Meant to Be

Honey, I'm home
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A/N: Thank you so much those of you who reviewed the last chapter. Jeti are still married and so we need to address that bomb. Please enjoy


Jessica is so stunned she has no voice. What the hell is Tiffany talking about they are still married? She knows she signed those divorce papers and gave them to Tiffany to sign, but why is Tiffany’s signature missing?


“What are you…” Jessica loses the rest of her words. She can’t even believe what she’s seeing right now. There is no way they can still be married, right?


“I didn’t sign them, and I never filed them. I just couldn’t.” Tiffany admits. She remembers getting that delivery with Jessica’s signature.




Tiffany was at her apartment when the delivery arrived express mail. The white mail package that contained her divorce documents. She was hoping that perhaps Jessica didn’t sign them after all, and they could somehow work things out. She regrets even suggesting they get a divorce. Tiffany took out the documents to see Jessica’s signature on them, and her heart breaks.


“She really signed them.” Tiffany whispers. She can’t believe Jessica actually signed them, when she first wanted to fight for their marriage. A small neatly folded note also falls out of the package in Jessica’s handwriting.


“Tiff, this is the last thing I ever thought would happen. I don’t know why we couldn’t make it, because you’re the only person I’ve ever loved, and probably will always love. But you wanted this and I am not going to stop you. It will hurt badly for awhile, and then perhaps the pain will lessen. And maybe this will all be like one bad dream for us both, or maybe not. I won’t fight you for this divorce and I trust you will sign and handle things on your end.




Tiffany could feel the tears then as she reads Jessica’s note over and over. The woman knows then at this moment she can’t sign them, no matter what she can’t sign these papers, and hopes they can reunite one day under much better circumstances.


“I love you too, Jessi.”




Jessica turns away from Tiffany then and looks at Taeyeon who is also just stunned too. She has to handle this first as her date was just ruined by who she thought was her ex-wife. She asks Tiffany to give her some time to talk to Taeyeon properly, and the dark-haired woman does reluctantly go.


“I’m sorry for this.” Jessica apologizes to Taeyeon, who nods in understanding.


“Hey, I understand. Okay, not really since I definitely don’t have an ex-wife who I thought was my ex-wife. But is really still my wife. I do understand complicated though, and I think you have to talk to her at least.”


Jessica nods and knows she will. This date however isn’t going to be able to continue on, not after this. Taeyeon gives her a dorky smile then and makes her laugh.


“Hey, I’m not going to pretend I’m not disappointed. I really liked talking to you over the phone, and getting to know you better. But you look like your heart is elsewhere. I think you need to figure it out, if nothing else you have a friend, Jessica.”


The brunette is glad to know she will have a friend, and they share a friendly hug before separating outside. Jessica can feel Tiffany’s gaze on her, as she has always been able to sense the woman no matter where they were. Jessica turns to her and knows they have to talk.


“There’s a cafe not far from here. We can sit and talk, okay.”


“You’ll talk to me this time?” Tiffany asks.


“I’ll talk to you. Let’s go.” She follows after Jessica and hopes that tonight they will get everything settled. They are still married after all, and that means something. Meanwhile, Seulgi got up from bed to shut off the movies. Joohyun had fallen asleep a short time ago, and the monolid girl thought she looked too cute in her purple pajamas with small bunnies on them. It’s amazing how she can be this cute. Seulgi carefully puts the covers over her, so that she can be comfortable. The dark-haired girl isn’t tired yet and steps out. She goes into her home office and turns on her laptop. It’s not too late and she thinks she could play a few games. Before she can she calls her best friend.


“Seul, hey. How’s it going?” Seungwan answers. Seulgi thinks she can talk to her best friend about her feelings.


“Hey, Wannie. It’s going…” Seulgi pauses. “I’m so confused.”


“What’s wrong, Seul?” The blonde wonders worriedly on the line. She has been worried for Seulgi since she had to get married.


