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Let me tell you guys one thing: this story will not be M-Rated, but still, I'm giving you WARNING! Because this story is not about rom-com, it will be based on Polygamy, , ual abuse, Child abuse, and the age difference (18 years). Yes, you have read it right; if you guys aren't comfortable with the plot, this one is not for you. So, please don't waste your time here or come here to bash me. I'm humbly requesting you not to report the story if you found any kind of issue. Thank you~♦

Let's meet the cast of today's Chapter.


It was a usual morning in the Kwon household. The maids and servants were busy doing their daily chores while Seung Hoon looked after the breakfast arrangements. He is the head butler of the Kwon household, so it's his responsibility to make everything perfect. The Kwon household is based on six members, including the head butler. Kwon Soon Jae belongs to a very suspicious family. The Kwon family has been supporting government officials for years. You can say that they are game makers and game-changer as well. It's up to them who they want to take over the throne. This family is highly prestigious and non-other than Kwon Jiyong is following the footstep of his foreheads and his father.

Seung Hoon is not only Kwon Jiyong's most reliable and trusted friend, but he is also considered a part of the family. Kwon Jiyong can trust him with everything. He doesn't have to think twice before trusting him because Kwon Soon Jae has trained him under his eye so he can fight countless battles with Jiyong. According to him, Jiyong needs someone after him to always stay by his side like a shadow.

Seung Hoon was looking at his watching "There are only 10 seconds left" he turned around while saying that and found that Kwon Jiyong was standing in front of him. His black suit looked beautiful and luxurious, a Rolex was shining on his wrist, and his white/silver hairs were shining like a crown on his head. Seung Hoon bows as Jiyong smiles at him. Lee Chaerin, Jiyong's wife, appears from behind him. "Come on, Seung Hoon, you know he is always on time, and so do you, then why do you always count the minutes even seconds. "Chaerin tried to laugh it off, but she wasn't aware of the real reason behind his tension. Jiyong noticed that Seung Hoon wanted to say something, but still, he was silent. "What2 happened Seung Hoon, tell me," he said while sitting on his chair. "Sir…" Seung Hoon paused as he his lower lip with confusion and anxiousness because he did not know whether to tell him or not. "Sir, it's Young master…." He just uttered the title, and just a girl came in who was dragging a drunk guy.

"Damn it," Chaerin uttered, and Jiyong looked at her, then again looked back at the girl who was dragging the drunk guy along. "Seung Hoon shi…" the girl looked at Seung Hoon with puppy eyes for help, but Jiyong Stopped him before he could take a few steps forward. "It's okay, Seung Hoon; Nana can lead him to his bedroom." Nana looked at him with her big, shocked eyes, like how could he be so sure a pretty lady like her could carry a six feet tall guy to his bedroom. "Unnie…" Nana appealed to Chaerin for help. "No!" Jiyong replied before her wife could say a word, "Come on, Jiyong. Stop it…" She lightly slapped his arm. "Dad can be here soon." then she called out to the other two male servants so they could drag him to his bedroom.

"Nana, wait for a second," he stopped her. "What was he doing with you? What has he done this time?" Jiyong stands up as he asks her while frowning. Nana has a good height, but she becomes fragile and smiles when someone screams at her, "Um, Jiyong Oppa… actually."

"Is he drunk, or did he retake drugs?" He raised his voice this time, "Aah… N-no, he is just drunk a little bit." and she showed the measurement by using her right-hand thumb and index finger; now Chaerin came in between the two. "Nana, you go to him and also take coffee with you, okay!?" Nana runs like it's her last.

"Just five minutes," Seung Hoon nervously mentioned; Chaerin was trying to convince Jiyong that he should not say anything in front of his father. "Come on, Jiyong, please just this time." And he shook his head. 'No'

"Four minutes" Seung Hoon was continuously counting the time. "Babe, please, only you can pull up something. "Jiyong was still saying no because he was not planning to cover up for him again.

"Please, babe, please…." Chaerin holds his face with both her hands and at that moment, their eyes meet. The puppy looks that Chaerin was giving captivated Jiyong. As he went silent, she knew that he agreed. So, she smiled back.

"Just 30 seconds" both looked at Seung Hoon, who was standing on the right side of Jiyong's annoyingly.

"Seems like you both at it again." An old and shaky but strict voice hit their ears, and Chaerin stood on the right side of Jiyong because that's where she always sits. "Good morning Dad," both said in unison.

