Chapter 3

Of A White Lily and A Flame.

Water and flame don't really mix. 

Totally opposite, totally incompatible to each other....

The fate already decided, the destiny said it all.....

and Chanyeol came to his own term to accept the cruel fate, the one that he can't fully escape even if he desperately wanted....

He can only admire Junmyeon from far away......

More than anything, he can't afford to hurt Junmyeon.....








Junmyeon's gentle smile...chanyeol missed it a lot, to be honest.  A gentle smile of his used to be warm and colourful, had always been dazzling and beautiful ..but that smile rarely spread across smooth feature of his nowadays. No, Junmyeon actually didn't smile at all lately, Chanyeol noticed. 


It had been three months since Lu Han's death, but Junmyeon didn't recovered yet from the mournful of losing his lover.  At least he was still there, breathing, although it was as good as dying, Chanyeol would say. 


Chanyeol and Baekhyun tried their best to make Junmyeon laugh again, but in between affection, Baekhyun would send a death glare, and chanyeol easily took the cue. Ah, that sensible guy should at least put a little trust on him, for god sake, he wasn't that dumb....


It was unnecessary to warn him - it was not even needed. Although he still didn't get over yet with his little crush o Junmyeon, it wasn't like he can't control himself. If anything, Junmyeon was the last person he would hurt....


And he didn't want to hurt Soo young's heart either....


Their friendship run like usual, but since Lu Han was no longer there, Baekhyun was always being by Junmyeon's side. If  Chanyeol and Soo Young had date, Baekhyun and Junmyeon would stuck up together, it appeared as if they had double date and people would have mistaken them as couple too. 


It was difficult for Chanyeol not to feel envious of Baekhyun ,,,,


It was Baekhyun who effortlessly made Junmyeon laughed again by his wicked joke, it was Baekhyun who always got the chance to share the pop corn or any other junk food with Junmyeon whenever they were in movie theatre, and it was still Byun Baekhyun who just casually hugged Junmyeon when ever he felt like it, without fear being judged or anything.....Baekhyun here and Baekhyun there….

If Baekhyun would send him a death glare, Chanyeol would return back the glare with his jealous stare.... although he didn't even have any right to. 

In midst of mess, Chanyeol felt grateful that Soo Young and Junmyeon were oblivious with the whole situation. 


Sometime, Chanyeol would spend his time only with Soo Young.  Soo Young always concerned about Junmyeon even during their time together.

Soo Young was always kind hearted enough, she took care Junmyeon well. She tried her best to comfort the elder although she didn't possess hilarious personality like Baekhyun. 


Chanyeol couldn’t feel guilty enough to Soo Young. Feeling ashamed and so wrong crumpled his heart. Indeed, Chanyeol felt guilty for many other reasons as well. He thought he was the worst person to ever exist in this world....


He didn't even have enough courage to tell Soo Young about his real self. Five years in relationship but he still didn't have faith on Soo Young to accept him as what he really was. 


But in the end, he only had himself to be blamed upon for everything.  

Despite of uncertainty, despite of overwhelming fear, he knew better than anyone, he should put this to an end. 

Chanyeol mustered every courage in him to finally open up to Soo Young and revealed his real self, because he knew it very well, Soo Young would definitely discover it sooner or later; it was just a matter of time.









He was flame, a light of hope, always in dream that somebody could accept his real self, the ugly him hidden inside, but in his darkest soul, he held fear....

Fear of being hated, fear of being casted out, fear of being forsaken.... for who he truly was. 


and Chanyeol really wanted to burn himself out of his fear...


Burn and burn and burn....and the light was getting weaker and weaker till the flame no longer out, he’d been incinerated…There was nothing left in him more, It’s all gone; every dream, every wish, every desire.


The flames consumed Chanyeol and he was going to burn into ashes; cold, disappear and forgotten forever…









The night was silent, cold and calm as usual, Junmyeon noticed when he had a look outside through the opened window of his bedroom. He was about to sleep, but he loved to enjoy the night breeze one last moment before closing his eyes. 


 With the full moonlight illuminated the darkness, Junmyeon eyes wandered far away into starry night sky, as if he was drawn into it. He just let the cold, clammy air prickled his face. Junmyeon sighed. 


Junmyeon can't help but noted there's subtle changes in the atmosphere before it gradually became apparent. The starry night seemed to be crying, as the red, bloody drops slowly blotched the sky, matted to each other before gradually becoming one and blended with tarry colour of the night ...

The scenery was nothing but spectacular and Junmyeon was astounded by the surrounding. 


A flock of moths could be seen flied all over the place, but it seemed that they gathered themselves and flied toward one direction. 


Strange feeling creeped in his gut, he felt like he heard his name being called by somebody - someone really needed him right now, although he was unsure....


Junmyeon wondered why...


