae chuckled lightly, “You’re fun to tease,”

“I should really meet her in person after this. We are so going to get along well,Joy commented.

Wendy groaned, “Not you too,” she grumbled.

The older girl sported a small smile, shaking her head. She was silent for a long minute before speaking.

 “I like someone warm,”

How vague. Warmth could mean a lot.

 “Ask her if she wants someone to protect her,”

“Like, someone who’d protect you or something?”

Irene Bae scrunched her nose, “I don’t need protection,”

“Maybe caring people?”

“Someone who’s caring then?”

“I can take care of myself,”

“How about someone who’s literally warm? She does get cold easily,”

Trust Seulgi to offer the worst ideas.

Wendy ignored her and went for her own interpretation instead.

“Someone with a warm gaze and actions. The sincere and kind type.”

(She pretended not to hear Joy saying “Why does that sound familiar,” in her ear)

Irene Bae stared at her before snorting, returning to her food, “What do you know,” she mumbled beneath her breath.

Wendy chuckled, knowing she hit bull’s-eye, “Not a lot, apparently,” she said,

“Unless you let me know more,”




It wasn’t wise to eat ramyun during the wee hours of night yet here she is, slurping on one big bowl in a nearby convenience store clad in embarrassing bunny pajamas with a friend who was fortunately still up, finishing a paper.

Contrary to popular believe, Joohyun did have friends, though counted with one hand, being someone who valued quality over quantity.

“How’s your report going, Juhyun?”

“It’s fine, though I’ll need to make this midnight snack quick so I could get back to it. Unfortunately, deadlines don’t wait and take a break,” Juhyun huffed, taking a swig from her coffee.

“Shouldn’t have called you out then,”

“Nah, it’s fine. I needed to take a breather anyway,”

Bae Joohyun and Seo Juhyun. It was confusing, both for them and the people around. Both girls were of the same age and had the same prim image but that’s where the similarities end.

Compared to her, Seo Juhyun was more outgoing and friendly and way more innocent and pure (and a thousand times taller). The girl was a science major and though Joohyun was interested in the course, she’d rather stick to dancing.

“What’s this for, by the way? Can’t sleep?” Juhyun asked, “Cell regeneration time starts at ten, Hyun,”

Joohyun smiles at the familiar reprimand, “I know, I know. I try to sleep by ten when I can. Just…not tonight,” her smile turned weary, almost a tired grimace.

Intelligent eyes roamed around her face, splashed with worry, “What’s wrong?”

Joohyun is quick to shake her head, “It’s nothing big. Just have a lot of thought in mind, that’s all,”

Concern then hardened into a stern gaze, “Hyun, I swear to god, if you’re thinking about that again, I’ll—”

“No, it’s not that.” she cut in, sighing.

“You sure?”

She nodded, “It’s been years. I’m dancing again. I’m over it,” she said, “Besides, I have a new problem altogether and she’s—”

Joohyun abruptly stopped mid-sentence, attention completely stolen by the customer that passed through the doors of the store. Her mind stopped working. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. She blames the lack of sleep.

“Hyun? Joohyun?” Juhyun waved her palm in front of Joohyun’s face, “You have a new problem and?”

And she’s right there.

Her eyes remained glued on the petite figure walking about the store, dumping items into her basket until she could no longer see her, the petite stature hidden between rows of shelves.

“Hyun, what are you…oh hey, isn’t that Wendy?”Juhyun had turned just in time for the girl to emerge from the aisle. The former then started to stand, about to raise her hand and beckon Wendy Son over. Joohyun scrambled to stop her.

“You know her?” Joohyun asked, surprised because Juhyun’s from a different university far away from theirs.

“Wendy? Yeah, she’s a sweet kid,” Juhyun paused, “Oh, that’s right. You go to the same university, don’t you?”

Joohyun slowly nodded, wondering how to ask her question without sounding too eager, “How—How did you meet?”

“She goes to Chung-Ang frequently to visit a friend,”

She leaned forward, “A friend?” she frowned. Just how many friends did Wendy Son have? And just how close were they that she makes an effort to drive for an hour just to meet?

“Yeah. They’ve been friends way back in Canada and I’m also friends with this friend so I somehow met her through that friend,”

Joohyun made a time-out gesture, confused, “Wait, what?”

“See, this friend—”

“No, no, no, no. I mean, who’s this friend, exactly?”

“Oh, her name’s Amber.”

Joohyun narrowed her eyes, “A girl,”

“Yes,” Juhyun answered, “Why are you acting like this?”