Seung Hoon steps forward and pulls the chair out for the head of the house. "So, what was it?" Kwon Soon Jae asked his son, "Um… what?" Jiyong just snapped out of his thoughts. "What were you planning again?" and he asks both to sit down with the movement of his hand. "I-it's just…" before Jiyong could say anything, Chaerin held his arm and continued, "I wanted him to spend a day with me, but he is not agreeing," Chaerin said while pouting.

"There is no need to make a fuss out of it. Jiyong is my heir and my eldest son; he has to work so he can spend a day with you?" Cameron looked down as she knew she was just got hit by a taunt covered with sugar. "By the way, where is Chanyeol?" finally Kwon Soon Jae asked about the drunk young master who just went upstairs.

Let me provide you with a bit of introduction to that couple. Chanyeol is Jiyong's younger stepbrother, and Nana is Chanyeol's fiancée. Both of them were at a club last night and were drinking and partying hard; they had just come back while Chanyeol still wasn't sober enough to join them for breakfast as well. So naturally, Kwon Soon Jae doesn't support or prefer such behavior, especially on the table.

"He was working overnight at the office, so I just asked him to have a good rest and meet me in the afternoon."

Mr. Soon Jae nods while eating his first bite "umm… that's good" he looks at Seung Hoon and moves his head in recognition. And Seung Hoon lowers his head in respect.



Nana was standing in Chanyeol's wardrobe. It was not the first time she got the chance to decide on his suit, and Nana was the only one who could enter his wardrobe after him because he didn't like it when someone touched his belongings. Because there was no such brand in the world that could not be found here. Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Giorgio Armani, Balenciaga, H&M, Versace, and Ralph Lauren. Well, she was impressed. "I have to say, Chanyeol, you are something," she compliments him after looking at his brand's collection. Then she pulls out a Giorgio Armani three-piece along with his Gucci shoes and a Rolex for his wrist.

There is a knock on the door, and Nana allows the servant to come in. "Oh, thank you, now you can go" Nana received the cup of coffee and went inside the washroom. She found Chanyeol filling his bathtub with cold water. Right now, he was all clumsy from the hangover, so he was very cautious with everything as he widened his eyes to build up his focus. The tub hasn't filled up yet, but he gets in the tub and laid down in it while the water keeps filling the tub from the tap.

"What are you doing, Chanyeol?" Nana asks as she finds him getting inside the bathtub with all his clothes on.

"You don't know my father, Nana… I need to show my face to him before he leaves. Otherwise, he will get all over my nerves," and he dips himself in water. Then, Nana starts counting "1….2….3….4…5…6…7…8…9…10…" but when one minute passes, Chanyeol doesn't come up, she gets scared.

"Chan… Chanyeol!" and suddenly he came out and now he was all wide awaken his face was all red he was coughing, trying his best to survive. Nana tried to get near him. "Are... are you okay!" but he showed her his hand. "Yes, I am all fine…." He was breathing heavily as he reached out his hand to her. "Cof….coffee" she hands him the coffee. The warm cup gave his cold body a little bit of support; taking a deep breath, he asks, "Is my suit ready?" then he looks at her. "Yes, all ready and set."

"Thanks," Chanyeol smiled and diverted all of his attention toward the coffee.



A car drives in through the massive metal gates of the Kwon Mansion. The car slowly makes its way toward the door; he pulls the brakes, the car stops in front of the main entrance to the Kwon Mansion. "Dad, please think about it once more; we still have time." Dara insisted on not visiting the Kwon family. She holds his father's right arm while looking down. Just then, her father gives her a stern look. She was looking down at her legs while she was busy folding the button on his left arm. As Park Hyun Sung looked at her hands, he knew his daughter well that whenever Dara is tense or nervous, she starts fold

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Finally I'm working on Page 4 😭 I'll try to update sooner


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Tariki_inday #1
Chapter 6: don't stop writing are very talented... hope ur doing fine... i thought i cant get the update anymore... i luv to read it again... 😊😊😊
745 streak #2
Chapter 6: ✨💗✨💗✨

He is surely in a difficult situation as he faces it all and some facts come to life. It is true that dealing with everything that was about to happen and it will be hard for him to face others, family and friends especially. Every action has a reaction, there is no doubt about that, but we'll see what's the catch, in the end. Things can be manufactured. Hmm. 👀

*sighs* His wife is in a huge dilemma, and it's obvious that she doesn't know what to do. This whole situation is crazy... I mean, if I were in her shoes, I would probably react the same... if it were my husband and he did the same... supporting him would be difficult... so I don't know... Everyone is different. 👀👀

Things are getting more and more complicated for all of them, but that's what I like about this story! It keeps the attention and if one focuses, it's easy to understand! 👌✔

Thank you and I can't wait to see what happens next! 💗🌹

745 streak #3
Chapter 5: ✨💗✨💗✨

In a way, I can understand his wife and the thoughts that were going through her mind so her behavior, as I mentioned earlier, is normal. Such accusations are never easy to handle or deal with, let alone when the person accused is your husband. the father of your child. The person with whom you share a bed, but the events that followed afterward caught me off guard a bit. The conversation she had and what she was told, how her husband stood up for her after everything that had happened, really hit her spot and she was able to snap out of it. *smiles * I'm impressed.
But it only goes to prove that not everything is as it seems and all the characters here have a story to tell. *winks* This confirms my first thought, that there was more to this family than one could imagine!

