Our Spring

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For some, spring may be the touch of warmth after the cold of winter. Spring may be the colorful flowers in full bloom. May be the season when you feel like the air is full of love but not for Seungyoon. Spring is the loneliest season for him, the season when he feels the most alone until he met this overly familiar man who'll turn his spring into what it was supposed to be.


Honestly, I'm stumped on my two ongoing stories and the oneshot I promised. Forgive me for breaking my promise yet again. ^^; I think it has been so long since I wrote a story so I just want to put something out before going back to my previous stories.Β  >_<

I wrote this story when the weather is still cold but its getting warmer now >_<.... I hope this will still warm your hearts <3

Its just a mini story with three chapters. XD

Leave a comment and upvote,hihi. Let me know if you like it. ^^

*thump* *thump* I finished the last chapter finally. πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ I hope you'd like it. I may or may not add a bonus chapter...depending on my mood. πŸ˜† Tell me what you think. Thank you for reading. πŸ’™


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Chapter 5: Hello!

It was a very nice and cute story! I had the feeling it would end this way somehow at the middle part. I'm glad that Jinwoo could enjoy his last days being loved and cared. I'm glad that Seungyoon doesn't hate spring after all anymore. They both got new reasons to be happy even when they lose so much, in the end they were reunited again.
Thanks for writing this story! It was very nice!
Chapter 5: I HATE YOU SO MUCH HUHUHUH~~~~ HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US??? THIS IS SOOOOO UHUHU. I rly loved Jinwoo's character here~~ he's like a cheerful bunny (but yeah u let the bunny die. Imma sue you!!)~~ I love how you broke my heart and mended it too~~ thank youu for this!
Chapter 5: waah, look at ur feet. there's my heart right there, or was my heart. now it's just pieces of a broken heart. nonetheless, thank you for your fic
xxinthemoonlight #4
Chapter 5: I'm crying. ;_;
xxinthemoonlight #5
Chapter 3: I feel like the next chapter is gonna make us cry. ;_;
Chapter 3: I have bad feeling for this one. Please give us happy ending thor nim (β•₯﹏β•₯)
nana0415 #7
Chapter 3: Nice chapter..i really want to know why jinu was so sad..hope you can update the next chapter soon because i cant wait to read it^^