Joohyun shook her head and tried to relax her strained muscles, “I’m not acting in any particular way,”

However, her friend wasn’t about to buy any of it, “You never showed interest in anyone before and—wait, you were staring at her just now, weren’t you?”

Joohyun tried to ignore the fact that her cheeks had started burning, “No.” came the instant denial, “I wasn’t staring at anyone,”

Juhyun merely nodded, “Okay, you so were. So. Why is Wendy causing you problems, hm?”

Joohyun wished her friend didn’t know her too well. She wasn’t even surprised that Juhyun had hit right on mark.

She slumped, all the fight drained out of her, “She’s getting too close.” she said, “Lately, she’s been hanging around me, saying she wants to be my friend and I just don’t know what to do about that.”

The other girl hummed, setting down her coffee, “That sounds so Wendy. And I assume you’ve been giving her the cold shoulder like you always initially do?”

Joohyun hesitated, “…Maybe?”

Thankfully, Juhyun wasn’t holding her cup because if she was, she would have spilled her coffee in surprise. By far, it was the most comical expression Joohyun had seen on her usually calm and composed friend. The urge to take out her phone and snap a picture was strong.

Maybe?! How long had she been approaching you?”

“Um, I don’t know, a few days?”

Juhyun’s jaw dropped, “You-You’re telling me that you’re already comfortable around her in a few days?!” she hissed, jabbing at herself with her thumb, “While I had to endure your cold treatment for two years?”

Joohyun winced at the memory, feeling bad, “Look, I’m sorry. You know what I’ve been through,” she sighed, “And I didn’t say that I’m comfortable around her,”

“Oh, you are so comfortable, all right. That’s why it’s bothering you.”

She sighed, “I don’t know why but she makes me feel comfortable. Worse, she makes me want to trust her and I’m afraid…I’m afraid that I…”

Juhyun continued looking at her, waiting.

She pursed her lips before the words tumbled hesitantly off her tongue,

“I’m afraid that I might,”

She bit her lip after barely whispering the confession while Juhyun seated across reached out to hold her hand in a form of comfort, thumb rubbing against knuckles.

“Wendy’s a really nice person, one of the kindest I’ve ever met. You know, she bakes me delicious pastries during my examinations to cheer me up and we’re not even that close.” Juhyun said, “If there’s anyone I’m totally confident will never break your trust, it would be Wendy.”

Joohyun observed her friend, noting the gentle eyes and soft smile, “Are you telling me to trust her?”

Juhyun shook her head, “No, that decision is up to you,” she said, “What I’m trying to tell you is that it’s okay. There’s no need to be afraid.”

Joohyun tried to wrap her mind around that but before she could reply or even say a word of thanks, their little moment was interrupted by the subject of the talk herself.


Both of them turned around.

(Joohyun felt a tad bit of satisfaction upon seeing that those soft brown eyes were locked on her, pink lips calling her name)

“Oh! It really is you!” Wendy Son’s face lit up before noticing the other girl, “Oh? Juhyun-unnie?” her bright smile then turned into confusion, forefinger pointing from one Joohyun to another, “Wait, what?”

Always the diplomat, Juhyun smiled, “Hi, Wendy,”

“Hi, unnie,” she replied, though still looking bewildered, “You-You know each other?”

Joohyun continued with her silence and stoic stare while Juhyun (rolling eyes and kicking shin at the former) did the socializing.

“Yeah, we’re high school friends,”

“Oh, I see,”

Juhyun chuckled and suddenly stood, giving Joohyun a panic attack, “Well, I better get going. I have a report to finish.” she looked at Joohyun who was desperately giving her signals through her eyes, “I told you I won’t stay for long, Hyun-ah. I’ll see you next time,” she shifted her attention back to the younger, “Bye, Wen,” she waved and Wendy waved back until she was no longer visible.

Maybe it was because it was currently 2AM in the morning and Joohyun was in her bunny pajamas that a stifling silence enveloped them like it had never before. Wendy Son shifted her weight from foot to foot while Joohyun suddenly found the invisible lint on her nails interesting.

“So, uh,” Wendy Son cleared , “Nice jammies,”

Joohyun shot her a glare, heat creeping up her cheeks. She really should’ve changed before going out. “Shut up,”

Wendy Son laughed, a melodic sound that dispelled whatever tension floating in the air.

“Mind if I take a seat?” she asked, though she was already sitting down.

