
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
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Now that Joohyun was standing in front of her, Seulgi could feel her brain’s gears creak and coming to a halt. All of the continuous thinking and planning about what to say seemed to be slowly disappearing from her memory and now all she had left was one question.


How the hell do you even begin?



Her heart was slamming against her chest and was dry. Seulgi gulped and it felt like she was swallowing sand. The pressure of this being all or nothing really dawned on her more than ever before.

And so, another question popped up into her head.


Was she supposed to apologize to Joohyun and then to Seungwan separately? Or was it better to have them present at the same time?


“U-uhm, I…”, Seulgi whispered and honestly, she was pretty sure Joohyun couldn’t even decipher anything that she was saying.

Not that it was visible on her face. The older girl was just looking at her with an unreadable expression and it definitely did not help with the anxiety that Seulgi experiencing at the moment.

“Hyun? Who’s there?”

The younger girl’s voice added to an even stronger turbulence within her. With every step closer that she took towards the door, Seulgi felt even more sure that she was about to stop being able to breathe.

Joohyun didn’t answer Seungwan; instead her gaze remained fixated on the girl in front of her, with still the same look in her eyes.

“Hyun? What’s wro-”

The sharp inhale didn’t escape Seulgi’s ears. It felt like someone had thrown a spear to her guts.

Now both of them were staring at her. Seungwan was definitely shocked. Seulgi could see the confusion in her eyes as well as a hint of sadness and it hurt her heart to think that she was the cause.

Seulgi looked down at her hands, only noticing now how violently they were shaking. Her mind was a mess.

For a moment, she began to regret not having prepared even more because it seemed like she was about to royally screw up everything.


But then, she decided to just close her eyes and focusing on her breathing.


Inhale, exhale, repeat.

And then her thoughts became a bit clearer.

Inhale, exhale, repeat.

Even if she had prepared even more, in the end, this would still happen.

Inhale, exhale, repeat.

And maybe, it’s because she wasn’t supposed to plan everything or maybe anything at all.

Inhale, exhale, repeat.

If she was to apologize sincerely from her heart, then all the words are still there, all her thoughts and feelings.

Inhale, exhale.

The only things she had to remember were…



To be specific. Acknowledge what you have done wrong. Accept their feelings no matter what.

“I’ve come here to apologize”, her voice was more stable and clearer now. Seulgi looked up to meet their gazes. “To both of you. You guys deserve an apology for what I’ve done.”


She tried to focus on her breathing as well as the words on her mind.

“I acted in a way that extremely hurtful to you both and I wish I could’ve undone that. I was so fixated on my side of things that I ended up stabbing you both in the back.”


She looked at Seungwan. The latter’s eyes were glossy. Seulgi had to take another deep breath as their gazes met in order to not let the tears behind her own eyes fall.

“Seungwan… I…”

Another deep breath.

“I’m sorry that I manipulated you. I… I made use of your kindness and I was fully aware of what I was doing…”

Seulgi paused in order to collect her thoughts as she felt her insides clench.

“I knew how much I was hurting you and I still kept on doing it.”

She could feel her eyes burning.

“There is no excuse for my behaviour. You never deserved that type of treatment…”

She bit her lip.

“Especially not from someone who claimed to be your friend.”


Upon saying those words, she realized even more how horribly she had behaved. Seulgi had already known, but admitting it out loud somehow seemed to deepen that realization in a way.

She tried to swallow the lump in .

“I-I’m so sorry, Seungwan. I’m sorry for hurting you.”

The younger girl didn’t say anything. Instead she looked away at the floor.

Her silence was torture and Seulgi had to remind herself again to breathe. And to remember that she had to accept whatever their reactions would be.


She then met Joohyun’s gaze.

The older girl was almost as indecipherable as the moment she had opened the door; however, her jaw was now visibly clenched and her eyes seemed to pierce through Seulgi’s soul.

She honestly didn’t know whether it was because Joohyun was focused or angry.


Or both.


It made Seulgi want to look away, but she didn’t.

She knew that a sincere apology didn’t only rely on her words but also her expressions. Taking responsibility for her actions would include that she would have to look the older girl in the eyes, no matter how painful it would be.


Or nearly impossible.


Holding in her tears was becoming even more of a task now. But Seulgi didn’t want to cry; not while apologizing. She didn’t want to turn this to herself.

 “J-Joohyun, I…”, Seulgi let out a shaky breath. “I’m so, so sorry.”

She inhaled sharply.

