To Hear the Angels Sing


“You’re an angel, Jinki. Don’t limit your mind.”

Lee Jinki dies in late November but he is not prepared for the people he's about to meet at Head Quarter nor the challenges that will arrive when he returns to Earth to make Christmas special for a certain someone that doesn't immediately think he's a gift sent from above. 
And love? Well, love may be a thing nobody really expected.






“Hey, look, it’s a mistletoe!” Kibum says and Jinki stops in his track when he realizes that there are mistletoes hung on the lines above their heads and that they’re standing right below one. Kibum wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and Jinki’s heart speeds up.
“Don’t be stupid,” he says and looks around. Kibum laughs.
“Are you scared?” he asks and Jinki turns back to him with an incredulous look.
“Yeah,” he says like it’s logical and Kibum snickers. “Who would want to kiss you?”

His reply has Kibum choking on saliva and Jinki laughs when he runs away while Kibum charges after him. People look at them like they’re stupid and immature but in this moment, there is nothing Jinki wants to feel more than this free together with Kibum. And Kibum’s laughter only makes it better.

They end up in Kibum’s living room, a Christmas movie playing on the TV but none of them is watching. Kibum is running his hands through Jinki’s hair and Jinki is contemplating telling Kibum he won’t be there for New Years.
“Hey,” Kibum says and pulls a little on Jinki’s hair. Jinki winces and sits up instead of lying down. “Did you mean it when you said you were scared at the market?”
Jinki blinks a little while he thinks back to the market. He tilts his head slightly before he shrugs a little.
 “I don’t like getting insulted publicly and you never know what those drunk men at the mulled wine stand would do to a gay couple.”
Only when he has said the words does he realize what they sound like.
“I mean …” he tries but Kibum nods a little and it interrupts Jinki’s sentence and provokes him into silence.
“So if I told you I stole a piece of mistletoe and brought it back here, would you kiss me?”
i'm honestly very fond of the christmas angel au. it was a prompt i found somewhere that grew immensely and i hate it for growing but also just ... what a precious thing, really. 

i know i shouldn't write christmas stories like this in september but it feels right. it feels so right so i'm going to do it anyway. I didn't know it would evolve into 20k but guys, things happen apparently. i hope you survive.

i also hope you enjoy if you decide to read. genuinely. this is for you and for onkey. 
christmas is a wonderful time. 

also, a small advertisement-thing because i'm in love with this prompt "shop". it's called
spectacular cupcake and you should definitely check it out. (and no, i'm not paid to advertise, heh.)

// kim minji


//// graphics created by shin-oppa at
we got fired
because i actually have playlists for my stories. 

❆ 따뜻한 겨울 Our Season - kim Jonghyun

❆ Moon drop - shinee
❆ door - lee taemin
❆ 혜야 (Y Si Fuera Ella) [Live] - Kim Jonghyun

❆ Sekaide ichiban aiahito - lee taemin
❆ 산하엽 Diphylleia grayi - Kim Jonghyun
❆ 엘리베이터 Elevator - Kim Jonghyun
❆ 재연 An Encore (Live) - SHINee
❆ Soldier - Lee Taemin
❆ 미안해 I’m Sorry - Kim Jonghyun
❆ Colors of the Season - SHINee
❆ 벌써 Already - Lee Taemin
❆ Love - SHINee
❆ Sayonara Hitori - Lee Taemin
❆ 내가 사랑했던 이름 The Name (feat. 김연우) - SHINee
❆ 버리고 가 Better Off (Live) - SHINee
❆ Your Name - SHINee
❆ If You Love Her - SHINee
❆ 떠나지 못해 Sleepless Night (Live) - SHINee
❆ Diamond Sky - SHINee
❆ 알람시계 Alarm Clock [Live] - SHINee
❆ 누난 너무 예뻐 Replay [Live] - SHINee
❆ 잠꼬대 (Please, Don't Go) - SHINee
❆ 너와 나의 거리 Selene 6.23 (Live) - SHINee
❆ Winter Wonderland - SHINee
❆ Green Rain - SHINee
❆ 하나 One - SHINee
❆ 사랑의 길 (Love's Way) - SHINEe
❆ 그녀가 헤어졌다 (One for Me) - SHINee
❆ Run With Me - SHINee
❆ Moon River Waltz - SHINee
❆ Melody - SHINee
❆ Keeping Love Again - SHINee
❆ 방백 Aside - SHINee
❆ Fire - SHINee
❆ Sing For You - EXO
❆ If You Leave Me Now - Foxes
❆ Deep Breath - Kim Jongin
❆ The Day - K.Will & Byun Baekhyun
❆ Breathin' - Shinhwa
❆ Nessun Dorma - Lee Jinki
❆ 1000 Nen, Zutto Soba Nii Ite... - SHINee
❆ Miracles in December - EXO
❆ 빗소리 Rain Sound - B.A.P
❆ The First Noel - SM TOWN
coded by baxtresser at lovedust. please do not remove this, thank you.



