Chapter 18


a/n: it's been a looooong time! but first, STREAM WRITTEN IN THE STARS!!!!! aaaaasfdjknjfnkdjs



Joohyun was not used to being ignored.

As much as she dislikes it, attention seemed to follow her around like a bee chasing a sweet flower. Her every move, from inhaling air to exhaling it, caught eyes of many. To them, even the mere action of breathing seemed to be magical when the Bae Joohyun does it. Why? She has absolutely no idea.

Joohyun never felt what it’s like to be treated as insignificant as air but Seungwan came and did just that.

If only other people would do it too then she would appreciate it. But the younger girl passing by countless times without even acknowledging her existence made her angry and hurt instead.

The thought of having numerous chances to reach out to Seungwan yet before she could even open the girl would be long gone just sends an acute ache just right there in that spot on her chest. And it just accumulated, her heart growing heavier and heavier each day.

“What’s bothering you?” her friend, Juhyun asked as they sat in a café. The other Juhyun had asked her out for a drink and she agreed, wanting to at least distract herself for a while.

Joohyun sighed, “Nothing,” she took a sip of her coffee and grimaced, never liking its bitter taste.

“You’re lying,”

“I am.”

Juhyun put her cup down and propped her chin on both of her palms instead, “Well, I’m all ears,”

Joohyun ran her thumb thoughtfully along the warm surface of the mug before finally saying, “…it’s Wendy.”

Her friend’s brows shot up, “Wendy? Wendy Son? What about her?”

Joohyun lifted her mug to her lips, covering her sulky pout. “She’s been ignoring me.”

“What? Why?”

Sighing, Joohyun put down her coffee without taking a sip and told Juhyun everything that had happened. The latter’s a good listener and Joohyun watched her expressions carefully, especially when she reached the of their library encounter, but the girl’s face barely twitched. She let out a quiet sigh of relief.

“She said you’re not supposed to fall for her?” Juhyun asked when Joohyun finished her story. She nodded as an answer, inconspicuously blinking away tears that have unknowingly gathered. Juhyun frowned thoughtfully. “Hmm, but why?”

Joohyun stared at the dark liquid in her mug, hoping an answer would pop out. “I don’t know…”

“And now she’s ignoring you?”

Joohyun nodded dejectedly. Juhyun thought she looked like a kicked bunny. She could almost see her bunny ears drooping.

“But you said she kissed you back?”

Joohyun’s cheeks and the tip of her left ear peeking out of her hair turned bright red as she nodded again.

Juhyun pondered with a hum. “But you haven’t tried talking to her yet?”

Joohyun shook her head, lower lip jutting out, “I told you, she’s ignoring me.”

“Then maybe you should stop?”

Joohyun shook her head again, this time, a firm and determined fire burned in her eyes, “No. No matter how you look at it, it’s not an outright rejection. She told me I’m not supposed to fall for her. What the hell does that mean? I have no idea but it certainly doesn’t seem like she’s telling me she doesn’t feel the same.”

(Seungwan looked at Joohyun with all the affection in the world gathered in her eyes like Joohyun’s the only one that matters and just being with her is more than enough.

After receiving a gaze like that, Joohyun would be damned if Seungwan doesn’t feel the same)

“Maybe she’s not. Maybe does like you but she’s telling you to back off. Whatever her reasons are,”

“No.” Joohyun obstinately said, “I’m not stopping until I hear what those reasons are.”

Juhyun sighed in defeat, shaking her head, “You’ve always been stubborn so I knew you’d be persistent about this but you’re not the type to fall so hard for someone just like that. How long have you been crushing on her, anyway?”

“A while.”

“How long exactly is ‘a while’?”

“…since 2nd year..?”

Thankfully, Juhyun didn’t drop her cup but she did drop her jaw, eyes almost popping out of their sockets. “Wow. I didn’t know you had it in you, Hyun. All this time I thought you were aual. Never would’ve guessed you swung both ways too,”

Joohyun made a disgusted face, “No I don’t.”

Confusion was written across Juhyun’s face, “What?”

“I like girls but I can’t say the same for boys.” she shivered, unable to imagine herself being with a man. Big, bulky, tough, pesky, lecherous men. Ugh.

She had never liked men that way. She could never bring herself to. After growing up spending her entire life hiding and running away from the opposite gender who chased her on a day-to-day basis proclaiming their love and whatnot only to have violent tendencies when rejected and being at the receiving end of those lustful stares made it hard to even stomach the idea of liking boys. She only truly loved one man in her life: her father.

“So you’re, like, a hundred percent lesbian?”