“I’m s-sorry for not having supported you when you needed me. I… I knew how much you wanted to be happy and…”, Seulgi blinked her tears away. “I tried to take it away from you.”

She didn’t miss the way Joohyun’s hands clutched the edges of her sleeves so tightly that they started to shake.

“Instead of… being a true best friend and… and accepting your feelings and supporting you, I…”

Seulgi bit her tongue, trying to get herself to talk properly.


“I stabbed you in the back.”

It was very brief, but she caught the way Joohyun winced at those words.

“I knew what you had gone through and what your worries were and… I still refused to look at things from your side. There is really no excuse for what I did…”

Honestly, Seulgi really just wanted to travel back in the time and punch herself from a few months ago in the face.

“You… you’ve always supported me when I was trying to find my happiness, but when it was my turn, I didn’t do the same for you.”

The older girl’s gaze finally wavered for a moment as she quickly blinked.

“I’m sorry… I’m really sorry, Joohyun…”


Seulgi wished there were more ways to apologize, more synonyms for those words. She felt like her apologies weren’t enough, her words weren’t enough to amend things, to come over as genuine even if she did mean everything she said wholeheartedly.

She wished that she could just show them her heart, how much she regretted everything, how much she wanted to take the pain that they felt away.

Seulgi let her gaze travelled over both of them. Seungwan was still looking elsewhere, a silent tear streaming down her cheek.


“I just want both of you to know that… I’ve never stopped thinking about how my actions affected you and about how wrong I was and about how I will change. And… and…”

She paused. On the tip of her tongue were the final words. And after that, there would probably be a reaction. Even no reaction at all would still be a reaction.

Seulgi was almost afraid to say it and to find out what would happen after this. But she knew that she would have to accept it.


She had to.


“I hope… I hope you can forgive me”, the tears were now threatening to spill from her eyes. “A-and I understand if you need m-more time or if…”

She took a deep, deep breath. One more for the last words.

“Or if it was too much for you.”

Seungwan finally looked at her and something in Joohyun’s gaze suddenly shifted. But they still said nothing.


Questions and doubts filled her mind.

Had it been too much?

Was it too late?

Should she stay here until they said something?

Should she go away?

What was the right thing to do?


Seulgi honestly didn’t what the lack of reaction meant. But she was sure that at any moment she was about to burst in tears and that she didn’t want them to see her like that.

She didn’t want them to think she was crying for sympathy points or as a way of guilt tripping. She was scared they would think of the apology as a fake one.

So, Seulgi decided that maybe it was best to go.


“If there is anything I can do to fix this, please tell me.”

She bowed deeply. It made it easier for her tears to fall. There were a few drops on the floor.

“Once again, I’m truly sorry.”


And with that she turned around, ready to go back to her place and cry her lungs out, only to stop in her tracks when she suddenly felt her wrist being grabbed.

Seulgi could only turn just in time before two arms were wrapped around her neck and she heard soft crying as well as three words she had so desperately hoped for but not expected to hear.

“I forgive you”, Joohyun breathed out.

The taller girl couldn’t help but stand still in shock, slightly open, her arms by her sides, processing that this was in fact happening. Her gaze met Seungwan’s who was standing behind them now smiling with tears with her eyes.

“Y-y-you do?”, Seulgi finally managed to respond. However, she couldn’t help but feel like she didn’t deserve it. “B-but w-why? I’ve ed up. I-I hurt you so much.”

“Because I believe every word you just said”, Joohyun said. The taller girl could hear the slight shaking in her voice due to her crying.

Seulgi honestly couldn’t believe what she was hearing. When they hadn’t reacted, she kind of already had concluded that they wouldn’t forgive her. However, now that she seemed to be in the wrong, it was almost too good to be true.

And despite having tried really hard, she still felt like the apology hadn’t been enough, hadn’t been expressed well enough.



“I forgive you too”, Seungwan’s smile grew.


“Actually, to be honest”, the youngest girl crossed her arms playfully. “I kind of already forgave you months ago.”

“Y-you did? But why?”, Seulgi repeated. Was she dreaming? “I didn’t do anything to deserve that…”

“You just showed me that you did deserve it.”

“I… I don’t what to say… you guys really forgive me?”, she asked, her voice now softer, as if she was scared to have misunderstood despite the obvious statements from the other two.

Joohyun leaned a bit backwards and then traced a finger over Seulgi’s cheek. The latter only then realized that her tears had been continuously streaming down throughout this conversation and that she was wiping them off.

