
Will Tomorrow Come?

Bo Young sat and scrolled through her email. She saw Ms. Kim sent an email about the potential character development for Kwan Seok. It was a short email, just barebones still. She noticed the email was sent to both Hyung Sik and her. She looked up wondering where he was. They had taken a quick break as one of the gaffers had trouble with the sound system creating a delay in the shooting. They were filming outdoors, shooting clips of Mi Yeung and Jung Hwa's dates around town. They had to do various clothing changes to indicate different timelines of their couple dates.

There was one by the riverbank, where they fed the ducks, and he was taking candid pictures of her. He was using his own phone to take pictures, since he is again ad libbing at the spur of the moment. Pd ended up keeping this shot, and they did retakes to get the photos to edit into the scene.

There was another beautiful scene where they were strolling hand in hand in the park, still in the early hours of the evening. Ginko trees line the path, still sporting a few late yellow leaves on its boughs. Pretty soon, the trees will all be bare when winter gets fully underway. The script just said to stroll and act as couples would on a date. So they walked along the path holding hands, pantomining sweet conversations when the snow started falling down; she stopped and stood with her face raised letting the snow fall on her. She had stuck her tongue out to catch a snowflake and the snow fell like sprinkled sugar flakes on her face, caught in her hair and lashes and lips. He turned her around and kissed her right there with the backdrop of yellowed Ginko trees and gentle snow falling around them. And then the camera panned to a fade, showing only their silhouette amidst the white sparkling snow.


She found him going over the clips of their scenes, and handed him a cup of tea. His face registered surprise that she sought him out.

"I know you prefer coffee, but it wasn't ready," she said. "Did you get Ms. Kim's email?"

"I did; I have a hard time opening it. I'll check it out in my computer at home. What did it say?"

She shrugged, "Nothing much; still barebones, but something about love interest for Kwan Seok, some vague character developments."

"There was a hinted love interest already; is it going to be the girl from the housing office?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe we can catch Ms. Kim the next day. Tomorrow's a long filming day again."

"Bo Young-ie.." he paused. She had looked up from her cup when he called her name. "I think the sound system is still acting up, so Pd has us wrapping up early. We got most of the scenes PD wanted done anyway. Will you need a ride home?"

"I, uh, I'm not sure. I think my manager is here?" she stammered. "I know he had to something to do, but I thought he's back."

"No, he thought he would have time to come back to pick you up later, but we ended early. It's snowing again. I can drop you off, unless you've made other plans already."

"No, not at all. I meant, I didn't make any plans. Yes, please. Thank you Hyung Sik-kie."

Their drive this time around was different than the first time. He was still quiet and so was she. He asked about her sister, hearing her say something to one of the staff before about having a new nephew in the family.

They chatted politely about vague things until he reached her place. The snow has been steadily falling and the weather colder in the process.

"Will you come in, Hyung Sikkie for some tea or coffee, please? Something to warm you up a little before you head home."

He nodded. And she knew how ridiculous it was that she was so easily pleased by such a trivial matter.

She went and puttered in the kitchen, brewing some tea for them. He stood in the living room looking out the windows toward the river.

"You can sit, you know."

He started at her voice, and went to help her set the tea tray down. Their hands briefly touching, and she noticed he didn't pull away.

"I have some macarons here if you like. If I remember correctly, these almond ones have always been your favorite."

"Thanks, I'm full; I'll just finish my tea and get going." He stared at the macarons while he drank his tea.

He stood up after a while and thanked her, making his way to the door. She went to hand his coat and scarf to him. And she tried again, venturing to ease this rough state they seem to have found themselves in.

"Thank you for dropping me off."

He only nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait." She stood and tucked his scarf securely around him, fixing his collar around his neck. She met his eyes and forced herself to hold his gaze.

He didn't say anything, though his hand briefly raised as if reaching out to cup her face, then dropped just as quickly. He murmured a barely audible good evening as he left.

She watched him by the window as he got into his car. She gave him a slight wave when she saw him look up at her. And he raised his hand in return before driving off.