“Yes, actually,”

The younger girl chuckled, “How typical of you,”

They sat in silence for a few moments. Joohyun took her time in drinking in the sight of the girl across her; a hurricane of a hair, an oversized grey hoodie, and a bare face that made Joohyun question if it was really bare because skin can’t look that flawless, can it?

“Are you wearing makeup?” she found herself blurting out.

Wendy Son didn’t seem to expect the question. She lifted a hand to cover her face, suddenly flustered and conscious, “No. Why?”

Joohyun shook her head, dismissing it. She made a mental note to ask Wendy Son for skincare tips next time. Maybe tomorrow, when they’ve both gotten sleep.

“Wanna go for a walk?”

The younger girl shrugged, “Yeah, sure.”

Wendy Son waited by the door as Joohyun threw out her trash before they both stepped out into the cold night, a gentle breeze greeting them. The stroll was silent, the sounds of their feet trudging along the ground filling the air. Joohyun looked up to the pitch black sky and pouted, unconsciously rubbing her palms together for warmth. There’s not much stars tonight too.

Suddenly, a soft material was draped over her shoulder and the familiar and fragrant vanilla surrounded the air around her, making it hard to breathe without getting a serious case of flutters and intoxication.

She gave a questioning look at Wendy Son who now wore nothing more than a white shirt. The younger refused to even glance at her when she replied, “You looked cold,”

A smile threatened to curve her lips as she tugged on the hem of the hoodie, pulling it closer,


“Yeah, uh,” Wendy Son cleared , “You live nearby, sunbae?”

“Yeah,” Joohyun answered, “You?”


The Beverly Hills of South Korea. Joohyun scoffed. Why am I not surprised?

She then blinked, brain processing, “Wait, isn’t that, like, an hour away from here?”

“Yep,” Wendy Son chirped, clasped hands behind her head, “An hour and a half, actually. I like to drive around when I can’t sleep,”

Joohyun glanced at her, “Have trouble sleeping?”


They fell into silence again. Their steps, Joohyun noticed, was tinier than usual and she wanted it to stay that way.

(Hoping the night would never end)

They stopped at a point overlooking the city, colorful lights dotting the dark. It was breathtaking. But then Joohyun looked up, remembered the absence of the stars in the sky, and thought that no man-made twinkling lights could compare with the beauty of burning, dying balls of gas gazillion miles away. The latter sounded much more romantic.

“Did you know that humans are literally made of stardust?”

Wendy Son tore her eyes off the city lights to give her a look, “You believe that stuff?”

Joohyun shrugged, “Physicists say we are made of intergalactic debris and far-flung atoms, shards of carbon nanomatter rounded up by gravity to circle the sun,” she looked at Wendy Son, “So yeah, I don’t see why not,”

The younger girl stared at her blankly for a moment before chuckling, “You’re such an astronomy geek. I should’ve known…” she trailed off, “Tell me more about our stardust ancestors then, Professor Bae,” 

Joohyun allowed herself a small smile and complied, “I once read that the nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies. We are made of the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of stardust,” she paused, looking up longingly at the dark sky, “Don’t you think that’s beautiful?”

“It is,”

Wendy Son’s voice had gone extra soft and Joohyun was flustered to see her staring when she turned to look. Her cheeks involuntarily colored and she hoped it wasn’t visible in the dark.

The younger girl had abandoned her almost-constant glasses and Joohyun was able to see her eyes in a clearer view; swirling soft brown that twinkled even in the darkest of night containing mirth and gentleness and warmth.

(And a bit of brokenness that Joohyun recognized in her own reflection whenever she looked at herself in the mirror)

(And if she looked closer into the whirlpools of warm cocoa, she’d be able to witness the spectacular death of stars.

Humans were made of stardust.

Wendy Son was stardust.

Joohyun had to look away, afraid to get caught in the midst of a supernova.)

“Do you want to hear a story?”

The beginning of her whispered confession was so soft it almost got carried away with the night breeze.

She could feel her eyes on her but Joohyun refused to look, eyes boring on a random building afar, clenching and unclenching her hands, tugging the hoodie closer and closer for reassurance.

“There was once a star,” she continued before the younger girl could even reply, the truth tumbling out of her lips before she could stop them. She blames it on the gravitational pull from Wendy Son’s eyes, “And the star was in a constellation with a few others.”

Joohyun heaved a sigh, “They stayed together as a beautiful constellation for a long time. Our heroine star was contented. She was happy. Until one light-year in space…”

“What happened?” Wendy Son softly urged when she didn’t continue.

