calling all units! || detective applyfic || chapter fifteen and sixteen is up!


calling all units!
"Another homicide the police have released they have been investigating the same pattern for the past few years, occurred tonight. The CEO of Shinhwa Technologies was declared dead when medics arrived. Our condolences to his wife and two children." The reporter said, the taped off scene behind her as she spoke. The city was afarid, especially the elite members of the society. A group of hitmen who call themselves EXO are being hired left and right. Families live in fear as they hide in the night, even those who shouldn't be hiding are tremoring at the thought of the hitmen. Nine detectives are the exception, they are the only hope for the city and its occuptants. The nine makeup a detective group in Seoul Police Department, having gained the nickname "flower Detectives" much to their distaste for the name, it stuck. Now they are after EXO, only when EXO themselves meet them face-to-face its not to be arrested. They have a common enemy, a new group of killers, not hitmen, cerial killers.
This is an applyfic with exo as the love interest! I have been thinking of doing a hitmanxdetective story and thought why not make it an applyfic. So go ahead and subscribe! And everything will be out soon!
RULES: 1. no bashing or being rude (have actually never seen this happen) 2. subscribe before applying so I know you are interested! 3. if chosen I will need to cooperation through all of this so, comment every now and then so I know you are alive. 4. if you are not chosen, feel free to stick around, your character will be an extra of sorts and will be mentioned! 5. I am only accepting seven other characters, so try your best! 6. password is the first exo song you heard. 7. follow the plotline and cheetsheet it will help with creating your wonderful character!
coded by baxtresser at lovedust. please do not remove this, thank you.
EPILOUGE IS UP! I will post the link to the new applyfic when I post it on here!


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Chapter 30: omgg i'm so sorry for not commenting sooner or when chapters were first posted, but thank you so much for writing this story!!
everything was so awesome! thank you again! haha
Chapter 30: This story was so good and I was always excited to see how things would be next and to see how everyone's relationship would grow and change. It was so good and I look forward to the other story! Thanks for having Haesoo along for the ride.
Chapter 30: Awww love the epilogue!!!!
And that cliffhanger but lead up to your next apply fic is super cool!!
Seriously can't wait to see how it goes and major good luck.
Thanks so much for the ride and having Taeha a part of your story!
Chapter 29: It is a beautiful chapter and glad everything worked out in the end!!! The couples are adorable and omg that proposal was sly and loved it!!! Thank you for this wonderful journey and can't believe it's almost over. An epilogue would be pretty cool and cant wait. Thanks again!!!
Chapter 28: Glad you're alive and glad everyone is safe!!
Wonder where baekhyun was this whole time though.
Another great chapter!!!
Chapter 27: Somehow I missed this updates and the others. O.o
Anyways dang they caught one finally.
Curious who the woman is as she could be anyone. Lol
Chapter 27: Nice one! Glad they caught one of the guys xD
Lets hope the rescue goes well!
I can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 26: oofies! How does sehun know the guys name??? does he have a history with him?!?!???
do the other members of EXO have a past with the kidnappersss?? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!
This was a very thrilling chapter! XD I can't wait to see what unfolds next!!
Chapter 26: It's an amazing chapter and got me all hyped again. I love the interactions the two groups have for one another while also trying to save their partners despite all that is going on. The suspense is killing me but glad to read an update for this. Hope all is well with you!!!
Chapter 26: Okay, now I'm caught up with everything again! First off though, welcome back from the small break - I also returned from a small hiatus so I'm glad we're both getting back into the flow of things! Second, this latest update was so full of action and it's so suspenseful dkfjdkfd it's scary to think of what'll happen to them, especially to the detectives if word gets out about their collaboration with EXO. Kyungsoo is also so smart to have set up an emergency device LOL, it seems like something all the members should have with their lives always being unpredictable and dangerous

Overall, great chapter! I'm excited to see what's next, and I hope the gang gang rescue the rest of the crew safe and soon !!