"Junmyeon, hurry up..." Minseok's voice shook an amazed Junmyeon without alarm.  Junmyeon diverted his gaze toward the other. 


Besides Minseok was Baekhyun, who really looked very much in trouble.

Junmyeon dumbfounded for a while, glaring back and forth between Minseok and Baekhyun, before giving them a confuse look. "Hurry up? Where? what's happening?"


Minseok knew it can't be helped if Junmyeon bewildered, because he was the one who came to the other without any prior notice but currently, they were really running out of time. 


"Just follow me," Minseok said, while he grasped Junmyeon's right hand. "But Chanyeol really need you...I'll explain it later on our way to him .." Minseok worded his promise.


Ah, that was the only logical explanation that could answer his wondering mind -  Why he felt like somebody asked for help, calling out his name, and the strange feeling of his that the moths appeared to be begging him to follow them.


Junmyeon nodded, putting his trust toward the elder....



"Junmyeon, will you give yourself a chance to love and be loved again....." Baekhyun asked during their rush. It was not a right timing to ask or talk about romance, but Baekhyun didn't give a damn - may be it wasn't the right timing, but it was exactly the perfect moment to meddle.

Junmyeon wasn't expecting Baekhyun to ask him question that revolved around emotion at that exact moment, but Junmyeon wasn't surprise either. 


"What do you mean, Baekhyun?" Junmyeon asked, after having so many thoughts pounded into his mind, but yet he still unable to digest them out to reach into one single conclusion. 


"Do you see the moths?....we are going to tract Chanyeol by following them" This time, it was Minseok's turn to ask, but he didn't wait for Junmyeon to reply because obviously the younger could see that.  "Chanyeol is a fire wielder. It is fortunate and unfortunate luck all at the same time to possess such power, because unlike any other super power, it comes together with hidden monster," Minseok stated, beginning to reveal one by one. 


"All this while, the monster inside him remain quiescent, Chanyeol holds the other side of him pretty well, because it never emerges the longest time I’ve knew him, " Baekhyun supplied. 


"I guess nothing serious had happened to him all this while, but the fact that he never encounter one tragic moment in his life also mean that he never prepare himself well to suppressing the innate monster inside other words, he was lacking with that kind of experience...."


Junmyeon paid full attention to both Minseok and Baekhyun. Every newfound was registered into his skull, but they still didn't provide him enough clue to what was exactly had happened to Chanyeol. But, he was pretty sure there must be something happening to Chanyeol that triggered the monster inside him….


"Chanyeol finally come out to Soo Young. It's never been easy to Chanyeol even in the very first place to be born with fire ability, because it seem to come with a curse....So it takes all of him to finally tell Soo young the truth.... "


It came to him that... Chanyeol had been suffering an invisible agonizing pain, cried out alone all these while without telling him, even just for a little. A pang of regret constricted his heart, it ached him more than anything for not knowing how much the other bore the pain all by himself. 


Chanyeol who always so bright, who always light up others, but how irony,  his darkest side had been hidden so well underneath his cheerful demeanour.  Junmyeon felt full of regret, can't stop blaming himself for his inability to detect the immense pain that Chanyeol was suffering. 


"The sad truth is, not everyone can accept your flaws, it's unfortunate that it happened to Chanyeol too - it's seemed that everything is over for Chanyeol the moment he told the truth..." Minseok spelled out.


"It looked like he's been heavily consumed by the monster inside him - he's losing it. He can no longer suppress the evil soul who only waits for the right time to take over him...."

If Chanyeol was already losing his sanity, if Chanyeol already losing his mind to think straight, then there's only one way out for fire wielder such as Chanyeol......

No, it's couldn't mean that.... Junmyeon screamed internally when sudden realization gushed to him.  Junmyeon couldn't afford to lose another dearest life to him. Couldn't afford to lose Park Chanyeol!!!!


"Chanyeol...."  Junmyeon muttered, letting out a shaky breath. "Hyung, you didn't mean to say that...he is going to take his own life by setting himself on fire....,"

"Unfortunately, Junmyeon.... that's the cruellest fate.. That's why we have to be faster..." Minseok replied, while speeding up the truck. He still able to look calm as usual even in the most edgy situation. 




It was getting hotter and hotter Junmyeon noticed as they were approaching the scene, after unrelentingly following the flying moths. The smoke continuously attacking their nostrils and felt thicker, it was started to feel difficult even to breath. The inhaled smoke awfully felt bitter, pungent and sharp in their already dry throat, and they started to cough up several times.


....and Junmyeon didn't fail to notice that the number of moth became lesser and lesser as well, as if they had been captivated by the charming flame, but being entrapped and unable to find their way out. Perhaps, may be they always know they were going to be engulfed by the menacing wild fire, but unable to hold their desire to get closer to them. 


"Like a moth to the flame, huh..." 


