Punk Girl, Talk Sweetly To me.

The Ink Slinger's Diary (Seulrene Drabble Collection)

PROMPT: Finish an idea you never saw an end/plot to but always wanted to write, even if you don't like how it goes.
Dedicated to a very dear friend who allowed me to indulge in this personal dream of mine.


So, what do you get when you put a Punk girl next to a Rich, politician’s daughter?


Ironically, you get a lot of sparks flying. The rawest kind of attraction and the most pure connection.


Beyond the differences and beyond their social position, chemistry could not be subdued. No one can even imagine taming it, as love, lust and attraction are one of the forces that move the world and yet cannot be tamed (and should not be). When the blonde, long haired Bae Joohyun laid her eyes upon the cool and energetic blue-haired punk Kang Seulgi, they could not deny that ZING! of pure primal attraction. A magnetic pull that neither of them could deny despite the circumstances.

And the circumstances were something brought out of an 60’s greaser movie, quite frankly. The boisterous group of punks getting into trouble with the clean-cut citizens of the future at the mall while Joohyun was slowly retreating from the unnecessary conflict. It was not uncommon for her, as her social circle was filled with men carrying boulders of pressure and snapping into crazy joyrides and unwarranted harassment, while the girls were too meek to stand up for themselves or too bratty to even bother. 


Seulgi, donning her iconic tight plaid pants, her studded leather jacket, wallet chain and heavy dark boots, decked a guy square in the face and stumbled back and out of the tumult with a cocky smirk before she looked over at Joohyun, who was standing there in awe -- wearing a fine, cream colored sweater and a skirt that looked like it came out of a magazine. The difference of aesthetic drew their eyes, the difference in attitude was equally interesting, and even beyond that the connection was undeniable. Despite everything slowing down with thoughts unmuddied like a clear lake, neither of them moved towards each other to talk.


Joohyun got dragged away from the conflict by her gossipy and worried friends while Seulgi was violently grabbed by one of the boys. The tumult seemed to have reached new heights as the shouting and profanities got louder, the push and shoves were very noticeable and the people were starting to gather to see the animal display of dominance. Or whatever. Gossip, gossip, whisper, whisper.


Until the nearest security guards and store clerks came out to break the fight and kick the necessary people out. 


By the time everyone was kicked out, Joohyun and her friends decided to go outside to catch up with the boys and maybe go somewhere else, only to find out they all left with their cars while the punks gathered by the parking lot.


Of course, the girls were frightened at this. Well, fair enough, considering a lot of them were wearing scary chokers, spikey wristbands, piercings, heavy boots and even heavier attitude written in the bruises and the eyes were full of ire. However, there were a pair of pink shirts, fashionable crop tops, friendly smiles and smirks that gave a mixed reaction. Amongst those smiles was Seulgi’s big smile where her cheeks squished her sly eyes into a crescent moon full of glow.


And somehow, Joohyun couldn’t help to detach from her group and approach. The group was a bit tense as she walked by, but she reassured her neutrality by asking if they were alright, on top of apologizing for their friends behavior. Some were still unsure, but the cooler ones accepted the apologies. And of course, the first one to introduce herself was Seulgi.


What was a quick, friendly, human to human conversation established what both Seulgi and Joohyun already knew. The moment they were close to one another, they were immediately drawn to one another.


Then, the rest was history. 


Inevitably meeting with less people around them, inevitably learning about each other’s childhood and upbringing and inevitably falling for one another. Seulgi has always been a punk, grew up in the humbler parts of town; Joohyun grew up rich and estranged from her father, rather living and being raised by a politician her mother married when Joohyun was young. Joohyun’s academic records surpassed Seulgi’s in terms of pristineness, while Seulgi had good grades both out of cheating or sheer intelligence. 


Seulgi hated politics and politicians and, well, Joohyun grew up being told that Punks and hoodlums were a disgrace.


Somehow, their first date was the best, despite this literal bomb being laid on the ground. Seulgi was surprised at the understanding nature of Joohyun, and Joohyun was pleasantly surprised at the articulate and sage remarks from Seulgi. They both had wisdom worth sharing, discussions to be had, and Joohyun’s own disdain for her step-father was amusing to Seulgi, who thought that Joohyun would be brainwashed. The spark was already ignited before, but now they both felt it truly rush all over their bodies, a dynamism too potent to stop.