“One light-year, there came an asteroid. A floating, ugly, rocky, asteroid that somehow found its way in the middle of the constellation,” she cleared . Her voice had gone raspy, “The other stars wanted to eat it up for themselves. So they could burn a lot brighter and outshine everyone—especially our heroine.”

“Then I guess our little star was the fairest of them all, wasn’t she?”

Joohyun looked at her and she knew that Wendy Son saw through it all.

“Anyway,” she continued on, ignoring the younger’s comment, “The asteroid was, unfortunately, attracted to our star but she didn’t shine brighter. Not at all. The other stars got mad. They shook her off their constellation and she burned through space, wandering aimlessly.”

Wendy Son waited but Joohyun had stopped talking.

“And? What happened next?”

“Isn’t it obvious? The star burned, exploded, and died. The end.”

Wendy Son hummed thoughtfully, fingers drumming against the railing, “No, I don’t think so,”

She turned to give her a frown but the younger girl merely smiled, the stars burning bright and warm in her eyes and Joohyun suddenly didn’t mind the absence of her favorite constellations in the sky.

(It didn’t matter when there was stardust sparkling in Wendy Son’s eyes, near and in reach)

“The star burned, exploded, and died, yes, but it isn’t the end just yet. It scattered nitrogen, calcium, iron, and carbon across our galaxy. Now, those atoms once again met, churning and forming and creating,” she paused, tilting her head to make sure Joohyun met her eyes, “And Bae Joohyun was born. Of stardust and pain.”

Looking into those eyes, Joohyun knew that Wendy Son understood, without words. By some dark magic, the younger girl had seen through her barriers and vague words. How is that even possible?

“You know, I also read somewhere that for a star to be born a gaseous nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble. It is not your destruction. It is your birth,” Wendy Son said, “So enough about all that stuff about stars dying and crap. You are the entire universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while,”

Joohyun flinched when she felt a warm hand enveloping her freezing one, fingers slotting themselves between hers, fitting ridiculously snug.

Wendy Son squeezed her hand gently, small smile blossoming into a full-blown one, complete with pearly white teeth and the slight tilt of her lips.

“After all, you’re basically a ghost driving a meat coated skeleton made from stardust so what do you have to be afraid of?”

Joohyun had to laugh, a light, bubbly feeling rising in her chest.

Ah, how annoying, she thought with a smile.




Joohyun was in a quaint coffee shop in the university, studying for the upcoming exams.

With Wendy Son.

(After last night, she knew Wendy Son was going to be permanent in her life. Whether the younger girl liked it or not.

She couldn’t believe herself. In such a short time, she had let Wendy Son worm her way into her heart.

Wendy Son…well, she’s a special case.

But she didn’t consider her a friend just yet. Even after last night.

She was serious when she said she wasn’t interested in friendship.)

She silently hummed along to the music in her ears. Wendy Son had finished the song days ago and told her to listen to the demo and get familiar with it. It was nice. Joohyun could already see possible dance moves that would fit some parts.


Joohyun jolted, head spinning to the owner of the voice. A frown automatically settled on her features as their eyes meet. She totally forgot about this one problem since she was busy solving the other one.

“I’m sorry but I don’t remember giving you permission to call me by my real name, Park Bogum-ssi,”

The boy readjusted his glasses that strangely reminded Joohyun of Wendy. Park Bogum had been chasing her ever since she could remember and he just wouldn’t get shaken off no matter how hard she tried.

He was annoying. But not in the same way Wendy Son was.

“Oh, uh, sorry,” he apologized, looking bashful, “Do you mind if I sit with you?

“There are plenty of vacant tables, Park Bogum-ssi,”

“Um, actually…” he gestured vaguely around them.

Joohyun looked around and was surprised to see the two remaining vacant tables occupied. Now, how did that happen? She swore she never saw them enter.

She bit the insides of her cheek, eyes searching. Wendy Son wasn’t back yet, the girl saying that she left her chemistry notes in her locker. Should she have been here, she would have let the younger deal with the boy.

Where the hell is that girl?

Finally, she looked at Park Bogum and sighed.

“Okay, you can sit. But once my…the person I’m with comes back, you’ve got to give the seat back,” 

He smiled and thanked her as he took his seat.

Joohyun returned to her book, not minding the boy in front of her taking out his. They remained silent, which was surprising. Frankly, Joohyun was ready to reject another advance from this guy. She kind of expected him to pull out a bouquet of roses and exclaim his undying love.

But what he did was nowhere near her expectations.