Sea of golden and reddish colour, was the first thought that came across Junmyeon's mind when they arrived at the forest skirt. The fuzzy image of wildfire was reflected upon the surrounding river and filled up the sky, illuminating the entirety of dark night. 


The red flame burned everything that came into its contact, almost half of the forest was on fire. It was dangerous and exhilarating, breath taking and overwhelming, all at the same time. 


"From here onward, everything will be even more dangerous especially for you, Baekhyun. So, only Junmyeon and me will proceed further up. Just wait for us here, okay...." Minseok gave his command. 


"Ah, be careful both of you...." Baekhyun reminded. "Junmyeon hyung, you're our only hope. I put my trust on you.  So, please bring Chanyeol back safely...." Baekhyun pleaded, as he placed his hands on both Junmyeon's shoulders, starring deep into him. His eyes and his voice were full hope. 


"I will.., " Junmyeon replied,  keeping Chanyeol at the back of his mind. He knew, they really were running out of time. 

Junmyeon summoned the rain, very gentle rain, just enough to cool down the temperature and to protect still free from fire area or objects from getting touch by fire. He didn't try to fight the flame nor making it extinguish....

He didn't even have to say any single word to Minseok. The elder was already starting to act on his role, without saying anything nor need to be told as such.


Junmyeon knew his hyung. Minseok was always a reliable brother for him although he didn’t say much word.


Minseok was creating a path by building two sides of ice walls so that two of them could go in. The ice melted along the way as being by the fire, but sufficed to protect them.


The wave of wildfire started to lose its strength and it became faint once they reached the centre of burned out forest. 


"Chanyeol....Chanyeol....." Both junmyeon and minseok shouted the fugitive's name out. Their voice echoed throughout entire forest. 


Junmyeon can feel it, Chanyeol was just nearby, but he couldn't pin point where exactly the other was.  Smoke was blocking their vision, and some of it entered their eyes- tears well up because it sting too much. 


Junmyeon was very much dependent on his sixth sense right now. 


They were about to walk further in when his ears picked up cracking sound of decayed wood and the rustle sound from sudden jolt of movement.... it appeared to him somebody was trying to run away....


Junmyeon instinctively halted from continuing his step. Minseok followed immediately.  "Chanyeol?" Junmyeon asked once more, trying to confirm his thought. 


Only the slow burning noise at the background could be heard. But the field of vision gradually became clearer to both of them as the smoke slowly faded, and a shadowy figure imperceptibly appeared through the midst of haze. 

Junmyeon and Minseok looked into each other, exchanging the glance and the elder later on gave him an understanding look. 


" I want to go to Chanyeol all by myself...." Junmyeon timidly requested, voice muffled, uncertain whether his hyung will allow him or not. 


"Hyung want to accompany you, Junmyeon, but I know, Chanyeol only need you there. So, I am not going to follow your back but you will always have my back for whatever it is..." Minseok said calmly, smiled a little bit, as he pushed the black bang covering Junmyeon's forehead up. " You are going to have only yourself there, so please be extra careful...."


Junmyeon nodded, understanding one and every single word and implications. "Thank you hyung..."  Junmyeon said. 


"So, this is what it is. I'll be waiting for you here..." Minseok muttered . 








Junmyeon slowly walked to the shadowy form. He was fully aware that Minseok was not that very far away from him, but his legs instantaneously shaky and trembling as he took every step toward the intimidating creature, as the growling sound became even more louder to him.  


"Chanyeol....." Junmyeon muttered the other's name once he clearly saw the furious figure, hoping that the other would hear him.....


And Junmyeon stopped walking straight away once the creature glared to him. It didn't do anything to Junmyeon yet, in fact, he sat still under the burning tree, but his deathful eyes were enough to send shiver down to his spine.


So, this was the beast form of Chanyeol that Minseok had been talking about earlier....


The creature was massively huge, double size of his human form, making him a hulk, Junmyeon would say. His right eye was bright red, while his left was grey, both were large and murderous to look at. His hair was ashes grey, and his whole dark body appeared to be covered by ash all over. Its ear shells were huge, hanging up more than the usual. The clothes that it wore, wrapped around it tightly as most part was badly torn.


and last but not the least, the most interesting part was, the beast also possessed wing, half of its size. 


It was totally terrifying, if Junmyeon was to be honest to himself. In the midst of the growling mixed with howling sound, Junmyeon sensed the sadness and misery in it, as if pleading something from him...


"Chanyeol...." Junmyeon repeated that beast's name for umpteenth times, hoping for some response. But to his dismay, the sharp howling sound became even louder....


"Chanyeol, can you hear me.?..." Junmyeon asked, to reassure, as Minseok had reminded him that there might probability that Chanyeol might losing his mind in this state - Chanyeol probably unable to recognize him anymore. 


