
Weeping Monsters
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A chair was dragged backwards roughly, erupting a harsh grinding sound. I flinched.

“Oh God, Alpha, she needs to get out of here.”

I stared at the guy besides Jongin with wide eyes. He looked so terrified, and I just noticed the slight, almost not there; lisp in his words. Jongin too flinched at his high tone, while every other male around the table remained unmoving, their eyes solely focused on me. Heat burned within me, and I wished I could vapor into air to hide myself from the intensity of this atmosphere.

“I agree with Sehun,” a really gentle looking guy with a deep dimple at the corner of his cheeks stated with a booming voice that contrasted with his nice features. There seemed to be a strong aura that surrounded him, and I immediately guessed his status as a Beta. “We can't afford another matter to grow us as enemies, they already hate us as their competitor and they wish they could attack us. Having what they want could give them a reason to.”

Was he talking about the pack that have attacked mine? Were they really this bad and strong? Suho’s pack – from my observation – seemed to be a really strong pack, notoriously  known as the biggest pack with numbers of residents, and money-making. Were they really terrified of a pack so much, they’re willing to get rid of me? I unconsciously shook my head repeatedly, although no one acknowledged that, even when they were still looking at me.

“Lay, not you too..” Jongin mumbled weakly, looking at the dimpled guy in utter disappointment that tugged something in my heartstrings.

“She’s not our property to dispose of, though.” Kyungsoo, who was the only one standing beside the sink of the kitchen, muttered soullessly. I noticed his wide owl-like eyes staring dazedly at nothing in particular, and his arms were crossed over his chest; the muscles of his biceps surging out.

“You understand the troubles you are causing by being here, right?” Suddenly, they were all looking at me, probably waiting for my answer, and I blinked. I just noticed Suho looking at me, waiting for an answer. His brown chocolate-like eyes made my throat go dry. I couldn't speak, I couldn't even breathe, and I gaped at him like an idiot. His hair was wet, much like mine, and he looked so snugly with his sweater and sweats that I wanted to cuddle with him.

Fingers snapping broke me out of my dazed staring at my mate, and I immediately shifted my eyes to the beautiful hand that was seconds away from my face. I trailed my eyes up to the owner of such beauty, and saw Baekhyun staring at me with intense pair of eyes. My heart immediately reacted, pouncing around so harshly that I could feel the noise it was making echoing in my ears. I gulped, eyeing Baekhyun with hopefully not a disgustingly salivating look. There seemed to be a divine sort of emotions in his eyes, and everything clicked. He didn't like that I was staring at Suho with such hunger-fueled look. I gulped yet again, oozing with excitement at the revelation.

“Focus,” he said through gritted teeth. “Answer the question. Are you aware of how dangerous your presence in our grounds is?” He continued.

“I.. I.. am aware of that,” I answered softly, my hands fiddling with one another nervously. I felt a sudden pain in my stomach and I realized just how hungry I was. “Do.. do you want me to leave?”

“That is a hard question,” A guy with sharp eyes – they reminded me of a feline of some sort – and a nice quirk to his lips said. He was sitting on Suho’s other side, looking all majestic with his sharp back and dazzling facial features. Werewolves have always been a little otherworldly. He resumed, “We do want you to leave for our pack’s safety, but you’re a rare creature and we would be idiots to let go of you.”

His words reminded me of my old pack, and the same principle they have had going on. My father had always been terrified of my presence. He always fiddled with his fingers whenever I was presented to him, sometimes; he couldn't even look me in the eye. I thought, a lot of times; that he didn't really want me with him, but as this cat-like boy said, I was a precious black unicorn. It was a stupid decision to let me free.

So they did the opposite of freedom. They imprisoned me.

“I’m sorry, did he say something to offend you?” Suho was yet again talking to me, and I snapped my eyes up at him, a prick of fear flashing down my spine at his blank and cold pair of eyes. I stopped fiddling with my fingers, and tried to gather my scattered bravery. My father was an Alpha, which meant I’m from the same descend. I shouldn't be scared of an Alpha whom I was at bars with.

I straightened my back and leaned against the chair, instead of curling around myself. My wet hair dripping water down the white, oversized shirt I was wearing (I didn't know who it belonged to, but it released a very good smell that reminded me of my mates, so I supposed it was one of either Baekhyun or Suho. The sweatpants were of a feminine size, and they fitted me perfectly. It reeked of a human smell so I guessed they gave me it from one of their humans females around this pack) I pulled on a composed facial expression, and slowly crossed my arms over my chest.