"Here I bought some macarons from that french patisserie you like downtown," she set the plate down in front of him. They had returned from filming the drama. Right now, snow is blanketing the city.

"How is your ear, Hyung Sik-kie? I'm truly sorry I kicked you. It was really an accident."

He had stuffed his mouth with a macaron and quickly took a sip of his tea. "It still hurt. See it's all red and everything."

She quickly moved to sit on his right, touching his ear out of concern. "Does it really? Omo, I'm so sorry. It's not red anymore, though." She said as she gently rubbed the ear in question.

He tried to hide the smile that was forming by biting his lips. "It's really sore. You were really strong."

"You're teasing me aren't you? Are you really hurt, tell me honestly," she said, her other hand held onto his neck as she continue to check his ear.

"It's fine. I don't think I'll lose my hearing. There's not much you can do to make it feel any better."

"Shikkie! What? Should we go to the pharmacy? I'll drive; there's one open late not too far from here." She said, standing up to get her purse.

He reached to grab her back to sit next to him. "It felt better when you rubbed it."

"Aishh, you're teasing now. I should really box your ears." She pouted at him. She stood to refill the tea pot. "To think I was going to offer to kiss it..." she threw that comment over her shoulder as she walked past him.

"W-what, wait, Bo Young-ie!" he stood to follow her in the kitchen. "I would like a kiss, please."

They are still in the early stages of their relationship, and he is so predictably, erm, "thirsty". But Bo Young could take a joke and proceed to give it back ten-fold. "Hmm. No, if I kiss it, I'm admitting I did it on purpose."

"I know it was an accident. Here, do it like this to make it feel better," and he proceeded to corner her in the kitchen and peppered her ear with light kisses.

Her giggles came in fits and bursts, feeling the tickles of his kisses. When he finally let up, she found herself enveloped in his arms and her shortness of breath had nothing to do with her laughter. He bent down to share a sweet kiss, until she wound her arms around his neck to bring him much closer.


She was partly mistaken about the supermoon scene. They didn't film on location in Odaesan, but the crew held the filming outdoors. The visual director was tasked to supply the supermoon virtually during the editing process as there wasn't an actual supermoon event happening at this time. It had been a long filming day for all; they did several scenes in the studio with breaks in between while waiting for the evening to complete the last filming sequence. Since it was winter time, the evening got darker much sooner. It hasn't snowed as they had anticipated, but the night was cold. The crew was busy setting up in one of the rest places in Baegundae, the highest mountain at Bukhansan National Park. They didn't climb the full summit as the path up was not fully accessible by cars. But Baegundae offered enough majestic view overlooking the valleys below for their filming purposes.

Hyung Sik had asked for a heater to be placed nearby since he saw the tip of her nose was red and her breath kept misting in the cold. When they were seated in the truck waiting for their take, he could feel her shivering next to him. He had tucked the thick blankets around her in an attempt to keep her warm. She started sneezing from the cold again.

"I'm sorry; I tend to sneeze when it's cold," she said. He was muttering under his breath, indescernible to her ears. She glanced at him and noticed his annoyance.

"You're upset at me? Don't worry, I don't have a cold."

"I'm not upset at you. Why didn't anybody pack a damn heating blanket when they know we'll be out in the cold?"

"I don't need all the blankets; take some then," she said, mistaking his annoyance for something else other than on her behalf.

"Come here, we'll share the blankets," he said gruffly, pulling her close to him until she was fully ensconced in his arms.

"Hyung Sik, the bts camera is filming..." she said, her voice muffled in his jacket.

"I don't f***ing care."

She was quite surprised at his vehemence. She wanted to ask, but they heard the call and the clapboard announcing the start of filming.

Jung Hwa was talking to Mi Yeung about the supermoon and its significance spirituality. "It is said that during the supermoon, because the moon is closest to the earth, the energy she gives off forces things to rise up the surface. Some believe this energy becomes a trigger, causing truths that need to come to light to unfold. She illuminates all hidden truths and lets others find hope through this new beginning."

