
euh ver0 [discontinued] READ LAST UPDATE!
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Kierra, Serena, Linna, and Melanie entered the dance building to pick up Riki for dinner as they owed him from last Monday. The whole dance team were practicing for an event in early May and in early June. At the moment the dance team were practicing into separate rooms and Riki told the four which room he would be in prior to coming. After knocking yet receiving no clear response, they witnessed a few showing off their muscles when they entered. The four were Jake, Sunghoon, Jay, and K although K had shown more. The four felt awkward upon walking in on them doing that. It didn't help when Riki acknowledged their presence.

"Ah, Yeon, Jin, Seul, and Won! Hi!" Riki greeted them nonchalantly, but a smile was evident on his face.


The quartet awkwardly waved at the group as all eyes were on the four females.


"Who were they here for?" One of them asked.

"Oh, dinner!" He exclaimed as he gathered up their things.



But Riki had already left.

"Okay, okay." Another spoke as he clapped his hands together.

"Let's continue and deal with Ni-Ki tomorrow."

"Did y'all run away because of K's body?" Riki teased the four as the group of five settled down at a restaurant and enjoyed their meal.

"No." They deadpanned.

"Are you sure?"


"I dunno, Chaejin, but your cheeks look redder than before."

Serena glared at Riki.

"That's just how I am."

"I mean, they d-"

"Nishimura Riki, shut up or no more dinner for you."

"Aww, don't be like that."

Serena ignored him as the others laughed while Linna changed topics.

"What songs are y'all preparing?"

"There's a lot actually." Riki replied as he flashed them a smile before speaking again.

"We have different performances, Thursday the sixth of May at the high school and Friday the seventh of June at the university."

He cast the four with an amused look.

"You could even join the female team last minute as they don't have that many members."

"What do you mean?" Kierra inquired.

"If you haven't noticed, but the dance team is made up of guys than girls."

"Oh, a lot are interested, but don't join due to the fact that y'all got some super fans."

"We don't have super fans." Riki denied, but the four shot him a knowing look.

"Yeah, you do." The four countered.

Riki brushed them off, changing topics.

"So how did you guys become friends with Haeyoon and Jangmi?"

"Long story short," Melanie began with a small chuckle, "We knew them, but our paths happened to crossed more since February."

He glanced from one to the other.

"The four of you usually keep to yourself and interact with others unless necessary."

"Some times friendships happened that way." Kierra responded while pointing at him.

"I mean, look at you. We're friends with you."

"It's because y'all like me."

"I'll drop you in a heartbeat." Both Linna and Melanie chimed at the same time which made them laugh at their little joke.

Riki wasn't amused, but didn't comment.

"Anyways," Serena began, "In the beginning you tagged along with us until you ended up making friends on your own and joined the school's dance team. Then you didn't hang out with us that often."

"You make it sound like I abandoned you."

"I'm not. Just saying. By the way, eat and shut up."

Riki made a face at her while the others laughed.

"You're mean."

"I know."

The quartet laughed as Riki rolled his eyes in good-nature before remembering something.

"What are you guys doing for Black Day next week?"

"Cheering up Jangmi and Haeyoon." Linna responded.


"Relationship stuff." Melanie commented.

"Why are you asking anyway?" Kierra probed.

"I figured y'all would have a boyfriend by now."

Riki felt smugged about what he had said as the four stared at him in boredom.

"Technically, we're not looking, but if it happens, then it happens." Serena said with a shrug.

"Maybe we should go on one of those group dates I keep hearing others talk about." Melanie suggested with an amused look.

"Oh, I agreed." Linna chimed in before looking over at Riki.

"Maybe we should set up one for little Riki here."

"No thanks." Riki declined immediately.

He decided to shift the attention elsewhere.

"Anyways, does hanging out with Haeyoon and Jangmi have to do something with their boyfriends?"

"Ex-boyfriends." The quartet corrected as Riki's eyebrows furrowed.

"Ex-boyfriends? That's weird because I always see Jungsu and Gunil still talking to them, but not for long. Sunoo and Jungwon also mentioned that their sisters have been acting weird since last week, too."

"Don't worry about it too much." Melanie informed him.

"Now, let's eat up and get some dessert after."

They continued to make small talk about various subjects and enjoyed their dinner amongst one another.

"Gosh, this banana oreo cream cake is delicious." Haeyoon gushed over the dessert with Jangmi doing the same thing.

"I know, but I really love the oreo parfait the best."

Both turned to the quartet with a thankful look.

"Thank you."

As the group of six continuing conversing and eating their desserts, two staffs had set up the karaoke section with one of them tapping on the microphone to grab the customers' attention.

"Good afternoon everyone!" She greeted when all eyes were on her.

"Today's an exception! The karaoke machine is here for y'all to sing your heart out. So, thank you and have fun! Now who wants to sing first?"

Meanwhile, the duo cast the four a knowing look.


