S.K.I.N [Visual Kei Rock Band]





Raiden never thought even once to indulge in music like he is now. His life from since he is a kid been thinking about sword and never anything delicate as musical instrument he holds in his hand. The sounds of the instrument that he now masters always bring out the tough sound and shriek of the experience of him holding the sword and fighting. The gentle sound of piano, the shriek of guitar and violin and also the deep sound of bass and drum always accompany him. The world he never once though he will be in.

“You’re getting good” said Gackt who suddenly there he not when Raiden start playing the piano. This year mark the sixth year he been under the guy and he glad and thankful that Gackt takes him than leave him on the street.

He starts as a simple staff that helped around the place when he need to moves around for his schedule. Then when there a concert he also there being one of the backstage staff. But since the start he was taught everything from singing lesson to instrument lesson and also dance lesson that he always wonders why he need to. But time pass and he found himself on the stage among the dancer. There also time when he replaces the band member who can’t come of sick on several occasion.

Being around Gackt people might though it hard since he is strict type of person. Raiden have thought of that when he first comes around. He think Gackt a little similar with his dad in his strict way but maybe because he been under his dad for a long time, he get used to him easily. Training and everything aren’t tough for him that people around him think he is like Gackt himself.

Raiden smiled “I got a praise during lesson today” he said proudly and Gackt nodded at him. “You deserve it. How about other instrument? Vocal lesson and dance lesson?”

“Sensei start to question why I need more lesson since they don’t know what to teach me more than what I already learn” Raiden mention and Gackt laugh at it.

“Maybe it is the time” he said and it makes a question mark on Raiden mind. “Time?” asked the younger and the elder just smiled.

“You will know later” says Gackt before he walked out of the room.

Raiden shrug and his hand touch the piano to play another piece that can be called ‘Me’. It is not any song created but he just plays himself by using the piano. The thing he always do when he doesn’t know what to play as he already bored playing any musical notes from all famous artist out there.

When he finished he close the lid and gets up taken a few of his stuff and head out after shut the air conditioner and the light and headed out. The time show that he should head back and the appearance of Gackt on the studio show it. He wants to head back and so does him need to follow.

He goes out to the parking to see Gackt in phone talking with someone and he waited next to the car for him. He just waits there without listening since it quite far for Raiden to hear it. “Well… Not my problem” he says in his mind as he humming along a few lines of songs that comes to his mind.

The sound of the car beeping makes Raiden know that Gackt is finished talking and he see him walking toward the car. Raiden enter the car and followed by Gackt before he drives the car. There is silence in the car as both of them quite share the same personality that won’t talk much.

“Do you have a though to become an artist?” asked Gackt and Raiden looked at him quite shocked at the bold question of him.

“Not actually. All my years since a child had been occupied with sword and then when I leave, it is all about music. But I wonder… I like it but to become an artist just somehow hard to archive phase?” he question as he doesn’t know what to explain more about it.

“I got the sense of it. Since you been under me, all I taught you is all about music and nothing others. But I really want to know if once you think to debut as a band member or maybe solo artist? Since I think now you already got the skill for it”

Raiden leave out a sighs before he says “I have thought about it when I heard the scream of fans during concert. It overwhelming and in the same times makes people who heard it got some kind of power. But I never think I would receive something like that”

“How about a challenge?” asked Gackt as he knows Raiden personality is a little bit similar with him and in this matter too. He is not the person who would throw a challenge.

“What kind of challenge?” there a slight interest in the younger voice and eyes that he can’t see since he driving. He knows the bait he throws already eaten.

“I plan to debut a band. And I want you to be the vocalist of the band” says Gackt and Raiden eyes widen shocked at it. “You can think about it but I would like for you to agree”

“Now I wonder I really got a chance to think about it?” asked Raiden looked at Gackt and he looked at him back since it is the red light. “On second thought you are not. You’re part of this band no matter what you say about it” he says before drive since the light changed.

“I see…” says Raiden before he continue with a question “Who the band member? I know them, right? Ichiro? Yuusuke? Genkichi?” a few names of people who trained with him under Gackt instruction come out from Raiden mouth.

