
Every Day with You

Sehun mingles with the crowd for the rest of the night. Everyone welcomes him as the new captain because they think he does deserve for the title. Jongin is playing his playlist for the party and somehow got the nickname Mr.DJ. Haewon also goes around to converse and enjoy the party. Everyone seems happy and enjoying the victory their school has. Hanhwa has proven that they’re still going strong and their first year students line up is amazing so they have a full confident about next year.

“, is that him?”

Jisoo widens her eyes at Eunyoung who came with a tall boy with big eyes and black hair. She’s talking with him and they seem know each other really well.

“That must be him,”

Areum nods at the remarks and Haewon also look at the two as both Eunyoung and the boy walk to their direction. Eunyoung sure have a good eye for boys but she is attractive and bubbly so it’s not really a problem for her to find a boyfriend or just a some. Something that Haewon could never do.

“Hey guys,”

Eunyoung smiles brightly at her friends and pulls the boy to get closer to them, he smiles at them.

“Girls meet Lee Taeyong from class 2-C,oppa this is Haewon, Jisoo, and Areum.”

“Hi, nice to meet you guys.”

Taeyong smiles politely at them, the three also nods and smile at him. “So, you’re in the student council with her?” Areum asks him and he nods, “Yeah, we’re in the same divison and spends a lot of time together for working on the sponsorship.” Taeyong answers her. Areum is the detective among them, she has a really high alert like a detective. Jisoo and Eunyoung always introduce their new boyfriend or some to make sure Areum senses something from them or just heard anything outside.

Areum nods and smiles, “We’ve been wondering how the hell Eunyoung knows things that the second year will do. Nice to meet you, sunbaenim.” she says again. Eunyoung looks at Areum who nods at her and she smiles, “Alright then, you guys can go to home if you want to. I’m okay,” Eunyoung signs that Taeyong will take her home.

Haewon nods, “We’ll go home without you for sure,” she says and her friends laugh at her reply at Eunyoung. Then Eunyoung leaves with the boy to the backyard where most of the second year students and some third year students who were in the basketball team who came to celebrate together.

Haewon looks around and everyone seems really happy though they know that the finals are coming. She takes another glass of soda before heading to the front garden. Minwoo has a spacious house, both his backyard and front yard are big. His back yard has a big pool meanwhile his front yard is filled with trimmed flowers and plants. There’s a white garden bench on the front yard so she takes a seat while sipping her soda.

She browses through her Instagram and her timeline is filled with the victory celebration of their school’s victory. She smiles as some people also take a video of the cheerleader team performing and their winning trophy. She received a text from her mom who congratulates her for winning because Haewon sent her a picture of her team with their trophy. Her dad sends her a daily dose of his joke alongside a photo of their new family photo in his desk that he changes every six months. A full family photo with the four of them in it, four.

“What are you going here alone?”

Haewon looks up from her phone while locking it and she sees Sehun standing right in front of her with a cup of soda.

“It’s too loud, too many people. Silence is my best friend,” she says and he chuckles as he takes a seat right beside her.

“Thought you went home already,” he mutters but loud enough for Haewon to hear it.

He was searching for me?

“I was searching for you,” he says as he looks at her direction and she smiles, “I should be the one who’s asking you why you’re out here. You’re the subject of the party,” Haewon teases him back and he just laughs at it. “Nah, I love being alone during night.” he shakes his head.

There’s a silence around them, haewon sipping through her soda so does Sehun. They don’t talk, just enjoying the quiet neighborhood that has a lot of lights that light up the street.

“Winter is coming,”

Haewon says and looks up the sky as she does. Sehun looks at her, “My favorite season,” he says. “Mine too, at least, it was until that accident. But summer isn’t really my friend too, so ….” she mutters the last word and the two of them laugh together.

“Are you free this weekend?”

Sehun asks and she looks at his direction, “Another date?” she asks him jokingly and he nods with a smile. “Real date,” he says as he looks at her in the eye, Haewon could feel that he means a date date. Not the thing they did after a competition or just to spend time but a real date between girl and boy.

“Sure, why not?” she replies his offer,

“Wanna catch a movie?” he asks again, “I don’t mind with anything,” she says again.

Sehun smiles and they keep the silence again. Enjoying both company without need to say anything about it. She likes it, he’s not someone who curiously asks everything and need to talk every second. He likes her, she’s not some girl who clings on him and begs him to talk. Silence might be the symbol of awkwardness to a lot of people but for them, they don’t need words to express their gratitude towards each other’s company.

For Haewon, it is amazing to find someone (especially boy) to take an interest in her. All the boys that she met before would prefer her friends especially after they know she’s not really opened. Haewon prefers reading some difficult English novels than reading some romance novels that is going to be filmed or turned into a movie. She loves rain because she could stay at home and snuggle with her books at home. People who only see her as the captain of the cheers might think she is your typical queen bee, yes people know her but that doesn’t mean she’s comfortable with all of them.

