Not like him

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Thanks so much everyone who reviewed the previous chapter. Thanks for the patience here. It’s not that I don’t want to update this fic more often. I’m just juggling a lot at once so it makes it more difficult to keep up always. Please enjoy chapter 5


Joohyun returned to the party. There were more guests now than when she first tried to leave. She hopes that Dara will show soon. She’s feeling increasingly nervous without at least one more friendly face. Yongsun is around too. But she has to talk to people and work the room. There seems to be plenty of important people around judging from how they all speak and carry themselves. Joohyun feels completely out of her element. She doesn’t know what it means to be sophisticated in this setting. How would she know which fork to use, or wine glass to drink from?


There is the one bodyguard standing nearby and serving as her shadow. Chanyeol said it was to be protection to her. In case any alpha made her feel uncomfortable. Joohyun feels it’s only meant to make sure she doesn’t try anything stupid. Now that she has been warned about the armed guards trained to shoot. She knows escape from here is not an option. She hopes this daughter will show soon so that they can at least get this over with.


Sooyoung arrives with Seungwan first. She hoped to see her mom here too, but knowing she’s on the way does make her feel better. Several of her father’s business contacts greet her and she politely nods to them. She makes sure to create distance right away. The last thing she wants is any of them potentially striking up a conversation. She finds them a less busy spot in the room to stand at.


“Hey, Wan. I’m going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?”


“Just a soda.”


“Okay, I’ll be right back.” She gives a quick kiss to her forehead, and heads over to the bar area. She orders herself a vodka on the rocks, and a ginger ale for Seungwan. It is on her way back that she spots someone. Sooyoung has always been someone who appreciates fine things. Pretty objects always catch her eyes no matter what they are. She takes notice to the impossibly beautiful raven standing with one of her father's men nearby. She has to be Seulgi’s fiancée. There is no way she’s not the fiancée, because Sooyoung would have remembered such a beautiful woman. The alpha knows she must introduce herself. She walks over in confident strides.


“Well, hello. You must be my new toy?”


Joohyun practically jumps out of her skin when she hears the voice. Then turns to see the taller dark-haired alpha. She’s smiling down at her with a confident look. Is this Seulgi? One thing for sure she doesn’t appreciate being called a toy.


“I’m not your toy.”


Sooyoung throws her head back in loud laughter. “Oh, lighten up. I’m kidding.”


“What?” Joohyun blinks. What is wrong with this woman? Before she can ask. There’s a smaller blonde omega coming over.


“Oh, I’m sorry she likes to joke around. Soo, come on don’t scare her. Hi, I’m Seungwan. This foolish one is my wife, Sooyoung.”


This is Sooyoung, and not Seulgi. Joohyun takes a breath. She is relieved that this alpha isn’t Seulgi. She has the feeling she would probably end up throwing objects at her.


“Oh, you’re not Seulgi.”


“Seulgi,” Sooyoung repeats. “My sister? Oh wow, no one’s ever thought we were each other. Anyway, welcome to the Kang family. It’s an honor and privilege, or whatever bull my dad told you,” she gives a nod and takes a sip of her drink.


“I…” Joohyun doesn’t know what to say. She honestly has no words at the moment.


“Soo, are you bothering my daughter-in-law,” another voice interrupts. Joohyun is relieved to hear Dara’s voice.


“Ms. Dara, Ms. Chaerin, hi,” she smiles and goes to greet the two.


“Hi, sweetie. How are you?” Dara speaks warmly and gives her a hug.


“I’m fine,” she says as bravely as she can. She’s not exactly fine. But seeing Dara here in particular does help.


“Have you met Seul yet?” Chaerin questions.


“Oh, no I haven’t. But I’ve just met Sooyoung and Seungwan just now.”


“I’m so sorry for that, because of you having to deal with Sooyoung.” Dara teases.