"I've never seen a moon so beautiful like this. Even with the clouds trying to cover her up."

"This is the last supermoon of the year. You can see how beautiful she is even in the dark, even when things conspire to get in her way, she still shines. No obstances can keep her light hidden. Her beauty still shines through."

She looked up to meet his eyes; in the bright light of the supermoon, she sees the look he gives her that warms her through her marrows. And when he bent to kiss her, her hands reached over to lose themselves in his hair, anchoring him to her as he kissed her deeply and fervently underneath the light of the supermoon, long into the night.


He went home that night full of pent up frustrations. Being near her, spending time filming with her is causing him undue stress. He thought himself strong; several times he berated himself for acting like a lovesick puppy again. It's been years, how can she still have this effect on me? This evening he was annoyed at himself, upset she was cold, upset at feeling caught up in their scenes, upset that all he wanted was to keep kissing her senseless. He's starting to find it difficult to keep his emotions in check. His personality is far from somber; he is not melancholic. He is ebullient, affectionate, happy. Although lately, people who knew him would be surprised to find him constantly pensive, introspective and quiet. He sat cradling his head in his hands, at a loss at what he should do. Everything reminds him of her, of their past. From the inocuous macarons to the stars in the sky.

There's just no escaping this anymore... I love her. 

And the night never felt as long as it did that evening.






I wish I could love you less
Maybe then this heart would break more gently
And I wouldn't feel the loss so keenly
If only I've loved you a little less.

I wish I had less love to give
Maybe then I wouldn't mind so much
That you walked away without a second glance
Because I had less love than I could give.

I wish I didn't need you more
Maybe then I wouldn't be constantly wanting
And reaching for what isn't mine to have
If only I didn't need you anymore.

I wish I knew how to let you go
Maybe then the days would've been tolerable
And the nights much less emptier
If only I had learned to let you go.








..*******thank you to phyungsik_pboyoung for the lovely snow kiss edit*******

*********thank you icemaiden for the lovely cover edits for my poem*******


For more about supermoons and spirituality/astrology click here.


This Full Moon is all about illuminating the truth, especially when it comes to how you communicate, and your true motives and intentions. If you or someone you know has been holding back the truth or doing things for the wrong reasons, this Full Moon may force things to rise up to the surface.

The truth is going to be revealed, so be patient and allow things to unfold under the presence of this energy. Whatever truths serve your highest good are going to come to the light, so be open and know that the truth can really set you free.

You may find this energy playing out the most when it comes to your relationships. This includes romantic relationships but also the relationships you have with your coworkers, friends, and family.

If there is a truth that needs to come to the surface, this Full Moon is definitely going to be a trigger.





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Thank you, all. I hope you've all enjoyed this story as much as I have writing it. Saranghae.


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Balticprincess #1
Chapter 21: A wonderful story! Thanks for writing it.
mriya212 #2
Chapter 21: i'm happy but sad. i finished all of it over the weekend. i love our couple!
mriya212 #3
Chapter 13: TT TT TT good even when it hurts
mriya212 #4
Chapter 12: gaaahhhhh, authornim!!! no wonder everyone loves your stories! saranghae!
mriya212 #5
Chapter 7: Why does it hurt so much even though I know its only a story. :'(
mriya212 #6
Chapter 5: This story is so heartbreakingly beautiful...I'm pacing myself but having a hard time not binge reading TT TT TT
mriya212 #7
Chapter 1: I'm glad I found your stories! I'm trying not to binge read but!!! thank you for these.
Chapter 21: =Beautiful ending..... I will always support and cheer your work....thank you for the stories...❤️
clandestineshhh #9
Chapter 21: You’re amazing and can never get enough or stop being amazed at your writing. Puppies world is so lucky to have you. Love you and thank you.
clandestineshhh #10
Chapter 20: Just like he said he’s still in love with her all these years ... it’s not even a year but it feels years and I still and will love them so much. Thanks for this chapter after all the heartache and angst hahaha siighhhh siiggghhh love it. Love you!!