
To Tear One’s Walls
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Chapter slightly skimmed over, not entirely edited since I’m super tired right now. T-T

She staggered through the stairs of the rooftop with a large yawn escaping her small frame, the reeking smell of cigarettes firing in the air was clue enough for her to know Yixing was awake, as she expected. She didn’t hesitate to walk further up.

She couldn’t sleep, and naturally when these fiascos of hers came to her – sometimes she couldn’t sleep, too many nonsocial thoughts swimming in her head, from her parents to her current situation with the wolves; rendering her wide awake in the middle of the night — she wouldn’t seek for one of the boys, since they weren’t exactly close. But at the moment; she felt the peak of her heat burning a scorch down her tummy, and she longed for any sort of physical contact with her boys. The fact they were in good terms helped ease her awkwardness. 

She opened the door to the rooftop with eyes wide open, suddenly high alert on what she could face on the other side. She peeked her head inside, just a little for her eyes to see; and she noticed not only Yixing as she thought, but both Sehun and Baekhyun. They were all smoking, white, sheer air bubbling in front of their faces like clouds. She’d have thought of them as harmless clouds, if not by the stench radiating out of them.

She sent a sheepish smile towards the three of them, realizing they were already staring at her incredulously, probably have heard of the small paddle of her feet on the ground. They have super hearing after all.

“I couldn’t sleep,” she found herself murmuring at them, stepping fully inside and closing the door behind her with a soft click. “And I knew I’d find you here..” She glanced at Yixing in particularly when she said that, and the boy’s naturally hazy eyes blinked softly, as if he was trying to understand the gaze directed towards him through the intense clouds of smoke. 

“Come here, sit beside me.” He murmured back in the same soft voice of hers, patting the rug-covered floor right beside him, and she smiled in gratitude, happy that he didn’t send her back to sleep instead (something she knew Minseok would have asked her to do if it was him she found instead of Yixing) she spared the two boys a curious stare while trudging towards Yixing, never once looking away from the abyss of brown orbs of her mates.

“Why are you two awake?” She found herself asking the two, eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. Baekhyun stared at her with his usual aloofness, while Sehun allowed a small smile to paint his face while taking a drag from his cigarette. “Yixing, I’m used to since he’s a night kind of guy, but what about you two?” She continued to question, rubbing her hands together when a cold breeze passed by her pajamas-clad body. It didn’t help that her pajamas’ fabric was soft. 

“We are all nigh creatures, sweetheart.” Sehun answered huskily, his voice sounding a little low-pitched, and she concluded he had a lot of cigarettes to smoke before she came to them. Still, his voice made things trickle on her body, a feeling of needle-like prickles going all over her arms and legs in a good way. 
She felt another soft breeze attack her, and she didn’t stop the shudder from taking over her body. Instantly, Baekhyun shrugged himself from his jacket and offered it to her, his eyes all warm and inviting, with a small curl to his lips like he was staring at something he wanted to protect with his life. She accepted his offer with a sweet smile, knowing that werewolves were warm in nature and didn’t need that many articles of clothes on; Sehun and Yixing weren’t even wearing jackets like Baekhyun had been doing.

“This feels nice,” she found herself whispering while wrapping her small body around Baekhyun’s large and hot jacket; his body had already heated the cloth for her. A smell of rich vanilla and manly cologne wafted through her nose; Baekhyun’s smell, and she felt her upcoming heat lurch another squeeze to her stomach. The girl felt like she wanted to be buried with Baekhyun’s scent all of a sudden. “Except for the stench of the cigarette.” She cleared , pushing these thoughts of Baekhyun’s smell away from her head. 

Baekhyun once again did something absolutely sweet. He crushed his cigarette stick on the floor beneath him, stopping his smoking right away at her comment, and her heart flooded with warmth and love for the precious being.

“Thank you.” She sweetly thanked, and red dusted his neck and ears immediately. He was shy.