The only reply that Junmyeon got from the beast was in the form of roaring sound, shouting back at him. It was very resounding, the vibration reverberating the night, and for a while Junmyeon thought he had went deaf. 


Junmyeon closed his eyes shut, as if afraid to get any more scolding. The pain came from deafening sound was unbearable, it sliced his ear drum and nerve ending through and through. 


Junmyeon's body already been weakened by the beast's sound alone, and he himself was unsure if he could hold himself any longer. .


But he mustered every strength left in him to remain stand and moved toward the monster, as he slowly walked approaching it. It was true he felt scared, frightened and terrified, but what scared him the most above all was the thought of losing somebody who was dearest to him. What made him terrified the most was losing purest, brightest smile of his, and what frightened him the most, was ...losing the warmth of his kindness forever......


Junmyeon didn't want to see the flame to disappear forever, right before his eyes...

Like a month to the flame, he was willing to do anything....was willing to burn his own limbs just to touch the most beautiful, the most radiant, the most captivating flame he had ever laid his eyes on...


Junmyeon was about to make another step, when a very deep, baritone voice paused him. He was just a few foots away from the beast, “Junmyeon, please don't come near me...." it said. 


It was not like Junmyeon didn't hear the request, it was not like he ignored it, but he chose not to listen, he chose against the words, as he stepped forward further, even with his shuddering legs. 


"Get out from here.... Don't come any further.,." the voice wailed...

But Junmyeon still walked and walked, the more the voice said not to, the more he wanted to get nearer...


"Which part of my words you didn't understand!!!!"  the voice suddenly snapped, losing the last bit of its sanity as it violently grabbed Junmyeon by his narrow middle and threw him away in random direction. Defenceless Junmyeon landed to the ground with a loud thud, quite far away from the original site. 


Junmyeon winced in pain as a result from the strong impact of landing by buttocks first. The shooting pain crawled his entire spine every time he tried to move his legs, he bit his lower lips in an attempt to endure the pain. 


The monster completely became wild again, it was looking at Junmyeon with this sharp angry glare before gradually turning itself into fire.....










Chanyeol tried his best to control himself, tried his best to suppress the murderous instinct of his beast form to kill or injure any living thing....


But in one moment, his every sense of insight and judgement had been blunted by pure destructive instinct that took over his soul. 


Chanyeol hated himself to be seen in his beast, ugly form, by the person if anything, should have been the last person to discover him in this form. Junmyeon was the last person he ever wanted to be met, Junmyeon should be the last person to know how disgusting his other side was. 


He was in utter ashamed, mortified and bewildered...


But Junmyeon was completely stubborn, determined, and earnest Chanyeol noted, as the elder was still approaching him, was still moving forward despite on his very much shaky legs, despite Chanyeol's initial warning growl. 


Junmyeon was always so small to Chanyeol, but now he was even more. His heart softened a bit when he looked at how much fragile and tiny the elder's look by his perceptive point of view.


The small man was greatly trembling, Chanyeol wondered why.... Did the other feel intimidated? But then, Junmyeon kept on approaching him... Didn't he feel any scare of him? even for a bit?


Chanyeol by any mean, didn't want to harm Junmyeon...even though in his beast form, and he barely recognize people, but Junmyeon's soft and warm voice easily recognizable to him. His subconscious mind wanted to protect Junmyeon, wanted to shield him from any danger....that was the only reason he found himself saying "Don't come near me...."  and  "Get away from here...." .He realised he was lethal, even to Junmyeon.....Thus, he didn't want Junmyeon to touch him, to hold him - the most disgusting being who didn't deserve to be loved by somebody as beautiful as Junmyeon. 


Unwanted and unwelcome thought came to him the moment Junmyeon was very close to him, and it was spreading too fast like a wildfire...too furious, and too volatile. Junmyeon was almost touching him gave jolt to his nerve, the wave of shock electrocuted him from any last bit of sanity he was still holding....and in that spur of time, Chanyeol without himself knowing what he was doing - yanked the small man and threw him violently to the ground. 


He couldn't recognize himself any longer.....he always knew flame was always burning hot, but he just couldn't feel it in himself as the red fire was slowly enveloping him.....










The pleading voice of his own name echoed in his darkest mind, like a wave of ocean that greeted the shore. Wave of awareness came to him softly...

Junmyeon was lying helplessly on the ground, looking at  him with fragile look in his glassy eyes was the first thing that Chanyeol saw once he regained back his sense. Only then he realized he had injured the pale male without himself knowing what he had done...


He can’t forgive himself for hurting the person he loved the most.

"Chanyeol....please stop burning yourself....please listen to me....."


But it was of no use as chanyeol himself lost his control over the fire. The flame wouldn't stop burning him and finally incinerate its wielder into ashes, unwanted ..the cruellest fate that he came to accept.


It was an irony how he shed tears in the midst of fire....but, Junmyeon's feeling was a total miracle to Chanyeol...


