I Need You Too

I Need You

I heard that they will be shooting their MV at the beach.

Beach? Don't they know that Minhyun has allergy to salt?

He even has allergic reaction to his own sweat. I still remember when we were shooting for Overcome MV last time, they used salt instead of snow, and his neck became red and swollen. Isn’t it a common sense that sea water contains salt?

And that boy left his medicine in the dorm.

He don't have handphone so I couldn't contact him. In that moment of desperation I used the stupidest way.


“Yeah, please tell him to contact this number. Yeah it's very urgent. Thank you!”

“Heol did you just call YMC?” I was almost scared to death after I hung up the phone.

“Why did you eavesdrop?”

“Who ask you to call in the kitchen?” Minki rolled his eye and walked past me to take water.

“I was just being impulsive…”

“I thought our leader nim was the calmest person in the world, and now you are calling to another agency just for Hwang Minyeo? They might laugh at you if they know you are Kim Jonghyun.”

“Minhyun didn't take his medicine…”

“Please he is not a kid anymore, do you want to take care of him forever?”

Honestly, I do want to take care of him forever. I didn't expect him to leave me.

The phone rang suddenly, “Yeoboseyo?”

“Jonghyun? The staff said that someone is looking for me urgently, I know it's you when I saw the number. What happen?”

“I heard that you are shooting MV today?” I the speaker and Minki was listening together.

“Yeah, at the beach. Fortunately Jaehwan prepared the medicine for me, if not I might die now. I don't know where the kid heard from that I have an allergy to salt and prepared the medicine, so sweet of him.”

Obviously there are someone who is faster than me. Yeah right, I am not with him anymore.

“Does anything happen? You haven’t replied me. What happen?”

Guess I don't need to worry anymore, “Actually nothing important, I will tell you next time then. You are tired right? Rest early, good night.” I hung up the phone immediately.

“It’s not easy to get to contact him, and you hung up already?” Minki asked.

“He is fine now, you heard it.”

“But you are not fine.”

“I am fine.”

“You saw it, he is doing well now, but you? Are you doing well too?” Minki went back to his room.

I know what Minki was trying to say. Minhyun is adapting well, but I couldn't even face my own feeling to him.

Because I am scared.

I have been hiding my feeling to him for so many years, but since we are in the same group, I didn't hide it fully, because it’s normal to be close to him as my friend and member.

But seems like Minki discovered something.

But how about Minhyun? Did he feel it too?

Now that the situation is different. So what if I like him?

It’s not important anymore.



Wanna One debuted. And their variety show has aired too.

Aron hyung was lying down on the sofa watching ‘Wanna One Go’.

“From ‘Sorry Sorry’, ‘Downpour’, ‘Never’, to ‘Hands On Me’, even now they are together, they will get married soon or later!”

I stunned when I heard this. Yeah right, they are always together when they only know each other for a few months, maybe Jaehwan is way better than me.

“Jonghyun ah you don’t want to watch? It’s quite nice, Minhyun and the Jaehwan dongsaeng are so funny!”

Even Aron hyung found Jaehwan funny too right, he is just adorable.

“You guys are coming out soon!”

“Where where?” Minki rushed to the living room out of nowhere, I pretended to walk closer to them.

Luckily, we don't have many special screen time, the whole attention was still on Minhyun and Jaehwan, ah of course the byeongari Seonho who likes Minhyun so much. As long as it doesn't affect Minhyun.

“Someone is satisfied now? Nothing has happened.” Minki looked at me.

“Someone? Who? Satisfy what?”

I ignored Aron hyung and it was my turn to roll eyes to Minki.



Wanna One did their debut stage successfully, and we will be having our special stage on Mcountdown as well.

It means we will meet Wanna One.

Everyone was discussing about it, saying that whether Minhyun and us will reunite.

Just nice it was the second week of promotion for Wanna One, they might get first place with their popularity right now.

They have gotten their first place for the first time before that day at Show Champion.

Minhyun ah, you have waited for so long right? Finally you got your first place.


That day was a reunion day for 101.

We have met the rest except Minhyun they all.

It’s okay, maybe it’s better to be this way. I don't want him to get bashed anyway.

During the ending I wanted to stand beside of the stage, but Minki pushed me to the middle, right behind Minhyun, one of the hosts of the day.

I turned to Minki and gave him a stare, but Minki was smiling at me.

I wanted to escape again, but someone held my hand suddenly.

It was Minhyun.

He held my hand and called me sunbaenim.

I was shocked and when I looked at his eyes, I understood him.

“Stay here with me.” This is what he told me with his eyes.

If you need me, I will always be with you.

After they got their first place, I know that he was looking for us, but I told him to look for s instead.

“You should celebrate with your members first.” I told him with my eyes.


“Yah, shall we wait for Minhyun here?” Minki who always has a lot of ideas suggested at the backstage.

“Sure! We can say goodbye to him.” Baekho agreed.

“But…” We already have so much interactions just now.

“Just say goodbye only, it’s nothing.”

“Yeah, it’s alright.” Aron hyung comfort me.

After the encore stage, Wanna One members went down from the stage.

I was surprised that Minhyun saw us directly when he went down.

So you know that we are waiting for you.

“Minhyun hyung! Let’s go! Oh NU’EST hyung deul annyeong!” After Minhyun waved and said hwaiting to us, he was brought back to their room by Jaehwan.

“Oh is that Jaehwan? He is so cute!” It’s the first time Aron hyung saw him.

“He likes our Minhyun so much.” Minki was looking at me.

“Good! Then Minhyun won’t be so lonely anymore.”

“I go back to the room first.” I rushed back to the room without them.

Kim Jonghyun what are you expecting more, you are not supposed to see him in this one and a half year but now you have seen him so many times, is this still not enough? He won’t belong to you anymore. Enough, this is enough.

I opened my bag to take my phone, and I saw a letter inside.

“Letter? Why is it in my bag?”

There wasn't any name on it also, I thought it was from a fan, but I recognised the handwriting when I opened it.


Jonghyun ah, I thought I am doing well now, but I was wrong. Ever since you came to our dorm, I realised I have missed you so much. I was so regret that I didn't talk much with you on that day. I think I have been taking your love for granted, I realised I was so depend on you all the time. I know you called me that day because you were worried about my allergy, I told you that I was fine because I don't want you to worry. I regretted when you hung up the phone, I wanted to hear your voice more, I wanted to hear your nagging. I am so happy to know that I am going to see you today. Although we might not be able to talk, I am still very happy that I can see you. Do you think I don't know anything? You this pabo! I am forever your Minyeo! Nobody can ever replace you. I heard that you will go to Night Goblin, don't get sick okay! I will be angry if you do! Promise me to take care yourself until I am back because you still have to take care of me! Don't ever think of dumping me! – Minhyun who loves you too


Minhyunnie… how does he know my anxiety?

Wait, when did he realise my feeling to him?

Wait again, “Minhyun who loves you too” what is this???

Is it the meaning that I know?

It is right?

Hwang Minhyun why don't you make it clearer!!!

“Jonghyun ah,” Aron hyung walked into the room, “We going for dinner to celebrate, do you want to join?”

“Of course! My treat! Let’s go!”

“How come he suddenly… just now he was still so gloomy…”

“Yah Kang Baekho, sometimes it's better to not know anything.”

“Yah Choi Minki tell me!”




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Chapter 2: Awww this is so cute <3