Chapter 97: Unexpected

We got Babies
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A/N: This chapter was supposed to be posted on christmas day but I felt so down after I found out about the accident happened to Wendy of Red Velvet and didn't bother updating the story but after reading some good news about her, I feel better now.

I'm sorry for taking too long to post a single chapter.

Anyway, here it is. Enjoy!

Chapter 97:

"Daddy's home!"

Yuri was welcomed by his Daughter's cheerful greeting, the tanned guy leaned down and spread his arms for his Princess.

"How was your day, Princess?"

"Gweat, Daddy! Ddudeongie and Ddeulgi and Dduyoungie play a lot."

He smiled and fix her hair, Krystal started preschool few weeks ago and gained two best friends named Seulgi and Sooyoung. They had a hard time leaving her alone with new people on the first week but now she's getting used to it and even looking forward to see her playmates and teacher.

"That's great to hear, Princess." He kissed her on the cheek then look around, "Um, Where's Mommy?"

"Mommy's asleep.."

He nodded and stood up, "Okay, play with amy first, I'll just go see mommy, okay?"


Yuri walked upstairs and went straight to their room, He opened the door and saw his Wife in the corner of their room while holding her phone.

"Sica.." He ran towards her and knelt down, "What happened?"

"Nothing." She said and swat his hands away.

"Are you still mad?" He asked.

"I'm not in the mood, stay away from me in the meantime."

Yuri closed is eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself down. They fought this morning because of whatever he said to Jessica that she didn't like and he doesn't even know what's wrong with what he told her since his Wife didn't explained to him.

"I hope you could tell me what happened, Sica. I'm worried about you."

"Nothing.." She said and get up, she sighed and went to the bed. "I'm tired, I want to sleep."

Yuri nodded, His Wife is always tired and moody. They often fight about petty things since Jessica is always irritated with anything.

He picked up her phone that she left on the floor and secretly put it in his pocket, He will check her phone later to know what happened to his wife.

"Can I, at least get a kiss?" He asked and sit on the bed facing her. "it's my reward after a long day at work." He said while wiping Jessica face.

"No.. Leave me alone. Go sleep in a different room." She stubbornly said.

"Okay.." He leaned down and kiss the side of her head, "I love you." he said and left the room.

He went to the living room where Krystal is playing and settled in the couch, he get his Wife's phone out and check her call logs.

"Ryeowon Noona.." He mumbled then called his sister in law.


"Noona, this is Yuri.. What happened to Sica?"

"Ah.. Um, nothing.. We were um, just talking about some stuff." 

"like what? I need to know, I'm worried about my Wife, Noona. She's acting really weird the past few weeks."

Ryeowon sighed, "No need to worry about Jess, Yul.. If something's wrong I'm sure she'll tell you." She told him, "You know Jess doesn't like keeping secrets. If something's bothering her, you'll know about it if she got enough courage to tell you. Just be patient with her."

He sighed and nodded in understanding, "I just hope this is not about her health."

"Don't worry too much, Yul.. I'm pretty sure she's okay."

"Alright, Noona." He thanked her then bid goodbye to focus on his child.

At midnight, Yuri was awakened when Jessica keep shaking him. He quickly sat up and scratch his eyes, "Why are you still awake?"

"I'm hungry." Jessica said.

Yuri heave a deep breath, Jessica often walk around the kitchen in the middle of the night to look for something to eat then she would wake him up to give her what she wants. "What do you want?"

"Um, I want to eat fruits.." She said and Yuri nodded quickly.

He's glad that His wife is not asking for complicated food this time unlike the past few days, "Okay, I will get you some fruits."

They get off the bed and walked out of the room, "I want seven different types of fruits and cheese sauce."

"What?" Yuri asked in surprise, "Seven different fruits? I don't even know if we have at least five types of fruits in the fridge."

Jessica face turned sad, "I'm sorry if I'm giving you a hard time.." She sighed, "I'll just try to go back to sleep." She walk to their room.

Yuri scratch his head and hold her arm to stop her from leaving, "I will give you seven types of fruits, baby and cheese sauce. Don't be sad." He told her.