“I’ve been living my whole life around werewolves who thought the same as you. Males who believed it would be best I’m hidden as an object in fear some other similarly egotistical males from another pack would want to mate with me. So, I wouldn't sit around and wait your decisions on my behalf.”

“What do you suggest?” Suho, the Alpha, slouched in his seat in an almost cocky way, amusement dripping in every pore of his body. I didn't know if he was mocking my fake courage, or if he was genuinely thrilled. Whatever it was, it made me burn with heat. A nice sort of feeling.

Then, I was buzzing with nervousness. I have decided to tell them of my bond to them, and they could decide if they wanted me to stay and offer me their protection or not. It was a dangerous thing to do, as the percentage of rejection is much higher than acceptance, especially with two equally possessive males whom were radiating with power of an equal status. But that was the only thing I could bargain with.

The pack that have burned down mine to ashes, still haven't found what they wanted, which is me, and I’m pretty positive they’re searching for me so the Alpha could claim me as his mate and brag about my presence. There was no way for me to accept him back then, and there was no way for me to accept him now, when my rightful mates are standing in front of me.

I have been running aimlessly for a month now, and I didn't know how much more time I have until I’m found and forced to mate with someone else. This pack.. it was strong too, definitely stronger than my old pack. I would be protected here, but they need a reason to have me in the first place.

I have that reason.

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Chapter 3: Suho finally got to talk with Yoojin, something is harboring in that pretty head of his. His long stares a proof of that.

Baekhyun waved at her, that was nice to see. At least one of her mates treats her somewhat good. The others seem nice but curious and under the threat of the only she wolf in decades.

Wondering about attack on her pack. This whole case is mysterious.
Chapter 2: Yoojin got her bones broken which hurts a lot but at least she can heal them with her she wolf powers.

The wolves turned out to be friendly if they want to, even to someone they thought of as a spy. The humans there seem mean, especially Melo. Not sure why she is there if Chanyeol doesn't like her that much but it might be just Chanyeol who has bad relationship with her.

She might have mingled with Baekhyun or there might be something else hiding behind that scent.

I loved the ending when Kyungsoo came to inform that they should lock Yoojin in the dungeon and not interact or touch her on their own while Chanyeol is carrying her on his back.
Chapter 1: The first chapter did a good job of making the settings of the story.

Yoojin is the first female werewolf after a long period of just males. That is why her parents did the best to hide her, to protect her. Sadly that meant that she couldn't enjoy life like other people her age. No going outside, no making friends. It makes sense she would hold a grudge about it. Also her numbness after her family's death might be because she didn't get to form a close bond with them, being treated as a rare diamond which needed protection but not lot of care sadly.

Yoojin is experiencing bind with her mate though he is already taken or at least has another woman by his side. My guess would be that it was Junmyeon but as you know from your newest story that my guesses tend to be pretty wrong.

Yoojin must use all of her senses and wisdom to run away from 20 werewolf pack.

The idea of having two mates is very interesting. Excited to see how the concept will be explored.
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Chapter 16: There's so many things about it that could be explored like Baekhyun's actual involvement with Melo, the oracle, the alliance with Yi Fan's pack, Yi Fan's backstory, how exactly are Suho and Baekhyun related except for the fact that both are of Alpha descendant, how did Baekhyun discovered his element, how are other boys related to the pack especially Chanyeol and what's their actual opinion of this dual mating especially since it concerns their alpha, also who exactly will she marry (although I think it's Suho cause she has to be his Luna), how strong is she in the pack and what exactly was the opinions of her original pack about her.