Now, Kang Seulgi nervously stood outside the gates of the luxurious but oddly quiet house of the Bae’s. It was a strange thing for her. The streets were peacefully quiet, unlike her own streets that were dark with the absence of a functioning street light that never really shined, tense and quiet with the looming threat of a sudden jump or firecracker. These streets felt… oddly safe, despite the rich boys having the tendency to cruise on by to pick a victim to beat up.


Whatever, Seulgi pushed it out of her mind as she stared at the wrought iron with the spiky tips warding off any casual hoodlum to avoid trespassing. The high, two floor house gave off the threatening aura that made the daredevil Seulgi second guess breaking in. Well, not breaking in, just entering through the third opening unannounced, and sneakily.


So, breaking in. In legal, proper terms.


Seulgi knew that legal and proper terms were, quite frankly, bull, but Joohyun’s father was someone with connections that could make the law worth something, at least briefly enough to ruin her and her offsprings if they were ever to come. And yet, that thrill of being where she wasn’t supposed to be was addictive, exquisite even. A bit of a daredevil this one, yeah. She was the first one to flip off the expensive cars that honked in her direction, the first one to spit on the ground next to the cop’s polished shoes, the first one to throw a sneer and a grimace at those giving her an odd look and one could say she was looking for trouble nine times out of ten and they would be right.


However, as she treaded carefully and climbed the nearest tree as silently as possible, one would be wise to assume that tonight she was being tactful and calculated. For a lot of reasons. One of the reasons was somewhere on the yard, probably sleeping or maybe alert by the sounds no one but dogs could hear. Now, she was hidden in the tree’s colorful leaves like a hamster, scanning the vast patio and eyeing carefully for the frightening pitbull that uselessly guarded the yard, in Joohyun’s own words. However, he still had teeth and could bite and Seulgi had too many scuffles with a dog to be foolish again. Even a chihuahua could cause some serious damage if one wasn’t careful. And mind you, this was not the first time Seulgi sneaked in to visit, but she didn’t want to make it the last time either.


With no one in sight, she dropped from the tree and down to her feet, letting her body absorb the impact and staying completely still like a photograph. Her eyes were wary and slow to look around, as if she was frightened about moving too fast and alerting whatever demon was inside the dog.


And the other, most important reason for being careful being the damsel in distress bored over her fine wooden desk, pencil eraser tapping madly with a consistent beat that was far more intriguing than the math homework sprawled dramatically all over the pristine workspace. This was the only reasons Seulgi was behaving tonight, throwing her misfit attitude under the rug for a moment. With a sigh, Joohyun’s bangs flew excitedly before they calmed back down. Yeah, none of this were giving her answers for her problems which extended beyond math at this point. Cleaning the room for the nth time wasn’t going to help her family issues, rearranging her books in the shelf wasn’t going to help her in math and lying down to cuddle with her teddy bear would not help with the aching need to be held by Seulgi’s skinny, yet cozy arms. As much as it temporarily helped, she could not get rid of these nagging feelings. The neon green numbers moved awfully slow and Joohyun couldn’t stop staring at them, counting the seconds and minutes before her parents arrived from whatever they were doing. There was an hour left tops, if not a little more if they get stuck in traffic or with a talkative pal that doesn’t know how to shut up.


Joohyun was banking on that to happen just to get a few more seconds with Seulgi.


A quick and faint Tick! alerted the already anxious Joohyun, making her turn to see the balcony’s sturdy glass doors, covered by the pastel pink curtains that only swayed subtly. To tell you that Joohyun shot up immediately to the door, leaving behind the dreaded math work, was an understatement. Her dashing towards the door almost had her nearly crashing into it, pulling the curtains violently away to be met with nothingness, though curious at the origin of the sound.


Another tick, this time the culprit was found when it crashed right before her face. A little pebble from her yard, polished and clean like herself, crashing against the door and pitifully bouncing off to the ground.