“Hey! It’s a pleasure for anyone to meet me!” Sooyoung shouts out in offense, and that makes everyone laugh some. Joohyun feels slightly more at ease. None of them seem anything like Chanyeol. She is hopeful that Seulgi isn’t either.”


“Come with me. You should at least have something to eat.” Dara tells her and leads the way over to get Joohyun some food. Seungwan excuses herself  from Chaerin with her mare to go talk out on the balcony.


“What?” Sooyoung wonders when she sees Seungwan with a slight frown.


“What are you doing? She’s probably really nervous as it is. I know you like to play around. But maybe ease up Soo. We should be making her feel comfortable.”


“What, it was a joke. Now calm down, Wan.” Sooyoung hugs her. “She’s marrying Seul. My sister is the definition of harmless alpha. She has pretty much nothing to worry about. Just relax, babe.” She her mating mark suddenly. As it’s intended. It makes the omega calm down and she lets out a slight moan.


“Hey, I have the perfect way to relax you. Let’s go have a quickie in one of the guest rooms,” she whispers hotly in her ear.


“Soo, really. Right here in your father's house?”


“Yeah, so. Like he’d wait to bang if he wanted to. Come on, I’ll be quick.” She places her hand down the small of her back.


“You don’t know how to be quick.” Seungwan reminds her. “Quick for you is about an hour.”


“It’s not my fault I can for awhile. No, really I’ll be quick. I promise. I want to get back to the party to see my mom, and Seul should really be here by now. You need to relax because you’re all wound up. I have the relaxation for you.”


Per usual, Sooyoung is charming and charismatic. It’s too easy to agree and, so they leave for what her mate says will be a quickie. Seungwan knows her mate, however. She isn’t fast when it comes to . She has been on the receiving end of that , and knows how intense it can get.


“Oh, sure, quick,” the omega mentally deadpans. She hopes she will be at least somewhat quicker than she normally is. They really do need to be around for the party. Seulgi, is sitting with her father in his study. They usually have any important talks here when she visits. He greets her warmly as he normally does whenever they see each other.


“How was your flight?”


“It was fine, dad, thanks. How are you?”


“I’m well. I won’t keep you. We have a party we should be at soon. I just want you to know I will probably announce you’ll be succeeding me soon.”


“What?” Seulgi blinks. She didn’t think it would be soon. She knows her dad wishes to succeed him. It’s a role he has been preparing her for a long time. But he’s still the current leader, and it seems odd to just hand over the job so early.




“You’re ready. I know you are, but sweetheart. If you want to delay for a year or so. Then we’ll do so. I know you can do it.”


“Thanks, Dad,” Seulgi nods. She won’t bring up Sooyoung now. It never goes well whenever she tries to bring him on board about her sister working with them.


“You will continue to make me proud. You always make me so proud. I just want to suggest to you something.”


Seulgi waits to hear what he is about to suggest.


“You should really as soon as possible, have some pups. At least one anyway. In the event of anything happening to you. Your child will be able to inherit directly. I don’t want for anyone other than you and your future kids running my empire.”


“Dad, really. I haven’t even gotten married yet, and already you're telling me I should have kids. I think there’s time for something like that.”


“Time is not ever a guarantee, Seul.” He says it so seriously that it does take her by surprise.




“Come on, let’s go. We can discuss business at work. You must see how beautiful your fiancée is. It’s really what you deserve.”


“She is beautiful,” Seulgi thinks. “But she didn’t ask for her life to be blown up this way.”


The party is in full swing by the time Jinri arrives with Soojung. They go to talk right away with Dara and Chaerin. They meet Joohyun for the first time, and it’s clear everyone finds her so breathtaking. She really is very beautiful, and that’s an obvious fact.


“Joohyun I know you’re nervous,” Dara starts. “But my daughter isn’t anything like her father. You’ll be in good hands.”


“I haven’t met her yet, but as long as she’s not like him.”


