Han Han Fei Fei

Puppy Love

YulWon, YoonBum

The recess time was end and all of the students went back to their classrooms.

YuRi opens the door. Luckily, she's not late yet. The teacher is not coming yet.

"Yul! Where have you been?" TaeYeon asks as she saw YuRi enters the classroom.

YuRi gives a smile to her friends. "It's such an embarrassing story to tell."

"Wae? We want to know!" said HyoYeon curiously.

"Emmm… During PE class just now, I fell onto SiWon Oppa and it made his waist injured."

"Jinjja?!" All of them got excited.

"Ne… But I didn't do it on purpose. I am the one to fall but he saved me and then he fell with me on him."

"Woah! SiWon Oppa is so gentleman…" said Tiffany.

"Poor him!" said Sunny.

"How's him now?" asked Jessica.

"He's okay now after treated by the nurse," YuRi says while has a sit at her place, next to YoonA. She looks at YoonA.

The girl keeps smiling with her hands at her fair cheeks.

YuRi looks at YoonA's gaze but there's no one there. "Yoong!" She calls YoonA but there's no response.

"Yoong!" She tries again and this time, YoonA realized from her daydream.

"Ne…" she asks innocently, still with her smile.

"Why did you keep smiling like that?"

"Huh? Nothing!" Her smile faded away. Seriously I'm smiling? Even she, herself didn't notice that she's smiling for about already five minutes.

"Seriously nothing's wrong?"


"Usually, people will smile alone when they are in love. Are you in love, Yoong?"

YoonA was speechless. Am I in love? Aniya… aniya… "Aniya! Seriously I'm okay." YoonA brings out a book from her table's drawer.

"Okay…" YuRi feels something strange at YoonA but she just let her be. Maybe something happened to her today, thought YuRi.



The class keeps on going the teacher, Mrs. Park keeps lecturing in front of the class and the girls keep listening to her, except for SeoHyun.

SeoHyun holds her hand and keeps looking at it with frowned forehead. I can't hold on anymore. “Teacher!" She puts up her hand to get Mrs. Park’s attention.

"Ne, SeoHyun! Wae?” The teacher asks with a smile. She was known as a beautiful and kind teacher. She always gives a smile whenever she talks with others.

"Emmm… May I go to the washroom?" SeoHyun asks for the permission.

“You look uncomfortable. It's okay, just go.”

"Thank you, teacher." SeoHyun then politely walks towards the door and goes to the washroom.

She walks and walks and walks to the washroom but suddenly she turned her body 180 degrees and hides behind the wall.



KyuHyun just went out from the washroom while pulling his shirt's sleeve. He saw a girl with straight long hair is walking to the female’s washroom which is located next to male’s washroom. But the weird thing is, when he lifts up his face, there's no one there. He looks around and still, there's no one there. He started to feel uneasy. It’s scary. Is it a ghost? Without hesitating, he walks quickly, leaving that place.



SeoHyun takes a look from the wall. KyuHyun is not there anymore. She exhales gladly and starts to walk to the washroom until someone suddenly appears from the back of the wall.

"Kyaaa!!!" she shouts as she was too shocked. She tried to avoid from KyuHyun but KyuHyun suddenly appears in front of her face right now.

“Shhh! Don’t shout or people will caught me teasing an innocent girl." He puts his finger on his lip and warns SeoHyun

SeoHyun’s heart beats faster. Seriously, this guy is really a devil. He appears just like that in front of her.

"So, you’re the ghost.”

"Huh?" SeoHyun can’t say anything because she doesn’t understand the situation. What ghost?

"Why did you hiding behind the wall? You scared me, you know?"

“I did?” SeoHyun innocently points at herself.

"Luckily, a devil doesn’t afraid of a ghost.”

"Huh?” Someone, please tell me what had happened.

"Don’t understand yet?”


"What a straight girl."

"Hmm." SeoHyun pouts a little. People always say that to her. But that’s her. She can’t do anything about that.

"It’s okay, you don’t need to understand either,” said KyuHyun and leaves SeoHyun dumbfounded. But then, he stops and turns back to SeoHyun.

"By the way, sorry for that sudden appear. Ermmm... One more thing, you don't need to hide from me anymore. Maybe it sounds weird, but angel and devil can make friend too." After ends his words, he continues to walk to his classroom.



