
Life in Colour
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unbetaed, so please excuse any mistakes ♡





Sehun spends a lot of his free time wondering what his favorite color would be if he could see them. Would it be red? His dad says red is bright and fiery, whatever that means. It sounds nice enough. Maybe it would be blue, like the color of the sky, or so his mom says. Sometimes he thinks his parents just enjoy messing with him by appointing random colors to random things.

On average, one usually meets their soulmate around the age of eighteen. His parents met somewhat early, in middle school at the age of thirteen. Sehun’s twenty three now, twenty four in a few months and still no soulmate.

He often wonders if he even has a one.

It’s rare, but not impossible. As kids they would hear stories, stories of those who would live their whole life without ever seeing color. These stories scare Sehun the most, even now as an adult.

A majority of his friends met theirs by the end of high school, first of college at the latest. Those were some rough years for Sehun. It wasn’t like he wasn’t happy for his friends, he really was. But it was difficult to be happy when everyone around you was happy and in love and describing all the beautiful colors they finally got to see around them and you’re stuck there still seeing in boring black and white.

Maybe he just wasn’t meant to settle down.



“What color is this?”

Chanyeol lightly laughs being that it’s the tenth time Sehun’s asked him this in the past two hours. “It’s red, apples are red.”

Chanyeol met Kyungsoo their first year of college. Sehun still remembers the day perfectly, he and Chanyeol were sitting on the bus when Kyungsoo boarded. His best friend looked as if he had the life knocked out of him, eyes bulging out his head, mouth hung open as he stared at the other male.

He and Kyungsoo instantly clicked and have been inseparable ever since. Chanyeol spent that night rambling on to Sehun about how the world looks so beautiful and vibrant now that he could see all the colors of everything. Sehun had never seen his best friend speak so fondly of something before.  

“So wait, are all apples red? Cause my parents use to tell me they were green.”

“No, not all. Some are green, some are yellow. Some are dark red and some are light red.”

Sehun examines the fruit in his hand, eyebrows pulled together and lips pressed into a tight line as he tries to imagine what it would look like in color. “That’s so weird. What does yellow look like?”

“Hmm,” Chanyeol hums as he ponders. “Really bright and happy, I guess is the best way to describe it? Like if happiness was a color, it’d be yellow.”

The other nods as he continues to stare at the dark grey fruit. He tries his best to imagine happiness as a bright color- he can’t.

His face slowly morphs into a look of sadness as he squeezes the apple until his knuckles turn white. “Hey, what if I never meet my soulmate?”

Chanyeol finally takes his eyes off his phone and looks at his friend. “Not this again,” the other sighs. “Dude you’re only twenty three, stop being dramatic! You’ll meet your soulmate one day.”

“Everyone keeps telling me that, but I’m the only one that hasn’t met mine yet! Do you know how depressing that is? I’m an adult that doesn’t even know what the color of an apple is!”

“You’re still young! Some people don’t meet their soulmate ‘til they’re like thirty something. I’ve even heard of cases of like sixty year olds finally meeting the ones they’re meant to be with. Don’t worry, when the time is right it’ll happen.”

Sehun isn’t quite so sure about that, but the best thing he can do is to stay optimistic.

The sky is a particular shade of grey today with a few white clouds to provide some protection from the bright sun. He’s wearing his favorite black sweater today, at least he thinks its black, and a pair jeans with a messenger bag slung across his torso.

Today is yet another colorless, dismal Monday. He hates Mondays.

He takes a shortcut to Minseok’s coffee shop through the park, wonders how children can ever stand the monotonous hues of the play structure. He especially loves seeing the adorable dark grey squirrels (at least he thought they were dark grey, Chanyeol informed him they were in fact, brown) run around collecting food from sweet old ladies on park benches.

Rays of sunlight peeking through the sparse clouds shine down, warming up the exposed skin on Sehun’s arms. He stops for a minute, tilts his head back and closes his eyes as he takes in the warmth.

It’s then when another body violently collides with his, knocking him and the cup of coffee in his hand over to the floor. He groans and rubs his sore from the fall. There are papers scattered everywhere, which he assumes belongs to the person he ran into, most of them now soaked in his coffee.

He quickly bends down to help pick them up. The stranger is obviously in a rush as he messily snatches the papers from the ground while huffing to himself.

“Yah watch where you’re going, old man! You got my assignments wet!”

Sehun feels annoyance bubble in his chest. How dare this stranger call him an old man! He doesn’t even look that old!

“Excuse me?” Sehun scoffs, “Old man?! I’m only twenty three!” He swears teens these days are getting more rude every year. Doesn’t anyone respect their elders anymore? “And besides I was just standing there, you were the one that ran into me, you brat!”

Sehun quickly shuffles for his own books that fell, shoving them into his bag as he fumes with anger. Once he picks up the last paper from ground he lifts his head up to see who he bumped into.

A vibrant wave of colors crashes his senses as he locks eyes with the younger male. Splashes of warm chocolate brown color in his soft hair, a beautiful dark golden brown slowly replaces the grey in his eyes, and a pretty pink spreads across his pouty lips.

Sehun feels his heart racing in his chest, thumping so loud against his ribcage that it feels as if it’s about to jump out from his throat. He blinks a few times to make sure he wasn’t just imagining things, still in shock at sudden change in his vision.

The other male in front of him

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happy valentine's day loves!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 1: This is the second time I read this and it feels fresh. It is such a simple, yet a refreshing story.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: For the first time sehun is older
xlonelywhale #3
Chapter 1: I need more of this cuteness
Chapter 1: It's sooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 1: uwu... like major uwu.... u r they so cute....
Chapter 1: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 1: awww its so cuteee!
Cassie92 #8
Chapter 1: Awwwww
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute~~~