
The Merriest Christmas for the Rebellious Brat and Sweet Darling
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Chaeyoung loathed her family so much since she's being compared to her sister Jeongyeon all the time. She always see the proud eyes her parents have whenever it comes to her sister while they only have dissapointed looks for the younger. Don't get it wrong, Chaeyoung doesn't hate her sister, she love her, in fact, she survived staying at their mansion because of Jeongyeon. Her sister was the one who always appreciates her good works, supports and motivates her. It's only their parents she despised for the unfair treatment. Well, it's not her fault that she developed more liking towards Architecture, not Business Management. She doesn't want to be the inheritor of their successful company because yeah, she doesn't give a damn. That's why she didn't obey her parents at all. Fortunately, Chaeyoung wasn't disowned yet, she is still her parent's baby no matter how much she cause headaches. And one more thing, despite being raised in a high class family, she's not a fan of luxurious and fancy things. She already enjoys little things and that's what she wants for her parents too. She prefer socializing on average people than being with those daughters and sons of filthy rich businessmen. So, she often hang out with her two bestfriends Dahyun and Tzuyu (another people who are also sick of being rich) in the streets and that's when they are being recruited to a gang full of warfreaks. It's also the reason why most of the time they were involved in some street fights and riots. Nevertheless, they enjoyed being with those kind of people who are true unlike those wealthy individuals who always pretending to be someone.



"Merry Christmas to all of us!" Vernon raised his glass before he drinks the cheap alcohol.



It was the 24th day of December and the whole gang decided to gather on their small headquarters to celebrate an early christmas. The group are seated around a rectangle table with a couple of bottles of a low quality liquor and some extra large chips. It was only a simple gathering but each moments are being treasured. They enjoy sharing everyone's dreams and listening to each other. Tzuyu is playing a guitar and the rest are singing, sometimes changing the lyrics to cause a great laughter. Chaeyoung is sitting beside the singing tofu smiling (yeah, SMILING!) while silently observing her friends. It is one of the moments when Chaeyoung feel so warm insides, no anger, stress, nor frustrations. And she loved it.




A certain someone popped up on her mind and a sort of excitement suddenly build up in her.



'What would be the best gift for her?' Chaeyoung thought.



"All right! This is it. This is the last bottle everyone. Let's go to our family now and prepare for the countdown later. Again, Merry christmas to you guys. I love you all." Daniel half-shouted while pouring the last drink.



They promised not to get heavily drunk to avoid troubles today because its christmas. Everyone were excited to go home and celebrate with their family except for the three rich kids.



"What are your plans later guys?" asked Dahyun while they exit the poor place.



Tzuyu shrugged. "Probably sleep again. I'll be only with my siblings and maids. Mom and Dad were still on a business trip. What about you chaeng?"



"Ah, as usual. We'll be going to our resthouse. Dahyun unnie, I'm going to your jewelry store first. I need to buy a present." Chaeyoung said while getting her car key on her pocket.



Dahyun and Tzuyu both smirked. Chaeyoung is the type of person who only spend a lot of pennies for special persons. And they already know who's the lucky one. "Okay, we'll accompany you chaeng."



Upon arriving at the expensive jewelry store, all staffs immediately bowed 90degrees to the trio. The scene was somewhat hilarious, they were all bowing when they even had a more presentable clothes than the three teenagers. Well, they actually can't help it because those three simple teens are all successors of some of the largest companies in Korea and one of them is the daughter of  the owner of that store. The manager guided them to the lounge and showed different kinds of jewelries in an expensive holders. Chaeyoung started searching for the best gift while the two just played on their phones, obviously not interested to those luxury items infront of them.



"I actually don't know what to choose coz I'm not fond of accessories. Just give me the most expensive bracelet you have." Chaeyoung said after a while.



"Okay Miss Son. I'll bring it for you in a second. I'm sure you will not be dissapointed with it." The manager replied before he leave.






Chaeyoung answers her phone while trying to wait patiently. She's not comfortable with this kind of place and she badly wanted to get out now. Not because it's awful, but because the wealthy customers that are looking at the staffs like they are some kind of slaves is making her puke.



"Hey Jeongyeon-unnie! Zup?"