Joohyun quickly unlocked the door, opened it and walked out the balcony holding her hands out to avoid receiving a pebble to the face. “I come in peace!” She announced between giggles.


Down on the ground level, looking up like an authentic Romeo, was the grinning Seulgi, dashing as always. “Sorry I’m late, am I still invited?”


Leaning against the railing of the balcony, Joohyun cheekily started to think and hum. “Depends, are you going to behave?”


The punk girl laughed, placing a hand on her heart. “I promise to behave, you know me.”


With a soft giggle, Joohyun tilted her head and gestured her to come up and come inside. A formal invite for Seulgi. Well, as formal as that could be. 


Joohyun retreated inside all cool, but the moment she was out of sight she started to frantically put everything in place, looking at the mirror to make sure her golden tresses were at least presentable. The voice inside her head told her to stop obsessing so much, but she made sure to fluff up her hair a bit, rake her fingers through it, put it up in a ponytail only then to decide on pigtails…


By this point, Seulgi had already climbed up the balcony, dusting off any dirt from her clothes and taking off her boots before walking in. She watched Joohyun frantically doll herself up with a smile, leaning against the door way cooly with her arms crossed. “You know, you look stunning already.”


And that made Joohyun stop to turn around, a shy smile finally coming across as she relaxed her tenseness. “I just want to make sure.”


Seulgi shook her head, bouncing off and walking towards her, though shyly. “You know, you don’t really have to worry. I’m visiting you at home, I’m expecting you to be in cozy clothing.”


Joohyun rubbed her own arms shyly, doing her best to contain her enthusiasm. She didn’t want to quite jump into Seulgi’s arms, not wanting to fright the girl with her affection. “But you always come dressed so…”


“So cooly?” Seulgi giggled.

“Yeah, so cooly,” Joohyun said very lowly, teetering on the edge of a whisper, and feeling somehow blown away by the mere sensation of having Seulgi so near her, now standing face to face like she yearned for before. With a tender hand to Seulgi’s arm, Joohyun spoke again to break the silence. “H-How are you feeling?”


Seulgi, who was a bit in trance by the same energy that Joohyun emanated, took her time to respond, letting her eyes travel. That mere gesture had Joohyun a giggling mess, feeling that warm wave all over her body. Seulgi felt it, too. Both they were holding themselves back from the primitive desire to tangle themselves with one another. They hadn’t reached that part quite yet.




“I’m doing good, thanks for askin’. I didn’t get in trouble, like I promised.”


Playfully, Joohyun slaps Seulgi’s arm and yanks a soft chuckle out of her. “You’re incorregible.”


“I love being that way.”


And Joohyun loved it, too. She loved it especially when Seulgi put her hands on her hips like she was doing now. It was a firm touch, a small squeeze and yet tender with her thumb rubbing her skin like it was blessed by the heavens. Joohyun couldn’t resist letting her own arms rest on Seulgi’s shoulders bringing her closer.


These days, it’s been difficult to keep a conversation going with Seulgi. Those soft, red lips felt so good to just watch them talk. It was hard for Joohyun to understand this animal need to just be with Seulgi, this being the first time she’s felt this in all her life. Everything was so controlled, so contained, perhaps a bit fake at times, but this was so real and intense that it mildly frightened her.


Well, it frightened her until Seulgi wrapped her arms around her tightly, engulfing her in a loving hug. The fright dissipated then, feeling each other melt into the other in total silence. It felt so good to feel the sturdy body of Seulgi, so warm and so powerful, and it felt even better to feel her nuzzle so adorably against her neck, humming softly and letting just few feathery kisses to tickle here and there. To Seulgi, it felt so liberating to hug something so tender and soft, something so calming and adorable and it felt even better when she felt Joohyun’s elegant hands and fingers caress her body and her hair -- raking through that silky smooth short mane. Which reminded Seulgi of something.


“How do you think of my new look, by the way?” The question came muffled and soft, only for Joohyun to hear, because it wasn’t normal for Seulgi to ask someone about opinions on her looks. This was a first, an intimate little gesture that did not go unnoticed. “I think a bob cut suits me really well.”


The soft giggle also came a bit muffled. “I think it suits you better than it suited me once.”


“I highly doubt it, you look so good on everything.”