" I love you, Chanyeol....please stay with me....Please don't go....."

His heart bloomed in happiness as he heard love confession coming straight from Junmyeon, even in the last moment of his life. 


His heart beat gradually became slower and weaker, and Chanyeol realised that he didn't have much time to hold on -this was going to his final moment as his heart turned into scar. 


Chanyeol closed his eyes...the tears of mix feeling streaming in his closed eyes...He sighed, enjoying a bit of last moment in a weird way, as he silently wished farewell to the pale man. 


Chanyeol knew that Junmyeon was slowly striding toward him while holding the pain. Junmyeon's leg was shaking, but his heart didn't waver.  The stepping sound became closer to him, but Chanyeol knew both of them stand no chance, he was going to be disintergrated anyway.......

But he never expected Junmyeon to come very close to him and his right hand touched the fire....


"Open your eyes, Chanyeol...." Junmyeon said as his hand touch the flame, slowly about to reach Chanyeol's face. The flame wasted no time its way on the sleeve of Junmyeon’s shirt. 


"What are you doing, Junmyeon hyung? You're going to hurt yourself...."Chanyeol retaliated, knowing that Junmyeon was in pain in order to reach him.....He was burning himself in that process. 


But the moment Junmyeon's fingers timidly touched and caressed Chanyeol's skin on his left cheek was a pure miracle....His heart started to beat faster, stronger, and Chanyeol could feel by himself that the blood in the veins started to run again over his entire body. 


"I'd rather losing one of my arm than losing you forever....I don't want to  lose the most beautiful flame I've ever seen which is you, Chanyeol....." Junmyeon replied, as he traced Chanyeol's skin with his fingers tip. He was smiling, but shaking in tears.  The flame became gradually smaller, as if losing its animosity to fight. 


"Aren't you afraid of me, Junmyeon hyung?" Chanyeol asked.


"I am, chanyeol, I'm not going to lie.....but what afraid me the most is losing the light of my life...." Junmyeon gave his honest reply, by that time, flame completely fade away -Junmyeon's touch was magical for Chanyeol.


"I' m too ugly hyung ...Beast like me is too disgusting to look at...." Chanyeol who still felt insecure of everything, worded his mind. 


But Junmyeon was calm as he replied, "Being a beast doesn't mean you're ugly.....Being a beauty, doesn't mean you're beautiful either....Every inch of you is beautiful Chanyeol, inside out... You're the most beautiful flame and I don't want you to extinguish forever before my eyes...."


Junmyeon's fingers delicately lingered on Chanyeol's lips for a good few moments....His eyes were trailing, as if wondering if he should go further, but the pale male tipped toe, as he grabbed and pulled Chanyeol down a bit by his neck so that.,....


Junmyeon's lips finally was on his, soft but solid, all at the same time, the only answer that was needed to dispel any of Chanyeol's doubt...

and it was surreal, the kiss- the only last thing that Chanyeol could remember before he closed his eyes completely….  









Chanyeol's eyes stuttered opened, as the warm, shyly light of sunray longingly grazed them. It was new day, Chanyeol noticed, after having a longest dream he could ever think of. He wouldn't have known how many days had been passed by, but the mist of morning fresh air lingered on his skin was rejuvenating, a pure bliss, and he might have had mistaken that he was already in the heaven if it wasn't the shooting backache that ruin a bit of the moment. 


Ah, he's still alive, he reminded himself regardless...

And his eyes were granted by the sight of sleeping Junmyeon. Chanyeol just starred at that gentle and delicate face, relishing himself with  pure beauty who was lying by his side.  Ah, suddenly Chanyeol remembered how his hands felt so itchy to paint Junmyeon's face with flowers .. With his eyes was closing, Junmyeon looked so calm and peaceful....It was a total blessing to wake up on every morning, by the sight of sleeping Junmyeon.....


Chanyeol thought he would have been staring at Junmyeon all day long if it was not for Minseok's voice that stirred his delight up. 


"Ah, i already woke up...." Minseok said, smiling. 


"For how long we've been passed out?" Chanyeol asked out of curiosity. He blushed, as he realized that Minseok would have noticed him starring at his younger brother longer than necessary. In the miserable attempt of trying to cover up, Chanyeol sat up immediately, rubbing his nape with his left hand as he looked at Minseok sheepishly. 


His eyes wandered everywhere, ah, they were in centre of green house, the thought registered immediately into his mind, as he saw beautiful flowers sorrounding them. 

"Like three days?” Minseok replied. 


"What?" Chanyeol asked to confirm what he had heard. Surprise evident on his face, as his eyes appeared as if they were popped out 


"Yes, you’ve heard it correctly…It has been three days...." Minseok stated, confirming. 


"Okay..." Chanyeol mumbled weakly, unsure what to reply. 

