Sweet Smiles and Liquor


Jinki's hard and disappointing daily routine ends in the local bar, where he is always greeted by the soothing deep voice and gorgeous smile of it's nameless bartender, which relax the built up tensions of the day.


This is an OnHo two shot chaptered story, which was meant to be released on my birthday, Dec 19th, to celebrate the December babies birthdays. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't finish it at the time. Although it is late, I hope you will still enjoy it and celebrate our bubbly babies' birthdays with me ❤️

Um, just writing here to let you know the story has not been abandoned and will hopefully be updated soon (exam season is almost over and I think I'll be able to sit down and write ^.^ )


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968 streak #1
Chapter 4: At least Jinki is still interested despite the lack of contact.
968 streak #2
Chapter 1: I love this Minho. So forward.
And this Jinki. So honest.
Reading on.
Chapter 4: Aaaah this is so cute
Chapter 4: Finally~
I was so glad to see the update! :3

And this chapter was so sweet (I love sweet chapters), Jinki was ah I can't even tell you how much I loved him here (too), and Minho was so cute when he learnt that he should call him hyung haha

Oh my I am happy for you and your girlfriend!~ You two are really lucky :3

Thank you for the chapter, and I can't wait to read the next one^^ (I missed this story~)
shojinryori #5
Chapter 4: Aww, so cute! It has been a while but it’s nice to see a new chapter. Congrats on the new love! <3
Chapter 3: This is so soft can't wait for next
Chapter 1: Omg onho story ?? it is so hard to find thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ plz update fast whenever you are free
oconje #8
Yeah! Better late than never! Look forward to reading more on how Onho relationship progresses.