Golden Child

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Hi everyone. Thank you for reading chapter 3 and for the reviews. Here’s chapter 4, and hope you’ll enjoy this.


Sooyoung looks stunned, as she holds the phone to her ear. What the hell happened in a matter of a few short hours?


“Wait, hold on.” Sooyoung interrupts Seulgi from talking. She takes a look at Seungwan, who is looking at her curiously.


“Seul, is this Kang family business?”


“Sooyoung?” Seulgi sighs on the other end. The younger alpha laughs, amused. The conversation might be private. It’s time she took the phone call elsewhere.


“Sorry, babe. This sounds like top-secret, official, Kang family business. I’m going to take this in the other room.”


“I’m a Kang.” The blonde, omega reminds her. She doesn’t get why her mate needs to be secretive now.


“You’re a Kang by marriage, Wan.” Sooyoung reminds her. “You haven’t lived the life like, Seul and I have.”


The smaller woman frowns. “Soo?”


“Oh, calm down. I’ll fill you in later, Wan, okay.” Then she exits the bedroom, and heads down the hall. She has a personal home office there. The dark-haired alpha always hoped she’d one day use it for company business. That dream never worked out. She uses it for other things now. Sometimes, she’ll come here to be alone, and write out her thoughts in a journal. She’s been doing this for years, as a way to relieve her stress. She doesn’t share the contents of her journal with anyone. Not her wife, her sister, or even her mom. She keeps it hidden, and deals with it alone. She has to get back to whatever’s going on with her sister.


“Yo, sis. Are you there?” Sooyoung asks, once she has the door closed.


“Yes, so….”


“What the ! What the actual !” The dark-haired alpha shouts into the phone. The last she knows. Her sister was not interested in settling down. Hell, she isn’t even sure when Seulgi was laid last. She needs to at least like ing the potential mate. That’s a huge deal for the younger alpha.




“What the hell! Seul, what the hell!” She’s too busy causing a scene to let Seulgi talk. “You’re kidding!”


“If you stop screaming. I could explain.” The older alpha speaks in her authoritative voice. It’s one she doesn’t use often, but Sooyoung knows better than to interrupt again. This is her older sister, whom she loves and respects. No matter how much she loves to . She sits in her chair, and listens as Seulgi explains the situation. Their dad is forcing the marriage to this Bae Joohyun girl, all because her father owes their dad.


“Wait, so are you going to do it, sis? You don’t even know this girl. What if you end up hating her, or she you? I can’t hide bodies right now, sis. Those days are long gone.” She jokes to help lighten the mood.


“I have to. I wasn’t given much choice, Soo. Dad made it clear. You know what he will do, otherwise.”


“Yeah.” Sooyoung nods. “Well, , congrats, I guess. Wait until your mom finds out! She’ll kill you, or dad.”


Seulgi isn’t looking forward to telling her mom. She will not be happy to hear this. She’ll still tell her soon.


“I’ll tell her myself, soon. I just needed to tell you, Soo.”


The younger alpha nods. She understands. They are close, and share everything with one another. Seulgi is not only her sister. She is also her best friend.


“I get it, sis. I’m sorry about this. You’re not even getting to choose your mate. She’s a stranger. Dad, is an !” She angrily bangs her fist onto the desk.


“Soo, hey, listen…” Seulgi stops. “I need to go. Dad’s calling me.”


“He’s there with you!” That’s news to Sooyoung. He didn’t act as if he would fly out to Japan. It makes sense now, as to why he flew out of the office so fast. His business probably had something to do with these Bae’s.


“Yes. He’s staying at least until, tomorrow afternoon. I’ll talk to you soon, okay.”


“Alright, bye sis.” They end the call. Sooyoung can’t believe it. Her sister is being forced to marry some omega she didn’t even know. All because of their dad.


“Well, .” She mutters, running her fingers through dark locks. She isn’t surprised her sister would do the right thing. Their dad, probably made some threat, and Seulgi did her best to appease him, and give him what he wanted. She is the good daughter, after all. The golden child, his heir, and most precious person. The alpha gets lost in her thoughts. She doesn’t right away hear the knocking at the door. She doesn’t even hear, Seungwan enter.


“Soo, hey. Is everything okay?”


“What?” Sooyoung’s eyes snap up to see Seungwan. She’s standing there, newly dressed in an oversized shirt, and shorts.


“Oh, Wan. Nothing, just Seul’s getting married.” She states in such a nonchalant manner. As if she’s talking about the weather, or any other mundane topic. The omega’s eyes go wide.


“What! That’s what she called to say? How can she be engaged? To who?”