“Don’t worry. She’s nothing like him we can promise you,” the blonde alpha nods.


“You’ve met my daughter right?” Jinri mentions. Now that Joohyun has really looked at the older omega. She does look much like Sooyoung. They share a lot of physical similarities.


“Yes, she was…. blunt,” Joohyun finds a tame word to describe what she witnessed.


That makes the older women laugh, especially Sulli. “That’s my baby.”


“Whose baby?” Sooyoung speaks suddenly as she walks over.


“You, obviously silly.” Sulli cups her face and pinches her cheeks.


“Ma!” She groans. “I’m a grown up!”


Joohyun doesn’t think she’s much of a grown up with how she’s acting right now. She hasn’t met Seulgi yet, and she wonders why that is. She just hopes she isn't anything like her sister. Joohyun doesn't know how well they'd be able to get along.


“Soo, where’s Seungwan?” Her mother questions.


“Oh, holy ! I forgot which way she went after we had .”


Joohyun tries not to look in any way mortified by the loud way Sooyoung just claims this. Dara sighs, and Chaerin and Soojung actually laugh at the other alpha. Jinri simply smacks her daughter in the arm.


“Soo, you can’t just act like this in front of Joohyun. You’ll give her an awful impression of this family.”


“What, what did I say? Anyway I better find her. In this huge house she can be anywhere,” the taller alpha nods to everyone before going off to find where her mate could be. The house is indeed huge and it could be very easy to get lost. Which is the case as Seungwan has gotten lost somewhere once she left a bathroom.


“Oh my god. It’s been too long since I’ve been here.”


She is about to try and retrace her steps when she catches the smell of someone very similar. Then pauses when she notices her coming out a room, and smiles immediately.


“Seul, oh my god, hi!” She runs to the alpha. It’s been sometime since she has seen her good friend. They are the same age and have always been good friends. They even sometimes have birthday parties together since they also share a birthday month. But for as long as Seungwan could remember. She’s always been around the Kangs. Her own parents associated with their dad in particular.


“Wannie, hi. What are you doing just walking around?”


“There are seriously too many rooms in this house. I’m actually lost,” she laughs embarrassed.


“Yeah, even I sometimes forget how big this place is. How have you been?”


“Good,” Seungwan assures. “We’ve all been worried about you here. Then we found out you’re engaged. I should be asking how you are?”


“I’m fine. I’ll make the best of this situation, and make things as okay as possible for Joohyun too.”


“She’s gorgeous, Seul. You two would actually look good together.”


Seulgi doesn’t know what to say to that. She just thanks her and then offers to walk her back down to the main hall where the party is. Seungwan thanks her and hugs her again.


“It’s so good to see you, Seul.”


Unknowingly to the friends. Sooyoung had been nearby watching. She knows logically that there isn’t anything romantic between them. But she had always thought for sure Seungwan preferred Seulgi. Why wouldn’t she when one thinks about it? Seulgi is the golden child, stable, heir to the empire. She’s responsible and such an eligible young alpha. She just can’t help but think back to her younger years. When it was never clear which sister the blonde omega wanted.


“Well, I better get back to the party.” She decides. It’s best to just not address these thoughts. After all Seulgi has a drop dead gorgeous fiancée. She wouldn’t try to steal Seungwan away from her. Joohyun was finally loosening up some being around everyone. When the guard shadowing her told her Mr. Kang was ready to announce her. She bids goodbye and follows him. The room does quiet down significantly because there he is. He is dressed again sharply in a black suit, red tie, hair neatly combed, and expensive gucci loafers. He waits until Joohyun is nearby and clinks his glass.


“Good evening, everyone. Welcome to my home. This wasn’t just a party for entertaining. I would like to announce Ms. Bae Joohyun,” he gestures to her. The room is just stunned by the pretty lady in the purple dress. Some are looking amazed, others with questioning gazes as they have no idea

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
73 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
73 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
73 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
73 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
73 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.