“Not they. You don’t know the members at all. But for sure they are the best member you can have” answer Gackt and Raiden just nodded thinking who they will be since he mention he doesn’t know any of them at all.

“When will I meet them?” asked Raiden and Gackt smile. “At X Japan party on January” Hearing that Raiden automatically looked at the date and see it is in few weeks as today is 14 December already.

“The party will be on 1st January. A new year party and late Christmas party” mention Gackt afterward and Raiden nodded at it.

“I will meet them at the party? Do they know about me?” asked Raiden to know more about it and Gackt laugh at it “I bet. All of you never meet once unless coincidence”


The sound of music is blasting on the place of the party held by Yoshiki of X Japan. Gackt already walked ahead toward the host of the party and Raiden left behind to looks around as he walks to follow Gackt to greet Yoshiki too.

“Raiden” called Gackt in middle of the room which he is with the others that Raiden can recognize as the host of the party, Yoshiki. He meets Yoshiki a few times before on several occasion but not this formally called to be introduced.

“You already meet him before right? This Raiden my protégé” says Gackt introduce him to Yoshiki and the few guys that Raiden can see as Sugizo and Miyavi. He meet the two a few times too but not this kind of condition.

Three eyes are on him as he bows and say “Hayabusa Raiden. Nice to meet you and please take care of me”

“What did I see?” asked Yoshiki looking at Raiden from head to toe. “I can feel some kind of aura from you on him or it is just my imagination?”

“He is Gaku-nii protégé of course he somehow resemblance of Gaku-nii” says Miyavi that in another word agree that Raiden somehow similar with Gackt.

“I got that quite a lot” says Raiden and all of them laugh.

“Did you guys already introduce the member between themselves?” asked Gackt and they shake their head while Sugizo says “We’re waiting for you and Ju-Ken is not yet in sight”

At that time the door open and all of them looked over to the door to see Ju-Ken walked in with someone on his side. “That just show everyone now here” says Gackt and they nodded at it.

“Lets me get my protégé here” says Yoshiki before he gone and Sugizo and Miyavi do the same too searching for their protégé that they let they do what they want as waiting.

“Gaku-nii” called Raiden and Gackt looked at him with question “Hmm…” comes out from his mouth.

“Like me, does the member of the group trained by them?” asked Raiden and Gackt smiled “You got a sense. Yes. They are. Teach by every member of S.K.I.N” says Gackt and when the mention of the name of S.K.I.N somehow Raiden got the hold of everything.

“No way…” says Raiden and Gackt nodded at it. “It is exactly as what you think about. We’re planning to revive S.K.I.N with you and the others as the member of it” this is the first time Raiden heard the whole plan and he just can’t wrap it around. It a hard thing to be done and he doesn’t know if he can handle it.

Ju-Ken approach Gackt who waiting and asked “I just see everyone here when I come and now they are gone?” Raiden looked at him and nods slightly before his eyes looked at the guy who on the back of him following Ju-Ken.

“They go to fetch the kids since all of us are here” answer Gackt and Ju-Ken nodded at it waiting for all of them and he looked at Raiden. “Is he the one?” asked him and Gackt nodded.

“Yes. He is” answer Gackt and Ju-Ken says “This is my protégé. His name is…” before Gackt stop him. “Let’s wait. When everyone here we will do the introduction”

“Okay” Ju-Ken says with a smile.

They looked around for a while and then notice the others walking toward the four of them. With each of them there someone who follow them and Raiden know that all of them will be the member of the band he in.

When everyone is close, he gets a looks at each and every of the face of the member. He got nothing against them but wonder the skill that all of them have. But throw the thought away since the mentor of them is not someone amateur in the industry but one of the popular people.

“Let’s start the introduction” says Yoshiki and the others nodded at it. And thus the introduction started.