"Really?" her face turned bright again then she hug him, "I'll wait for you in our room."

"Anything for you." He whispered to her.

He then walk down the stairs and went to the kitchen, "I hope we have enough fruits for Sica." He mumbled.

He checked the fridge and saw a lot of fruits that made him smile, "Peaches, cherries, grapes, strawberries.." He kept counting the types of fruits that he will serve his wife. "Mangoes, Banana and.. No more?" He bit his lips, He needs to find one more or else he will need to go out and find an open grocery store. "There's only Cucumber here but Sica never liked cucumber."

"Aish.." He took out the fruits except for the cucumber and sliced them.

He went upstairs with the fruits and the cheese sauce and went inside their room where his wife is waiting.

"Here." He said and placed the tray on the bed.

Jessica smiled and look at the mixed fruits in the bowl. She then look at Yuri with a pout, "I don't like this.. It's only six." He said and turned to the cheese sauce, "And I want a homemade cheese sauce.. Freshly made I mean."

Yuri silently groaned at his Wife's request, "Baby.. It's already late at night." He said and His Wife pouted, "Alright, it will take a long time for me to make cheese sauce since I need to watch some videos first.."

"It's okay.. I want seven different fruits and cheese sauce.. I can still wait." She smiled.

Yuri stood up and went back to the kitchen with the tray. Almost an hour later, Yuri went back with Jessica's requests. 

He placed the tray down and wiped the sweats on his forehead. He took a deep breath as his Wife check the mixed fruits.

"What did you put in here? Cucumbers?" Jessica look at him and he nodded.

"I uh.. I don't have any choice, Sica." He his lips, if Jessica sulk because of it he will need to go out and find fruits in the middle of the night.

To his surprise, Jessica smiled at him and put the slice of cucumbers in . "Perfect! Seven types of fruits and my homemade cheese sauce! My night is complete, thank you, love!" She pouted her lips fo a kiss.

Yuri leaned down and kissed her, "Anything for you, Baby." He whispered and watch his Wife eat.

"This is really yummy, I've been thinking about this the whole day." Jessica mumbled and dip the fruits in the cheese sauce.

"You're weird.." He thought and waited for Jessica to finish everything before they went back to sleep.


Jessica was pacing back and forth in front of the bathroom sink while waiting for the result of the test. She's nervous as hell and She was praying really hard for the result to be negative.

"Oh, gosh.. Please.." She mumbled with closed eyes.

She was suspecting that she's pregnant since she has the symptoms of a pregnant woman, Her Cousin also noticed it and told her to take a pregnancy test and now, here she is waiting for the result.

A few minutes later, she took a hold of the kit to see the result. With shaking hand while biting her lower lip, she slowly look at the pregnancy test.

"Two lines.. positive." Her breathing hitched to see two red lines and closed her eyes. "Oh god. I'm pregnant." She breathed and leaned on the counter as she started tearing up.

She can't be pregnant, She shouldn't be pregnant. Yuri will get mad, she know he will get mad. Her husband will not like it, it was clear to her that Yuri is not planning on having another child. 

She know that Yuri will react the same way he did when she was pregnant with Krystal and she's afraid to see his reaction once he finds out about this.

She wiped the tears away and went out of the bathroom to call Ryeowon, she needs her help on how she will hide it from Yuri.

"Hello?" Ryeowon answered.

"Unnie.. It's positive, I'm pregnant. What will I do now?" She asked and cried.

The events happened in the past started playing in her mind and she felt scared. She got traumatized by it and she never want to endanger her baby like what almost happened to Krystal.

"Where are you?" Ryeowon asked.

"In our room.. What will I do, Unnie?"

"Relax, Jess.. Don't stress yourself out, it's not good for the baby." her cousin gently said, "Take a seat and try to calm down, we'll talk about this calmly."

Jessica took a deep breath and sat at the edge of the bed, "Unnie.. This is my fault."

She couldn't help but blame herself, Yuri once blamed her for getting pregnant with Krystal.

"No, no, no.. This isn't anyone's fault, Jess."

"What should I do?"

"Tell Yuri right away, Jess."

She shook her head, "No.. He will get mad at me." She quickly said.