SeoHyun enters the washroom and goes to the sink. That's the main reason why she wanted to go to the toilet. She just wants to clean her hand as she felt so uncomfortable since KyuHyun accidentally hold her hands during PE class just now. Unluckily, when she was on her way to the washroom, she met with KyuHyun and that guy said something that she didn’t understand.

She washes her hands using the hand soap and rubs her hands until she satisfied. “I feel better now,” said SeoHyun. Suddenly, she remembered about what KyuHyun said when they met just now.

“Maybe it sounds weird, but angel and devil can make friend too.”

SeoHyun! Why did you keep thinking about him? Are you in love with him? No! No! But my heart beats fastly when I see him. What’s wrong with me? SeoHyun nags to herself.

Noticing that she took lots of time out of the classroom, she quickly grabs the tissue to dry her hands and immediately go back to her classroom.

Stop thinking about him, SeoHyun! She reminds herself for the last time.



"HanKyung! Daydreaming in the night?" HeeChul sits beside Han Geng.

"Aniya. I'm just bored."

"How about the homeworks? You did all of them."


"Aigoo! HanKyung! You're sooooo intelligent."

"I had leisure time so I finished them."

"HanKyung, are you going out this weekend?"

"Emmm... I don't have any plan about it yet. Wae?"

"Do you want to follow me this weekend?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Meet my JYP High School friend, Jia."

"Aigoo… You have such a lot of friends. By the way, her name is like Chinese's."

"Yeah! You're so clever, HanKyung! She's actually a Chinese student of JYP, just like you, Victoria and Amber. That's why you need to meet them!"

"Jinjja?! But why should I meet them? I don't even know them."

"It is to add your friends. You can know more Chinese students."

"But I'm not as friendly as you. I'm afraid that I don't know what to talk to them."

"It's okay, you don't need to talk much. I will be the one who talk the most. Plus, it won't be long. You just need to accompany me. Oh… I remembered something! Jia told me that she will come with Fei."

"Fei? Another Chinese student?" Just by hearing the name, Han Geng can guess that she is a Chinese.

"Ne… They are best friends. Something to inform you, they are hot, you know?"

"You know I'm not interested to something like that, right?"

"Ne… Because you are interested to me, right?" HeeChul lifts his eyebrow.

"Not also!"

"So, you will follow me this weekend, right?"

"Emmm… Maybe…"

"I take that maybe as a yes." HeeChul then leaves Han Geng.

"Mweo?" Han Geng was dumbfounded. He has no choice.



The girls are doing their activities at the dorm that night. Some of them are at the living room, doing their activities. SooYoung is listening to the music through her headphone while surfing the Internet. Jessica, like usual, is chatting with someone while snacking. Sometimes, she laughs and sometimes she pouts. SeoHyun is reading on the sofa.

Sunny comes and approaches SeoHyun as SooYoung and Jessica are in their own world and cannot be disturbed. "Seohyun! Where are the others? I'm bored right now."

"Hmm… YuRi Unnie is making her yoga like usual, HyoYeon Unnie, also like usual, is enjoying the music and dancing in her room. Ermm… Tiffany Unnie, YoonA Unnie and TaeYeon Unnie… I don't know where are them."

"Oh… That three are watching an online drama in the bedroom."


"I'm hungry…" Sunny starts to show her aegyo.

"Why don't you eat?"

"I already ate all my snacks. Weekend, please come quickly! I want to go out and buy a lot of snacks."

"I have some snacks in my locker. Do you want some?"

"Aniya! It's okay! You're just too kind, Seo!" Sunny refuses.

"Aniya! I don't eat snacks often. You can take some. The snacks make my locker full. Please take some!"

"Well, if you said like that, then… thank you!"

"Wait here, okay!"

"Aniya! I'm the one who wants your food, so let me follow you. Don't treat me like a princess." Sunny follows SeoHyun to her locker.

"Ne… Because the 'Princess' is Sica Unnie, so I won't treat you like a princess. I need to treat you like a queen because you are the 'Aegyo Queen', aren't you?" SeoHyun gives some packets of snacks to Sunny.

"Omo… The Angel always has such a nice word… Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

Suddenly Sunny's phone rings for some seconds.

She looks at the screen and opens the message.

