today was ruff, but you made it not so pawful

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out of the prompt: my new dog coincidentally has the same name as you whoops?


haHA im so punny

i wrote this in like an hour and a half procrastinating from a study review, which is prolly not the best idea but jaeyong was calling for meee okkkkk

nct u jaeyong was a look btw, looking at it still got me shoook

this was whack, but ty track for reading 


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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: AAAAAHHHHH!! this is so, so cute!! Jae the pupper must been so scarred for life.
nabxla #2
Chapter 1: What a cute storyy!
Chapter 1: Oh my god, that was adorable! The puppy hiding at the end makes me happy! I can't believe you managed to sneak hotness into this cute!
Thanks for writing!
Chapter 1: Lol I'm reading this at 1 am in the morning and I'm trying my best not to laugh. Poor little guy Jae, just ignore your owners having a "session" k. You can hang out with all of us.
CoffeAndChill #6
Chapter 1: This was so funny! Thank u so much, I needed this. I've been so stressed lately and feeling like is normal for me too now, so, thank u. Really. You made me so happy (": poor jae-puppy tho! What a traumatic experience for him! Let me hug that flufly thing! Don't worry jae-puppy, your owner is just having fun. ♡ lmao bye.
Chapter 1: this is actually the cutest thing ever, even if taeyong low-key got traumatized by his own dog peeing on his future lover--
that ending tho, jAe, BAd bOy--!!
PrinceFrost #8
Chapter 1: the 'semi-prologue' part make me laugh so hard lol poor jae-puppy. Come here, let me hug you~ just ignore your owner having fun with his bf XD
Nice. I really like this. Thankyou ♡