                                                                                       coded by baxtresser at lovedust. please do not remove this, thank you.


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968 streak #1
Chapter 6: At least, Kibum didn't commit suicide and they can see each other everyday of the year except for 25 days in December when Jinki goes back to earth to bring Christmas joy.
Thank you so much for sharing.
968 streak #2
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I love Jinki's thoughts on his Christmases. I think it is a nice way of marking the years like the first Christmas without my husband as he passed.on the month before. Or my first conscious thought of Christmas as a child. I think I'll think through my dear past Christmasses.
Moving on to the Jinki's second Christmas with Kibum.
968 streak #3
Chapter 2: Just started reading this fic.
This is a nice outlook on what happens after death.
Reading on.
melagoyangi #4
Chapter 6: I’ve just finished reading this story for the 3rd time. Thank you so much for this!!
Chapter 5: I almost expected Jonghyun to punish Jinki AND erase Kibum’s memories of Jinki telling him that he was an angel. I was very glad to know that Jinki was punished only and that Kibum will still have his memories in tact, thank goodness! (>-<“) Although the punishment is bad...

But, damnnn, poor Jinki, being surrounded by love birds. :’D Ahaha, where are they coming from?? (O.o) Oh wait, I’ve seen this before. It’s because Jinki had just lost his love (temporarily, I know, but still-) that’s why he’s seeing things he’s never noticed before. Yeahhh, I know that feel, bro. [pats back]

Luckily, Kibum’s case came up in the end. (TvT) I can just imagine the utter relief and hope that Jinki felt when he took the case once again. :’) I half feared that Kibum had moved on from Jinki and lost that new love interest, but then I remembered that he’s waiting for Jinki so maybe THAT’S the reason why Kibum’s case was labeled as ‘loss of a lover’. (•u•)

When Kibum was right where Jinki was, I couldn’t help but cheer. When Kibum said, “You would appear where I am, right? You’re an angel.” I may or may not have cried. (TT) The fluff between them is honestly just so breath taking, I thought I died from lack of oxygen. (^^”) Like, how Jinki misses Kibum so much that he doesn’t want to let him go from the hug. C’:

Also, the excitement and dedication Kibum had towards Jinki and everything about angels is astonishing. (.o.) Haha, can’t wait to see what else information about angels can Kibum possibly milk out of Jinki. (But first, some food, even if Kibum doesn’t want it at that moment XD)
Chapter 5: Chapter 4: I was basically sobbing like a kid and just wishing that Kibum would come out from his apartment to at least say something to Jinki, anything is better than giving him the silent treatment. My heart was practically cracking at the scene, but the tears only started falling when Jinki bought that angel figurine that Kibum stopped by to look at and placed it in front of Kibum’s doorstep, hoping that Kibum would at least come out to retrieve it...

But, then, we got the next scene, where Kibum FINALLY came out from his apartment, with the angel figurine. I thought Kibum wanted to return it and I was scared that it would be the case, but he instead commented, “I told you not to buy it” which is honestly better than whatever I was expecting. (^^””) And he was even willing to sit beside Jinki, ughh, my poor heart can’t take this-
After that, we got Kibum wanting to confirm that Jinki was the same man that he met the year before. I felt like crying when Jinki was about to cry, but legit cried when Kibum did. (ToT) Just, gosh, these two-
“If you want me to come back.” Why, OF COURSE HE WANTS YOU TO COME BACK, YOU BIG IDIOT JINKI ASDFJKL [flip table] And the soft innocent kiss after that, oorz- [clutch heart]

Aishhh, the cuteness that is OnKey fluff, I swear I’ll die one day from it. [pray] Just, when Kibum rests his head on Jinki’s chest, or the scene where they laced their hands as they had breakfast and watched TV, and the part when Kibum sits on Jinki’s lap (AGAIN-) and teasing Jinki with a kiss that didn’t really connect. e, come on, they can’t be this cute, it’s illegal-


^^^ A long overdue comment that I’ll post now and hopefully finally finISH THIS STORY-
Chapter 6: I just finished reading this and OMG... This story is so beautiful.... I though that they not gonna meet each other for long time but the final part, I love it... You surprised me, author-nim
Thank you for making this story
Chapter 6: Oh god. All i can say is this is beautiful. The plot is something new. But I can’t help but wonder how Kibum died. Is it really suicide or he’s one of the victims in the bus collision?
Chapter 4: Okay, before I get into details about how I cried like a little baby, let’s start off with the beginning of an angst fest.

