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prompt #35 @ exohousewarming:

Suho is ready to have a kid but he's too shy to say it to his alpha.



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Chapter 3: It's too cute to handle ><><❤❤❤❤😊
Chapter 1: Too much cute too handle uwu ♥️❤️
lilykizaki #3
Chapter 3: New exol here, and also a Krisho shipper-
MarieJane #4
Chapter 3: Aaaww... what a cute story.
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwso adorbssssss
2446 streak #6
Chapter 3: wow I finally got around to commenting on this one... so lemme apologize first for the very late comment, only after the 3rd part of this story am I commenting on it... so here we go

you wrote this for an EXO domestic au fest right? and I do think you hit home with that the fest intended to do... this fic is really domestic, family issues are on point... so yeah, I think you did well

anyway, I'm curious as to what led to these two's mating... also, is there an for them? coz at the first installment, Jun was finding it very hard to tell Yifan that he wants kids already, why are they so hesitant towards each other?I wondered if it's just in an omega's nature here? but then in the sequels, they still find it hard to openly communicate abt what they really want to happen, and to think that they've been together for years now... plus the fact that they're very sweet to each other all the time, it couldn't have been hard to be so open with each other, specially knowing how supportive they are of each other... do really curious about that

also, wow... I do remember you only writing one shots before... but now you've gone on a higher scale and writing full stories with numerous sequels too!!! and your ! HAHAHAHA you can now be grossly detailed with it... just wow, I love development! HAHA

anyway, they sure were lucky to get twins on their first try! BABIES SEKAI ARE SO ADORBS!!!
I've said it before but I'll say it again, fights in domestic aus are the best!!! SeKai simple misunderstanding leading to both of them crying HAHA so cute! and older brothers fighting over Sophie!!! they sure are so in love with their sister!

that scolding method of Yofan when the twins got into a physical fight is A+++++++++ I can perfectly imagine what happened there and it's so sweet, ofc the boys wouldn't even dare fight physically again after that :)

I felt proud when SeKai also took action with the boy who was bothering Sophia... older brothers are the best! HAHA Sehun sure was being firm, not violent with the guy so that he'd never bother their sister again! I'm sure the point was taken Sehun! I wouldn't want to cross the scary old brother again if I were the boy... he should be thankful it wasn't Yifan who fetched Sophie that day... he would've died if that was the case HAHAHAHAHA

there must be a continuation for this, right? HAHAH coz we're all expecting another child since it's been laid out already!!! how are you gonna title it, "sequel of the sequel of the sequel?" HAHAHAHAHA
SuhoSandi #7
Chapter 3: Never get enough of Krisho with kids. All are just too cute <3 ...so, another maknae will be... ?
I'm waiting, saeng ;)