Wait What?

Hogwarts Level Up Project



“Our plan is proceeding perfectly, The girls have tapped into more of their magic, That I think it’s time for the next step in are plan.” “Yes Master, I will get on it immediately.” “Good, Soon enough We will show the girls who they really are and why they are here.”


Back At Hogwarts


Seulgi woke up early in the morning to get some last minute studying done. Thankfully it was a short school day, but the last class was Defense of The Dark Arts. She couldn’t explain it but she just knew something was going to happen. No matter how she tried tho, she just couldn’t understand what the book was saying. A sound to the right of her broke her trance. Knowing who was to her right, she sighed with a frown. The Maknae has been having a lot of nightmares recently, Some even waking her up in a freezing cold sweat. Seulgi really didn’t want to wake her up, She hasn’t been getting much sleep either. especially since their names came out of the goblet. The nightmares only worsened once Hagrid showed them the Snakes for the first task. She went back to trying to understand the Dark Arts textbook “Why is there even a textbook for a class that just seems to place you in front of something and expects you to know what to do?” A loud scream broke off her thought. Yeri was sitting up in her bed. Seeing their other dorm mates waking up, Seulgi quickly got up. “Hey hey.. You’re ok Yerim.” “I…I’m not sure Unnie.” Seulgi just waved off their roommates saying its okay and sat down next to Yeri. “What do you mean?” Looking Her over she realized how bad the nightmare was. “This must have been a really bad nightmare, You look really shaken up.” Yeri just looked up. “I I don’t think it was a normal nightmare. I kept hearing a voice. I couldn’t understand what it was saying but. It frightened me.” The two of them sat their for a while, even watching the rest of their dorm wake up for the day. She could hear some of them whispering. “They’re still like that.” “What do you mean?” “You must be a really deep sleeper, Yeri woke up with a scream a few hours ago, they’ve been sitting like that the whole time.” “Ohh Poor girl.” It was a little bit longer before the last one besides them left. “Hey.” She called back to them. “Don’t you have a class?” Looking quickly at the time Seulgi shot up, “Oh shoot! Yeri We have to get ready and go.”The two of them quickly washed up and got ready for the day. Thanking the girl from earlier for telling them, the two ran out of the dorm to their first class.


They reached the Classroom door and noticed the others waiting. “Yah Where have you two been?” “Hey Wait Unnie, Yeri doesn’t look too good.” Wendy took a look at Seulgi and noticed what happened. “She had another nightmare didn’t she?” With Seulgi’s nod, the three others gathered around to comfort the Maknae. While they were in Close proximity, Seulgi whispered to the other three. “We’ll talk more later but I don’t think it was a normal Nightmare this time.” The Older three nodded before walking in to class. Unfortunately They four never got a chance to talk any time during and between their classes, for some unknown magic, they were always running late. Eventually it was time for Defense Against The Dark Arts. Seulgi quickly looked towards her other members before sitting down. “We’ll talk after class, it’s the last one after all.” with four nods they went towards their house tables as the Professor walked out. “Hello class, today I have an interactive lesson.” The students noticed a bunch of random professors bringing covered objects to each of the tables. When they left, The teacher turned back to the class, “Now, I believe it’s time to test your spells, On THIS!!” The professor used magic to lift up all the covers on every table. All the students leapt back in their seats when the removed covers all revealed small snakes. The five girls especially leapt back farther with the same thought “Oh NOT AGAIN!” “Well what are you students waiting for? Do your spells!” every table just sat silently looking around as a way of saying “Who’s first? Not me” Yeri was just sitting silently when she thought she heard a slight voice. “Ugh Im still tired.” She was about to put her head on the table when she heard it again “Why hello there” Yeri shot back in her seat. “What was that?” “What do you mean girl, you’re looking right at me.” “Huh?” She suddenly saw the snake looking at her. “Ahh there you are, Hi yessss I’m talking to you.” Yeri was shocked and got closer “Wha…what” “MISS KIM!!” The Professor shook her out of the trance. “Ye…Yes?” The professor was just staring at her shocked. “Um What?” Her Unnies looked shocked too, especially Joy, actually the whole class was staring at her. Feeling uncomfortable she quickly grabbed her stuff and ran out of the class.


