The Night's Not Over Yet

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"You're so difficult to read, Melanie." "I'm not meant to be easy, Wooseok." Wooseok eyed her as Melanie ran a hand through her hair with a small smile. "The night's not over yet. We'll see what happens." She told Wooseok who's face broke into a relieved grin.


hi guys! my first fic although a one-shot about PENTAGON (mainly with Yeo One and Wooseok having a slightly more important part, lol, and Hongseok as a good friend, hahaha)! i don't know the members well so they're written however i wrote them. but then again, anything is possible in the fanfiction world and i see them as actors filling up a role i need for them. haha, but anyways, this was just to get into them and i've been into them with Like This. this track has be hooked on to them as i feel like this song really suits them and that they had executed it well. like the other songs were amazing, but i like this style more xD anyways, happy reading if anyone does and thanks for checking it out. ^^ also there's a few swear words mentioned for anyone that's not into them.

-The story within this account of [YouWillFly] is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional or out of character, and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends.

-© [YouWillFly] 2017. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of [YouWillFly].

171012 TN'sNOY, there's a part two that was made. lol


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