Joohyun shrugged, “Yeah,”

Juhyun grinned wide, “I see…”

Joohyun raised a brow at her friend’s reaction, “What is it? Why are you smiling like that?”

The taller girl was quick to shake her head, “No, no, no, it’s nothing, really.”

Joohyun didn’t buy it. The smile looked very suspicious. As though her friend was up to something.

Juhyun sighed and stared at her cup, “It’s just…” she sighed again before smiling bright, “Hey, tomorrow’s the exams. Wanna go shopping?”

Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine she’d see studious, righteous, immaculate Juhyun, inviting her to go shopping a day before the exams.

Something’s definitely up, alright.




It felt like the weight of the entire heavens was lifted up from Joohyun’s shoulder when she passed her paper and stepped out of the room, alive but barely breathing. Exams were finally over and she could now catch up on sleep.

(She doubted she can though. Not when a certain someone’s been plaguing her mind, accompanying her every night and keeping her awake but not in the way she would much rather prefer)

She went to take her things, not being the type to carry around bags. She was in the middle of rearranging the mess that was her locker after undergoing the stress of exam week when someone opened the locker beside her. Joohyun turned and saw the same girl she saw few days ago—the same girl who talked about that agency thing.

She wondered if she should ask. With the way everyone talked about that place, Joohyun felt like maybe she could go there and they could help her with her current problems regarding a certain brunette. She considered it for a second before disagreeing because no, if she’s going to fix whatever had happened between her and Seungwan, she won’t be asking anyone else for help. She should manage to do it all by herself, no matter how difficult. Only then would the act of reconciliation (and perhaps courting) be completely pure and sincere.

However, she’s been getting suspicious nowadays.

Park Bogum.

After hearing about the agency and how they work, Joohyun’s become more apprehensive. The guy had suddenly approached her, talking and acting like a completely different person. A little bit too good to be true. There were the glasses and earpiece too. Her suspicions ran high and she ought to find out.

“Um, yes?”

Joohyun snapped out of her thoughts and realized she had been staring at the girl for a while now. She cleared and looked away, debating whether she should ask or not.

Ah, to hell with it.

“I…” she started, “Have you perhaps heard of…” crap. What was it called again? “That…dating agency of some sort?”

The girl looked surprised and proceeded to talk in a hushed tone, “You mean the Revel-LOVE Dating Agency?”

“Yeah. That.” Joohyun replied, involuntarily lowering her volume as well, though she had no idea why they were whispering. Never did she imagine she’d ever be at the lockers, sharing gossips with a random girl. But she asked anyway. “Can you tell me everything you know about it?”

The girl looked at her weird, “Wait. What does the Irene Bae want with a dating agency?” she gasped, “Sunbaenim, perhaps..?”

Does someone in this school not know her? Nonetheless, the recognition still surprised her.

“No. It’s not like that. Just tell me what you know,” she said bluntly and after realizing how cold and commanding her tone had come out, she squeaked a late, “Please?”

You should be a little friendlier, sunbae.

Damn, Wendy had turned her soft, alright.

“Well, I don’t know much. I’ve never tried going to them. But I do know, based on what I heard, that there’re four of them. The students call them Stupid Cupids. No one knows, except for those who’ve bought their services, who they actually are. And the ones who know refuse to say who they are. They say their headquarters are at the abandoned music room at the third floor west wing of the arts building.”

Abandoned music room at the third floor west wing of the arts building.

A bell rang in Joohyun’s head, vividly remembering how she had followed Seungwan to that room, the girl entering without hesitation. Did Seungwan ask the agency for help? Who’s she trying to win over? She did hear that she liked someone. Did she really? If yes, then who?

Joohyun had never been the type to be so interested in rumors and talks but when it comes to Son Seungwan, her mind just loses half of its rationality. Just trying to figure out just who the hell it was that Seungwan harbored feelings to triggered her anxiety and made her brain teeter closely along the edge, this close to exploding.

(It should be her.)

“Do you know how they work?”

“Well, I heard they make their clients wear glasses and earpieces. They tell them what to do through the earpiece and sees what they see through the special glasses. I don’t know how true that is though. They’re all rumors.”

Joohyun frowned, “Then it’s all an act, in the end?”

The girl shrugged, “In the end, they all got their girls and boys anyway so no one’s complaining ‘cause that’s all that matters, right?”

Joohyun’s scowl deepened as she thought. It was wrong, no matter how she looked at it. And if Park Bogum was using their services to get her, then she most definitely couldn’t let it continue. She wasn’t even a bit swooned anyway.




In a coffee shop in Myeongdong, a lone Seo Juhyun sat on a table for two, attentively reading a book while inattentively stirring her coffee that had, no doubt, turned stale and cold. Either way, Juhyun paid no mind, completely lost not in the story she’s reading but in her distracting thoughts.