Seungwan came closer and also wrapped her arms around the tallest girl.

“We just said we did, didn’t we?”

As she was hugged by both girls, it finally began to dawn upon Seulgi that this was a reality, a good reality. That they had really just forgiven her, that she really had the chance to be back into their lives again. That her biggest fear hadn’t come true, but her biggest dream had.

After so many months, she would be able to be by their side again.

As Seulgi felt the heavy weight getting lifted off her shoulders, the intensity of her tears increased. However, rather than pain as the source, it was relief and bliss.


She finally found out how it felt like to cry out of happiness.


Seulgi then finally put her arms around them and brought them as close as possible.

“I-I m-missed you guys s-so much.”

“We missed you too”, Joohyun breathed out as if she had been keeping in those words for a long time in her lungs.

They stood on the hallway for a while, embracing each other as tears fell down their eyes paired with sobs as well as giggles. At some point they heard another door open and close, unstable footsteps walking down the hall. It was probably one of their neighbours and by the sound of their steps, Seulgi was pretty sure they stopped a few times to look at them, probably with a confused expression on their faces.

The idea of a stranger witnessing this emotional moment and being baffled brought a smile to her face. She couldn’t help but suddenly snort at the image, earning puzzled looks from the two shorter girls.


“Sorry, but it suddenly popped up in my mind that to outsiders we probably look like a bunch of people who had a little too much to drink”, Seulgi grinned, “you know, giving the constant switching between crying and laughing…”

“Speaking of drinking, I actually had just finished cooking dinner around the time you knocked…”, Seungwan said. She shared a brief and silent look with Joohyun, who then nodded. “There is enough for three people, so… want to join us?”

Seulgi’s mouth formed an ‘o’ as she thought about the request. She herself hadn’t prepared anything yet and suddenly felt her stomach pleading for food. Besides, after six months apart, she wouldn’t want anything else than keep them company for a bit longer. And by the looks of it, the two of them seemed to feel the same.

“Sounds great”, she said, the corners of her lips curling up at the sight of Joohyun and Seungwan’s faces lightening up.

She couldn’t stop herself from dropping a teasing remark, however.

Seulgi met Seungwan’s gaze and arched one eyebrow.

“So, do you always associate drinking with eating?”

The younger girl blinked a few times and tilted her head slightly.

“I mean… I guess?”

“Wow, you always drink when you eat?”, Seulgi whistled and leant towards Joohyun. “Good luck.”

“Wait no!”, Seungwan shook her head. “It’s just… I don’t know? You swallow both?”

Seulgi grinned.

“Well, those are not the only things you can swallow, if you know what I mean.”

She jolted as Joohyun gave her a slap on her shoulder.

“S-Seulgi!”, the older girl’s mouth had dropped open in disbelief.

“I was talking about things like medicine, Hyun”, her Cheshire smile grew, “were you thinking about something else?”

“U-uh, I…”, Joohyun furiously blushed, her cheeks turning red.

Seulgi laughed at her reaction. Teasing her was still as fun as it had ever been. And Seungwan’s playful rolling of her eyes made it even more the worthwhile.

“Let’s just go and eat, okay?”, the oldest girl mumbled and quickly turned around to walk towards the door.

Seungwan and Seulgi looked at each other, the former crossing her arms whilst trying to suppress a smile from growing on her face, the twitching corners of giving away her amusement.

“Sorry, couldn’t help it”, the taller girl giggled.

Seungwan sighed, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.

“I’m glad you couldn’t. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Seulgi felt fondness grow in her heart, warm like a blanket and whole.

Before she could reply, Seungwan playfully nudged her.

“Come on, let’s go swallow some food.”


Another laugh escaped their mouths as they heard Joohyun whine at the youngest girl’s remark.




“Thank you for the food”, Seulgi rubbed her belly with a satisfied smile on her face, “it was so good. Your cooking is still as amazing as the first time I’ve tried it.”

“I’m happy I haven’t lost my touch”, Seungwan chuckled.

“You definitely haven’t.”

Joohyun leaned over to brush aside a strand of hair on Seungwan’s forehead.

“Honestly, I have yet to taste something better”, the oldest girl remarked with a toothy grin.

“Are we talking just about food? Cause, well…”, Seulgi wiggled her eyebrows, earning a deadly look from Joohyun, to which she raised her hands in defeat. “Okay, okay, don’t kill me now.”

Meanwhile, Seungwan’s cheeks had a faint pink blush on them from the compliments.