“Do you want us to put ours down too?” Yixing commented, seeing her approval over Baekhyun’s actions, his cigarette already out of his mouth to crush it on the floor as well. However, she widened her eyes and turned to him nervously, his warmth-filled eyes doing nothing to ease her sudden anxiety.

“I.. really wouldn’t want you to feel obligated to.” 

“It’s okay,” Yixing hummed softly, giving her a soft small smile that outlined his dimple, and easily crushed his cigarette in front of him, ceasing to smoke just as easily as Baekhyun. “We really don’t mind.”

She gave him a small smile back, and then looked at Sehun, wondering if he’d do the same. Surely enough; he too had crushed his cigarette away, leaning against the railing of the rooftop, staring at the sky and releasing a big breath from his chest. Her smile widened.

The boy noticed her stare at him and stopped looking upwards at the infinite abyss of darkness that is the night sky to look at her, a look of curiosity flashing in his eyes. That feeling of curiosity flew away when he realized the warmth coming out of her to him, and knew she was grateful for his gestures. He shot her a tiny, tiny smile. 

“Now that I’m done smoking, I think I’ll go sleep. It is really late, and we have school.” Sehun mumbled, looking at her pointedly. She blushed when she realized what was the meaning behind his words, and found herself avoiding his piercing eyes while he stood up to stretch, and then leave. She does have school tomorrow, she just couldn’t sleep no matter what she tried; going to an extreme action of plugging on relaxing music to lull her to sleep only to have an even more thoughts inside her head; making it harder to sleep.

“Wait up, I think I’m gonna go too.” Baekhyun said, standing up as well to follow the younger boy, who was still staring at her with a questioning look on his handsome face.

“Are you really not coming to sleep?” Sehun asked her, looking at her with the same amusing look with a dash of worry, since he didn’t really know the reason of her sudden incapability to sleep. He wasn’t even sure if she’d manage to wake up tomorrow for school. He wouldn’t be able to wake up early and he is a werewolf, a naturally more built and healthier creature; let along her, a weak measly human. 

“I’ll tuck her to sleep, don’t worry. I’ll make sure she’s sleeping before three AM.” 

Yixing’s quiet murmur was what they needed to hear to assure their palpitating hearts. They gave the small girl a look of question, silently wondering if she’d really eventually sleep. She shot them a sweet, delicate smile, a gesture that easily melted their warms hearts into a puddle of goo. They were gone after she blinked her eyes. 

She looked back at Yixing, finding the male lean against his arms backwards, spreading his legs in front of him and releasing a relaxed sigh from the deepest part of his soul, the sound causing a nice rumble in his chest. While she was watching him, she felt at ease herself, and she looked up at the sky while letting out a similar sound from . 

“So are you going to tell me why you’re awake so late in the morning?” She heard Yixing hum beside her, voice unfocused and distant; his eyes probably tracing the twinkling stars like how she was doing. She didn’t look at him to check. 

“I couldn’t sleep, I have been thinking a lot lately about my parents, Kris, and all.. of this.” She found herself admitting, a little shyly – because she didn’t understand why she was still thinking about all of this when it had been two months since she fixed everything with the boys and helped take their relationship into a second sort of stage. Although her problems with Kris remained in the same awkward pattern she had left, especially since the boys were overprotective and wanted her to actually cut her entire relationship with him. But she didn’t, of course; but Kris was (in spite of everything he had done) innocent. He didn’t differentiate between wrong and right, and now that he found out the truth; was it okay to punish him for it till eternity?

“And? Did you come to a conclusion?” She looked at Yixing a little sheepishly at his question, her heartbeats pacing inside her at the gentleness in his dark eyes. 

“No, I usually never come to a conclusion in these sorts of things. I just have a nasty habit to overthink things.”

She sort of did, though, but not entirely. She considered giving Kris a chance by talking to him in the phone and redeem their relationship, but she was not ready yet to actually meet him and her parents like he requested. She’d probably need a lot of time to be able to swallow that idea. 

