taller than you (wenji)

i write the songs that make the whole world sing

"Wow," Joy comments as soon as Wendy makes her way over to the table with the group's drinks. "That scene looked like it came straight out of one of the dramas Seulgi watches all day."


Wendy raises a confused eyebrow at the red-headed girl as she gingerly places the tray down on the table and passing out the caffeinated drinks to each of her friends.


"I... don't really get what you're saying, Sooyoung," Wendy replies awkwardly, not quite understanding the subtext behind Joy's words, but getting a sinking feeling at the sight of the younger girl rolling her eyes.


"Okay, first," Seulgi interjects, raising her index finger after taking a pointed sip of her latte, "I do not watch dramas all day." 


Joy snorts and mutters something along the lines of well yeah, now you don't because Irene's dragging you out on dates, you whipped bear, under her breath, and Irene pointedly smacks the back of her head.


Seulgi ignores them, opting to hold up two fingers instead. "Second, I do agree that what just happened here came out of a drama."


"Guys!" Wendy groans, plopping down into the seat that Yeri had been saving for her with her jacket. She's a college student, for goodness sake! She has no time for dramas! "What on earth are you talking about?"


Even Irene turns to look at Wendy incredulously. "We're talking about you, Wan."


Now that startles her. 




"Yup," Irene shrugs, smirking while leaning into Seulgi's side in satisfaction. "You and the whole scene you created with that girl."




Now she understands.


"She just stopped me from falling." 


Wendy tries not to stutter, tries to keep her face from heating up as she recalls the comforting hand on her back that prevented her fall, and the protective glare from the girl who helped her, staring down the unruly stranger who had jostled Wendy out of impatience. She remembers the way the unknown girl had growled at him, telling him off for rudeness before asking in the softest murmur into Wendy's ear, "are you alright? You looked a bit scared." Wendy could just barely hear her over the sound of her own pounding heart, nodding mutely before her savior released her with a small smile.


"But you didn't feel anything towards her? Are you sure? Absolutely nothing?" Yeri presses insistently, and Wendy groans, thinking back to the good days when Yeri had been younger and more oblivious. Nowadays, though, nothing gets by the sneaky youngster


"Even if I did," Wendy says tentatively, scrunching her nose at the way Yeri frowns, "Nothing would happen anyways! I probably won’t ever see her again, ever! Hell, we don't even know if she likes girls."


That seems enough to silence her friends for a good moment. Wendy looks on with pursed lips, the hustle and bustle of the coffee shop continuing on, even without her noisy table of college slackers. Inwardly, Wendy can't help but sigh at her friends' stunned silence, as though she'd been hoping that they'd refute her.


"Whatever," Joy exclaims a moment later, a stubborn look in her eyes. "I’m still shipping you two.”


“I-what?!” Wendy sputters, caught completely off guard. “Even after everything?!”


“Well, yeah,” Joy says plainly. “Because height difference.”


“Height difference?”




“I’m speechless.”


“Honestly, I ship it too,” Yeri agrees, and Wendy tips her head back with a noise of frustration, garnering brief attention from the tables near them. “The height difference is just the right amount. And, I mean, it helps that she’s cute, just like you.”


“Was that a complime— you know what?” Wendy holds up her hands in surrender. “I’m just going to be grateful for what I get. But can’t height differences be awkward?”


“Yours isn’t awkward in the slightest,” Seulgi quickly says.


“Super cute,” Irene adds.


Wendy stares at the eldest girl, dumbfounded. “I never thought I’d ever hear the words ‘super cute’ exit your mouth.”


And to her credit, Irene actually shrugs, nonchalantly flipping her hair over her shoulder.


“Well, that’s how you know I’m serious.”


Wendy did have to give her that one.


Meanwhile, Joy pursues on relentlessly.


“Listen, Wanda, this is your chance! She and her friends are sitting right over there, in the left-hand corner of the coffee shop, and it would be so very, very easy for you to just get up and— oh my god.”


“What?” Wendy frowns, trying to turn around to see what Joy‘s staring so intently at, only for Yeri and Seulgi to grab at her arms and force her to stay seated properly. “Guys, what’s going on?!”


“Don’t turn around,” Joy commands.


Yeri rolls her eyes. “Joy means to say that the girl of your dreams is heading this way.”


“The girl of my what?!” And then it registers. “She’s coming over here?!”


