
nine months.
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6 SIX    

After telling everyone about their rather pleasant news, the couple decided it was finally time to start decorating the babies’ room. For the past months, they spent some time on pinterest, gathering ideas for it.

They didn’t want anything fancy but they didn’t want to stick to the old blue and pink – Byulyi spend a while telling her pregnant wife about how colors and genders shouldn’t be related and how society was the one to blame for this.

In the end of the day, they decided to go with the white color – it was the only color they could agree. But Byulyi had a wonderful idea of calling one of her college friends, Seulgi. The woman was a plastic artist and the couple happened to like the idea of making a beautiful canvas in one of the walls.

“Should it be a garden?” Yongsun asked while scrolling down on her phone, checking more ideas on the internet. “Or maybe it could be the sky? I mean, we have two little angels coming.” Byulyi answered, her slender fingers gently caressing her wife’s belly; Yongsun was showing more and more and both of them were happy the babies were growing healthily. “You’re so sweet, you know that?” The older said and looked up at her wife, quickly leaning up to press her lips against the soft tiers of the other female.

Most of their days would be just like that, cuddling in bed, Byulyi being all worried about her wife and Yongsun being just so happy with everything that happened in her life. Sure, there would be the emotional breakdowns sometimes, whenever the hormones decided to play with her, but Byulyi was always there to hold and tell her that everything would be okay.

They were living in their own little world, blissful about every new experience. “What about a super heroes theme?” Byulyi suggested, a wicked grin adorning her features. Yongsun quickly glanced up, squinting her eyes. “Marvel.” “DC!” They said at the same time before breaking up into laughter. “Okay, no super heroes. For now, but maybe on their one year party.”

Took them long enough, but they decided to go with the sky theme. When Byulyi told her friend about it, Seulgi said she knew they’d make this choice; they were the moon and the sun, so it was pretty obvious.

Days later, the couple was out to buy furniture and more decoration for the bedroom. The younger woman believed her wife had a strong aesthetic sense, the reason why she let Yongsun make most of the choices. Most of their likings were similar, so there was no trouble on choosing what to buy.

“Byul-ah, which one you like the most— Byul?” Looking around, Yongsun couldn’t spot her wife and for a second she was panicking. Well, Byulyi was an adult, but she’d never leave Yongsun’s side without a warning.

Walking through the aisles, Yongsun bit her lower lip. Did she really just lose her wife? But as soon as she reached the baby toys aisle, she found her lover. The blonde was having lots of fun gathering as many toys as she could on her arms. “Yong! Look, they’re gonna love this!” The younger said with a bright smile on her lips; the sight was just so cute, to the point Yongsun couldn’t even be mad for being left behind.

“Look, look! It plays the baby sha

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_moongalaxy #1
Taitai84 1233 streak #2
Chapter 8: Glad the bar exams went well for you!
Pundi11 #3
Chapter 8: good luck for your exam, do your best author nim fightin, and yes i will wait for your update😁
Chapter 8: good luck for your exams and study overall. im so happy you reach us out just to tell us this update. take your time. we will wait for your update
Chapter 8: Welcome back, good luck
soaleiousav #7
Chapter 8: wahhh you're back!!
soaleiousav #8
Chapter 8: do you have plans to still continue this?
18 streak #10
Chapter 8: Good luck author-nim ik you can do it :)