A few minutes in reading his book, Park Bogum finally spoke.

“I’m sorry, Irene-sunbae.”

Joohyun looked up, “For what?”

“For being stubborn at pursuing you. Thinking back, it was a bit overboard,” he chuckled bashfully, rubbing his nape, “But I want to start over. If you’d let me,” he looked up, meeting Joohyun’s eyes.

“Start over,” she echoed.

“Yes.” he nodded, looking genuinely sincere, “As friends,”

“As friends,” she repeated again.

Wendy Son had turned her soft. If this had happened a week ago, she would have had no hesitation on saying a blunt no.

Now, however, she started to wonder how kindhearted, pushover Wendy Son would react if she did that.

“That’s terrible, sunbae! How could you turn him down like that? I’m sure he meant well…”

Or probably something along those lines adorned with a pout and followed by a long nag about letting people in and probably throwing in some lines related to astronomy just to hit the spot right.

She took a deep breath, choosing to put her trust in Wendy Son’s hand.


She better be proud of me, she thought with a scoff.




Finally, it was officially the day 1 of their Mission 101: Woo Irene Bae.

The plan Joy made was rehearsed again and again in Wendy’s head as they dressed Park Bogum up to look warm and fuzzy and exactly Irene Bae’s ideal type.

It wasn’t hard with visuals like Park Bogum’s. The guy was effortlessly handsome. Let him wear a fuzzy sweater and style his hair right and he’d look like the warmest man on earth.

Wendy was confident. Sure, Irene Bae was tough but surely, her ice would melt with someone like Park Bogum, right?

Okay maybe she wasn’t so sure.

Which was why she fussed over her the plan again and again, trying to reassure herself that everything would be okay. She checked and rechecked the microphones and the earpieces, spoke to the in-charge of the coffee shop (anonymously of course, with some thick wads of cash involved), and contacted the girls in every five minutes, checking where they are and asking Seulgi multiple times about the pieces she needed to play on the piano to operate the confusing machines, though she had long memorized them.

“Wendy, I swear, this is the first time I’m seeing you this frantic,” Seulgi told her when the former arrived at the HQ. Gorgeous and Squirtle were already in position.

Wendy gave her a wild-eyed look, “I’m always frantic,”

“During exams, yes, which is kind of annoying since you’d ace it anyway,” Seulgi made a face, “But not during operations. You sure you’d be okay?”

Wendy took a deep breath, “Yeah. Sure. I’ll be fine,”

Seulgi studied her warily, “Okay. Go contact the cabbage then,”

The older girl nodded, tapping the send button to the message she had written, rewritten, proofread, and edited before hand, the text stored in her drafts. She waited nervously for the reply and almost yelped when the device vibrated.


From: Lovely Joohyun-sunbae

2 seconds ago

Okay. I’ll meet you at the coffee shop in five.


Wendy stood, tried to soothe her nerves with another breath, and tapped her earpiece, “Olaf, going in,”

She went out of the headquarters with a good luck from Seulgi and proceeded to the tiny coffee shop Irene Bae liked to frequent in because it was quiet and almost always had no customers other than her.

About a hundred meters from the place, an arm had linked itself around hers, her nose filling with familiar lavender.


Said girl raised a brow at her, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she pointed out.

“Maybe I have—ow!” she rubbed her violated waist, “Why are you so violent?”

 “Stop overreacting. I didn’t pinch too hard,” Irene Bae pinched her again to prove her point, earning another wince that made the older girl chuckle.

Wendy looked at her, trying to make a mental screen capture of the rare smile, however small. Maybe she should suggest to Seulgi that they add a screen capture feature in the glasses.

(Then she remembered last night, the genuine, wide smile that adorned Irene Bae’s face, shining brighter than any star)

“You’re in a good mood today,”

Irene Bae shrugged, “It’s a good day,”

“Wait, you had that long quiz on social sciences, right?” Wendy recalled the older girl telling her about it yesterday when she walked her home, asking for help which she gladly gave, “I guess you aced it?”

Irene Bae gave her a smile.

A goddamned full-blast smile with crinkling eyes and pearly whites Wendy could feel her entire essence disintegrating right on the spot for being subjected to such beauty.

Just how good did her day go?

“Yep. Thanks, Seungwan,”

Wendy fought the urge to kneel in one corner and cry (she ignored Seulgi bawling in her ear, yelling “She smiled! She smiled!” and the confusion in her mind that came up whenever Irene Bae called her Seungwan because how the hell did she know that name?)