“Wan, calm down, alright.” Sooyoung grabs her hand, and caresses her knuckles. “She’s not getting married because she wants to. Dad is forcing her. It’s business.”


“Oh.” Seungwan whispers. She knows enough about the Kang business. To not ask so many questions. Sooyoung is looking far away. The blonde comes behind her and massages her shoulders.


“Are you okay?” She wonders.


“I’m fine. I’m not the one getting married to someone I don’t know. It’s all a mess.”


“Seul, would do the right thing, and she probably weighed all the options.”


“Yep, that’s my sis. Always doing what she thinks is right.”


Sooyoung doesn’t know what’s going to happen from here. She only hopes that Seulgi will be fine. How can she be? When she’s being forced into marriage with a stranger.


Seulgi goes to meet her dad. He is sitting having tea in the dining room.


“Dad, is everything alright?”


“Yes, join me for some tea. Before you go to bed.”


“Sure.” Seulgi nods and sits down across from him. She wonders what it is he will discuss now. He’s already dropped the biggest bomb. What more could be possibly add.


“I just wanted you to understand. I’m only doing this for you, sweetheart. This wasn’t just a business transaction. It was also an opportunity. You are my heir, Seul. You will run our business one day, and lead it into the future. You will need a mate eventually. I took the opportunity.”


Seulgi gets the part about eventually settling down. She always imagined one day. She would find the person for her, fall in love, get married and become mates. Perhaps, even some pups one day. She didn’t have the most stable images of her parents marriage. There were some good times. She remembers being a child with two parents who seemed to love one another. Seulgi also remembers the fights and arguments. Her dad coming home smelling of other omegas. The constant cheating he had done to her mom. She vowed she would never be like him.


She knew she would be faithful to whoever her eventual partner was. She wouldn’t stray or betray them. Seulgi can still think back to when she first found out about Sooyoung.




She couldn’t have been more than 6. Her parents were still married, but only in name. They were living together still, as a family. Mostly because her mom wanted her to have both her parents accessible. Seulgi could see her mom in particular wasn’t happy. Her smile never reached her eyes anymore. The only time she did seem happy was when it was just them. Like now, they’re in the gardens. Seulgi was picking flowers to give her. She remembers hearing the name, Sooyoung the other day. Her mom in particular seemed upset about whoever this, Sooyoung was. Seulgi hopes to give her some pretty flowers to cheer her up.


“Baby, don’t go too far.” Dara calls out to her daughter. “These gardens go far and I don’t want you getting lost.”


“Okay, mama.” Seulgi nods with a smile, eyes forming crescents. Her mother sits and waits for her under the nearby gazebo. Seulgi picks a mixture of daffodils and lilies. She runs over and hands them to her.


“For me, sweetie?” The older brunette smiles. She leans down to smell them.


“Yes! They’re pretty, but not as pretty as you, mama. I wanted you to smile.”


“Oh, come here.” She hugs her daughter and kisses her cheek. “You make me happiest, always, Seulgi-yah.” Dara places her daughter down besides her.


“Honey, I need to talk to you.”


“About what?” Seulgi wonders, head tilted to the side in an adorable manner. Dara takes a deep breath. She wasn’t sure when to talk about this. However, not telling Seulgi won’t change anything.


“Seulgi, this isn’t easy to say. But I need to tell you, anyway. That you do have a sister. Her name is Sooyoung and she’s….”


“Sister.” Seulgi cuts her off. “You didn’t have another baby, mama. How can I have a sister?” The small child doesn’t understand. How can she have a sister. She never saw a baby. Her mom and dad never brought her home. There can’t be a baby when she’s never seen them. Dara is looking at her with such a sad look. Seulgi hopes she won’t cry.


“No, please don’t cry, mama.” She sits in her lap. “Is Sooyoung not good?”


Dara knows her daughter wouldn’t understand. She wanted to break this gently. She needs her to also understand that Sooyoung is also innocent here. She’s not someone bad that Seulgi needs to stay away from. Sooyoung is about 4, and Dara had just really found out about her. Chanyeol confessed because he had no choice. He was sending large sums of money over the years to a woman named Jinri. Sooyoung was the child of that affair. That doesn’t mean it’s her fault or that she shouldn’t know her sister.


“Baby. Sooyoung isn’t my child, not like you’re mine. She’s your father’s daughter with someone else. I didn’t have her. Do you understand?”


“Yeah?” Seulgi sounds hesitant. “Then where is she? Does she make you sad? Is that why she’s not here?”


“No, baby. It’s complicated. I want you to know that if you want to meet her. You can meet her, and get to know her. Would you like to?”