In other side, Sehun finds it amazing for him to find someone like Haewon. The girls that he met all these times always tend to love talking, shopping, and watching movies at the theater. Things that he did with Haewon are simple things like talking on the rooftop and eating lunch together. But she seems to enjoy it a lot and appreciate the time they spent together. He loves staring at blank space or the sky for nothing and just keeps silent. He might be the captain of the basketball team, he might be socially active and easy-going but no one really knows his story other than his friends. Though, he couldn’t agree more, Haewon seems to know him better than anyone lately.


Sehun enters his house and finds it empty. There’s several maids cleaning up the room and greet him as he walks by but his parents aren’t home. They’ve gone overseas, leaving him like always. He smiles and nods at them one by one as he walks up the stairs. The party is over and everyone goes home eventually, it’s almost nine o’clock. He walks to the farthest room at the second floor but stops his track when he finds someone standing by the big window towards the backyard near his bedroom.


Jaewon turns around and bows at him, although Sehun always told him not to but he couldn’t resist to do it. Besides, Sehun is basically his employer. The older male smiles at him, “You’re home, master?” Sehun nods at the question.

“You want to talk to me? You always waiting for me like this whenever you want to talk to me,”

Sehun raises his eyebrows and Jaewon laughs as if he’s caught red-handed.

“If you don’t mind, I have something to talk about to you.”

Sehun nods and open his bedroom door to let Jaewon in. He put his bag on the carpet and let Jaewon sits on the sofa as he takes out two cans of coffee from his own mini bar.

“Spit it out, Jae.” Sehun says as he opens his can of coffee, the older male does the same and take a sip before starts to talk.

“Dr.Kim says you haven’t gone to see him for months, what happen?” Jaewon asks the younger male, Sehun widens his eyes at the question.

“How did you get that information? Aren’t doctors has this confidentiality-thingy?” Sehun furrows his brows, he puts the can on the glass table while waiting for Jaewon’s answer.

“You put my number as your guardian other than parents, did you forget about it?” now it is Jaewon’s turn to furrows his brows at the Sehun who mentally face-palmed himself.

“Yeah, I haven’t been to him for like …. Three months? I don’t really remember though,” Sehun admits and the shrugs his shoulders,

“School is busy, you know I play for the basketball team. Things get more and more complicated that I don’t think I could go through another type of therapy. Come on, I’ve been having a trouble with sleeping since I was seven years old. I’ve gone through a lot of different series of treatment and therapy but nothing seems work on me. I don’t feel like I want to try anymore.”

Sehun plays with his coffee can and silence approaches them. Jaewon knows Sehun since he was ten years old, he knows things that the kid has gone through even better than his own parents. At first, his father only offers him the job as a summer part time job but then they got close in just a month so that’s why Jaewon chose to stay close with him even after he get a degree for himself. Jaewon knows better than anyone that Sehun have been taking sleeping pills a little by a little since he gets into middle school because the sleeping pills in the medication box at home would be out of stock shortly. At first, he suspects either Mr.Oh or Mrs.Oh have an acute trouble in sleeping but then he caught Seun red handed at one night and decided to talk it out together. That’s how Sehun starts to see a psychiatrist, Dr.Kim Seokjin.

“But you should. I’m saying his as someone who has been with you for years, I know your struggle so please let someone help you.”

Jaewon’s words remind Sehun of what he and Haewon shared. He used to despise any kind of way to tell people how broken he was inside or how messed up his relationship with his parents is. Jongin knows Sehun isn’t close with his parents but he didn’t know to that extent. Haewon knows things better than his friends, no offense. He doesn’t mean to tell Haewon everything just to get close with her but he feels like she could understand. Haewon has her own story too and very understanding towards his condition.

If Sehun ever tells anyone about his problem, most people would probably only says

‘But you’re rich as , you can do a lot of things aside from waiting for your parents’

‘There’s no way the captain of basketball team feels inferior and lonely, don’t try to lower yourself’

‘That’s bull, there’s no way you could ever feel that’

He still remembers how her counseling teacher in middle school looked at him when he tells her his story, a little piece of his story.  She looked at him as if he’s making things up. That is the last time he ever went to counsel to anyone until he met Dr.Kim but he hasn’t met him for months now because actually he feels quite better than before, talking with Haewon may be the major reason for him. That girl understands him completely and willing to listen to his story. Girls that he met would only care about party, clothes to wear, prom committee, and new movies to watch every weekend. Whenever he tries to get close with them, he never went as far as going to their house and talk with them for hours like what he did with Haewon.

Haewon is different.

She is.