 Juhyun calmly looked up from her book, her hand pausing its stirring. She saw and recognized the newcomer and smiled, placing a bookmark on her page and closing the material, putting it down.

“Have a seat,” she offered, “What took you so long?”

“Traffic,” the new girl huffed, obviously still miffed by the inconvenience.

Juhyun eyed her key, “You drive a Maserati? Nice ride.”

The girl grinned, “I know right?” she said, “Wendy-unnie gave it to me. We love rich friends,”

Juhyun could only shake her head at the young girl’s antics, knowing how the latter was and how giving a car away wasn’t much of a big deal to Wendy and her family anyway, though Wendy should really stop spoiling their young friend too much.

“So, unnie. About that favor I asked…”

Juhyun frowned, disapproving, “I still don’t like whatever you’re doing because it sounds like both parties would be hurt in the end. And I don’t want to deceive her. I don’t want to become like those toxic people in her past.”

“I told you we’re doing this with both of their best interest in mind. We want nothing but their happiness.”

The older girl sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, “I know. Which is the only reason why I’m agreeing to do this ridiculous favor,”

“Oh my god, you’re agreeing?” youthful brown eyes lit up, “When are you going to ask her?”

“Already did. Recorded it too, as per instruction, though I really don’t understand what the recording is for.” Juhyun lifted her phone, “I’ll send them to you later.”

“You’re the best, unnie!” the girl gushed, “Thanks for this. “

Juhyun sighed heavily, eyes filled with guilt, “Remember that I’m only doing this for Joohyun. I don’t feel good about doing this. I feel like I’m betraying my friend. But I’ve seen her and I’ve heard her story and I want her to be happy. That girl deserves to be happy. So you better be fixing all these problems you’ve caused,”

“Don’t worry, unnie. We’re going to make them end up together no matter what!”

“I’m trusting you, Kim Yerim.”




Stalking felt ridiculous. Joohyun could never understand how those boys that always followed her around managed to do it. Fortunately, she had caught them before they could do actual damage and had reported them to the police. No one would be stalking her for some time. Hopefully.

Pulling her cap down to hide her face yet at the same time trying to keep Park Bogum in her vision was difficult. She had been tailing him around for a few days now, trying to catch him red-handed but it’s been too long that Joohyun’s resolve had started to waver. What if the legendary agency wasn’t actually behind Park Bogum’s sudden advances? What if it didn’t exist at all? What if she’s being suspicious of someone innocent, someone who had saved her life?

Joohyun shook her head, hoping it would shake off the pesky voices as well and continued to follow the guy. The hesitation, however, completely vanished as they walked. The street Park Bogum was taking, Joohyun noticed, was the road towards the Arts Building.

Her heart hammered with anxiety. She wiped her clammy hands to her jeans and walked a little faster. Her stomach felt funny. Like it couldn’t decide whether to be nervous or excited. It made her want to throw up.

The dark sky rumbled, making her jump in surprise. It seems like it’s going to rain and she didn’t bring an umbrella. The bad weather added to her jitters. It was like an omen. A bad omen.

The looming building soon came into view. Joohyun kept her eyes carefully on Park Bogum who was still oblivious of her presence. But then he suddenly paused and warily looked around. Joohyun yelped and quickly hid behind the nearest lamp post.

Joohyun took a few deep breaths to calm her panicked heart before cautiously taking a peek.

“Goddammit,” she cursed under her breath, running fingers through her hair.

Park Bogum was nowhere to be seen.




In contrast to how Park Bogum had first seen the Revel-LOVE headquarters, the place was bright and lively now with the lights on. And unlike his first visit, the girls weren’t in their positions. The glass boards with the plan for getting him and Irene Bae together were out and they were all fussing around with it. They were taking things down, he noticed.

He knocked on the door to get their attention.

The four girls turned to him at the same time, very much like the first time.

“Ah, sunbaenim. You’re here. Come in.” Teddy Bear ushered him in and the Stupid Cupid went to their usual places.

“Why did you call me over?” he asked, having a weird feeling in his gut.

Joy leaned on the piano and replied, “There are things we would like to discuss with you. Let’s sit, shall we?” she gestured to the sofa set in the corner of the room.

“What are we going to talk about?” Park Bogum asked as soon as they sat.

“Things regarding the operation,” Joy replied, “I’m not going to beat around the bush. It has come to our knowledge that our target already has her interest set on someone before the operation even started, violating the first article in our contract.”

