The Make-Out Room



A typical girl meets boy story. This one-shot starts from a tiny but famous room on the SM High School called “The Make-Out Room”. The room is tiny, with two entrances. One entrance for the boy, and for the girls on the opposite side so they won’t be able to see who they are pairing up with. Two people whom have ‘met’ or should I say ‘kissed’ wanted some more.



KyunJae’s POV:

            I am Park KyunJae, a sophomore at SM High. And just like every girls out there, I am having boy troubles. To make it simple, I have one-sided love… EunHyuk, the first junior to ever be a student-body president. We were actually friends, ‘BEST’ friends to be exact. He is just becoming busy with his schedules but he tries to find time with me. I was starting to get bored without him. I felt empty. Oh, did I mention he had a girlfriend? Yeah, I just knew about it a while ago. He doesn’t seem to talk about her with me. That made me feel heartbroken.

            A few days passed without talking to him. I kept avoiding him whenever I see him. I just don’t want to talk to him right now. That is the reason why I am here right now, to relieve my stress out… The Make-Out Room. I pushed the button on the door, and the pink light on the opposite side lighted up, signaling that a girl occupied the room. I just sat there, until I heard the other door opening. It was really dark, and I couldn’t see a thing. I felt my heartbeat getting faster as I heard the other’s footsteps approaching. I just closed my eyes, and waited for the other’s response. He held my chin up, and started to kiss me.




Check out the review of this story:

Marie's Request Shop review

And Thanks to:

Triple Crowns Graphic Request Shop for the wonderful poster and background!


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Chapter 1: Wah!! I love it!!!
spoliarium98 #2
Chapter 1: eek so cute. makes me giggle that even before they actually "meet" hyuk is so excited~ lucky girl haha
Chapter 1: lol, that room helped a lot!
that was sweet! cx
miljnte #4
so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet~!!!!!=DDDD
faith.. wish it could be just like that...
ah.. poor me.. LOLOLOLOL...!!!!
It was. .. how do you say this? CUTE? HIHIHI :"">
Your fic is sooo cute but could've been better if you make it a little longer. Hahah..<br />
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Great job!
you made ​​me smile~ ^^
yiee!!! it's so sweet and cute at the same time ;)