"Yo chaeng! Where are you? We'll be leaving in a few minutes. Come to the Mansion this instant. Palli!"



"You guys should go now. I'll just come after."



"Alright... If you say so, but don't dissapoint us cub. Arasseo? It's only four more hours before christmas."



"I won't. I'll be there, I promise. I'll hang up now. Bye unnie" Chaeyoung bid her goodbye when she sees the manager coming holding an expensive looking small black box.



"I believe this is what you're looking for, Miss Son. The most precious and most expensive bracelet in Korea. Lovely, isn't it?" the manager recited while showing the crystal bracelet.



Chaeyoung barely smiled seeing the jewelry and handed her card to the manager, indicating that she'll get it.



'I hope I can see her precious smile when I give her this' she thought...



Chaeyoung is now driving to drop her two bestfriends on their places before she proceed to their resthouse when she think of a specific person again that clouded her mind the whole day. It was no other than her Sana unnie, the only daughter of Mr. Minatozaki, their resthouse caretaker. 



Mr. Minatozaki has been working for their family for a long time. He's already there even before she was born that's why her parents entrusted him their resthouse, the first home of Chaeyoung's great grandparents. They always celebrate christmas in that house or you can also call it a mansion. And there she met Sana when she was 8. Her jeongyeon unnie was making fun of her at that time and she was a cry baby. Suddenly, a pretty girl with a soothing voice which is same age with her unnie just randomly hugged her and tell her to stop from crying.



"Please stop crying, chaengie."



Chaeyoung will never forget that phrase. Because it was what she heard when she felt her heart leaps for the very first time. She doesn't know if it because of the cute pet name she heard or because of the flattering feeling when someone already knew you even if you didn't introduce yourself yet. Either way, she is 100 percent sure that she likes the girl.


Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon, and Sana became playmates since then. But as time goes by, only Jeongyeon and Sana became closer. There's always an awkward atmosphere building whenever it comes to Chaeyoung and Sana most especially when they reach puberty. In addition, Chaeyoung started becoming distant to her family so the lesser she also spend time with Sana during their stay at the said resthouse because she chose to lock herself up on her room most of the time. Nevertheless, she cherished those few minutes interacting with Sana and still looked forward in meeting her again every year. She's now sure that she is already falling inlove with that girl. Chaeyoung is smiling like a a complete idiot when someone interrupted her reverie. 



"Hmmm.mmmm Chaeng, why don't you confess already? You're obviously a lovesick. I'm afraid someone might steal her if you didn't make a move now. It could be me my friend, yah know?" Dahyun said with a matching wink.



"Or me." Tzuyu interposed with a smirk.



"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" Chaeyoung hollered that made the two burst out in laughter.



"Ahahahahahahhhhh! Relax chaeng, we're just kidding. Hahahahahaaaa but seriously, don't you really have any plan to confess?" Dahyun asked after recovering from laughing.



"I-I do-don't know." Chaeyoung lied. Yes, she totally knows, actually. She really wants her Sana unnie to know how much she love her but evertime she's infront of the said girl, she couldn't talk properly. She always runs out of words and her badass facade is disappearing as well. Chaeyoung reached into her pocket to get the box of the bracelet, she wanted to see it again. But when she got a hold of it, the box slipped through her hand. She didn't waste any second to pick it up, however, as soon as she touched the black box, her eardrum nearly explode due to Dahyun's earpiercing scream...



















(A: I recommend you guys to listen to this song while reading the following below. It's My Only Wish This Year by Britney Spears. This is what inspired me to write this story. Happy reading everyone!)




Last night I took a walk in the snow:

Couples holding hands, places to go.

Seems like everyone but me is in love.

Santa, can you hear me?


I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss.

I sent it off. It just said this.

I know exactly what I want this year.

Santa, can you hear me?


I want my baby, baby.

I want someone to love me.

Someone to hold.

Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe

He'll be all my own in a big red bow.


Santa, can you hear me?

I have been so good this year.

And all I want is one thing.

Tell me my true love is near.


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YanieDungs #1
Chapter 1: Kudooooosss ❤❤❤
dlnswghek #2
Chapter 1: Thats so cute
Chapter 1: (′~`●) Nice story 。^‿^。
wonderful_sone #4
thank you for making a sachaeng story ???