
YOU and ME

People often say that if two people are meant to be life would always find a way for them to be together. That they will come back to each other’s arms if ever they get separated. That true love will find its way back.



So does this mean you’ll still come back in my arms? You’ll still come back in my life? And if that isn’t the case, does that mean we aren’t meant to be as we thought? That we aren’t made for each other like what people say?



I don’t even remember where it all go wrong. We’re good. We’re fine. We’re happy. Everything was perfect. Until one day everything changed. Our dream turned into a nightmare. Our fairytale doesn’t have a happy ending like we thought it would.



I just woke up one morning with you not being by my side. The place where you used to lay become empty and cold. The house that used to be filled by your presence seemed to be a hollow vessel. Everything felt empty without you here – this house, this room, my life, my heart.



Years may have passed but I’m still hoping that you’ll come back. That you’ll be back. And this story of us will have its second chance. I still believe in you. I still believe in us. I still believe one day you’ll come back running into my arms. That one day I’ll wake up with you by my side. Like how it used to be. Like how it supposed to be.



My friends told me that I’m ridiculous, that I’m pathetic. They keep on saying that you won’t ever come back. That you left me for good. That I should just move on and find someone you. They said I deserve better.



I didn’t listen to any of their words because I know those aren’t true. You’ll be back. You’ll find your way back because this is where you belong – in my arms, in my life. And they said I should move on and find someone new? How? When this heart belonged, belongs and will always belong to you. How can I find someone else when you’re the one for me?



I don’t care if people thinks I’m a fool for waiting this long for something that doesn’t have any assurance. But can they blame me? I know they won’t understand because they never felt how I did when I have you. They never experienced being loved by an angel like you. They didn’t know how you changed me into a better person. They didn’t know how you saved me from ruining myself. You’re my savior and I owe my life to you. If you weren’t there during those times that I felt useless, hopeless, that all I wanted to be is dead, then I might resting six feet underground by now.



I’ll wait no matter what. I’ll wait no matter how long. I’ll wait for you till my last breath. Because I know all of these waiting will be worth it. It will be.


Years after years went by and still you’re not here. I started to lose hope. I started questioning the thing I believed in. I starting thinking that what if we aren’t made for each other and that’s the reason why you’re still not coming back. The reason why it’s taking you so long to come back is because you will never be. I’m afraid that everything I believed in was just what I insisted to myself because that’s what I wanted. Because I made myself believe in our fairytale. What if this is just all a dead end? That there won’t be a light at the end of this road?



But every time I wanted to stop, that I wanted to give up, there’s small voice that keep on saying that I should wait just a bit more, a little bit more. That voice keep me going. Maybe it’s wrong but at this point, after all those years I spent waiting for you, why would I stop now? I’ll just have to believe in you more. I’ll just have to trust on what I’m feeling. I’ll just have to keep my faith in you.



And just then when things seemed to be a blur. Just when that small hope seemed to be fading away. Just when that small voice stopped its whisper. Just when I thought that this journey, that this love story have already reached its ending. 



A knock was heard. I first I thought I was dreaming but I wasn’t. The knocks keep on coming. I rushed to the door and as I opened it, standing before me is the sight I never thought I’ll see ever again. Right in front of my eyes, there you are. Tears begin to fall. I knew you’ll come back. I run to you and trapped you in an embrace. I hold you tight. I hold you close. Not wanting to let you go. Not again. Not ever.



“I’m back Jonghyun-ah. I’m sorry for making you wait.” You said with a smile as you hugged me back.



“It’s okay Minki-ya. You’re worth the wait.”

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Another_JRen_Trash #1
Chapter 4: It's sad, your stories are always great Author_nim
cloudlia23 #2
Chapter 3: Hello, first thank you for writing this fict. It’s short and sad, but i like how you describe jonghyun feel here. Please write something sweet next time author-nim. Kkk. Thank you
kath0621 #3
Chapter 3: Why??????