So far Chanyeol is doing his part in the investigation, but this is going to be tiring, from what I can conclude since there are things that are not being said. Hmm. Let's see how this develops. *smirks*

*blinks in shock* Blackmailing? Really? That is a big NO! Things are getting heated that's for sure, but I love the way it keeps my attention!

Thank you! 💗🌹Another great chapter! 👌✔ Can't wait to see what happens next!

P.S - Sorry, I didn't have much time to read for the past two days, but I am back now. 💗🌹

Daraxxi_2Ne1 #4
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating. The plot is interesting that's why we keep checking for updates in your story. A lot of secrets will unravel in each character. I think all of them have certain secrets. I'm looking forward to what will happen to Dara and Jiyong and the rest of the characters.
Chapter 6: More twist and drama authornim
745 streak #6
Chapter 2: ✨💗✨💗✨

Surely, such things are not pleasant to hear for any family, especially if that person has a wife and daughter. I can actually understand his wife and her reaction. It's hard to know who to trust, of course, she had lived with her husband and one would think that she knows him well, but that doesn't actually mean anything. There are cases where people lived with their spouse for years and in the end, they find out that they had no idea about their spouse's true face. *sighs* 👀😱😨

I feel sorry for his wife. *sighs* It's normal for her to feel that way. What woman wouldn't, right? *shakes head*

It surely threw everyone off their tracks and it's no wonder that Chanyeol is zoning out, thinking about everything. Did he do it? Did he not do it? One starts doubting everything and it's crazy. It goes to show that one's life can change overnight for 360 degrees and there is nothing one can do about it, but try to calm down and come to the bottom of it.

Dara is surely persistent in making them pay. But who wouldn't be, right? It's not going to be easy, because r*pe is difficult to prove (My major was Criminal Psychology and Psychology), and based on my experience the victims of r*pe go through hell. *sighs* It's not pretty but I hope that things will go well for Dara in the end and justice will win. If Jiyong really did that then he needs to pay. If he didn't, the real culprit must be caught.

Chanyeol's reactions... at times he confuses me. In a way, it seems that he is happy that his brother is in trouble and at times he seems worried. I would say there is some rivalry between them? Hmm. I might be wrong, we'll see. That's just based on what I noticed. 👀👀

Those who know him, partly believe in his incense and partly they are doubting it all. Things are getting interesting. 👌✔

His father has a point, an investigation needs to be done. 👌✔

I can't wait to see what happens next!
Thank you! ✨💗🌹👌✔

Chapter 6: Welcome back authornim
745 streak #8
Chapter 1: ✨💗✨💗✨

Interesting: 👌✔

Characters: 👌✔

Keeps the attention: 👌✔

Intense: 👌✔

I love the first part of this one. The Kwon family has surely caught my attention at this point and their ties with the government, all that makes me wonder about their background and what else will be revealed about them and their ties inside and outside the family. Also, there was a situation with Chanyeol being drunk right away, learning that he is Jiyoung's half-brother and Nana is Chanyeol's future wife. But there is surely more to the relationship between the two half brothers, but we'll see. ✔👌😉 So far, so good. 😉 (I'm a er for Chanyeol *drools*)

I could literally imagine his wardrobe and the collection he has. It suits him well. 👌😉😍 But I adored his state of panic and how he described the way his father will react if he doesn't show up. Then the wake-up scene was quite something and Nana's reaction to it. 👌✔ Loved it!

Things escalated fast! *blinks* 👀😱😨😰 With Dara's appearance everything changed and surely her pointing at Jiyoung that he r*ped her came as a surprise to everyone. It's only the first chapter so I am not sure which side to take, so for now, I will be neutral. Either way, the act itself is hideous and NO WOMAN deserves that. A no is a no.

Thank you for this chapter! ✨💗🌹👌✔

Can't wait to see what happens next! 👀

745 streak #9
Something tells me that this will be a great fic as well! UGH, I need a vacation where I can read all day long. XD

Can't wait! <333