“I think Joohyun is nice and sweet, and not like the kid I remembered who terrorized me.”


Seungwan gives a nod into the phone. It sounds like a good thing so far.


“Isn’t that good?”


“It is, but I’m so confused. What if this is just me being grateful she’s nice.”


“Well, it’s possible. But you also agreed to put effort into knowing your wife. I think that’s a huge step, Seul. You said you to on weekly dates too, right?”


“We do.”


“You still have time. Don’t rush this and just feel things out. She could be your wife for good, Seul. You never know.”


Seulgi thanks her for the advice and ends the call. She is confused because she doesn’t know what this all means. Is she feeling gratitude, or is there maybe something else too? She is attracted to Joohyun that’s for sure. Seulgi sighs and runs her hands over her dark locks.


“I’m thinking too much.”


She needs to maybe not think so much, and let herself feel things out. Seulgi knows she can trust her judgment as she could always trust herself. She’ll just take these next few months and see where it all leads her.


Jessica and Tiffany enter the cafe. Tiffany orders herself a caramel coffee just like she would usually on so many of their dates. Jessica gets a green tea, much like she would have on their dates. There is a silence for a long moment until the brunette does speak.


“Can you show me those papers?”


The dark-haired woman carefully takes out the papers she has held onto for so long. Jessica looks at what is definitely their divorce documents, as she remembers exactly what she was doing while signing her signature. She was working that day as she had been appointed Seulgi’s guardian and head of the company until Seulgi could take over.


“Why didn’t you sign them?” Jessica softly asks. Tiffany smiles softly and reaches for her hand.


“I just couldn’t. I didn’t sign them because I just couldn’t imagine not being Mrs. Jung anymore, and I kept them with me all these years.”


“You told my lawyer they were filed.”


“I know, because I was scared. I didn't want you to possibly end up hating me. It was my hope one day we could talk fully, and work everything out.”


Jessica stares at the documents that are missing Tiffany’s signature. All these years have passed and she thought she was divorced. Now she’s not divorced and still married.


“I don’t know what to make of this. I thought I was divorced but now suddenly I’m not.”


Tiffany gives a soft nod and gently takes Jessica’s hands into her own. She is relieved that the brunette doesn’t pull away from her.


“I’m sorry for lying all this time. It’s just I love you so much Jessica. I could never get over you even if I tried, and I’m tired of being apart, baby. I know you love me too, even after all this time.”


Jessica could never deny that she loves Tiffany. She has always been the one for her, and even after all these years it hasn’t changed. Jessica isn’t sure however.


“I think it’s been a long time, Tiffany.”


“I know. We’ve been apart too long, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try again. Especially when I know you still love me too.”




“Do you love me or not?”


Jessica sighs and closes her eyes. She doesn’t think she can emotionally handle this right now. She still needs to get used to the fact Tiffany didn’t sign those divorce papers.


“I have to process everything, please give me some time and I will call you.”


It’s not what Tiffany wanted to hear and she watches Jessica walk away for a long moment, before getting up and going after her. She didn’t fight hard enough before, and so Tiffany will fight.




The brunette keeps walking. She just has to go, otherwise who knows what she might say.


“Jung Jessica!”


It doesn’t work and Jessica continues for her car, but pauses when Tiffany catches her just as she is about to get in.


“Jessi.” She whispers softly and wraps her arms around the brunette. “I understand that you’re scared. I do, and I don’t blame you for being hesitant. I didn’t show you I would fight for you then. I’m going to fight so hard for you, and us.”


“Tiff…” Jessica turns around only to be met with a pair of soft lips. It’s all too familiar and Jessica finds herself giving in and kissing back. They don’t stop until Jessica is leaning up against her car and they need air.


“Jessi, I won’t give up on you and us. I promise you. Please believe me this time.” Tiffany takes one of Jessica’s hands and takes it to her chest where her heart is steadily beating fast from just there few kisses.