“Just stay calm,” Irene soothes with a smile, patting Wendy’s back. “Everything will be fine.”


“Easy for you to—“


“Excuse me?” A melodic new voice cuts in, and Wendy has to keep herself from swooning at the sound. She has to be a chorus kid, the Canadian-born thinks to herself. 


“Am I interrupting something?” The helpful stranger from earlier asks, sounding... nervous?


Wendy bites the inside of her cheek to hide a smile, not meeting her friends’ teasing gazes as a fresh wave of confidence washes over her. She’s not expecting much, but maybe she can come out of this situation with, at the very least, a new friend.


So she spins around in her seat, a friendly smile playing on her lips.


“Not at all,” Wendy insists as she meets a pair of bright brown eyes on a lovely face framed by the warmest shade of chestnut-brown hair. “Thank you for earlier, by the way! You really saved me from knocking someone’s coffee over.”


And her savior beams, pleasantly surprised at Wendy’s welcome. “It was no problem at all.” She huffs, and Wendy feels her heart rate quicken. “That man was rude, and you were innocent. It felt like the right thing to do.”


“I see!” Wendy grins, cheeks rising. It’s like the world has vanished, and chatter of the coffee shop fades to the background. “Well, thank you again!”


The girl laughs. “Oh, really, it was no trouble whatsoever! But, uh...” she blushes, and Wendy chews on her bottom lip in anticipation. “I didn’t come all the way over here to hear you thank me more, uh... okay! Um, for starters, my name is Eunji! It’s really nice to meet you.”


“And I’m Wendy,” Wendy replies, way too enthusiastically, cocking her head adorably. “I’m glad I got to get the name of my coffee shop savior!”


Wendy may or may not puff out her chest a little in pride at the harmonious chime of laughter that escapes Eunji’s nervous figure.


“I’m hardly a savior,” Eunji musters, before straightening, as if she’d just remembered why exactly she came. “Listen, uh, so I don’t really know how to phrase this but–“ a hand comes up to sheepishly rub the back of her head. “You could say that my friends kinda... ship us?”


Wendy’s eyes widen in surprise. Well, look who’s in the same boat.


“They said something about our height difference?” Eunji chuckles, wrinkling her nose, and Wendy’s just about to die of a heart attack because damn, Eunji is just so cute. “And they said that you were really cute, and truth be told, I agree, like, a lot.”


Wendy blinks, digesting everything. And another smile blossoms. “You think I’m cute?”


”Breathtaking,” Eunji says breathlessly, in a rush of air. ”You caught my attention when I first walked in here. I— my friends said that I should ask for your number, and I thought wow, I guess I’m meant to ask, because I had been regretting not talking to you more after asking if you were okay.”


“Well, what do you know,” Wendy says without thinking, heart racing. Better be careful... she’s so sweet I might get high blood pressure. “I’d thought the same.” She grins. “I guess we’re meant to be!”


Her friends are throwing her -eating smirks, and she briefly looks towards Eunji’s friend group in the back (who quickly try to busy themselves with their phones— at least they’re trying to be subtle), Wendy knows that she’ll be swallowing her words for days after this.


But Wendy also knows that she wouldn’t mind seeing Eunji’s blinding eye-smile for the rest of her life – oh yeah, it’s definitely worth it – especially as the slightly taller girl beams at her and says—


“Well, I guess we are!”




AN: Thanks for reading, everyone! Please check out ireadthisonefic and d0remifasolar’s Wenji fics that they will be/are posting  as well! They’re amazing, and are definitely worth the read!

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Hiya hummingbirds! I'm going to be posting a seulrene drabble into this compilation once every hour, for the next 4 hours! These drabbles actually used to be drafts for full fics, but... ANYWAY! Be on the lookout for 4 new drabbles today!


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433 streak #1
Chapter 14: I can feel my heart palpitating just reading about seulgi drinking that 🙈
433 streak #2
Chapter 4: this is seriously one of the most adorable things ive ever read😍😍😍
433 streak #3
Chapter 3: Hnngghhh this is one of my fav seulrene interactions irl ngl. I mean, who stares at their friends like how irene was staring at seulgi 😂 too cute ❤️
Chapter 19: I loved them😍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 5: cute af😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 19: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 12: Wtffffff I cry😭😭 whyyyy😭😭
73 streak #8
Chapter 19: Cutieeee just kiss already!!
73 streak #9
73 streak #10
Chapter 17: Woah