“Ah, you think so?”


“Yes, I do,” Seulgi then gently pulled away, her smile gentle like the moment. “I sometimes wonder if I look good with you.”


The hint of doubt in her voice, that light quiver, was both adorable but also strangely saddening. A quick dose of reality compact in one sentence, stinging and persistent. It was true they were both from different planets, and there was no denying that small moments like this -- as simple and innocent -- could be a problem for the future, no matter how innocent.


Joohyun, smiled softly, a little sadly, as she reached to cup Seulgi’s cheek with her warm palm. “Oh, Seulgi,” she said faintly, her thumb brushing those luscious lips. “I think we both look stunning, don’t you think?” 


“Ah, you think so?” Seulgi said with a shy smile, now mimicking what Joohyun said before, igniting soft giggles that alleviated the sudden tenseness. Then she felt a slap to her arm from a pouty Joohyun. “What?”


“Don’t tease me,” Joohyun further pouted, acting like a little baby and speaking like a little baby.


And of course, Seulgi gave her a knowing look before she abruptly leaned down and attacked her neck with tickling kisses and playful nips accompanied with soft noms, igniting more giggles and soft slaps that weren’t really to swat her away but, in a strange way, to encourage her to keep going -- and Seulgi knew that’s what she meant. And so she kept lovingly nomming, holding her tight. Then the playful nomming got slower, tender, maybe lazy, but it was so delicious to feel it.


“Kang Seulgi, what do you do to me?” Joohyun asked in a raspy voice, feeling tingles all over her body.


She truly did wonder. What was it of this woman that had her so strongly gripped and swoon?


“What do you do to me, Bae Joohyun? My mind is a turmoil, my body is constantly chasing adrenaline… but with you?” Seulgi pulled away, smiling subtly but powerfully. “I feel like I can let my guard down.”


But will it be forever?


Then, the sound of the wrought iron gates opening and squeaking alerted the two of them. Trying their best, they detached from each other but already feel that stinging need to attach themselves. With a cocky smile, Seulgi dashed onto the balcony window and looked outside. The coast was clear and with the distraction and the ruckus of arriving home, they would never notice.


Whether or not it was ephemeral like a rebellious streak, deafeningly fast like the thunder, Joohyun enjoyed every second of this romance. It went against the motif of always worrying about tomorrow, but with Seulgi in her arms? 


“I’ll see you later, okay?” Seulgi said softly.


Tomorrow, today and yesterday were all melted together.

Joohyun liked it just well.


“You bet you will.”

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Brooo I forgot to put this up. I'm so sorry!!


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Chapter 12: Gasp! It’s y D&D (‘Demons & Dragons’) 🤪👌🏽
Chapter 8: This is so cute! Seulgi is the perfect girlfriend and scary movie partner: being so reassuring and sweet when Joohyun was scared. Love this for them 🥰❤️
Chapter 7: I, um, don’t even know how Seulrene managed to vibe with a convenience store counter and bottles of lube between them (I have so many follow-up questions for Seulgi, lmfao), but I love this for both of them 🥰

I have even more questions about Irene’s personal review of that brand of lube *gulps hard at her innate iness*
Chapter 6: Yip, I’d watch Seulrene watch paint dry from a hammock with two cute puppies playing below them. Too cute 😍
Chapter 4: OMG.

Spankings last chapter, handcuffs in this case.

Are you trying to kill me with this Seulrene iness???

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Did not see that coming with the Seulrene spanking sesh 🤯

I didn’t hate it though. Au contraire 😛
Chapter 2: Oh damn, this was such a sweet chapter! A singer losing their voice must be a waking nightmare, I can’t even imagine it. To lose your livelihood is one thing, but singing - the thing you’re most passionate about. Poor Seulgi 🥲 So glad Joohyun was there for her in her hour of need and that they learnt how to communicate their love for each other in new and sweeter ways 😍

Brilliantly written from start to finish, Mazzeltov! 😎👏🏽
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 74: hope u doing great author nim 🤍
Jensoo4everlove #9
Chapter 74: Damn I want more of this!!!
433 streak #10
Chapter 57: This one too sounds like it would've been so epic