Park Bogum didn’t like where things were going, “What? Then, are you telling me—”

“Yes. Just as it was stated in our contract, the operation will automatically voided,”

His jaw fell. “What? I don’t understand. Why—”

“Why? What’s so hard to understand, sunbae? You signed the contract so you should’ve read it first.”

Park Bogum’s shock slowly trickled off, replaced by rage. His face contorted to a furious scowl, “How am I supposed to know you’re not scamming me? You guys are swindlers after all. How can I trust you?”

Joy turned and nodded at Seulgi who, of course, grinned and walked to the piano, playing a short piece.

“You’ve always been stubborn so I knew you’d be persistent about this but you’re not the type to fall so hard for someone just like that. How long have you been crushing on her, anyway?”

“A while.” Irene Bae’s voice was soft yet undeniably hers.

“How long exactly is ‘a while’?”

“…since 2nd year..?”

The recording cut and Wendy stopped breathing for a while. It’s the first time she heard the clip. She didn’t even have any idea that the girls had approached Juhyun for help. Irene Bae had liked her since second year? That meant Wendy was a freshman then.

Then…ever since she transferred..? She recalled how Irene Bae had acted around her. The girl surely wasn’t obvious at all.

She sighed and buried her face in her palms.

What am I supposed to do with that information…

The rage on Park Bogum’s face was then switched with confusion. “Wait…’her’?”

“Yes. Also, it was stated in our contract that should the target have a different preference before the whole operation started, then the operation will automatically be voided.” Joy said, “We’re also gathered here to inform you that it so happened that the target is, well, gay. Seulgi-unnie?”

Teddy Bear nodded and played a short song before Park Bogum could protest.

“Never would’ve guessed you swung both ways too,”

“No I don’t.”


“I like girls but I can’t say the same for boys.”

“So you’re, like, a hundred percent lesbian?”


There was a look of satisfaction written all over Joy’s face as Park Bogum spaced out, the gears obviously turning in his head. The tall girl met Wendy’s eyes and winked, mouthing, ‘game over’. Wendy rolled her eyes and shook her head.

She didn’t understand the purpose of it all. Was this how they will clean up her mess? Untangling Park Bogum from all the trouble? But Wendy didn’t really want that. With Park Bogum gone, Irene Bae would be alone again.

She thought of the broken glass in her eyes and wondered how long it would have to remain broken.

“We admit that it is also a fault in our part. We should have researched deeper about this matter.” Yeri said, “Because of that, we will be compensating you by granting a wish.”

Park Bogum’s head shot up, “A wish?” he echoed. “Then let us end up together, me and Irene-sunbae.” he started shaking his head, “Maybe—maybe it’s just a phase? Curiosity? W-Whatever it is, she can’t be gay! I—”

“Why not?” Wendy spoke up and the coldness in her tone made the girls look over with worry and alarm. Her fists were clenched, eyes taking on a steely sheath.  “Why can’t she? Is that something you’re supposed to decide on? Is it something you can force your opinions into? Why can’t she love who she wants to love?” her voice had started rising and she paused, taking a deep, shaky breath.

“I’m afraid we won’t be able to fulfill your wish. If you don’t have anything else to ask for, then it’s best you leave. If you insist, then we can always take these matters to the court.” Wendy finished. She was bluffing, of course. The contracts were fake to the core.

Park Bogum looked enraged but he stood, “This agency is a bogus. I’m going to tell everyone of how you wronged me,” he threatened before marching angrily to the door.

However, the guy didn’t go out. He stopped right at the open doorway, seemingly frozen.

The Stupid Cupids exchanged looks.

“Sunbae—!” suddenly he was pushed aside. Wendy looked up to see what the commotion was all about but she didn’t expect to meet familiar dark brown eyes painted with surprise. Her blood stopped cold, heart so shocked it stopped beating.



She stood, “Joohyun-sunbae…”

The girl broke off their little staring contest and looked around the place. Her eyes lingered on the glass boards, filled with her pictures, information, and elaborate plans. Then their gazes met again and the look in her eyes made Wendy’s chest tighten.




Her hands started to tremble, heart running too fast.


“J-Joohyun-sunbae. Let me explain. Please—”

Irene Bae shook her head, little fists clenched tight by her side. The eyes that stared back at Wendy’s had started to glisten yet still glared fierce.

The first tear fell and Wendy lunged forward, reaching for the girl but before she could reach her, Irene Bae had turned around, running off and like a fool, she stood, unmoving, staring at her hand still grasping empty air.

No. It’s not supposed to happen like this.

But then, perhaps it’s for the best.

This way, Joohyun would hate her.

Joohyun would despise her.

And then, Joohyun would forget about her.

She would be a passing wind, a painful love story, a memory Joohyun would bury deep and never bring up again.