" Don't say that... You're very heavy Park Chanyeol......" Minseok teased Chanyeol a bit.


"Ah, sorry for that....." Chanyeol grinned. His tone half mocking, half apologize, but gratefulness laced in his voice as he resumed, " Thank you for saving me."


"You're welcome although i didn't do much... Perhaps, you should thanks Junmyeon more .. He is the one who have saved you...He's your life saver..." 


There was no dispute that Junmyeon had saved him from himself, had saved him from his own weakness, insecure and self doubt. Chanyeol owed his life to Junmyeon a lot, he was forever in debt with the elder. 


Chanyeol looked back at Junmyeon who was still sleeping, this time his entire small frame.  " What happened to Junmyeon hyung? " he asked, frowning, as his eyes caught on Junmyeon's state - the elder lost his right upper limb, stumped at the level of mid arm.

"You mean his right upper limb?" Minseok asked  Chanyeol and the younger meekly nodded.


"Oh, it had been severely injured by burn, and Yixing, our personal doctor, has no other option but to amputate it to save Junmyeon's life..." Minseok explained calmly, as if it was nothing. It was a wonder for Chanyeol, because  he expected Minseok to get mad at him or scowled at him, but Minseok's tone didn't hint any of it even for a trace. 


A pinch of guilty creeped into Chanyeol's heart, he could only blame himself for the loss of Junmyeon's limb. Junmyeon was always too kind, a little white lily who never hesitate to sacrifice himself for others, even though he was always too fragile. 


"I'm sorry..." Chanyeol muttered, lacking of better word -  feeling of regret and sorrow was bigger than just sorry, but no other word came up to him. His throat just  felt dry, he chocked at his own word.


"Please don't " Minseok disputed. "He said he's very happy, even at the cost of his own life... it's worth it because you are still alive, and you're still here with him..." he reassured. "I bet, you're the first person he wants to see the moment he opens up his eyes, so please cheer him up, "Minseok said. "I entrust my younger brother to, please take care of him well..."

Chanyeol and Minseok exchanged glance for a good few seconds. Chanyeol nodded, understanding the weight behind those words before making a vow, "I promise that I'll protect him with my own life...." 


Minseok laughed..." Tell that to him, not me you silly...."

"But you're his brother, Minseok hyung, of course I have to tell you...." Chanyeol said in soft mocking voice. 


Chanyeol scanned back Junmyeon by his own eyes, fern and a white lily in Junmyeon's hold caught his attention. Ah, Junmyeon's heart was always beautiful, so beautiful, that even his in sleep, he wanted to protect small creatures too. Unknowingly, Chanyeol smiled silently, because how can he not? Every little thing in Junmyeon was too precious to him. 


"Junmyeon hyung...." Chanyeol mumbled his hyung's name quietly, without any intention to wake him up..... Ah, word couldn't do justice how much he missed his Junmyeon hyung, his tiny hyung, his little beautiful white lily.....


As if he knew his name had been summoned by his other half, Junmyeon slowly opened his eyes..."Chanyeol...." he muttered, voice sounded so weak and feeble, eyes were not fully open yet. 


"Junmyeon hyung...." Chanyeol uttered the elder's name excitedly. Like a giant puppy he was, Chanyeol wasted no time pounced a still weak body, bringing him into a  bone crushing hug. Junmyeon was utterly clueless for a while, but he easily reciprocated it as he rest his head onto Chanyeol's shoulder.


"I miss you, Junmyeon hyung...." he blurted out. 

"I know...and I miss you too, Chanyeol...." Junmyeon replied. 


"Just be careful not to hug him to tightly, I know you're super excited and all, but you're almost crushing him, Park Chanyeol..." Minseok playfully interrupted their heartwarming moments. 


Chanyeol's face turned into crimson, embarrassed, but of course, he missed his Junmyeon hyung, even right now. He detached himself just to have a better look on Junmyeon..." I am sorry...." he mumbled. "Are you okay,  Junmyeon hyung Chanyeol asked, to ensure that Junmyeon was fine. 


"Of course I am..." Junmyeon exclaimed. He was blushing too.

Chanyeol smiled as his right hand gripped Junmyeon's hand at wrist, taking care not to damage the fern and white lily, and brought it to their centre. His left hand joined them, now that both of Chanyeol's hands hold Junmyeon's.


Without having to be asked, as if understanding something, Minseok excused himself but not without roasting Chanyeol first .."I guess you guy need some  privacy, right? I think I shall be going then," he said, teasingly winked at Chanyeol."But Park Chanyeol, please don't try anything funny to Junmyeon...." Minseok reminded Chanyeol in teasing way.  

Of course Chanyeol didn't know how to reply that remark, but Junmyeon saved him from further being embarrassed by Minseok.


"Minseok hyung....."Junmyeon whined in cute way.