Or maybe just because of the way Joohyun looked at her with hearts for eyes. Seulgi concluded there was a big chance it was mostly the latter.

“Now you’re just exaggerating”, Seungwan said.

“It’s not!”, Joohyun pouted. “Exaggerating would be saying something like ‘nothing will ever beat your cooking’, which by the way is a statement I also stand by.”

The youngest girl arched an eyebrow.


Joohyun nodded determinedly.

“Not even Gordon Ramsay’s cooking?”

“I’ll never eat his food just to maintain the illusion”, the older girl grinned.

Seungwan snorted.

“Okay, fine. I believe you.”

“You should’ve believed me right from the start”, Joohyun affectionately poked the youngest girl’s forehead with her finger.

In the meanwhile, Seulgi observed the scenario unfolding in front of her with a broad smile on her face.

“You guys give me toothache”, she chuckled. “Or maybe lactose intolerance… or both.”

“Yeah, we hear that a lot”, Seungwan said.

“Well, good to know that you guys are still as clingy as a few months ago at school”, Seulgi grabbed her glass and drank a bit of Coke.

She didn’t miss the way Joohyun’s smile immediately disappeared at the mention of school. The older girl looked down at the table with a frown on her face. Seulgi could tell that she wanted to say something.

“Uhm… about school…”, she started carefully. “Is it… is it true that you stopped going?”

Seulgi tilted her head, raising an eyebrow as she wondered how Joohyun knew.

“Did Sooyoung tell you guys about me not going?”

Seungwan shook her head.

“No. Actually, she never mentioned anything.”

“It’s just that sometimes we would see you at school… from a certain distance, but at some point… I don’t know… it just seemed like you had disappeared or something.”

Joohyun paused for a moment before continuing.

“You really had me worried, you know?”

Seulgi’s mouth dropped slightly open. She had never thought about the possibility of her absence being noticed by them. Honestly, she had been almost convinced that did not think about her at all.

But finding out how wrong she had been made tears burn behind her eyes. She held them back and smiled.

“I did for a while. But I went to the exam week”, her smile grew into a grin, “and passed easily.”

“Congratulations, Seul!”, Seungwan gently grabbed her hand and caressed it with her thumb.

“Thanks”, Seulgi said, softly squeezing the younger girl’s hand.

“Did you celebrate it?”, Joohyun asked, as she cradled her hand in her chin.

“Yeah, Sooyoung dropped by and we went out for some drinks.”

“That’s good to hear”, the oldest girl softly smiled.

Seulgi briefly shifted her gaze towards the kitchen’s window as she recalled that day and then the past six months.

“Honestly, it’s because of her that I’ve come so far”, her lips curved into an affectionate smile at the thought of the younger girl, “she gave me a lot of strength.”

“When I found she visited you a lot, I was actually really relieved.”, Joohyun confessed. “I’m glad she was by your side.”

Seulgi could tell by the honest look in her eyes that she meant it.

“Yeah, she must have had a hard time though, since…”, Seulgi bit the inside of her cheek as she suddenly got reminded that there was still someone left to apologize to. Just the thought of it made her insides tighten.

Joohyun and Seungwan shared a worried look.

“Uhm…”, Seulgi tapped the glass in her hand softly. “How… how is Yeri doing?”

The other two girls shared another look. Seulgi knew that it wouldn’t be the answer that she wanted to hear.

“She’s, uhm…”, Seungwan had a tight-lipped smile on her face. That meant nothing good, “quite upset.”

“Yeah”, Joohyun rubbed the back of her neck, “we’ve only spoken about the whole situation with her twice. She… she was angry. I think she still is, but she didn’t really seem to want to talk about it anymore…”

Seulgi sighed as she felt the guilt within her grow. She recalled Sooyoung telling her that they had talked things out but she had been really vague about how Yeri was doing.

Maybe this was the reason.

“She blocked me on the phone”, Seulgi felt a pang to her chest as she thought about how much she must have hurt Yeri for her to immediately cut off contact, “do you… do you guys think she’ll listen to me?”

Joohyun pressed her lips together in a thin line as she glanced at Seungwan with a knowing look in her eyes.

“I honestly don’t know, Seul…”, Seungwan rubbed the back of her neck, “I really don’t…”

The latter bit her lip.

“The thing with my sister is that… well, she isn’t very forgiving with people who have broken her trust…”

Seulgi clenched her fists as those words trampled on her heart.

“”, she cursed with a shaky breath.

So, there was really no chance?

