Can you do me a favour?

Don't Kiss Me I'm Scared!
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"Mingyu, this really isn't a love consultation clinic. One day Baekho is going to fire me because of you," I complained while making Mingyu help me put the products onto the top shelf. For the third time that week, the boy had come to me with a sulking face. Not that he was particularly asking for advice, but more like he wanted to cheer up after the ongoing disagreement with Hyeyoung. Based on what I heard from either parties, it was over an unhappy date when either said something sensitive again. "What's the best drink in the supermarket now?" Mingyu asked. 


"Banana milk," I replied without thinking, but grabbed his favourite strawberry milk and signaled him to pay at the counter. He smiled, knowing that despite all the 'tsk' I gave him that day, he knew I still wanted to care and cheer him up. "Your favourite biscuit is near the counter too!" I called after him as he disappeared in the direction of the cashier. 


Me: He's being a baby again. 

Hao: What's it this time? He texted me about getting into a fight because he made a joke about puppies and she thought it was insensitive. 

Me: That. And more jokes that either of them didn't get -.-

Me: And he said until now she still doesn't know he prefers strawberry over melon milk. 

Hao: Wait this is too much detail. And why doesn't she know?

Me: Beats me

Hao: Sooyoon, I think you should stop caring. They need to settle this on their own. You can't be cheering him up forever. 

Hao: You need to change this routine. 


Change. What a word. I thought about the fortune cookie that we had a while ago. Change can hurt, but it leads a path to something better. That was my fortune. Yet change was easier said than done. 


Me: It's not that easy. And you know how much he pouts and rants. 

Hao: I know. But really. I need to see a happier and less exhausted you as well. You can't be the one looking out for everyone. 

Hao: Dammit, if I were there I would've taken over babysitting duties from you. 


Minghao's heartwarming words tugged at my heart. I always knew that he was the more observant and caring one in the group, but who would've thought that his absence during vacation had put any distance between us at all. If anything, he was the one maintaining the equilibrium in my life. Correction: babysitting life.


Hao: Next time you send me a selfie for my sister, I better see someone who is less tired and genuinely smiling. 

Me: Get your back here and we can have a drink. You lend me your shoulder and so that I have my own consultation. Then ya I'll be smiling :) 

Hao: 6 more days T.T  Jun is now staying in my place for the last week! My family loves him. I think he's helping Qiqi forget Soonyoung and I'd rather that. 

Me: Give Soonyoung a break. He deserves a fan too. 

Hao: ...

Me: Got to go, Mingyu calling again! Lets set to go for a drink the day after you return. Call? 

Hao: Call! All the best for work! And get him out of the supermarket. 

Me: Will do. Send my love to your family as always

Hao: They already feel your love miles away :) Same to you!


I pocketed my phone when Mingyu returned. The milk had made him slightly happier, so for the rest of the day I forbade him from further sob stories. Instead, we reminisced the times when we pranked Minghao in freshman year. 


Mingyu was easy to figure out. 




I knocked on Seungkwan's door quietly, clutching the bag of food that Baekho gifted me that day. He's made extra for dinner the night before and I was fortunately on duty that day to get some free food. No harm taking advantage of my free meal right? Seungkwan opened his door, a bit surprised that

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Thank you for the 600 subs! I think an epilogue is in order :3 thoughts?


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Chapter 37: Finally get to the last chapter! My heart is at ease knowing she got the ending she deserves :))))
Chapter 28: Oh my got me on this one. I thought things were working out for her and Vernon but look how it turned out. I'm still trying to wrap my head aroung I have no idea who she's going to end up with T_T
Chapter 40: It was so difficult for me to find a good story with a good writing on this website. At first, I thought this would be a clichè story. However, it actually caught my interest and made me finish it in one seating. I had fun reading this and I loved its flow and the transitions of every events. I am really satisfied of the ending, I was rooting for them. Reading the last chapter brought a smile to my face. Aside from that, I learned a new lesson about compatibility because of you. You gave me a new definition of love and we should not be afraid of exploring new things with someone. Thank you so much!
JiLin1998 #4
Chapter 1: How Dare you, mingyu
nyakoneko #5
Chapter 40: So many plot twist and great story :)
ikran12 #6
Chapter 40: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I reallly loved reading this I thought it was a typical cliche story I was surprised by the ending
KimHyeJoo #7
Chapter 40: My heart at ease???
Yummoz #8
Chapter 40: I loved this so so much, so glad I decovered this >< I have never read a story this quick in such a long time lmao I couldn't stop reading!