Ryeowon sighed on the other line, "I'm sure he's matured enough to realize that both of you are responsible for this." Her cousin said in a calm tone, "i'll be here for you, Jess. Don't worry."

"Unnie, I need to see you." She said in a hurry.

"I'll pick up the kids from school later then we'll go there, Jess."

"No, Unnie.. I'll go to you, are you in your office?"


"I'll go out to pick up Krystal from school, We'll go there, Unnie."

"Okay, I'll wait for you. Bye Jess." Ryeowon said then hung up.

She quickly dressed up and went out of the house with the securities. She was clutching her phone tightly, she was thinking of calling Yuri since her husband always tell her to call him immediately if something happens but she's so afraid of Yuri's reaction.

She lost her grip on the phone when it suddenly vibrated followed by a loud ringing. One of the two securities in the car look at her, "Are you okay, Miss Jessica?"

"Yeah.." She sighed and picked up her phone from the floor mat, she look at it and found Yuri calling her. She bit her lower lip, Did her cousin told Yuri about her pregnancy? Is it why Yuri is now calling her?

She took a deep breath and bravely answered the call, "H-Hello?"


"W-What? What do you mean by baby?"

"Huh? I'm calling you, Sica.. You are my baby." Yuri laugh on the other line.

She heaved a deep sigh of relief, "Hm, W-why did you call?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah.. I'll be home early today. Do you want to go out on a date? Just the two of us.."

"Um.. I'm not in a mood for that."

Yuri paused for a moment, "Are you okay, Baby?"

"Yeah, I have to go now."

"Sica, are you okay?" Yuri asked noticing that she sounds like she's not in the mood. "You must be tired." He gently said but got no answer from her, "Sica, I love you."

Jessica lowered her head to hide her tears, can Yuri still say that he loves her once he finds out that she's pregnant again or he will ignore her like what he did before?

"Sica.. What's bothering you? Did I call at wrong time?" Yuri sighed, "Alright, I will not bother you anymore just take good care of yourself. I love you, bye."

She put her phone down and cried, she now gets why she is always emotional and sensitive for the past weeks, she will have another angel to run around their house.

The Bodyguards look at each other and sigh, They want to comfort her but they don't know what to say to her.

"I'm okay, don't worry.. And please do not tell anything to Yuri." Jessica said and wiped her tears away.


"Jess, You don't have to go through this alone. Tell Yuri so he can take good care of you."

Jessica shook her head, "No, Unnie.. The best thing to do now is to hide.."

Ryeowon sighed and opened the door for her, They already had a talk and Jessica decided to leave and go back to her hometown to hide her pregnancy from Yuri.

It was a crazy idea, Ryeowon already told her cousin but Jessica is hardheaded, She's so afraid of Yuri's reaction and really worried about her second child. She wants to hide and go back after giving birth and by then, Yuri has no reason to hate her pregnancy and will just accept their baby.

"What about Krystal? Look at how attached she is with her new found best friends." Ryeowon said and look at the three kids who are playing outside the shop with the bodyguards watching them.

"She'll be fine if I leave her here with her Dad but I don't think I can last a day without seeing Krystal." Jessica let out a small smile, "She's my source of strength, her presence always remind me to be strong just like what she did when she was still in my womb."

Ryeowon hold her hand, "Just stay, Jess. Talk to Yuri about your pregn

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I'll make a chapter for Taeny for those who are curious about them! Thanks!


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Badetsky #1
I love the story please.updated these kind of story
Chapter 101: Re-read again I’m still waiting for update
Sone_Jihyo #3
Chapter 101: I have red your stories author-nim and i am so inlove with all of them. I hope you will finish this story also. Will be waiting for their happy ending. ❤️ Fighting author!
Hahahihipoqpoq #4
Chapter 101: I'm still waiting for this one to get finished 😭
Chapter 101: 👈👀
Chapter 7: 👀👌
yuridunaa #7
Chapter 101: 1 chapter left and im hoping again...
Chapter 101: Reread again..i thought u hve 1 chapter left?
915 streak #9
Chapter 1: rereading this again and this chapter still hurts
Osekop12 #10
Congrats on the feature!!