Sunny!!! Are you free this weekend? Let's have lunch together! It's my treat! ;> - Sungmin

Sunny smiles shyly after read the message and quickly reply that she accepts the offer.

Yeah! Weekend please come quickly!



Jessica is chatting while keeps eating the bungeo-ppang.

Sica, let's have a lunch together this weekend ;) - DongHae

Aniya… it'll gain my weight :< - Jessica

How about shopping?! :D - DongHae

Just the two of us? - Jessica

Ne… - DongHae

Aniya… It's dangerous. We could be caught. Don't forget that our school has its 'Dating Rules' - Jessica

What if I ask EunHyuk to accompany us. You can ask your friend too if you want to - DongHae

It's not interesting that way T_T - Jessica

So, we're not going to meet? •_• - DongHae

Can't help with that, oppa :( Mianhae… -_- - Jessica

It's okay then. It's for our goodness too right? :) - DongHae

Thank you for understanding ;D - Jessica

^v^ - DongHae

Oppa! - Jessica

Ne… Wae? - DongHae

Are you crying? - Jessica

No… - DongHae

Don't lie at me! ;( I know your tears are running down right now T_T - Jessica

How can you be so sure? - DongHae

Because I know you. You can cry very easily ToT - Jessica

*~* - DongHae

You better wipe your tears now. Bye! - Jessica

Jessica turns off her hand phone. She and DongHae Oppa are in relationship for quite a long time but they need to keep it as a secret or they will get their punishment which is whether to be dropped from school or end their relationship. Jessica doesn't want both two. She loves DongHae but in the same time she also loves SM High School. SM High School is well known as one of the prestigious school in Korea besides of JYP High School and YG High School. Although sometimes the management of the school is quite harsh and mean for the students, throwing the opportunity to study here is such a thing to be regretted.

DongHae always be the one who nearly bursts out the secret to other people. The only people who knew about them are their classmates and they know that their classmates can be trusted and they won't let any other people to know about this. To cover their relationship from public, Jessica needs to be mean to DongHae. Sometimes she needs to get away from DongHae as DongHae's eyes will stick at her without losing even a second and it will make people have a thought about them. Sometimes, when DongHae can't control himself from showing their closeness, Jessica needs to act like there's nothing happen. His classmates ever told that sometimes DongHae almost accidentally bursts out about his lover and they were the one who feel anxious and afraid that HaeSica relationship will be known by others.

But Jessica can't deny that that will be happened. She, herself sometimes can't control her feeling when they meet but she will quickly remind herself to behave herself or people will know and if this reaches the School Management, their relationship will not be longer.



HeeChul and Han Geng enters the Korean restaurant.

"So, here is the meeting place? I thought they will make request to meet at a Chinese restaurant." Han Geng said when he sits on the chair.

"They are unlike you. Let me see if there's any Chinese special dish." HeeChul looks at the menu.

"I have strong blood of Chinese that's why I can't move on from Beijing Fried Rice but I only eat it about… three times at Korea for five years I stayed here."

"There's no Chinese dishes here," HeeChul informs his friend.

"It's okay. I don't put a hope of it too."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Ermm… Chicken Jajangmyun is nice too."

Then, two beautiful girls approach them. "Sorry for being late," said one of them.

"It's okay, Jia! We also just came." HeeChul shakes his hand with the girl named Jia and they chat a bit.

To throw away his awkwardness, Han Geng then shakes hand with another girl. "I'm Han… Han…" Han Geng starts to stutter. What should I say? In Korea, people usually call him HanKyung because for them, Han Geng is a weird name. But, right now, in front of him is a Chinese girl.

"So, your name is Han Han?" asked the beautiful girl with their hands still holding to each other.

"No! No! My name is actually Han Geng but Korean always call me HanKyung. It's up to you to call me anything."

"Oh... Maybe I can call you Han Han," said Fei jokingly and both of them laugh.

"My name is Fei Fei."

"Really or joking?"

"No, no, this is for real. Wang Fei Fei," said Fei before laughs again.

"Nice name…"

"Thank you! By the way, Han Han is quite a nice name too."

Both of them laugh again. They don't know that they can get along well by their first meet without knowing each other.


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Chapter 6: omg that taeteuk progress haha they're soooo cute omg i love our ahjussi ahjumma
Chapter 1: I only found this fic now! Omg it's so cute, I miss supergen so much ㅠㅠ