“I think so. If I have a sister maybe she needs a friend. How old is she, mama?”


Dara smiles. She expected nothing less from her kind, sweet, baby girl.


“She’s 4 years old, and I will arrange for you to meet her soon.”


( End)


She remembers the pain she saw her mom go through, and she hated it. Seulgi loves her sister very much, and could never not see her in her life. That doesn’t take away from what she saw growing up. Seulgi promised she would never get married, just to do the things her father did. Some of which she had witnessed with her own eyes. Her father wasn’t all that subtle when he would introduce these women as business partners. Chanyeol notices that Seulgi is far away.


“Seul?” He calls her.


“Yes?” She looks up. “Sorry, I was thinking.”


“Yes, I can see that. Do you wish to share what you’re thinking?”


“I was wondering about tomorrow. You haven’t seen the new additions to the company here. I can’t wait to show you, dad.” She gives a polite smile. He can tell she’s not being honest.


“Seul.” He begins. “I look forward to you showing me what you’ve done. I know you’ve been doing great work here, and I couldn’t be more proud of you, sweetheart.”


He says this in a genuine tone. Seulgi could never doubt he loves her. He makes it clear that he does.


“Thank you, dad. I’ve worked hard here, and the other branches you’ve sent me to. You know, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to bring Soo into this.”


Again she tries to suggest her sister. Sooyoung wants to help. She wants to be able to help run the business. Seulgi has talked to her and she has good ideas. When Sooyoung is motivated and has her mind set. There is so much she can do. Seulgi never understood why her dad is so against allowing Sooyoung to help.


“Sweetheart, no. We will not keep having the same discussion. I trust no one but you to handle the business.”


“She’s your daughter, dad. She wants to be apart of the business. I don’t understand why you won’t let her.”


Chanyeol sighs, running his fingers through his dark locks. Then he gets up and moves to her, and takes one of her hands.


“Seul, you don’t understand it now. I have my reasons why Sooyoung will never be apart of the company. She is set up well for the rest of her life with her trust fund. She could even venture off into her own if she chooses. You are my heir, and that’s how it will stay. Please, don’t keep forcing this conversation. I just want you to focus on your future, okay?”


“Alright.” Seulgi nods. This conversation is over, just as it always is. He bids her goodnight and heads to the prepared guest room. She will never understand why he refuses to consider Sooyoung. She is his child just as she is. He’s never given her the same consideration. No matter how much Seulgi has tried to convince him. He never budges on this issue, and the young alpha doesn’t understand why.


“What makes you so against, Soo.”


Joohyun didn’t eat or sleep well at all that night. She refused to leave her room, and would not speak to either of her parents. She did cry herself to sleep for a few of those sleepless hours. The young omega couldn’t understand how this is her life. Why is she paying the price for what her father did? When she couldn’t sleep the dark-haired omega wondered bitterly about what she should pack.


“How should I even pack for this?” She laughs sadly. It’s not as if she’s going on some vacation. She’s going to stay in some strangers house. She’s going to become the wife to an alpha she has never met. Assuming that Mr. Kang is really talking about his daughter. Joohyun would die before becoming his wife. The thoughts of being his in anyway makes her skin crawl. She wants to wake up from her nightmare. All it is is a nightmare. She finally gets to sleep around 5 am that morning. She barely got any rest before her mom is waking her.


“Hyun, honey. You’ve packed?” Her mother questions noticing the few suitcases of purple luggage. Joohyun’s eyes snap open immediately. She pushes her mother’s arms away from her.


“Don’t.” She pleads.


“I’m sorry. I know you are furious about the situation, and if there were any other way.”


“I said don’t.” Joohyun repeats. “Do I have time to at least shower before they come here.”


“Hyun, please at least eat breakfast. We only know they’ll be here soon. Not exactly when…”


Joohyun gets up and brushes passed her mother. She doesn’t care what either of them have to say. She means it when she says they are both dead to her. The omega prepares to get herself ready and showered. Mr. Kang’s men will be here soon.


Dara wakes up early because Chaerin is preparing to go on a business trip. Her mate has been trying to convince her to come along.


“You’ll have fun. It could be a good distraction.” The blonde tells her.


“I want to Chae, but I don’t know how much fun I’d be now.”


The blonde alpha wraps her arms around her wife. Last night she mentioned she had some terrible feeling. She couldn’t explain as to what the feeling was about.


“Seul, is fine. We spoke to her, remember.”


“Yes, but…” Dara stops to answer her phone. It’s Seulgi. She gives Chaerin an apologetic look and kisses her cheek.