“But maybe if you apologize to her sincerely, she’ll listen”, Seungwan put another hand over Seulgi’s.

“Yeah… maybe…”, Seulgi tried to smile as she blinked her tears away.

“Besides, she’s alone at home. Their uncle and aunt are on vacation… again…”, Seulgi didn’t miss the bitter tone in Joohyun’s voice when she talked about their relatives, “so you guys will have a quiet place to talk.”

Seulgi met Joohyun’s eyes with a wistful look.

“Assuming she’ll let me inside in the first place…”

To that, Joohyun couldn’t seem to find an answer and neither did Seungwan. The silence was uncomfortable, too heavy to endure.

“When are you planning to talk to her?”, Seungwan carefully asked.

Seulgi wanted for it to happen as soon as possible, despite how afraid she was.

The more she waited, the worse it would get. Especially now that she was on good terms with everyone of their group except for the youngest one.

“I was thinking about tomorrow, actually. Maybe in the morning.”

Seungwan hummed. She let go of Seulgi’s hand to grab her phone, typing something on the screen with a frown on her face.

Not much later, Seulgi felt her own phone vibrate in the pocket of her jeans. As she grabbed the device, Seungwan shot her a soft smile and nodded.

She looked at the notification and Seulgi now felt more than ever that she had greatly missed seeing the younger girl’s name on her screen.

It was a text with an address.

“That’s where the house is. I figured you would need it, since you’ve never been there.”

Seulgi’s eyes widened as she read the location.

“It’s in Gangnam?”

She had no idea their uncle and aunt were rich. But then again, Seulgi had noticed that Seungwan and Yeri were not particularly fond of talking about them, so it was not a big surprised that she didn’t know.

She felt her insides clench at the name of the district. It was a place she hadn’t been to in a while. It was a part of her past that she had been keen on leaving behind, it giving her nothing but feelings of loneliness and pain. Just the thought of it suffocated her to no end.

Her eyes travelled over the letters on the screen. She let out a relieved sigh.

At least it wasn’t really close to where her old house was.

Joohyun shot her a knowing look, being well-aware of the turmoil that Seulgi was currently experiencing.

“Yeah, I guess that kind of explains why our uncle and aunt can afford to travel the whole time”, Seungwan grimaced, “they are pretty much almost never around.”

Seulgi’s face contorted as it reminded her of her own parents.

“Sounds familiar…”, she scoffed, “I guess the way to become and stay rich really is to throw aside everyone else. Good to know.”

Seungwan nodded.

“It was one of the reasons why I left that house.”

“I’m surprised Yeri stayed”, Seulgi said, curious as to why.

Why on earth would anyone choose to stay there?

“I asked her multiple times whether she wanted to come live with me, but she always said that she liked her alone time”, Seungwan said with a sigh.

Seulgi frowned. It was hard for her to believe that, especially since she herself came to dread being alone. Then again, Yeri did seem like the type of person to value her independence a lot.

She looked at the address again and wondered whether the house resembled her own.

Seulgi would find it out soon enough.

“Thanks for helping me out”, she smiled, “I really appreciate it.’

“No need to thank me”, Seungwan returned the smile.

“In case it goes wrong…”, Joohyun almost whispered, probably hoping that in some way it would hurt Seulgi less if she spoke more softly.

It didn’t.

“We’ll be right here for you, okay?”

Seulgi let out a heavy breath as she felt the thunder in her chest.

It burned and stung and seemed to rip her apart.

“And Sooyoung as well”, Joohyun added.

“Thank you”, Seulgi gave her a half-smile, which dropped almost immediately. It felt like there were large rocks hanging on the corners of her lips.

She couldn’t stop thinking about the morning after.

One hour later as she exchanged goodbyes and hugs with Joohyun and Seungwan, her fears were still plaguing her mind as they did for most of the night.

Her bloodshot eyes watched the first sun rays entering the window of the bedroom, a reminder of a long day that had yet to start.



Joohyun cleaned up the dishes as Seungwan vacuumed the floor. They both shared the strong need to keep the place organized and clean, which is something she and Seulgi had often bickered about.

She smiled at the memory, then recalling all that had happened today.

“I’m so happy that things are mostly fine again”, Seungwan suddenly said as if on cue.

Joohyun put the last plate back in its place in the cupboard.  

“Seeing her again made me realize how much I had really missed her”, the older girl confessed, “there were a few times when I really thought everything was over, you know? A bitter ending to such a long friendship.”