“It only beats this hard for you, Jung Jessica.”


The tears come then and Tiffany gently wipes away at stray tears first. She doesn’t know what Jessica is thinking, and the silence is worrying. Maybe she has lost Jessica after all.


“I’m sorry, maybe I pushed too hard.” Tiffany starts to let go, but to her surprise Jessica grabs her free hand and puts it to her own chest.


“It’s never stopped beating for you either, Tiff.” Jessica does admit and then Tiffany smiles in such a way that touches the brunette. They kiss again both with tears in their eyes, and kisses intensifying. They break away and Tiffany caresses her cheeks.


“I love you so much, Jessi.”


“I love you too. God help me, I do love you too.”


“You’re not going to regret giving me another chance. I promise, I won’t let you ever regret us this time.”


All Jessica can do is nod. She knows they will have to work on this, but she can’t pretend that she doesn’t love Tiffany. She does love her, and wants this time to count.


The morning Seulgi wakes up she realizes after her mini gaming marathon. She is on one of her couches and not alone. Joohyun is just casually laying on her chest and it startles Seulgi. How did this happen? She was sure that she fell asleep alone.




“Morning.” The brunette yawns and slowly open her eyes. She woke up when she didn’t feel Seulgi’s presence beside her. Joohyun found her adorably asleep on the couch and so she found herself on the couch too, or specifically on top of the monolid girl.


“What happened?”


“I didn’t feel you next to me, and so I just wanted to be beside you in some way.”


“Joohyun?” Seulgi whispers softly. She never expected to have Joohyun this sweet. The brunette leans up and tries to kiss her.


“Can I have a good morning kiss?”


“Sure.” Seulgi agrees and thinks there will be just a small kiss. There is no such thing as a small kiss when you’re Joohyun’s wife. She carefully holds Seulgi’s face in her hands and kisses her tenderly at first. The kisses heat up soon enough and Seulgi can feel tongue slip into . She can’t say Joohyun isn’t very into her kisses. They end the kiss and Joohyun lets go.


“Hey, are you hungry? I can make some breakfast.”


“I am, thank you.”


“Okay, I’ll make some breakfast, and then we can figure out what we can do today. It would even be nice to have a lazy Sunday afternoon, you know?”


Seulgi nods and thinks maybe a lazy Sunday afternoon would be great. Jessica wakes up in bed with Tiffany beside her. The dark-haired woman reaches for Jessica’s hand. She leaves a soft kiss to her hand. Last night had been intense after they came over to Jessica’s place.


“How are you?” The dark-haired woman asks as she wraps her arms around the brunette. It had been a long time coming and it was not surprising they ended up back in bed.


“I’m fine. It felt like just being back with you again, like before.”


“Yeah, it felt so right, you know.” Tiffany thinks it felt like nothing had changed, and they were just reconnecting all over again. Jessica leans into her then and they become an entanglement of limbs all over again. Their lips meet again over and over. Tiffany is feeling like cloud 9 because she has her wife again.


“I kind of just want to lay in bed all day, and do nothing.” The brunette sighs tiredly. Tiffany laughs and kisses her forehead.


“I did wear you out last night.”


Jessica looks up then with a slight glare. “I wore you out, Tiff and don’t forget it.”


“Fair enough, well who says we have to do anything. We can order food in and just keep reconnecting.” The dark-haired woman suggests and

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2187 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading!!
Chapter 15: It was a very fun read, thanks autornim
Hyacinth_93 #3
Chapter 9: It's so nice to read this story. Thank you for this
Genniee #4
Chapter 15: hehe it was cute and fun to read
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 15: reread ❤❤
Will be reading this fiction again! I love my jeti couple!
mashedhotpotato #7
Chapter 15: How old is jessica and Tiffany?
Chapter 15: Just finished this fic in one sitting and damn... this fic makes me want to know snsd more^^
Why is this so funny to me hahahaha
Chapter 15: ♡♥♡♥