“That’s—It’s—Y-You’re welcome,”

They arrived at the coffee shop and Irene Bae skipped to the counter, insisting that she’d be paying and shooing Wendy to her usual seat. Alone at their table, she tapped her earpiece inconspicuously.

“Olaf and Cabbage in. What’s your position?” she spoke without moving her lips, having long mastered the art of ventriloquism.

“Squirtle in the kitchen,”

“Gorgeous attending to our dearest Cabbage,”

Wendy looked at the counter and spotted Joy in a barista get-up, making Irene Bae’s drink.

“You’re not poisoning us, are you?”

“Nah. I might spit on your drink though,”

“Isn’t that the same thing? Snake venom is deadly, you know,”

Wendy sent a smug look at Joy who sent her a glare before rolling her eyes and going back to making drinks.

“Park Bogum-ssi? Do you copy?”

A short static before the guy’s voice came through, “Sorry. Not quite familiar with how these work yet,”

Wendy chuckled, “You’ll get used to it,” she spotted Irene Bae walking towards their seat, a tray in hand and a small, pouty frown on her face, “Welp, Cabbage is approaching,”

Irene Bae placed their drinks on the table and sat, across her, still with a whiny scowl. Wendy had no idea what caused the sudden change. Did Joy do something?

“Sunbae, what’s wrong?”

“They don’t have the frappuccino you like,” Irene Bae grumbled, lower lip jutting out, “I got you iced Americano instead. I hope you don’t mind,”

Of course they wouldn’t have her favorite mocha frappe. Joy was the barista after all. She had no idea how to make one. Wendy looked at the cup and noticed her scribbled name in green ink written in Joy’s girly penmanship.

Windy-unnie ;*

She fought down a groan.

“But you got your tea, right?” Wendy asked, setting her drink aside. Hopefully, Joy didn’t actually spit on it but just to be safe, she had no plans of taking a sip.

“Yes,” she lifted her cup, “Are you okay with the Americano?”

Wendy smiled weakly, “It’s fine,” she took out her notes, “Should we start studying now?”

“Sure,” Irene Bae nodded, doing the same.


Wendy made a show of rummaging through her bag, furrowing her brows and mumbling under her breath. She opened all zippers and took out everything, frowning.

“Shoot, I left my chemistry notes in my locker. I needed to study that one…” she ran her fingers through her hair and gave Irene Bae an apologetic smile, “Sunbae, I’ll just go fetch my notes. I’ll be back in a jiffy, alright?”

Irene Bae nodded, “Be quick,”

“Aye aye,” she gave her a mock salute and stepped out of the coffee shop.

The moment she walked past the door, she immediately broke into a mad dash toward the Arts Building.

“Olaf out. Teddy Bear, prepare for the switch,”

“Roger that,”

“Gummy Boy, you’re on standby,” Joy ordered.


Wendy reached the building and ran past the gates, through a series of staircases, and finally reaching their floor. She scrambled into the abandoned music room, panting, and Seulgi bolted past her, patting her back once.


“Teddy Bear on the way,”

Huffing, Wendy dropped on Seulgi’s usual seat by the piano and wore the orange headphones. She played a short, off-key Fur Elise and the monitors showed the CCTV footage of the perimeter and interior of the coffee shop. She could see Seulgi arriving, quietly occupying a table. Yeri had also moved out of the kitchen to occupy the remaining one.

“Teddy Bear in position,”

“Squirtle too,”

“Okay,” Wendy took a deep breath and pushed a key—B sharp. “Gummy Boy, enter,”


She watched Park Bogum enter the coffee shop through the kitchen and sneak his way to Irene Bae who was still immersed with the material she was reading.

“Go on. Gently call her, okay? She gets startled easily,”

Surely, the girl visibly flinched when Park Bogum made the slightest sound. Wendy played a bit of Mozart and the monitors shifted to the feed from the special glasses. In Park Bogum’s monitor, she could see Irene Bae frowning.

“I’m sorry but I don’t remember giving you permission to call me by my real name, Park Bogum-ssi,”

Wendy winced. She had gotten used to the watered down version of Irene Bae that she had forgotten of her initial bite. She quickly played a little Beyonce and one of the monitors showed Park Bogum’s face through the camera they methodically planted outside the coffee shop beforehand in the exact angle to film his seat.

“Okay, don’t waver. Don’t lose eye-contact but don’t come off too strong. Yes, just like that, a little shy so you’d come off sincere,”

“Oh, uh, sorry. Do you mind if I sit with you?”