"Y'all should sing." Jangmi suggested with a serious expression.

"We're serious." Haeyoon said, just as serious as Jangmi.

"The two of you should be singing today." Linna suggested instead.

"Listening to and even singing sad or breakup songs will help you two get over your ex-boyfriends." Melanie informed them.



"We'll each sing a song if one of y'all joins us." Both Haeyoon and Jangmi chimed with an eager expression.

After much persuading, Haeyoon and Jangmi got Melanie and Linna to sing a duet with them. Melanie found herself singing What Do I Call You with Haeyoon. Then Linna joined Jangmi for a duet of FRIENDS. Soon enough Jangmi and Haeyoon were singing on their own or as a duet with others. The cousins along with the other customers of the cafe watched the pair sing their hearts' content.

"I seriously blame Serena and Kierra for jinxing us with the whole cliche drama life stuff." Linna grumbled as she joined Melanie in the library just before tutoring session started.

"My path with those people have crossed more in three months than it ever did in three years of attending this school."

"Tell me about it." Melanie sighed as the pair slumped against the table.

"I realized Yujin's in my Monday and Wednesday's morning class."

"How's that going?"

"She just gives me the stink eye because none of her friends are in the class to do anything."

"Typical. Kim Gaeul is like the biggest headache ever."

"What she's doing to you?"

"Same thing, but talks about me and Jake which isn't relevant at all. She has a boyfriend so I don't get it."

Melanie ran a hand through her hair.

"Anyways, I'm debating if I should ditch my math tutoring for today."

"Didn't you ditch for the last two sessions already."

"Did I? I don't remember."

Melanie cast her cousin a cheeky look with Linna chuckling. Temporarily forgetting their little annoyances for the moment.

"Should we be worry though? I mean it is midterms week this week and next week, too."

"I know, but so far I've been good without the extra sessions."

"What was your excuses for missing out?"

"I wasn't feeling well."



"And he believed you?"

"Pretty much."

"Don't you have him for a Wednesday class though?"

"I do, but we don't sit near one another and I leave before he can talk to me."


"Yeah, but he still sends me messages."

"He's too sweet. I totally would've dropped you."

"Wow. Thanks."

The cousins chuckled with Linna casting her cousin a weird look.

"Wait. If you wanted to ditch, then why are we here?"

"I was gonna leave after you settled in."

"Oh, right, but it ain't happening though."


"Jinah's now out for a month."

"Oh, no. What happened?"

"Bad car accident."

"Can't you get tutored by someone else?"

"Sshe's the only one I trust to teach me."


"I know, but that's the furthest thing from my mind at the moment."

"What's on your mind then?"

"I wanna forget how much I'm noticing Park Sunghoon all of a sudden, too."

"So what's your deal with him?"

Linna shrugged.

"Nothing much. I'm just tired of seeing and hearing that almost every girl in my class wants to be his partner and almost all the guys thinks he's cool or are envious of him. It's kinda cliche and typical, but never thought I would actually witness it. Anyways, how about you?"

Linna re-directed the attention onto her cousin instead.

"So, what's your deal with Jake though."

"I thought we were done talking about him."


Linna chuckled, more amused than before.

"Your life is more interesting than mine."

"Right, when you're the one that hasn't mustered the actual courage to confess face to face with Sunghoon."

"That isn't interesting. As for you and Jake though, that is. I really thought y'all were chill and cool with one another."

Linna re-directed the topic onto her cousin as Melanie shrugged nonchalantly.

"I dunno. It feels like he wants to be close friends now."

"Weren't y'all friends before though?"

"He was just a friendly classmate that happened to tutor me in math before that whole love letter incident occured."


"Now people think he and I do have something going on."

"I thought that died down."

"Me, too, but they won't say anything to my face about it. Pretty dumb."

"Sounds dumb, but why don't you just address it properly?"

"There's no point in trying to explain something to someone when there's nothing going on in the first place."

"But it's bothering you, right?"

"Somewhat. Still, Jake treats me the same as before, but he's a little more attentive. I guess, a little more friendlier than before."

"How so?"

"It just feels like it."

"So, your new crush is becoming a bigger crush?" Linna teased as Melanie swatted at her.

"Not even. Unlike you when you actually have a crush on him."

Linna made a face.

"It's not the same."

"You actually like Sunghoon while I'm just associated with Jake."

"Same difference."

"It's not."

Melanie stopped the teasing and sighed deeply while placing her head onto the table's surface.

"I rather go home and sleep."

Linna mirrored her cousin's actions.

"I can't wait for midterms to be done."

"After finals we can enjoy our summer holidays."

"Maybe our sisters could help us out."

"They're swamped with their own studying and helping Riki with his."

Linna chuckled.

"So they're at the high school campus then?"


"I thought he was doing well."

"I think he's been neglecting it due to dance practices."

"Sounds like him."

The cousins laughed again, musing for their own entertainment not becoming aware that two other people ha

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