Now my actual opinion about this story is that I did like this story. The female lead is not the most annoying or dumb character unlike the female leads in most werewolves stories I've read, same with both male leads as both aren't stereotypically toxic to begin with like most stories. I like that even though they thought she's a spy, they chased her with consideration since she was a girl and there was no 'tough' dungeon interrogation. They all seemed genuinely curious about a female wolf appearing for the first time in two centuries and all of their reaction (especially Suho and Baekhyun) to the mate thing is my favorite as they all freaked out. I was not surprised that Suho was immediately smitten with Yoojin but I'm surprised he accepted the dual mating so fast as usually Alphas don't share their mate with anyone, at least not without making an obvious fuss about it. Baekhyun on the other hand reacted exactly the way I expected him to be. His actions may come across as rude but to be honest can we blame him? He already had a temporary partner with him, didn't believe in mating as it's a really old tradition lost in time and then he does meet his mate only to discover that he's supposed to share her with his alpha. Even I would have a hard time accepting all these facts. I think he was totally smitten with her the first time he met her but didn't want to admit or realize it as he was with Melo and tbh didn't even know how to differentiate between normal scent vs mate scent but then she revealed the dual mating thing which further put a soar opinion in his mouth that upon finding a possible mate, now he has to share her. Also like he said, they don't even know each other.
I like both the couples equally. Suho was so sweet and caring to her, it's so hard not to fall for a guy like that even if you weren't mates. Although Baekhyun took time to come clean but he did make up for it. Also it's just so much like Baekhyun to be once he actually start showing interest with crazy dark make-outs although my personal favorites are Suho s as he was domineering as a alpha should be but caring at the same time, his s were more romantic which are my taste totally (also my guilty pleasure is the fact that Suho is her first time). I also like that although both Suho and Baekhyun sulk internally but non of them actually stops or guilt trip Yoojin for mating with them simultaneously. Suho didn't even get angry when he first saw them together even though she was with him just a night before.

Negative points: my only negative points are Yoojin continuously badmouthing about her family. Like I get that she grew up in isolation because of her family but the way she makes it out to be like they were the most horrible people ever even though it's so evident that they just wanted to protect her from the world especially when another pack was already after them, things were no less different in this new pack as they also did same things by trying to hide her. The only difference is that since this pack is much stronger so their security is more tight compared to her own which made it easier for her to train in this pack efficiently while in previous one because of low security she had to continuously stay hidden hence making her training less efficient which is visible when she lost against Chanyeol despite being faster. It's obvious that they loved her but didn't have time to show it because of being continuously alert about enemies walking in their territory. The way her mother caressed her the last time they were meeting, her brothers always hugging the hell out of her to cover her scent and her parents actually leaving a dagger with her name on it. They never even physically abused her.
My other negative point would be her not getting a hold of her hormones. Again I get that it's hard to stay away from your mate once you discover them but girly just wants these boys to accept so fast and the fact that she wants Baekhyun to just accept things quickly when he has so many things to get over especially calling things off with Melo. Suho was totally into her since the first meeting but even he took his time to accept things and approach her but she on the other hand just wants to put her claws in these boys at any chance that she gets without getting a hold of herself or hiding her obvious desire for these boys which really makes her look like a creep at many occasions.

All in all I like the story especially the is my favorite and I like that there's no crazy fights with Yi Fan's pack. I don't expect her to forgive Luhan or other pack members who were involved in her family being wiped out but I think Yi Fan could be forgiven as he was never involved in his father's scheme, he even killed his father on her name and even came to apologize on his father's behalf with whole pack who were mostly following orders. In a way, his situation is same as hers.

I hope you're alright and doing well now author. Also if you're active then please write more Junmyeon stories. Istg Junmyeon is your stories is the hottest thing I've ever read especially in this one and "Not for the case" (NFTC being my most favorite Junmyeon FF ever, period).
Chapter 16: Coming back to one of my favorites EXO tales and one of my favorite EXO authors. Where ever you are @BlackWhiskers I hope you have a moment or two to dream up new stories of whatever you want and create. ❤
40 streak #6
Chapter 16: Woah... it's really amazing and my 2nd time (1st on Wattpad) to read this fic... felt bad fir yoojin that she had to go through such pain and trauma... and also her whole family... glad that she met her mates even though it was rough path at first specially in case of baekhyun... but suho such a caring, supporting, loving and understanding mate... but later love the way baekhyun made things work for them... uwww.. love all of their streamy moments..hehe.. this story is really well written.. totally worth reading.. really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... thank you authornim for writing such an amazing and lovely story... aww.. take care of yourself authornim.. I'll pray for your first recovery... hope you're doing well now. 👏👍❤️🤗🙆‍♀️
Chapter 5: I came back to read it again because I can't find other wolf AU like this. Though I remember being a little bit confused or in the dark as yo baek and melo's past and why the feud with the Oracle lol.
Rereading this: shocked but not surprised
Hope you are doing well!
Iminthezone #8
Chapter 10: This be unexpectedly humourous.