"Ah, okay it....." Minseok made a surrender gesture before funnily exited himself. 


Junmyeon observed Minseok, ensuring his brother completely out of his sight before turning his attention back to Chanyeol. "Now, it's only two of us here....." he said, a gentle smile formed on his beautiful face. 


"Yeah..." Chanyeol replied, lacking of better word because Junmyeon in front of him was just too beautiful, and it was just satisfying to just stare at him. 


They just stared into each other's eyes, no word was exchanged in between them. For a good few seconds, the enjoyed their moment together silently...

Chanyeol's large hands slowly lingered, wrapping gently the fern and white lily too, as if he wanted to protect them too.


"Hyung, thank you for saving me from myself...So, this time around, in the future, even in the heaven, I want to protect you too, together with the flower...." Chanyeol gave his words. "Please depend on me too..."he pleaded.  

Junmyeon chuckled sweetly. Ah, giant Chanyeol was too precious, begging him like this, as if his life was depending on it. And he was cheesy too!


He can't just disappoint him by saying otherwise. ..


"Of course you I only have one hand, I would depend on you a lot...So, please don't regret it later on...." Junmyeon joked. 


"No..Never.. that's my promise... " Chanyeol professed. "because....I've always love you since the longest time...So, please let me pick the most beautiful flower here, and in my eyes it has always been you..."


After saying how much he missed his Junmyeon hyung, and continue talking then and there only just now Chanyeol confessed. Junmyeon chortled again, it couldn't be help he guessed, his Park Chanyeol was always being endearingly clumsy since forever....he never changed a bit, ever since they first met each other even till now. Ah, he never thought back then it was something that he needed up till now - the clumsiness in Park Chanyeol was something that naturally brightened up his day. 

Chanyeol as expected ruined the moment up, but Junmyeon loved Chanyeol enough to let it slide..He just in love with Chanyeol....


"What are you now?  A sun or a bee?" Junmyeon asked teasingly, didn't fully recovered from his previous laugh...


"I can be both, only if you let me be...If I was a sun, I'll radiate ray which blooms you even more..If I was a bee, of course... it's kinda bee over white lily?" Chanyeol replied. Junmyeon laughed even more, after multiple failed attempts to stop burst. 

The answer might be sounded ridiculous a bit at the end, but, Junmyeon never had a good big laugh like that, so it was worth to make a fool of himself at the end.


"You're having a very good laugh right now, don't you think so, little white lily? I guess you can't even resist my clumsy charm. So, will you let me pick you up, and be my white lily forever? " Chanyeol proposed. 


" I love you too Chanyeol. Of course, I let you pick me up, and be your white lily too..." Junmyeon gave his answer.


Junmyeon's eyes beamed full of happiness and pure delight. With the fern and white lily still in the middle of them, they kissed. It was a slow, passionate kiss. The one that was filled with all of the love they had for each other. 


But, Junmyeon didn't expect the 'pick up' to be REAL, as Chanyeol let his hand go to slowly lift him up, carrying him bridal style..


"Put me down, you idiot...." Junmyeon whined. 

"No never...As a promise, I'll pick you up from now on..." Chanyeol replied as he carried Junmyeon without difficulty. A soft mock laced in his voice.  His hyung was so light, was so tiny in his strong arms, and Chanyeol felt nothing but honoured to be able to protect this precious white lily. 


Junmyeon couldn't really say no to Chanyeol, he didn't want the tale lanky guy to pout either. 


"If you were a bee, then I was a white lily, like a bee to the white lily.." Junmyeon uttered.


"If I was flame, then you were a moth, like a moth to the flame.."   Chanyeol returned the answer. 


Junmyeon's heart was in the bloom. He could feel Chanyeol's warmth and love in the strong arms of his, protecting him. He felt small, being carried by Chanyeol, but he simply liked it. 


And Junmyeon could see magical thing happened by his own eyes, the flowers of multiple colors bloomed happily, as if they cherished and granted their blessing for both Chanyeol and Junmyeon. Junmyeon knew there would never be better spring other than this one - spring with Park Chanyeol.


With Chanyeol by his side, Junmyeon knew his spring would never be the same again. Perhaps, there would be many new journeys awaiting them to be ventured together - their love sonnet would still be continued....



 “Be with me forever, Junmyeon hyung….so that we can create the seven coloured rainbow together….”











A soft trickling sensation was felt over his skin as a brush gently been swept on his left sided chest and face. 


Junmyeon not knew what kind of flowers being painted on him but he felt relax under the artist's touch, ridiculously was almost dozing off too, if it wasn't for Chanyeol's husky voice that rouse him up. 


"Hey, Junmyeon hyung..Wake up, I already finish my painting up..." Chanyeol softly whispered, right into Junmyeon's ears. 


It wasn't that difficult task at all to wake Junmyeon up...not at all, as Junmyeon slowly opened his eyes. " Ah, sorry..." he apologized.