When Jinki woke up and thought about his relationship with Kibum and how he’s gonna explain to Kibum when he leaves, I was like, “, no, don’t throw an angst ball so fast-”
And, it had been good for a while. Kibum making breakfast for Jinki and Jinki eating breakfast with Kibum. It’s also cute and sweet and so domestic, I feel so cozy inside at their interaction and the scene.
I squealed a little when Kibum sits on Jinki’s lap, or how he leans his forehead against Jinki’s, or how he kissed Jinki and laced their fingers and e. , man, they’re all so cute and adorable and my heart was probably pounding a hundred miles per hour but I didn’t know that because I was so distracted with their lovey-dovey moments. And, yes, I agree, they should probably make their Christmas romance an actual movie to be watched, I’m sure it’ll surpass Love Actually. X’D

And then, you threw the angst ball again, but this time you made sure that it HITS. I was freaking crying like a child when Kibum started to act cold towards Jinki after being told that Jinki would leave after 25th. And I felt my heart being smashed to bits at how Kibum thought Jinki was already married and that he was just used for some sort of entertainment, it just hurts so much that Kibum is thinking all of this and it’s hurting both himself AND Jinki.
I cried so hard, I swear, I never cried over anything romantic before. Sure, I cried over characters’ deaths, or the deaths of some animals, but I never cried over a broken love relationship. But, this, I can FEEL the chemistry between them, and to watch it fall apart like this from Jinki’s one simple confession, it just, my God-
Basically, in a nutshell, this is the first time that I cried over two lovers’ relationships falling apart. I don’t understand love since I’m still young and naive, but the way you portray their interactions and their character development, before leading us up to this point, it’s just, wow. You really can’t help but to cry at how broken Kibum was, or how guilty Jinki felt. (QnQ)

I’m practically writing a bunch of nonsense so imma just gonna stop here-
Chapter 4: Awww, Kibum stopping to listen to Jinki’s full carol. (QuQ) That’s so sweet and cute, how he actually remembers Jinki doing these things in his previous Christmas. X’D Too bad though, now that he’s seeing the person again, but he can’t remember him anymore. (TAT) But, that’s okay, as long as Kibum is happy, it’s all worth it. :) Andddd, I may or may not have fangirled at the part where Kibum invited Jinki for lunch.
Kibum’s pout when Jinki failed to respond after he tried to catch his attention though. X’D AHHHHH, KIBUM IS SO CUTE!! [hug self] I CAN’T, MY HEART IS SWELLING SO MUCH FROM THIS, I’M SORRY- (TwT)
Oorz, the angst that is Kibum’s father. (QmQ) Luckily, we have the scene where they try to decorate Kibum’s apartment for Christmas. CX Ahhh, can they stop being so cute?!! (>A<) When Jinki accidentally laced his fingers with Kibum only to result in Kibum pulling away, my heart broke a little for Jinki. (TmT) But then, Kibum LACED THEIR FINGERS BACK TOGETHER ASDFJKL WAIT WHAT?!! [fan self] And then, we got the part where Kibum stumbled a little too close to Jinki. The moment is written in such a short sentence, and yet it held so much meaning and impact, my heart fluttered with them. (>\\\<) Also, Kibum blushing. He blushed. HE-

LOL Jinki’s sulking, REJECTED BY KIBUM! X’DDD No worries, it wasn’t like Jinki would listen to Kibum and actually not buy the figure, right? :D At least, that’s what I think-
The small, very insignificant action of Kibum leaning his head against Jinki’s had me more excited than necessary. (^^”) And Jinki not really giving a damn about Kibum messing his hair up when he nodded. :’D Daaaw, can they just stop being so damn cute already??
Aha, don’t panic, Jinki! Kibum still doesn’t know that it’s you. X’D He’s just saying that because he’s happy to have met you at such a sad time for him, he could really need it. (OuQ)

Finally, the whole mistletoe scene. Dude, just, stop, okay? You can’t do this to my heart, it can only take so much cuteness! (QAQ) I’ll either get diabetes or a heart attack if this continues!
When Kibum casually commented about them being under a mistletoe, I died a little. Just, holy e, Kibum actually was the one who took notice of this, and Jinki was scared af to actually do it with Kibum. I find that quite amusing, with the way their personality had been portrayed throughout the story so far, you would’ve expected the roles to be switched. XD But, then again, Kibum had changed a lot ever since Jinki came into his life, and Jinki had been warming up to Kibum so much that he acts differently when around him now. Just, damn, their interactions are pure golden!
The whole process of Jinki kissing Kibum is probably the most breath taking scene ever in this story. It’s so simple, yet so good too, I don’t even know how to describe it. (QvQ) Aha, Kibum is indeed head over heels for Jinki in the span of 15 days, but he doesn’t need to know that Jinki liked him first.