Wendy watched Irene Bae’s reaction closely but it was no use. The girl’s stoic mask was back.

“There are plenty of vacant tables, Park Bogum-ssi,”

“Um, actually…”

Park Bogum gestured at their surroundings and Wendy watched Irene Bae look around, grim realization settling on her face. Her eyes then darted out the glass walls, looking for someone.

Wendy swallowed a lump on , fully aware of who she was searching for.

Sorry, sunbae.

Finally, she sighed and shifted her gaze back to him.

“Okay, you can sit. But once my…the person I’m with comes back, you’ve got to give the seat back,”

Wendy sensed the hesitation and tried not to feel hurt. Was she still not considered a friend yet? After all these time? She felt like all her efforts had gone to drain.

But at least she thought about me. That’s what matters.

“Okay. Take out your notes and pretend to study,” Wendy continued, “Wait for my signal before you say your next piece. Gorgeous? How long should the silence stretch before it’s considered awkward?”

“A Dutch study said that it takes four seconds of silence until it becomes awkward. I suggest he speaks up at about six.”

“Alright,” Wendy set the timer and waited, watching the monitors while the clock ticked.

She tried not to laugh at Park Bogum’s monitor that showed the content he was reading: a blank page. Her eyes then landed on Yeri’s monitor that had the perfect view of Irene Bae and Park Bogum sitting across each other. She wagered the youngest had conveniently taken off her glasses and angled it perfectly to shoot the two.

Wendy confirmed her speculations. Park Bogum and Irene Bae did make a good picture. Together, they looked like a real-life Korean Barbie and Ken. Their visual chemistry was no joke. There they were, just platonically sitting across each other yet they already looked like a match made in heaven.

Ah, how nice.


The alarm pulled her out of her musings. “Now, Gummy Boy,”

“I’m sorry, Irene-sunbae.”

Irene Bae looked up and it was weird how she looked different. Her eyes, especially, looked a lot harder. An even colder look than what Wendy used to receive. Perhaps it was just the camera.

“For what?”

“For being stubborn at pursuing you. Thinking back, it was a bit overboard,” he chuckled bashfully, briefly looking down, “But I want to start over. If you’d let me,” he looked up, meeting Joohyun’s eyes that looked different in the monitor.

“Start over,

Wendy looked at the monitor that showed Park Bogum’s face, “Crease your brows a bit. Soften your gaze. Yes, like that,”

“Yes.” he nodded, “As friends,”

“As friends,”

Irene Bae had gone silent after that and Wendy watched her through the monitor with bated breath. They already had a backup plan ready in case she didn’t comply easily which was most likely. The look on her face was unreadable; her eyes staring back to the camera but still not quite there. Wendy could tell she was thinking.

Okay, that’s a good sign. She’s actually considering it. Usually, she would directly snap a no before one could even blink.


Wendy couldn’t believe her ears.

Collective sighs of relief went through her headphones along with mutters of thank goodness and well that was easy.

(But why was Wendy feeling everything but relieved?)

(A part of her wanted to sulk. It had taken her a whole week to get the girl to speak civilly to her and Park Bogum achieved that in, what, a few sentences?

Not fair)

“R-Really?” Park Bogum sputtered, looking all too eager. Wendy fought the urge to roll her eyes.

“Yes,” Irene Bae answered in a quiet voice. Wendy studied her face through the monitor. She really seemed different. The look in her eyes just wasn’t the same.

Maybe she did like Park Bogum.

Psh. Whatever.

“Then can—can I talk to you whenever? Since we’re…you know, friends,”


“Wow. Um, thanks. For the second chance.”

“It’s nothing,”

No it’s not, Wendy wanted to scream, Every strand of hair that fell out of my scalp was because of the stress you gave me, woman! That chance can’t be nothing!

The two went back to studying, the awkward air thick and suffocating. A part of Wendy wanted to leave them at that because she’s childish that way but her friends started to whisper into her ear, telling her to do something about it.

Her mind recalled her Pledge of Honor as a Revel-LOVE certified Stupid Cupid (yes, they had such thing) and she rolled her eyes. Fine.

She pressed down the B sharp key, hesitating before finally saying, “Take out your astronomy book and ask her about the Big Bang theory or some random celestial stuff. She could talk about them forever.”

This much should be fine, right?

Park Bogum obeyed, “Excuse me, sunbae, I’m taking up astronomy and I don’t really get the evolution of stars. Do you have any idea about it?”