She recalled the moment when she opened the door.

“When I saw her on the other side of the door, I really had to hold my tears in”, she softly chuckled.

Seungwan put the vacuum aside, having finished the chore. She then put her arms around the older girl’s waist and rested her head on her shoulder. The gesture never failed to make Joohyun melt.

“Yeah, I had that too”, the younger girl whispered.

Joohyun sighed.

“I really hope it goes well tomorrow… for both of them.”


She thought back to the first time she had talked to Yeri about Seulgi, when she found out that the younger girl was not as okay as she had appeared to be.

It had been the first time as well that Joohyun had seen her in that state, full of anger and bitterness.

She had wondered how long she had been holding it in and whether her emotional explosion had been something rooted in more than resentment towards Seulgi.

Joohyun wondered how much Yeri actually kept to herself behind confident grins and sharp words.

The second time they had talked about what happened was a very brief moment. It had been that one night when they had gone out to celebrate the ending of the schoolyear, the conversation having taken place right after Sooyoung had left.

Yeri, however, had kept things short by giving curt answers and changing the subject. For some reason, the youngest girl seemed to go out of her way to avoid opening her heart.

It had become even worse after the unexpected outburst during the first time.

Joohyun honestly had little hope for a good outcome tomorrow. However, there was still a part of her that wished for Yeri to finally open up, even if it meant another outburst.

Maybe what she needed was to talk to the person who had hurt her. Maybe Seulgi could get her to talk.

Then again, Joohyun would feel bad for Seulgi if that happened. The younger girl had been in such a vulnerable state, Joohyun was scared that a bad result would take a toll on her mental health.

On both of them, actually.

Despite Yeri’s attempts to suppress it, Joohyun had noticed a more fragile side to her. One that got easily hurt and cared too much.

She wondered why Yeri fought so hard to hide it in the first place.


“Hyun?”, Seungwan tightened her embrace, “are you okay?”

Joohyun only now realized she had been unmoving and silent for a while.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just worried”, she smiled.

“No matter what happens, we’ll get through it. All five of us”, Seungwan tried to reassure her. Joohyun knew that the younger girl was probably as worried, if not even more. Yet, she tried to stay positive for her. For all of them.

“You’re right”, Joohyun turned around to wrap her arms around the younger girl and press their foreheads together, “we will get through it together.”

She tilted her head slightly to capture Seungwan’s lips with her own. The kiss was soft and it put her heart at ease. Joohyun sometimes still got surprised at how much of an effect Seungwan had on her.

The younger girl made her feel like she had arrived to a warm and safe home after a long, cold and stormy day. She brought comfort to her heart.

Joohyun gently broke the kiss to look in her eyes.

“What?”, Seungwan breathed out as the older girl kept staring.

Joohyun could feel those three words on the tip of her tongue, the same words Seungwan had whispered to her that one night, falling asleep immediately after.

She wanted to tell her.

However, Joohyun swallowed them back. Even though each second spent with her was already perfect, Joohyun still wanted to wait for that one moment.

That one moment when she would be able to tell her, to show her exactly how she felt.

“Nothing”, Joohyun gently shook her head as she smiled.

“Well, if there is really nothing else”, Seungwan took a fe

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The dream of a soul awake.


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Chapter 1: i love it so far!
reveluv316 815 streak #2
congrats on the feature
Seungwanniepuppy #3
Chapter 17: I swear i could punch Seul rn. The truth bombed she drop to Seungwan as if she didnt know that Joohyun about to confess to seungwan. Wow. That is so selfish of her.

Also, imate to this but in so invested. 🥹
Seungwanniepuppy #4
Chapter 16: I dont want to conclude but why do i feel like Seungwan’s answer has something to do with Seul. I just feel like Seul talked to Seungwan before this conversation with Joohyun. Uggghh i hope im wrong coz if not i wont really dislike Seul for this.
Grats on the feature!
Chapter 27: So, I started reading this story today. And I found it way too relatable. And.... I guess, it gave a tiny bit of courage to step out of my comfort zone? So.... thank you?
Chapter 24: i hate the way they are making seulgi look like a villain she didnt act with the best intentions of course but it was not that bad to the point that yeri even feels the need to beat her #sosadforourbear
winxc124 #8
Chapter 1: You're ugly, Irene. Go get help from SM if you cont this im gonna not stan anyone from Red Velvet anymore
1736 streak #9
congrats on the featureeeee
2078 streak #10
Chapter 3: Ahhhh seungwan is a kitchen girl