And maybe, that’s the best way for them to part ways with no strings attached.

They were never meant to be in the first place.

A harsh pull on her arm startled her. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up, seeing Joy’s face through blurry tears unshed.


Wendy’s blinked, taken aback by the sharp sting that prickled the skin of her cheek. She looked at Joy who glared down at her, holding both of her shoulders, shaking her. The tall girl had been ranting.

“…Seungwan-unnie! Are you even listening?” Joy was saying. “I said, stop being a coward and go after her, you idiot!”

Tears spilled to her aching cheek, “B-But—”


With one push, Wendy dashed out of the room, harshly wiping the tears that obscured her vision. She aimlessly ran, eyes searching. She didn’t know what was right or wrong now. She didn’t care about the consequences. Rationality and logic had long gone out of the window. All she knew was that she’s running because she wants to. She’s chasing her because she didn’t want her to leave. Not like that.

She stumbled out of the building. Rain poured fiercely, pounding the asphalt with each large drop. Wendy looked around and saw a familiar figure not too far away, the only one crazy enough to run under the rain without an umbrella. She cursed under her breath.

An umbrella stand was nearby the entrance and Wendy snatched a random umbrella before running off into the downpour. Puddles splashed under her feet, soaking her shoes. The wind blew, piercing through her clothes and chilling her bones. She ran faster, closing the distance between them.

Close. Just a little closer now. Wendy stretched out her hand and grabbed Joohyun’s wrist. The girl abruptly stopped, turning.

“Sunbae,” rain pelted Wendy’s clothes, soaking through the layers and wetting her skin. “You’re going to get sick.”

Joohyun looked up to the umbrella shielding her from the rain, held by the person she trusted.

The person she relied on. The person who was like the ray of sunshine in her dark life.

The only person she loved.

And the same person who betrayed her trust.

Joohyun snatched her wrist away from Seungwan’s hold. “Seungwan. You…”

The girl hung her head low, wet tresses hiding her face but the tremor in her voice was obvious, “I’m sorry.” she said, “I’m so sorry. I can explain—”

“What is there to explain?” Joohyun cut her off, “It was all an act, wasn’t it?” she let out a shaky breath, “Your being there for me. Your taking care of me. Your befriending me. It was all fake, right?”

“No, it’s not like that—” Seungwan tried to reach out but Joohyun immediately recoiled.

“Then what is it?” her voice rose, “You approached me with a hidden agenda and here I thought you were actually sincere but you’re just like everybody else! You were basically selling me! Giving me away! I’m such a fool for thinking that you’re different!”

Tears freely flowed down her cheeks and her lips trembled along with her tightly clenched fists. She squeezed her eyes shut as faces started to flash in her head; faces she had painstakingly buried deep into forgetting, looming over, mocking her.

No one’s going to be there for you.


She opened her eyes and saw Son Seungwan, still looking as if she’d always be there for her and Joohyun couldn’t blame herself for being deceived by the fake sincerity spilling out of those brown eyes that looked at her as if she was special.

Joohyun swallowed the ice cube blocking and clenched her jaw, meeting Seungwan’s guilty gaze with her leveled ones.

She steeled her heart.

“Let’s end this, Wendy-ssi.” she said, distant. “From now on, we’re nothing, you and I.” she said the words she never thought she’d say to this girl. She stepped back, out of the shelter of the umbrella and into the pouring rain, looked at Wendy Son’s face on last time and turned, walking away with rain soaking into her clothes and clinging unto her skin.

No one went after her. No footsteps. No grip on her wrist.

She shivered. It’s cold.

Joohyun hated the cold.

But into its arms she found herself running back in.


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BlackVelvet_08 #1
Chapter 23: re-reading this again today.. i hope you're doing well author-nim 💙🩷
kingjj_ #2
Chapter 23: I want it to continue, I just found it last night and now I’m craving for more, if that doesn’t happen, at least I would take this as a great ending
Chapter 23: I'm curious about the continuation of the story. I hope you get the inspiration and motivation to finish this story soon 💙💖
Chapter 21: oh no 💔
Chapter 7: OMG my heart can not with the love of them both 😭😭
Chapter 2: cheers wendy, I'm curious about this storyline
TaeSicaDaisy #8
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if this story will be continued but I'm glad it "ended" this way. Still thank you for this beautiful story authornim
16 streak #9
Chapter 23: Rereading this awesome adorablefic!! Wish it was updated more. I love their chemistry so much they're soo cute. What a very well written fic. I miss it. I wonder what happen to author nim :( they didnt even acknowledged the featured
hope you are doing well author nim, we're still patiently waiting for your updates 😊