Dear Pain

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Just Wendy writing her feelings.








I don't really know here this idea came from but....enjoy :D

I did It!!! :D thank you so much too all!! I knew I needed my time but here It is!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 3: Owwhh :(
Chapter 3: ಥ_ಥ I'm not able to write anything like this. Oh gosh I'm just a superficial human being but I want to touch people's hearts with my stories the way you did
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 3: This is such a beautifully written follow up piece. I really like the way you started this piece, with Joohyun addressing an unknown audience and naming it. It sets a really intimate and personal setting of what she's about to divulge. Seems like by doing so, she's able to introspect on her life.
I adore this line: 'I have felt how is flying even with my feet touching the ground, and felt how water can crawl you to the deepest part of the ocean with no light.' What a description of the love that she received from Seungwan!
I love the part where she scorns time; it's unfortunately true that 'Time makes you get used to things'. It's a little heartbreaking to hear the regret in the tone of this piece. Another section I like is the part on flowers (the part right after Joohyun talks about time). A very apt comparison there.
I like this line as well: 'And because, you can call me a poetic idiot, but, If I did it, my pain would stop, and if I took my pain not knowing that maybe hers was still there it would be unfair.' I found it a little infuriating yet at the same time a little relieved that Joohyun thinks this way because after hurting Seungwan so badly, she shouldn't have the right to end her suffering in a simplistic manner.
It's interesting how Joohyun wanted God to kill her, but in the end she's the one who got left behind. Maybe that's truly how 'god would kill [her] in his own special way', which is by letting Seungwan leave right in front of her eyes.
I'm glad you made them meet, because Joohyun was able to see for herself how her actions impacted Seungwan's life, even after a long while of absence and distance from each other. The scene where Joohyun was interacting with a drunk Seungwan was a little heartbreaking, especially when seeing Seungwan finally showing to Joohyun what she's been bottling up all this while. And that line she said to Joohyun after the six years of silence... The whole scene was highly intimate and tender, like the part where Joohyun appreciated Seungwan's scars (which were kinda indirectly made by her).
I like how Joohyun addressed Ella throughout this piece, as well as how you made time one of the overarching themes here. The theme of God and angel was also well elaborated here. It really highlighted what Seungwan meant to Joohyun, and the idea of Seungwan, rather than God, being the one to save her adds to the whole feeling of regret and sorrow by Joohyun.
The way you ended this piece is bittersweet. We can see just how much internalisation and acceptance Joohyun has of herself and her situation, and again, by addressing this to Ella, this whole piece serves as an advice for others not to repeat the mistake that Joohyun did. Very, very bittersweet. A little bit too late for regrets? I love how you ended with this line: 'And please, just please, never forget flowers.' - a simple line, yet one packed with so much meaning and weight. All in all I'm glad that you made the storyline this way. It's definitely much better than letting Joohyun suffer outright without making her think through about her entire life and face the consequences of her actions. I like the flow of this piece. Truly enjoyed reading this. My apologies for this long comment. Thank you for this update! Very much appreciated.
Chapter 3: this was beautiful. truly. i loved reading every bit, and the way you portrayed it all made me feel what they did too. thank you for writing this!! it ended very nicely.
Yulinatd123 #5
Yulinatd123 #6
Chapter 2: Please make irene regret it.... pleaseeeee. I need to see her regret it when she knew wendy live so well with someone better than her.
Yulinatd123 #7
Chapter 2: Pleaee make irene regret it.... pleaseeeee