She shuddered at a breeze that brushed past her body, even though she was curled around Baekhyun’s warm jacket. Yixing noticed, of course, and straightened in his place and patted his lap.

“Come here.”

She yet again didn’t hesitate to deny him his request to smother her with warmth, knowing that he wanted it willingly. There was also this issue with her upcoming heat, the heat she could feel building up in her tummy – she knew that once she wakes up the next morning; she’ll already be presented with it — that heat of hers longed to be held and caressed by her mates, and for once in her life, she didn’t want to defy her body’s needs.

She settled herself between Yixing’s thick, warm thighs, allowing the older male to wrap his arms around her waist and adjust her on his lap in the correct her, while he crossed his legs under her to press her back more easily to his chest. She released a soft, relaxed sigh at the waves of infinite heat that wafted inside every pore of her body, her eyelids feeling heavy and lazy on her eyes. 

“You’re warm.” She hummed, wrapping her own arms around herself, over Baekhyun’s jacket and right before Yixing’s own muscular arms wrapped around her stomach. 

“And you’re freezing,” He whispered in her ear, the huskiness and the gruffness of his deep voice sending goosebumps all over her body. Her ear and neck tingled, a prickling like sensation spreading with the warmth he was radiating around her body. “I’m seeing Baekhyun’s jacket hadn’t done you any use.”

“It’s just a really cold day, the beginning of winter and all that.” 

She replied, humming again and closing her eyes to satisfy the nagging sensation behind her eyelids to do just that, drowsiness she had missed this entire night forcing itself back to her in full force. Guess Chanyeol’s embrace wasn’t the only embrace that was warm enough to lull her to sleep.

“Yixing, you really need to stop smoking.” She managed to whisper after a small period of time passed by the two people sitting alone on the rooftop. 

“Relax, sweet cheeks.” Yixing chuckled in her ear, voice throaty and tingling, makinf her hum in delight as a reaction. “Werewolves have strong immune system and unchanged health. I could smoke three packs of cigarettes a day and nothing would happen to me.”

“Oh.” She blinked her eyes open, a little in awe with what he was telling her. Then, a small smile of relief graced her naturally blank face, softening her features and causing an uproar in Yixing’s heart. 

“I’m glad then, to know you’re safe.” She told him, softly, her voice dropping in both pitch and intensity; and she knew sleep had hit her on full force because of the way she was nestled in Yixing’s arms. Yixing peeked down at her, his chin slightly prodding her own cheek, making her smile lazily at the numbing sensation her cheek released at the feathery touch.

“Try to sleep, having company helps reduce insomnia. At least to me it does.”

“Okay. Is it okay to lean on your chest?” She lifted her head backwards to take a glimpse on his face, and Yixing’s eyes automatically fell down on her face to meet hers, their proximity too close but well wanted by the two parties.

“By all means do.”

She smiled at his words, looking back at the sky and leaning her cheek sideways on his chest, catching the soft rhythm of his heartbeats pacing regularly inside his chest; and allowing her to fall asleep as fast she closed her eyes. 


The human girl found her legs taking her downstairs with a smile on he

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kittykat_kat #1
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: This is one of my favorite exo fanfics! Truly one of the best out there
39 streak #2
Chapter 16: Aww... loved it so much authornim.. really enjoyed reading the whole story.. it was so amazing...loved the way their relationship developed even though it was really painful from the beginning.. but loved the way authornim brought out all kinds of emotions, her past, her thoughts and feelings about them.. her first impression and those hurtful events.. their awkwardness and constant trying to help her ... slowly building up the love, care, support and understanding level for each other... her confession and determination to fix things up with them was so amazing and heartwarming... really enjoyed reading each and every single chapters from the beginning till end.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story. 🤗❤️😍👏🥺👍❤️
I don't know how many time already did i comeback here just to reread this fanfic all over of best fanfic i wish there is another exo stories like this
Chapter 16: Such a lovely story❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 2: I cannot imagine being in heat around them 😱
Chapter 7: Baekhyun is so...cute yet hot in this T_T