
Take Care of My Ex - Girlfriend.

"He watched her.


His best friend and her.

.....He never called her 'his ex.' He thought of her as his missing piece.

The part of him that made him feel complete. 



All of the things he no longer were.

He sat there shaking. He was watching them from the cafe across the street. They were at the park.

The place they first met. Where he planned to propose.

And where it all ended.."   Kikwang dropped his pen. He couldn't bare to write anymore. His head was filled with thoughts of her. About their last words. He could remember it clearly. Like it happened just hours before..


"I'm sorry..."

"About what?"


"Tell me."

"Love him.."

"Who? It's Hyunseung, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry.... Kikwang."


A fresh wave of pain hit him. He looked down at his hands and saw he was shaking. Kikwang began to cry uncontrollably.

"_______-ah... you don't know how much I miss you.. But it's better this way. If my pain is your happiness, so be it."

He tucked his journal under his pillow and snuggled into the covers of his bed. This is the way he had always been since they broke up. Hold everything in during the day, and vent it all out in his journal at night. No one knew.

Not Hyunseung.

Not even her.

It was his little secret from the world and he didn't want to tell.

"One day, when I fill up this book  _____-ah.. I'm going to burn it along with our memories. I'll be done with it all. It's sort of my way of finding closure. Strange right?" He let out a hysterical laugh. Nothing seemed right to him anymore. He punched the wall.

"What have I become?" He whispered. He lied back in his bed. His only comfort.

"What have you done to me _____?" He stared up at the ceiling and sighed.


Another sleepless night.



She looked beautiful.

Kikwang watched her as she walked toward him.

"Kikwang ~" She called.


The way she said his name always made him smile.

He didn't know that today, was their last.


As she approched him, Kikwang saw the troubled expression on her face.

"______-ah, whats wrong?" He said embracing her. He rubbed her back comfortingly as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She looked at him with a pained expression. 

Her lip was trembling.

The little amount of make-up she wore was smudging.

Her eyes and nose were a light shade of red.


Yet, she was still beautiful. Still perfect.

She was always this way to Kikwang.


Flawless. Amazing in everyway no matter what she did.


"I'm sorry..."  She whispered.

"About what?"


"Tell me."

"Love him.."

"Who? It's Hyunseung, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry.... Kikwang."


And with that, she ran away. Looking back only once to find him on his knees sobbing. It took all of her will to keep running. And she did. He noticed that she seemed happier with Hyunseung lately. But it hurt. He was even going to propose the following week. It was going to be their one-year anniversary...


He had done it again.




Everyday at this exact time it would happen.

His teacher would scold him, then he'd glance at the clock.

11:11 am.

"How ironic." He'd think to himself. Then the bell would ring and he would go to lunch and eat.

But today was different. Today was Hyunseung's birthday. He agreed to sit with him and celebrate. He had been preparing for this day.

He already knew she'd be there.

Kikwang shut his locker and walked toward the cafeteria. When he got there, he felt tears sting his eyes.


They were kissing.


He looked the other way then felt a comforting arm on his shoulder.


Ji Eun.


She was like a little sister to Kikwang. The one who cheered him up when he needed it. He knew she had romantic feelings about him. He remembered the comforting words she said to him the night of the break up.


"Kikwang." She never used honorifics around him.


"I love you."

He didn't take it seriously.


"I love you too Eunnie."

"No I mean it. This might not be the best time to say it, but I love you. I always have and always will."

"Ji Eun I just-"

"I know what you're going to say. You just got dumped by the girl you loved. And it hurts. But I want to help! I want to help ease the pain. I'll always be here for you, whether you accept me in 4 days, months, years, or even never. I'll still be here." And with that, she handed him an empty journal and left.


And he was confused.


"HelloooOooo? ~" She poked his shoulder.

He snapped out of it and looked at her. He had to admit it, Ji Eun was VERY pretty. He ruffled her hair and smiled.


It was a real smile for once. He knew that he had to move on, and she was right. Ji Eun was always there for him. Even before he and  _____ met.


So he took a risk.


"Ji Eun, come with me for a second." She looked at him curiously as he pulled her down the hall, up the stairs, and onto the roof's garden.

"What's going on? Ki-" She was cut off as Kikwang pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was short, but sweet. He looked into her eyes and said

"I'm not ready to move on just yet but wait for me. I'll be there for you too. I'll be there to hold you. Kiss you. Love you. And mean it. But just wait a little bit longer, let me heal. I promise."

She nodded and smiled. "I'll always wait for you."

Kikwang returned her smile then held her hand and went back to the cafeteria. He saw Hyunseung and  ______.

It didn't hurt as much anymore. Kikwang took a deep breath and whispered,

"Hyunseung-ah... take care of my ex-girlfriend."

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ririyin #1
Chapter 1: nice story. . i hope that you will make another kikwang IU fanfiction :)
Chapter 1: SO THERE IS HOPE FOR HIM TO MOVE ON~ THAT'S GOOD. ;DD at least he wont be moping around and pushing other people away . c;
Aww~~~ great story! <3
I love IU! :')
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon~
IDK what is heartbroken.. Perhaps you can tell me through this story.. :)