She didn’t get very far in the hallway before hearing voices behind her. “Wait Yerim!!!”  “Yeri-ah.” “Maknae wait” Yahhh Stop!” She stopped at the the wall and took deep breaths before an arm grabbed her and turned her around. “What was THAT?” “What was what? I felt uncomfortable so I left.” Seulgi shook her head. “No Not That?” Who were you talking to?” That confused Yeri. “What, I.. Was talking to someone?” “Joy tilted head. “So wait you don’t even remember?” Yeri just shook her head back. “Well that’s um. Not good, actually that should be IMPOSSIBLE!” “Sooyoung!! what what’s impossible.” At Irene’s question, Joy turned towards Yeri in pity and shock. “Yeri…You spoke Parseltounge.” Yeri didn’t get much time to swallow it all before they heard footsteps heading towards them. Professor McGonagall rushed through and pushed Yeri into the wall. “You!!!! DID YOU KNOW!!!!” “Wait Professor!” Irene voice didn’t pass through the screaming. “DID YOU KNOW!!” “Wait Headmaster maybe we should wait!” Seulgi just realized that Professor Sprout, also Her and Yeri’s House head was trying to calm the Headmaster down. “ANSWER ME!!!” “NOOOO!!” The hallway went silent at Yeri’s scream. McGonagall didn’t believe her and kept screaming. The four girls tried to release Yeri from the Headmasters grip while trying to stop her from screaming. “HEADMASTER!!” McGonagall was out of her trance and turned towards Sprout. “Do you really think she knew?? I mean look at her.” Looking back at Yeri the Headmaster calmed down. Watching Yeri pick her head up, her Unnies felt their hearts break at seeing her tear-stricken face. As soon as the Headmaster released her, the four girls immediately caught her in a hug. McGonagall turned towards Professor Sprout. “We’ll talk about this in private later.” Quickly turning towards the girls, She saw the younger pull herself closer between her unnies. Sighing The Headmaster just walked off. Professor Sprout turned towards them before following. “Don’t worry girls. I could immediately tell all of you are freaked out, especially her. We’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise.” the four watched her walk off before putting their attention back onto their broken Maknae.


I will say, That While i was thinking this, I remembered another Fanfic I read where Yeri could speak parseltounge. I really didn't want to copy, I tried to change it as best as I could, I feel like I remember it also happened in Defense of the Dark arts in that story. If Anyone knows the story( I don't think it was on this site.) I'm really really sorry, I'm really trying not to copy. TT

Also I just realized I actually have not revealed who the Defense of The Dark Arts Teacher is. Hmm I can't decide either.

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Just wanted to update a summary for Act Two(Without Spoilers Obviously) I have so many ideas to continue the story, yet I'm till stuck at the current point lol. Riddles are so hard to think of.


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 21: you're back 😭😭😭😭🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 20: Finally 😭😭😭you're back author nim 😭😭, thank u very much author nim and hope u doing great 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
update please author nim🥺❤
Chapter 18: hi!
Chapter 9: hogwarts yerixjungkook fanfic in wattpad
Chapter 7: Still - 2021 ❤💛💙💚💜
any update?
Chapter 7: i have a feeling i know the first task will be..... actually i need more of this...... FIGHTING!!!!

is there a funny or mystery scene when they get their wands?, did they learn how to ride a broom already?, who are those people?, what gonna happen to them?, why scorpius a bully i really expect him being a nice, and good kid just like in the book (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child), where is albus potter is he gonna appear?

a lot of questions in my mind but i think thats enough for today. i hope u update. goodnight ?
Chapter 2: Probably a good idea to keep Joy and Yeri separate LOL
cjmoo_ #10
Chapter 7: Ooh who are those people somewhere far away??
Enjoying this so far~