She willing to listen to his stories, to gives out advices or just humming in response because he knows she doesn’t dare to say anything because she herself doesn’t know how to cope up with it. She chuckles at his lame jokes and actually falls for his lame flattery. She may be the captain and main of the cheerleaders but she never walks side to side in the hallway with her friends and makes everyone step aside as if in Mean Girls or wanting some solo show for herself as if she’s Sharpay Evans in HSM. She knows her places and sets up some boundaries for herself. Rather than self-centric, she’s selfless and let her friends to shine in the spotlight.

“I do tell someone about all this,”

Sehun murmurs but he sure that the older male can hear him clearly. Jaewon’s expression change and becomes interested in the new fact. He sits upright and finishes up his coffee can.

“The girl in that house from two nights ago?”

Sehun hates Jaewon for being too good at guessing things but he nods as response. Jaewon’s mouth forms a smile as if Sehun is his younger brother who just excels something.

“I could see that she’s a good influence for you,”

Jaewon says again and Sehun chuckles at his words, “I’ll go see Dr.Kim again next week, just to see how much I’ve progressed.”

Jaewon nods in agreement, “Alright, I’ll tell his nurse to give you a schedule.” he stands up and take the empty coffee can with him. Before he exits Sehun’s bedroom, he turns around as he grabs the door’s handle.

“Good job today, Sehun.”

Sehun smiles at the remark, those are the words he needs the most after a tiring game or tiring day. Hearing someone telling you that you’ve done well despite your lack of effort or failed in something is a great thing, it means that someone still care for you. He longs for that feeling from his parents, he used to. But now he doesn’t care anymore because they rarely and never ever went to his game before. The first and last time was when he was in seventh grade, that’s it. After his game is over, his father flew to Hong Kong and his mother only waits for him to eat dinner in a fancy restaurant before asking Jaewon to take him home because she needs to meet a business partner.

Good job.

You’ve done well.


Haewon looks at the prescription medicines in her hands. There’s five different bottles of medicines in her hands, most of them only have a little amount left as she had already used them all. She puts them back to her cabinet and left her bedroom to go to the living room.

It’s been five years yet the insomnia is still there. Dr.Kim said that time will eventually heals her but she doesn’t feel anything different with those medications. Talking with psychiatrist does help her but she found talking with Sehun is more helpful because they feel almost the same thing.


Haewon never tells her friends about what happens to her because she’s not sure talking with others will eventually help her. But it’s different with Sehun. He understands her, he doesn’t force his way to her like any other boys, he listens well, and really care about her. He’s not some jerk who cares about what kind of clothes she’ll wear or what they should do. He always asks for her opinion and what she wants.

She likes it.

She likes him.

It’s been a while since she ever feel fluttered by someone or feels like she’s being appreciated. She sued to put everyone else above her, put their interest and needs above her owns will. With Sehun, Haewon feels like she is being appreciated and taken care of. She loves talking with him because he’s different with the others. It just feels like they’ve destined to meet.

Haewon smiles as she remembers tomorrow will be their date.


Sehun caress her cheek with his left hand as his right hand holding on her hand.  He adores her, she is his world and he doesn’t know what to do if she’s not around anymore.

He doesn’t want to lose anyone.

“It’s okay, son. We will take care of her, you need to sleep and get change. You can comeback after you get off from work.”

Sehun looks up and he could see Haewon’s mom trying her best to assure him she’ll be alright. Sehun may feel empty but her parents feel numb. They can’t lose another child, not Haewon.

“I’ll get back as soon as possible,”

He takes a look at the sleeping Haewon and kisses her knuckles before leaving her with her parents alone.



I''m sorry fort he useless and silly update but I only want to show you until this part and another part for the next chapter:) I hope you guys don't mind. What happens to the italic words will berevealed in one or two chapters!! SO STAY TUNE GUYS! College is killing me, so I hope you understand~ I'll try my best to update more frequent. This fic will be over in maybe 5 or 6 chapters(?) idk yet but I won't make it longer than 20 chpaters.... anyway, PLEASE do leave a comment down bellow:( there's so little comment that makes me less motivated than my other fics:( 

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Chapter 21: ITS BEAUTIFUL ! no words can describe it.. ♡♡
Seenaa #2
Chapter 21: THAT.WAS.BEAUTIFUL!! I really love their relationship so much huhuhu it's really nice to have someone be with you through ups and downs <3 thank you so much for sharing this ficcccccc~
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 21: Thank you
Chapter 21: Hi! I just saw this and gave it a shot and :( They are just beautiful together.
Seenaa #5
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 20: No need to impress authornim, love it that she has woken up! Not to end it yet
Chapter 19: So before accident they got married like for four to five yrs and then accident happen.Looks like they will be more of their present past happening but i am not complaining tho.
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 19: Hoping she wakes up soon