However, Irene Bae merely regarded him with the same stoic look, “Stellar Evolution is easy. How can you not get it?”

A look of panic was plastered on Park Bogum’s face and Wendy could only palm her face.

“Ask her about…” she hesitated, biting down on her lip, “Ask her about stardust,”

It’s for her own good.

“Stardust,” he blurted, “D-Do you know stardust?”

Still, she merely hummed affirmatively; barely giving any signs of interest and Wendy wondered just how good the girl was in hiding her feelings.

(She wondered if Irene Bae had ever hidden anything from her)

”What about them?”

She could see Park Bogum panicking through the monitor. Sighing, she shook her head and pressed down on the B sharp key.

“Calm down, Gummy Boy. I got you. Listen closely and follow what I say,”




Park Bogum had successfully stolen her attention at the mention of astronomy but Joohyun wasn’t about to let him know about that easily. And when he mentioned stardust, Joohyun just had to put down her pen and give her full attention to the boy.

“Stardust. D-Do you know stardust?”

She hid her interest and curiosity behind a nonchalant hum.

“What about them?”

“Well…” he rubbed his nape, blinking rapidly as though listening intently to something, “The—The nitrogen in our DNA…the…calcium in our teeth, the iron in our…blood, the carbon in our…apple—apple pies were made in the interior of…uh…collapsing stars. We are made of stardust.”

Joohyun blinked, nonplussed. Park Bogum had just recited the quote she told Wendy last night. It was eerie, the coincidence.

“A quote by Carl Sagan,” she said, maintaining composure.

“Do you believe that we’re made of stardust, sunbae?”

She raised a brow, “I never thought I’d have this conversation with you,”

He gave her a look, “You’re not answering the question,”

“Why does it matter?” she challenged, “Do you believe it then?”

“The atoms of our bodies are traceable to stars,” he shrugged, “We are chemically connected to all molecules on earth and we are atomically connected to all atoms in the universe. We are not figuratively, but literally stardust.”

Joohyun studied him, not quite believing that it was indeed Park Bogum sitting in front of her. He sounded different. She leaned on her palm, "Have you always been interested in stars?”

“Well, I have always been interested in you so yes, I have.”

Joohyun grimaced, toes and fingers curling, “That sounds like something Seungwan would say,” she mumbled quietly, sipping her tea, “I thought we’re just going to be friends?”

“Oh, don’t worry, sunbae. I won’t be forcing anything to you like before. I’m seriously contented with being your friend.”

Joohyun waited and when it didn’t came, she said it instead.


“But…” he looked down, pursing his lips before slowly looking back up, meeting her gaze with his gentle, honey-dripping one, “But I’d be lying if I say that I no longer like you,”

Joohyun frowned. This isn’t what she expected when she said okay.


“I know. I accept your rejection but right now, I just want to be sunbaenim’s friend.” Park Bogum cut her off, “Please at least let me have that?”

Days ago, Joohyun would have no qualms in saying a swift I’m sorry. But indeed, for the second time, she had proved that Wendy Son had turned her into a pathetic softie who’s softer than marshmallows.

Wendy Son’s voice echoed in her head very much like a beautiful conscience. Memories of sparkling eyes, curled lips, and windblown hair came rushing back. A carefree image displayed right in front of her.

“After all, you’re basically a ghost driving a meat coated skeleton made from stardust so what do you have to be afraid of?”

And so Joohyun took a tentative step forward and managed not to look back.


For the second time, she let herself be swayed by Wendy Son’s enticing voice.


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BlackVelvet_08 #1
Chapter 23: re-reading this again today.. i hope you're doing well author-nim 💙🩷
kingjj_ #2
Chapter 23: I want it to continue, I just found it last night and now I’m craving for more, if that doesn’t happen, at least I would take this as a great ending
Chapter 23: I'm curious about the continuation of the story. I hope you get the inspiration and motivation to finish this story soon 💙💖
Chapter 21: oh no 💔
Chapter 7: OMG my heart can not with the love of them both 😭😭
Chapter 2: cheers wendy, I'm curious about this storyline
TaeSicaDaisy #8
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if this story will be continued but I'm glad it "ended" this way. Still thank you for this beautiful story authornim
16 streak #9
Chapter 23: Rereading this awesome adorablefic!! Wish it was updated more. I love their chemistry so much they're soo cute. What a very well written fic. I miss it. I wonder what happen to author nim :( they didnt even acknowledged the featured
hope you are doing well author nim, we're still patiently waiting for your updates 😊