NAME: Hayabusa Raiden 
NICKNAME: [By members] Rai / Rai-nii / Rai-chan [By fans] Raiden-sama
BIRTHDAY: 6 June 1994 [23 / 366]
PERSONALITY: Individuality, Challanger, Cold and Serious, S, Posessive and Controlling.
POSITION: Vocal and Piano
PERSONA: Raiden [The same as his name. In which mean the God of Thunder]
FANCLUB: Raiju [Comes from the companion of Raijin / Raiden]

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Chapter 14: It's pretty interesting to see their habits so far, though it's funny that Hyunwook likes to strangle people XD Makes me wonder if there's a secret trick to waking him up... But either way, pretty cool chapter, makes me want to read the next chapter so much lol Though hey, at least Tatsuo doesn’t seem to get bad hangovers, so he at least has that in his favor in regards to being a good leader :)
Chapter 14: It took me like the longest time to read this in between classes (': but I'm just so excited to see what she going to happen between all the members. They seem to be getting along well though! *lowkey eyes Raiden and Tatsuo* nah, but really! I think their relationship so far is spicing things up with the group so I love it!
Chapter 13: They get along so well haha Just wait til they start living together XD (Whenever that happens, I guess.) Things will sort themselves out soon enough, but it's still funny seeing Tatsuo mess around like he's the youngest.

And it's funny how everyone's a gamer too! I wonder if they'll end up getting noise complaints from the neighbors XD
Chapter 12: And so it begins! I like the bit of continuity you put in there, having Raiden's & Reagan's intros end with Gackt talking with Ju-Ken and onwards. But basically... Tatsuo's going to give them a taste of VK theatrics by throwing them into the water lol But I wonder where the party will go, since no one has prepared for any debut songs yet. Can't wait for the first chapter~
The front page looks nice, even though you're still working on it. Lol at Sky thinking Tatsuo's a server XD But seriously, the cliffhangers are killing me, I keep waiting for the continuation. Onwards to the next teaser~
Chapter 9: ldfksf;lasdfk;asfs;dlfkasdfhjkasdflasdmf thanks for choosing Hyunwook wwwwwwwwww
ooh Hyunwook trashes his friend's guitar lesson sounds just like him XD
btw it's Hosoya not Hasoya~
And ohhhh Raiden and Hyunwook interactions
Thanks for choosing him again!! I look forward to your writing~
Chapter 10: Happy new year :)

I like your characterization of Tatsuo and approve :) Also, I liked what you did with Woobin. Can't wait for the other teasers~
Chapter 9: Hyunwook seems like a good guy, sharp as a tack. But oh my god, did I start something? XD Good luck to everyone else~
Chapter 4: Hi, I guess I'll go line by line here and then change as nec in a bit?

Hanata and the other not explained nicknames are done in a Japanese nicknaming style where they add extra syllables or put together the family and given names. So this means people who know him use them if they want to get on his good side. I say "Yoshiki's Mago" because technically other people were inspired by X Japan previously and Yoshiki is almost twice Tatsuo's age, but also "Yomusko" = Yoshiki's son doesn't sound as nice lol Also, I mentioned it in the Trainee Life section a bit too, I don't know if that helped at all.

I was originally going to make this kid Yoshiki's secret son, but I scrapped the idea; that's why I chose 1990, just saying, haha

As for personality, I was going for a "He keeps people in line and is responsible, but kids bring out the sad, hurt child in him that can only be satisfied by being there for his niece" thing. I figured his looks would make him get mistaken for Miyavi's protege, but I'm not sure what's the overlap in personality. If it's the onstage personality, he's just a trained "actor" (remember Yoshiki saying that his protege copies him too much?) and Yoshiki is pretty crazy too. Though Yoshiki is more "I need creative freedom and total control or I can't work!", so I made Tatsuo a little bit neurotic too. Can you explain your confusion more?

Background-wise, this is a condensed version. You should see some of my other apps..... As for grabbing, it happens naturally, whenever the opportunity arises in real life. If any Japanese interview show wants to do the same thing, why not? :) So, it's up to you, whatever is best for the plot.

For the love interest section, I basically said, everyone flirts with each other and RX was my attempt at a ship name lol What part do you want me to write more about?

I'm sorry if I make things difficult, haha, my brain works too hard on the wrong things sometimes. Thank you for your review :D