Chanyeol giggled in amusement. "You like this too much hyung, aren't you?." Chanyeol didn't miss the chance to tease Junmyeon.


Of course he was, because Chanyeol's touch was always a miracle - always gentle and full of care, and his work was always breath taking.  He can't wait to see it by his own eyes.


Ever since in relationship, they made an arrangement to paint Junmyeon once in every week. Junmyeon easily agreed with the idea, because he wanted to know too, how Chanyeol's paint will look like on his face. As give back, Chanyeol would help Junmyeon with his florist shop. Chanyeol, with his gangly limbs bumbling around and knocking things over in the middle of green house but Junmyeon had never been this happy. Junmyeon was totally okay with clumsy Chanyeol who look so clueless surrounded by small flowers, wondering what to do with hose and trowel in his hands. It was an endearing sight to look at. Chanyeol occasionally set up a small fire by incidence, or splashing water to him but Junmyeon never had heart to really get mad at him. After all, Chanyeol was always eager and insistent to learn and he improved a lot over the course of time.


Junmyeon couldn’t get enough of Chanyeol as the tall guy always showered him with everlasting love. Chanyeol loved to play with butterflies in garden and sent cheesy messages through them, saying ‘I’m yours’, ‘you’re mine’, ‘my beautiful white lily’ or simply ‘I love you’. Junmyeon unsure for how many times his heart had been stolen by this man, but….


Unknowingly, he smiled after reading the messages. Certainly, everyday was his spring, twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year.





His jaw hang opened in awe as he saw his own reflection. It was not his first to witness the magical in Chanyeol's art on his face, he had it countless times, but it never failed to mesmerize him. Primrose, violet, orchid, chammomile of various colours and size adorned his face and chest, with fern leaf in crawling in between, the paint was utterly beautiful to look at. 


"Beautiful..." Junmyeon complimented. 


"Of course, you're beautiful as always, Junmyeon hyung..." Chanyeol supplied. 


"No, I mean your painting...I like everything about this paint, the colour, the texture, the detail..."Junmyeon praised the younger.

"I heard it multiple times already..."Chanyeol jested. 

"But you like it when the compliments come from me..." Junmyeon protested softly. 

"Of course... masterpiece in masterpiece..but the true masterpiece is you..." Chanyeol wowed Junmyeon for umpteen times - because his lover was totally a work of art coming straight from God himself. 


A soft pink tainted on Junmyeon's soft cheeks - because his heart was in the bloom, being spoiled by praises and compliments.  Chanyeol was of no joke when he told he was going to be Junmyeon's sunshine, although in joking way, because he truly was.  


Despite losing his right limb, Junmyeon smiled brighter than ever...Channyeol couldn't thankful enough to Junmyeon to give him another chance to live on, to witness his smile again, and to feel what's like to be loved by the one he loved, and the one who truly accept him. 


Junmyeon lost almost half of his power, but having Chanyeol by his side to protect and be his backbone made Junmyeon felt stronger than he ever been. The protective feeling to protect Junmyeon also became the sole reason for Chanyeol to master and gain control over his superpower. Thus, they were perfect in many ways behind the imperfection….


For Chanyeol it was an honour to be the sunshine for Junmyeon, for the rest of his life, to be the true reason behind his beautiful smile. The only smile that matter to him, the only smile that became his source of happiness and inspiration, the only smile that gave him an emotional ride even after multiple times of seeing it. Chanyeol made a lifetime vow to protect it dearly at all cost...


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Kjm_bbygirl #1
Chapter 3: Wah what a great story *thumbs up* (^_^)
lecksielovesjunnie #2
Chapter 3: Okay, forget it. I love the whole story. Kudos!
lecksielovesjunnie #3
Chapter 2: Okay, the heartbreak is :((((
lecksielovesjunnie #4
Chapter 1: ♡♡♡♡ speechless
lecksielovesjunnie #5
This loos promising, I'mma start reading this one too. ♡
Chapter 3: So beautiful ! :)
LittleMissTatty #7
It's Suyeol so I read. Love it, thankyou for writing it! I'm always happy to see you post stories. c:
suhojang #8
Chapter 3: Thank you this fic is so beautiful, romantis and so chessy. Its so typical of you to write fanfic so romantis and my favorite part is where junmyeon save chanyeol is so heart warming ah my heart?
Terima kasih authornim
Chapter 2: I don't even know how to word this fic, everything is beautiful, the way you describe everything is just wow! Although my heart breaks a little when Luhan died and Junmyeon lost his limb, but the way you end this fic with that suyeol moments makes me forget about those heartbreaks. Thank you for writing this -and inviting me ♥
Chapter 2: Asz this is so beautiful :) My suyeol feels ^_^ I'm super duper excited to read the whole fic :D