“Seul, hi baby. What’s wrong?” Dara couldn’t explain it fully last night. She just had a bad feeling. Maybe, it has something to do with her daughter.


“Mom, hi. I wanted to call and tell you this before I leave for the office.”


“Honey. You can tell me anything, you know that.”


Seulgi sighs. She never thought she would tell her mom she’d be getting married in this way. Seulgi always assumed she would introduce her fiancée to her family, under normal circumstances.


“I’m getting married.”


Dara pauses. Then she throws her head back in laughter. Wow, she didn’t know how much she needed that laugh. Her daughter is hilarious.


“Oh, very funny. Seul, you’re a little late for April fools day. Aren’t you?”


“What? No, it’s not a joke.”


“You have an odd sense of humor then. What are you talking about you’re getting married. You can’t just say this so randomly.”


“Mom.” She says softly. “I have to. Dad has arranged the marriage. It’s business, and people could be hurt if I don’t.”


“What!” The older omega shouts. She will absolutely have words with her ex. How dare he make Seulgi feel like she has to marry someone? For a business deal.


“Mom, calm down.”


“I will not. Who does he think he is! You’re not getting married.”




“No. You’re going to get married to someone for love, and because you want to. You’re not doing this because he’s forcing you.”


“Mom! Stop.” Seulgi pleads. “I have to. He already made it clear he would kill people if I don’t. He will do it. You know he will. He’s killed people for much less.”


Dara knew Seulgi had to know about some of the darker things. She did her best to protect her from most of it. Seulgi is a grown up, and has been spending more time with her father lately. It doesn’t surprise her she knows more about not only the business, but even Chanyeol as well.


“Sweetie. You are doing this to save people. You’re always doing what you feel is right, and I love you very much. I just wish it didn’t have to be this way.”


“I know.” Seulgi agrees. “I would appreciate your support mom.”


“You have it, Seul.”


“Can you do me a favor?”


“What do you need?”


“Dad said he was going to bring her to the estate. That means she’ll probably be staying there until I return. If it’s not too much trouble. Please look in and see if she’s alright. I know this can’t be easy on her either. We’re strangers.”


Once again. Her daughter is so kind, thoughtful, and worried about everyone else. Dara is proud of her. She just wishes it didn’t have to be an arranged situation for either her daughter, or this fiancée.


“Of course I will. What’s her name?”


“Bae Joohyun. She’ll be obvious, but I’ll send you a picture. Thanks mom. I know you’re angry, but this is all I can do for now.”


“I will speak to your father about this. He is playing with your life, and this girl’s life too. That is not okay.”


They don’t stay on the phone much longer. Chaerin is right there to offer her any support. She even suggests she cancel her business trip if it will help. Dara wants her to go and not put off her work. There isn’t much they can do now. Seulgi sounded sure about what she would do.


“She’s a good kid.” Chaerin mentions. “I’m not surprised she agreed.”


“Neither am I.” The omega agrees. “He will hear from me, Chae. He had no right to force Seulgi into this marriage.”


“I’ll be there when you talk to him.” The blonde promises and hugs her wife. She thinks it’s best to postpone the business trip and stay here. This is a family issue. There is nothing or no one more important to her, than Dara and Seulgi.


Seulgi hurries to breakfast with her dad. She spots Mina and the way her father is staring at her with familiar, lust filled eyes. She knows that look. It wouldn’t surprise her either if she has spread her legs for him. He has made trips to the Japanese branch before. She works there. It’s not so far fetched to believe. There is also the way she stares at her too. Seulgi thinks she would easily spread those same legs to her in turn. She wasn’t interested before. But if her dad has had her too. It makes her even less interested.


“Seul, good morning. Please sit. Mina has made us a fantastic breakfast.”


“It’s no trouble at all, sir. Seulgi, please enjoy.” She smiles to her and leaves them alone.


“Good morning, dad.” She tells her politely. If nothing the food looks good, and the omelet is made just the way she likes them. She starts to make herself a plate.


“Seul, I do hope you have been having fun as well. There is no reason why you should be working only here.”


She hears what he is saying. He’s not as crude about it as Sooyoung is. But he’s basically saying he hopes she’s been getting laid here. That’s not what she came here to do. Seulgi is here to work. Not look for omegas or betas to bang in her spare time.


“I’ve been busy.”


“No one's that busy. You’ll be here at least 2 more weeks. I suggest you find something to pass the time. A stress reliever.”


It isn’t lost on the younger alpha that he said, something and not someone. As if he the person shouldn’t be considered as such, but more something to , to kill the urge.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
73 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
73 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
73 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
73 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
73 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.